• Published 23rd Jan 2013
  • 1,656 Views, 42 Comments

The Invisible Mare - Thunderhalk89

Twilight accidentally turns herself invisible and, as a result, slowly begins to lose her mind.

  • ...

6: Law and Order

Pinkie looked out over Ponyville from Sugarcube Corner's rooftop, looking for anything that looked out of the ordinary. Pinkie continued her ever-vigilant watch, her eyes briefly locking onto Mayor Mare. Her mane appeared frazzled; stands of pink waved through it where her hair-dye was running thin. She was muttering to herself, jumpy and on edge, ever alert, as if being watched.

The Crusaders looked up thinking that Pinkie had said something. They shook the idea away as nothing before returning to their binoculars. Over the past few days, things had kept getting stranger, or at least they thought things were getting stranger. Following Pinkie Pie for several days was probably not the Crusader's greatest idea. Considering the fact that there was a ghost running rampant robbing banks and terrorizing citizens, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle were surprised to find themselves still sane.

As Pinkie and the Crusaders continued to monitor Ponyville from atop the confectionary, a rainbow streak swiftly blazed overhead. The ribbon of color burst through several clouds, causing them to dissipate with a puff before it looped around, forming a figure-eight pattern in the now clear blue sky. The source of the colorful rainbow streak halted overhead the awestruck young ponies.

With her wings spread wide, Rainbow Dash struck a heroic pose, ensuring that it was at least twenty-percent cooler than her average pose, knowing that her number-one-fan was among the four ponies gawking up at her.

"Hey, squirt," Rainbow nodded to the young pegasus wearing what looked to be night-vision goggles strapped to her forehead. She had plenty of questions as to why they were all on the roof (and why they all had strange contraption strapped to their backs) but quickly chalked the location and odd equipment to having to do with the pink earth-pony.

Scootaloo nearly squealed before quickly recollecting herself, "Nothing much." Her attempt at being nonchalant was dangerously close to failing miserably. "I can hover for almost 10 full seconds now!" She could not hold back any more and excitedly burst forth her latest accomplishment; although, she may have over exaggerated just a bit. She may have also neglected to mention that she could only hover about three-feet off the ground, but her idol's quick nod made her young heart flutter with pride.

"So," Pinkie cut-in trying to get the plot back on track, "why have you been in such a rush today? I know you usually zip around really fast to clear the sky and everything but it looks like you were going faster than usual? Are you trying to beat your old record?"

"I wish." The sky-blue pegasus dropped down onto the roof in a slump. "It's these new rules the Mayor keeps making," she added with a mixture of anger and depression.

"New rules? Since when did the weather team have rules? I though y'all just followed whatever schedule you're given," Apple Bloom questioned skeptically.

"I think I heard that the Mayor past some new regulations because the weather team always seemed to be late, and wanted to motivate them to be more productive," Sweetie Belle chimed.

"We're never late with getting the weather organized," Dash shot back.

"What about that time we had that huge-humongous-storm because you failed to get a lite sprinkle the previous week? I mean really, how does a storm with winds strong enough to put a tree in Twilight's tree supposed to make up for a light-sprinkle anyway?"

Rainbow stared at Pinkie as if the answer was painfully obvious, before rolling her eyes to explain it, for the kid's sake at least, "First off, we only failed that scheduled rain because we got the schedule later than usual and didn't have enough time to get it ready. Second, it was only supposed to be an extended rain to ensure that no crops and flowers around town dried out or something. Thirdly, we had nothing to do with that tree."

Scootaloo seemed to accept her response, but Sweetie Belle just blinked while Apple Bloom tilted her head in confused.

"Okey-dokey-lokey," Pinkie beamed.

Suddenly Rainbow's eyes went wide as she glanced at the time on her watch and shot up into the air, "Gotta go! Need to meet up with the rest of the weather team to discuss the shifts for the week. No way am I getting a pay deduction for being late. I need to be able to afford my own set of Daring Do novels: I’m tired of having to always barrow Twilight’s." As the vibrant ribbon of colors streaked across the sky, Pinkie and the Crusaders could have sworn they heard something about how a lack of afternoon naps was not a good thing.

As the four ponies resumed their vigilant watch over the picturesque town, their attention was once again drawn to the mayor. Her disheveled state seemed to have somehow gotten worse in the short time. She was now talking to her new friend, and potentially her new advisor (at least that's who Pinkie assumed she was).

Let's see, Pinkie thought to herself, what kind of party would a miss mysterious advisor friend want?

Pinkie's thoughts were soon broken by Apple Bloom, "What's that she's wearing? A bit odd don’t ya think?"

Sweetie Belle just nodded her head as the two Crusaders turned to look toward Scootaloo as she pulled her night-vision goggles over her eyes and fiddled with some switches. After finding the right settings, she responded darkly, "I think she's up to something. What kind of pony goes around in a long black cloak, while wearing a mask and goggles in the middle of the day?"

Her friends looked back and forth between Scootaloo, in her stealth outfit and night-vision goggles (which apparently could also be used as binoculars), and the mysterious stranger, before looking back at each other with a shrug.

"I think she looks awesome!" Pinkie countered Scootaloo's dark tone with her own bubbly one. "She reminds me of the time I was a superhero."

"Yea, but did you go around in a mask with curved-beak," Scootaloo shot back, "She looks like some kind-of bird thing." Her ears twitched as she prepared for her friends to turn that back on her. She was a little surprised, but mostly relieved that they did not. Those jokes had gotten way to old anyway.

"Well, time for us to go patrol the streets."

"I though the whole reason we were up here was so that we could watch out for signs of the ghost without having to only look at one street at a time," Sweetie questioned solemnly.

"Don't you worry your lavender mane about it," Pinkie chirped, "You needn't be afraid of the invisible creeper ghostie."

"I'm not afraid, I just thought that…"

"Doesn't it make more sense to be in a position where ya can watch over multiple streets, rather than just go investigatin' one at a time," Apple Bloom interrupted.

"Probably," Pinkie called from down below, having (somehow) gotten down from the roof without any of the three fillies noticing.

"How do ya reckon she does that?"

"I don't know, but I could really be a secret spy agent for the government with that skill," Scootaloo marveled as the three climbed into Pinkie's bedroom and began their decent into Sugarcube Corner.

"Too bad being a spy isn't your special talent," Sweetie Belle added, "those skills could probably help us a lot right now."

"Well maybe it's like a secondary special-talent," Apple Bloom offered.

"That doesn’t even make any sense."

"Yea," Scootaloo seconded, "everyone knows a pony can only have one special-talent."

"What about Pinkie Pie?"

"Your argument for why being a spy is my second talent is Pinkie Pie?" Scootaloo looked dumbfounded. "I think we're done here."

"Just hear me out. Pinkie's talent is parties, but she’s also good at makin' other ponies smile. And, she's also good at baking and seems to run the store just fine."

"I think I know what you're saying," Sweetie lit-up.

"I'm still confused."

"No, it makes sense. My sister is really good at sewing, and designing clothing, but she can also find and shape diamonds and jewels and other precious stones."

Scootaloo just looked at her

"Okay well," she paused in thought a moment, "What about Rainbow Dash?"

This seemed to get the orange pegasus's attention. It was Apple Bloom’s turn to be confused, but she thought she knew were her friend was going.

"Well… Rainbow's talent has to do with her love of racing and flying, but she is also good at things that involve the weather. Oh! And she's a master of martial arts," she looked at Apple Bloom who nodded in agreement. "So, yea. It is possible to be really good at several things, but they might not necessarily be what your cutie-mark represents."

Scootaloo seemed to glow as she began to understand. She still checked her flanks just to be sure a super-secret-government-spy-agent cutie-mark had not appeared while they were on the roof.

"So girls, where do you think we should begin first?"

The three Crusaders had not even noticed that they had gone through the confectionary's front entrance. The sudden appearance of a smiling pink earth pony standing beside them nearly made them jump out of their skins while Sweetie Belle gave off a quiet squeak.

"I say we go this way," Scootaloo said with determination, looking as serious as she could manage.

"Why do ya think we should head that way?" Apple Bloom responded, bemused.

"Don’t know. Gut-feeling?"

"Works for me," Pinkie said briskly walking in the direction Scootaloo had suggested.

Sweetie Belle followed suite, albeit with some skepticism, while Apple Bloom rolled her eyes and followed despite her lack of enthusiasm.


Twilight looked on with indifference as Mayor Mare slumped into her chair behind her desk. So far, her plan seemed to be taking shape. At first, she had thought that maybe she had jumped to far: going from trying to see if anyone in town would notice odd happenings, to bribing the mayor and taking over the town seemed like a large jump in logic. She knew now that is would be the true test of her true power.

Celestia's teachings on politics and history had shown her that, more often than not, true change came from behind the scenes: from those who were invisible to the common citizen. While her initial reaction to witnessing the impurities and imperfections of the hamlet in the shadows of Canterlot and the Everfree Forrest could have been handled better (and with a little more forethought), she knew that if she was going to make Ponyville a shining example for all of Equestria then she would have to get her hooves dirty.

"So... um... Master," the mayor trembled, awakening her out of her reprieve. "What do you think of Ponyville now that I have implemented these new regulations?

She glared at the mayor out of the corner of her eye from beneath her mask. "Do you fear me?"

"No, why ever would you think that? We are both trying to achieve the same goal, right. If anything, that makes us partners."

Twilight grinned to herself as the mayor continued to shift nervously in her chair. "We might have the same goals," she began, "but, a soldier and his commanding officer also share the same goals. What of an employer and her employees?"

Mayor Mare gaped as she was now at a loss of words.

"No, Miss Mayor, I do not care if you fear me or not, but you need to understand that I wished you to call me Master more than just to keep my identity a secret. As for your question: you cannot expect results immediately, and on a weekend no less. Tomorrow, when everypony returns to work and school, we shall have to first true results, starting with Rainbow Dash and her weather team."

"Yes, of course! I believe the weather pegasi will be getting out of their planning meeting within the hour."

"Perhaps they will be more prompt with their objectives from now on.” Twilight paused to collect herself before letting her know about her next objective. “I do have one final job for you before we part ways for the day." The mayor cringed as her advisor began removing her boots, making it appear as though she were levitating. "I have arranged for Cheerilee to meet with you this afternoon." Next, she removed her mask.

"The school teacher? Why would I need to see her?"

"You are to inform her that she is to select two students who are to act as, hmm…" she paused in thought a moment, "observers. They are to report to this office on how ponies are reacting to the various changes that I have planned."

"You want to recruit students as spies!? That seems highly unethical."

Twilight began removing her black cloak, placing it along with the other articles into her saddlebags, disappearing completely. "You are questioning me on ethics," she shot back. "You, who have taken bribes and cares solely about being reelected every term?

“I am not doing anything unethical. I am merely requesting that they report to us on whether or not the ponies around them think that the changes are bettering the town, and if not, what changes should be implemented. If it helps, thing of them as secret survey takers.”

She stealthily trotted around the office until she was standing behind the mayor's chair. She leaned forward, her muzzle inches from the mayor's ear, and whispered, "Do not let me down." Silently, she teleported back to her lab.

Twilight smiled devilishly to herself as she removed her invisible saddlebags and carefully placed them in the far corner of her lab, imagining the look that must have graced Mayor Mare's face after her departure.

It all seemed to be happening so fast. When the idea for making the perfect civilization first popped into her mind, she initially had thought herself mad. During her initial wanderings about the simple town, however, she soon had realized that it very well could be done. It could be done very easily: especially, in an already humble little town like Ponyville. Everypony was happy, and led a carefree-life. It would not take much too truly make it her ideal Equestrian town.

Although the already perfect town needed some improvement. That litterer was the first flaw that she had noticed. It was also, what had led her to her current utopian plans. While at first, she had considered returning the mail-mare's saddlebags; after walking through town she began to realize that, while her initial reaction and actions could have been… nicer… it did not excuse the, now former, mail-mare's actions.

After that, her mind began to process all of the other flaws that needed to be mended. She knew that she was now in a position to fix them.


She was the only one who could. Even if another unicorn had somehow become invisible, she would not possess Twilight's knowledge, or her connections to the Princesses.

"It is hard to believe that in only a short weekend, I have already uncovered the secrets of invisibility and have taken the first steps in turning Ponyville into the shining star of Equestria," she said aloud with stars in her eyes. "Princess Celestia will be so proud of me, I'll be sure to get my own wing in the Canterlot library. Oooh, possibly even my own wing right next to Star Swirl the Bearded's." She clapped her hooves in excitement.

"Is that all that really matters? Some silly wing in the Royal archives?"

Twilight looked around in confusion and anger. Nopony knew she was down here, and her soundproofing spell was still active.

"I am acting selfish. This experiment was about trying to unlock the secrets of invisibility and to prevent it from being used by transgressors and criminals."

She looked back at her reflection in the clock face, "I am not being selfish. I saw an opportunity to fix some of thing flaws that I have seen, and I took it."

"What would Princess Celestia think about what I have become? I'm a criminal," the reflection sobbed.

"No," she spat out, filled with rage and confidence. "She will forgive me for those crimes. They were small and petty in comparison to the good I am doing."

"I've bribed a city official into giving me control of the town; I've assault kind and gently ponies. I may create an ideal town for all of Equestria to look up to, but I could have ruined my relationship with my mentor. She was like a second mother to me, and I betrayed her."

"I have not betrayed her, I will do everything in my power to make things right!" She was filled with a newfound resolve that practically beamed forth from within her. "I can achieve all that I have set out to do and I will make Celestia proud of me."

She went to sleep with an ever so slight smile, knowing that the next day would put her doubts to rest.

Twilight trotted through the sleepy early morning, glad to be out of her costume, having only donned her invisible saddlebags. (She had only adopted the disguise because the idea of somepony finding Mayor Mare speaking to herself, although funny, could potentially disrupt her plans.) The bottom halve of the sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon as ponies began to slowly start their day. Not very many were on the streets yet: only a few shopkeepers and stall vendors were seen as they lulled about, getting ready to open for their first customers.

She made a mental note to add an early morning stroll to her daily routine more often. There was something relaxing about being up and about before everyone else. Watching the sun awaken the world gave off a calming, serene feeling.

She breathed in the cool air deeply and held it for a few moments, letting the crispness of the air blending with the smell of dew and flowers cleanse and focus her mind. She would need to be focused today. She had decided to see how Cheerilee handled the idea of observers. She could have stayed in the mayor's office and watched how that conversation had gone. She had realized early on that if she were quiet enough, nopony would know if she had entered or left a room. While that seemed make Mayor Mare uneasy and restless, it allowed Twilight to keep her in check. She would not dare disobey or tell anyone about her for fear that her "Master" was standing right behind her.

While school would not start for a few more hours, her excitement toward seeing her new Ponyville's first day was almost overwhelming. As she continued trotting through town, observing it slowly awaken and fill with life, she did not see a single thing out of place. The weather team was actually on schedule. They had the sky overhead clear, with the exception of a few puffy white cumulus scattered about.

No, nothing was out of place or order.

She arrived at the schoolyard, and waited. She watched as the first students began to arrive, some more sluggish than others. Some happily greeted their friends near the playground, while others followed each other into the schoolhouse. After some time, Cheerilee happily popped her head outside to remind those still there that class would begin soon. One or two groaned at the thought before slowly trailing inside. Twilight entered with them, ensuring to enter fist, as not to bump into any of them, or to have the door slammed on her… again.

Class appeared to go smoothly; however, Twilight could not help but notice that the curriculum seemed to be behind were she would have expected it to be.

“Perhaps I should look into some educational reforms as well,” Twilight quietly mumbled to herself.

Cheerilee looked away from the blackboard, thinking that she had heard some students talking with each other, while Twilight mentally scolded herself. She really needed to get that under control. How could she be stealthy if she kept talking to herself?

“Twist, Pipsqueak, Silver Spoon,” she seemed to pick three names at random. “How about you three come up to the board and show us how to work out these math problems.”

Twilight watched as a cream-colored earth pony eagerly hopped out of her desk at the front of the class, while the other two followed (the gray-mare more slowly than the others). She smiled to herself as she could not help but see a little bit of herself, and her own eagerness to learn when she was that age. Perhaps, she did not need to be worried about Ponyville’s youth after all.

It was not until close to the end of class that Cheerilee finally brought up her discussion with the mayor, much to Twilight’s chagrin.

“Ok, class, I have one more item for the day,” she began in her trademark cheerfulness. Her class dutifully sat up straighter at the prospect of only one more thing; each hoping that if they completed it quickly, they would be let out early.

“Yesterday, I spoke with the mayor and she would like some helpers. Schools in larger cities, like Manehatten and Fillydelphia, have more students that move from one classroom to another. As you can imagine, having large groups of students running around can get a bit… messy. To fix this they have what are called hall-monitors.” At this, she produced several orange belts with an attached shoulder strap.

“The mayor would like a couple of you to act as town hall-monitors. We think that it will be a great opportunity to learn leadership and responsibly.”

Hall monitors. Why didn’t I think of that? Twilight thought to herself, pleased that her pet had come up with a better idea and title than observers and spies. She would have to remember to complement her.


Scootaloo awoke from her daydream. She knew that class was almost over, but still couldn’t stop her head from bobbing. Now fully alert, her thoughts went back to her discussion with her friends about having secondary talents and interests.

I could probably be a hall-monitor, she thought to herself. It would allow me to practice my spying and, maybe, get noticed by the Equestrian Secret Services. I would make Rainbow Dash so proud! She nearly squeed aloud at the thought of impressing her idol, and maybe using the training she would receive to join the Wonderbolts as well. The thought of using the position to investigate the invisible ghost creeper also crossed her mind.


Twilight’s attention was brought to the back of the room were a familiar orange pegasus seemed to be more giddy about the idea than some of her fellow students were. Her foreleg shot up almost instantaneously once Cheerilee asked if anypony was interested. A few other hooves rose, albeit with less enthusiasm.

Silver Spoon, the gray earth pony from earlier, was giggling and muttering with her friend. They grinned at each other, before joining their hooves with the others.


The rest of class had not gone as smoothly as Scootaloo had planned. Because she was one of seven ponies who volunteered, Miss Cheerilee had decided to turn it into an election. She would have thought that with nopony in school caring for the class bullies, she would have had a shot. While she had won, those two were selected as well, so it still felt like she lost.

“Ah still don’t see how those two could of won like that,” Apple Bloom pondered aloud. “I didn’t think anypony in class liked them.”

“Well at least we now have a connection to the mayor’s office. Maybe there’s some information there that can help us catch this ghost,” Sweetie Belle tried to offer, shivering at the thought of actually having to confront the invisible menace.

“Yea! We have to look on the bright side,” Scootaloo cheered, trying to cheer herself up over having to, possibly, work with two of the meanest fillies in school. “Plus, maybe I’ll be able to get in contact with Twilight.”

“Since when do you need help? From Twilight?” Apple Bloom looked over to her friend skeptically.

“It’s all about using what we have to our advantage right?” Her two friends nodded in agreement. “Well, the way I see it: Twilight is the smartest pony in Ponyville, and if anypony knew about invisible creepers it would be her. Plus, I have a feeling we might need her if we have to hang out with Pinkie any longer.” She then quickly added, “And every good spy has to have a smart pony on her side who can come up with cool gadgets.”

Apple Bloom seemed to accept part of that. “Even if you could get in contact with her, ya still need to know where she is.”

It was true. Scootaloo’s ears flopped down, recalling how Pinkie had mentioned to them that Twilight was going to be out of town for a while.

“We could always hop on the next train and meet her at the library in Canterlot. I think I can remember my way around from when she had us play hide-and-seek with the guards; although, they won last time.” Pinkie frowned before cheering back up, “I think it’s time for a rematch anyway,” she gasped audibly, “but then who would be here to combat the invisible creeper?”

“Wha-huh!?” Scootaloo had to do a double take. Pinkie seemed to have appeared behind them… again. Apple Bloom appeared to look mostly annoyed, while Sweetie Belle appeared to be attempting to relearn how to breathe.

“So are you three ready for some investiga...” Pinkie was eyeing Scootaloo’s orange belted-sash. “Ooooh, what’s that!”

Scootaloo beamed with pride, “It designates me as a monitor. I… um... monitor the town… I think.” In truth, she really did not know what she was supposed to do. She was actually on her way to Mayor Mare’s office to talk with her about that.

“YAY! I’m going to throw the biggest bestest ‘Scootaloo is Ponyville’s best monitor-pony’ party ever!”

As Pinkie blurred forward out of site in a streak of pink, Scootaloo couldn’t help but smile: no matter how weird the pink party pony might seem, she was always could make a pony smile.

A millisecond after she had left, Pinkie appeared next to the three friends again. “Sorry, but the party will have to wait until after we stop that invisible ghost creeper.” Despite being down about not being able to throw a party, she was filled with a new resolve: no creeper, ghost, or invisible ghost creeper was going to stop her from throwing a party.

Scootaloo quivered a little as she thought to herself, Note to self: do not prevent Pinkie from throwing a party.


Twilight had followed the Crusaders since school had let out. There was no reason, she could have just as easily have followed the other two newly appointed monitors. Learning that they had teamed up with Pinkie Pie to track her down was well worth it, however. She probably did not have to worry about the Crusaders, but Pinkie could be problematic. She just had to make sure not to set of her “Pinkie Sense”, but even then, she knew that her friend would make for a formidable opponent.

“Why didn’t I think of her first,” she mumbled, scolding herself. “Why was I worried about Rarity noticing me when I should have thought about the one pony I know with extrasensory perception.”

She had followed Scootaloo to the mayor’s reception area. Her two friends, and Pinkie, had followed her to the town hall’s main lobby, before Pinkie told her that they would meet up at “HQ”. Twilight could only assume that their headquarters was probably Sugarcube Corner. She discreetly looked over the receptionist’s copy of the mayor’s daily schedule, ensuring that she was currently alone and teleported inside her office.

Twilight found the mayor relaxing behind her desk, reclining in her chair looking out the window. Every afternoon she tried to schedule a small break from all the stress that came with keeping Ponyville organized. She took a sip of her tea as she heard a pony clear her throat.

Mayor Mare turned around, yet saw nopony around. She blinked a few times, before blanching. “Oh… um… hello. I didn’t hear you come in,” she stuttered.

“I thought I said I wanted two observers?”

“I must have accidentally told her to assign a few by mistake.” The bristling mayor seemed frightened. “How many do we have?”


The mayor seemed to relax at that, as Master’s tone seemed to soften. If she was not mistaken, she could have sworn that she was smiling beneath her invisible coat.

“I take it, that you came up with the ‘hall-monitor’ idea? It was very good, probably a better name than ‘observers’.”

At this, the mayor became completely relaxed, as if she was talking to a normal visible pony, and not some invisible-one, that was potentially also a ghost if what she was hearing around town was correct.

“Yes, I thought Miss Cheerilee would be more likely to agree to an idea that could be used as part of a lesson plan.”

Twilight smiled again before bidding the mayor farewell. She was sure to be much more polite about it this time. The mayor was like a pet: if Twilight treated her with respect, she would be more willing to do a trick than if she were to ignore and forget to feed her.