• Published 23rd Jan 2013
  • 1,656 Views, 42 Comments

The Invisible Mare - Thunderhalk89

Twilight accidentally turns herself invisible and, as a result, slowly begins to lose her mind.

  • ...

9: The Final Confrontation

It did not take long for news of what had happened in the Mayor’s office to circulate throughout the small, close-knit town. Gossip traveled fast, especially when it concerned guards rushing out of town hall on high alert. While many took the three fillies’ claims as the ramblings of young children unable to process the stress, others were more willing to believe their tale of a ghost mind controlling the mayor and attempting to take over Ponyville. (Well, maybe not the part about it being a ghost).

After several days, things had gotten out of control. Ponyville’s police and guard were on nearly every street corner. Despite everypony looking over her or his shoulder, the unknown invisible mare had continued her work. Through her inner dealings with the mayor, she had already legally gained control of Ponyville. Even if the guards knew who she was or where she was hiding, they could do nothing about it. They continued their patrol of the streets as a means to keep everypony calm and feeling safe.

Her first official decree had been to declare Pinkie Pie a wanted fugitive. The posters that had been ordered to be posted offered a substantial reward and title (after the formation of her new Equestria) to whoever captured her.

While nopony paid any attention the wanted posters, they followed the curfew without question. One pony who stayed outside to late was marked as an example. The invisible pony had followed her into her home and lectured her on the importance of maintaining a proper sleep schedule.

Pinkie had invited all of her friends to a secret meeting in her room. She had tried to convince Fluttershy to join them, thinking that her expertise in animals would be useful against the Invisible Creeper. She had been staying close to her home ever since the rumors about a ghost had first reached her ears. At first, she allowed herself to go outside, but only to the edge of her property. After the more recent event, she barricaded herself inside. However, it worked out in the end: both Applejack and Rarity had decided that the Crusaders would not be allowed anywhere near the vandal.

At first, they had thought that their sisters were joking about ghost hunting, until they had heard the gossip about what had happened at town hall and later the exact details from Pinkie Pie. Since the young fillies always seemed to listen to Fluttershy, they decided that she would be the best candidate to watch over them and keep them safe while they planned their next course of action.

“I believe that this pony we are dealing with is under the protection of the Chameleon-spell.” Rarity sipped her tea less ladylike than usual; not that any of her friends would notice. She could not give any respect to somebody who assaulted her friend and her little sister.

“Karma coma what?” Rainbow gazed blankly.

“The Chameleon-spell,” Rarity sighed. “It’s a spell that allows an object to blend in with its surroundings.”

“Oh, okay. So what’s this got to do with the ghost?”

“I think what she’s tryin’ to say is that it’s not a ghost at all. She’s sayin’ it’s a pony that just disguised herself as a ghost so she can sneak around town causing all kinds of mischief.” Applejack turned toward Rarity for confirmation, “Ain’t that right?”

“Yes; although, I cannot figure out why anyone would go through all that trouble only to end up wearing such a dreary outfit.”

“Because, she didn’t want to draw attention by having Mayor Mare be seen talking to herself.” Pinkie answered from her bed as if the answer had been obvious.

“Makes since to me,” Rainbow said after a few moments. “But how do we stop her if we can’t see her?”

“We can,” Rarity started before trailing off, “sort of. The Chameleon-spell has a telltale shimmer. In addition, every unicorn has a unique magical signature; although, that would only tell us who the vandal is, not where she is. Nonetheless, by looking for that shimmer, we can track her down and stop her before she hurts someone.”

“Okay, so how do we go ‘bout lookin’ for this shimmer?”

“I can see it.” Her friends stared back blankly. “It is an aesthetic spell, so I have had some practice with it. That and when she… visited me, I saw it before she disappear -”

“She can teleport!” Pinkie jumped off her bed to the floor.

“I didn’t say that, Pinkie,” Rarity gasped. “Plus, it is rude to interrupt.”

“Sorry,” she looked down and scrapped her hoof along the floor. She looked up, beaming again, “Wouldn’t that explain it though. After she fled the offices yesterday, I chased her, but then she disappeared.”

“She could have just run outside,” Rainbow countered.

Pinkie shook her head, “Nope, the doors to the outside never opened.”

“Horse-feathers,” Applejack swore under her breath. “So, not only do we gotta chase after a pony we can’t see, but she can teleport now too.”

“I normally would take anything you say with a grain of salt, dear, but you have had the most experience with dealing with this invisible pony.”

“Wait,” Rainbow Dash was struck with an idea, “why don’t we just talk with the mayor? She was practically working for her.”

“Miss Mare is dealing with allot of stress right now. I would think it best if we just let her be for a few more days before talking with her.” Rarity hesitated before continuing, “Maybe it would be best to wait until this whole thing blows over.”

“So then what’s the plan? I can’t just sit here and wait for some crazy pony who wants to take over Ponyville to just stop and turn herself in! We’ve saved all of Equestria from worse threats at least three times now; one of which involved going hoof-to-hoof with an entire army.”

Pinkie pulled out four Proton-String-Paks

Rarity backed away, fearful of getting any of the weaponized silly-string on her coat as Rainbow quickly grabbed one, looking it over.

“This is awesome! You finally built it?”

“Yeps,” Pinkie beamed with pride.

“So what is it?” Applejack approached one of the devises cautiously.

“Imagine a silly-string shooter, only bigger, and better, and cooler.” Rainbow through on the saddle pack and was eyeing sights of the nozzle.

“So y’all plan on shooting the invisible vandal, who could be dangerous, with silly-string?”

“No,” Pinkie shook her head, “we plan on making the invisible creeper visible so you can lasso it.” Pinkie paused a moment, rubbing a hoof against her chin. “Yea that should work! Me and Rainbow -” she saw Rarity shake her head “- Rainbow and I will make the invisible creeper visible after Rarity finds it, then you come galloping in with your lasso” – she swung an imaginary lasso above her head – “and tie it up so it can’t get away. Afterword we all walk into the sunset, possibly to get ice-cream.”

“Are you not forgetting something, darling?”

“That it can teleport?”

“Yes. How do you plan on dealing with that?”

“I have no idea.”

“Maybe we should contact Twi. Thought I heard the Crusaders say somthin’ about tryin’ that,” Applejack thought aloud.

“By then it could be too late. I say we act now!” Rainbow’s voice was determined.

“And, how do you plan on stopping a teleporting invisible unicorn? Hmm?” Rarity countered.

“We use magical rope?” Rainbow offered the first idea from the top of her head.

“I don’t got any.” Applejack harrumphed.

“So then let’s just capture her. From what Pinkie’s told us, she likes to talk about how great her plan is. Get her talking about that and she won’t teleport.”

“Rainbow Dash, that just might work.”


“Yay!” Pinkie began bouncing around the room, “The invisible creeper’s rain of terror is about to end!” She stopper her bouncing, looking apologetically at her friends. “I meant reign. Silly Pinkie. Could you imagine if she made it rain terror? That would be really super bad. Ooh! But first, we need to talk to Spike. I’ve got a feeling we should send a letter after all.”

Her friends just blinked at their odd friend. Pinkie Pie was being Pinkie Pie again.


The invisible unicorn trotted casually through her town. She quietly observed her pets as they went about their day. She noted that not as many shops were open, and that not as many stalls were set up in the farmer’s market. The ponies that she did see moving throughout town did so quickly, with a fearful darting eye scanning their surroundings. She knew that she was the one they were looking for. It gave her a perverse pleasure to see her utopian town taking shape: nopony dared to even think about littering or loitering, and there were no arguments over the price of goods. The dark cloak of peace had fallen over the quaint town. It would not be long until word spread to the Princesses.

Her confrontation with her reflection the night after her confrontation with Pinkamena had made her realize her true-identity: she was Master. Her previous self was gone. The very thought of who she once was made her snicker darkly. As far as she was concerned, Twilight was weak and incompetent.

Twilight’s goals were to find a weakness in the greatest spell she had ever devised to prevent it from being used for wrongdoing. It did not take long for her to realize that her gift would allow her to become so much more than Princess Celestia’s most favored pupil. Master was the result. What was at first an alias was now her identity.

She had tossed and turned the night before, as sleep did not come easily. She had reasoned that if she were going to finish what she had started, she would need a new objective. The fires of passion and hatred now consumed her. In order to make the town hers, and bring order to her pets, she would need to make an example of the pink mare that stood in her way. If Pinkamena was not removed, she could recruit others to her cause, instigating a rebellion.

“A rebellion against me is a rebellion against the Princesses,” she spat. She no longer cared if anyone could hear her. They all now had confirmation that she existed; it was only a matter of time before they bowed before her.

As she approached the center of town she defiantly called out to her enemy, “Pinkamena! It is time we finished this.”

She was almost taken aback when the pink mare appeared before her at the end of the street. Her pets that were still in the streets made themselves scarce, locking themselves into their homes.

A lite chuckle slowly worked its way up her throat before rising up into a roar of nefarious laughter. Her opponent carried her silly-string gun again. “Didn’t you learn anything the last time my pet? That foolish devise is useless against me.” Her voice echoed around the now silent town. She noted that even the birds had known to flee from her unlimited power. “What use do you think that toy will be against a Goddess?”

“A lot actually,” she replied sternly. “I’m glad you called me, because otherwise I would have had to try to find your home at that construction site.”

“You are determined. What happened to the smiling pony who only wanted to spread cheer and happiness? Or, have you realized that I will stop you from destroying my dreams of utopia and with your treachery against the Princesses.”

“That is only for good ponies, and you are the opposite of good.”

Master felt as though those words had been plunged into her heart like a knife through cake. She pushed the feeling away, her anger and hatred targeted toward the pink mare filling the void. “Opposite of good!? I am fighting for all of Equestria. I am fighting for peace, for love, for all ponykind! I possess more power than you could possibly imagine. Make it easy for yourself and just accept my utopia. There will be plenty of sunshine and rainbows, cupcakes, and muffins for all my pets.”

“You might have more power, but I have the strongerest power.”

“And what is that,” she called back, sounding bored.


Master looked up and dogged just as a rainbow streaked from behind her. Rainbow Dash flared her wings and landed. She stood defiantly next to her pink friend. Applejack and Rarity rushed in from the sides to join them.

Master blinked. “So you have already recruited others to join your rebellion against Equestria. Tell me, where are those three kids you had with you before? Or did their pegasus friend convince them that you were standing in the way of progress?”

“Ya ain’t laying a hoof on my sister! Ya’ hear me?”

Master rolled her eyes. “I have no plans of harming anypony who bows before me.”

“You remind me of Trixie. She was a show mare who showed up one day and boasted about being the best. Those who boast usually have nothing to show for it,” Rarity called back.

“Trixie? I assure that I am not Trixie, and that when I boast, I can back it up.” She lit her horn, grabbing Pinkamena and Rainbow’s Proton-String-Paks, and turned them on the four ponies standing before her. She unleashed a torrent of silly-string upon the hapless ponies until they were sufficiently covered in the foaming frosting.

Rarity screamed in horror, wiping her eyes clean with one sweep of a hoof. “It. Is. On.”

Master absentmindedly teleported out of the way as the formally white unicorn rushed toward her. “I thought you liked strawberry-cocoa-vanilla frosting?”

“You have made a grievous mistake.”

“And what is that?”

“You showed me your aura.”

“I what?” It took her a moment to realize that she was staring right into her eyes. “How -”

She felt the cold blast as Rainbow dash and Pinkie Pie unloaded on her. Rarity had distracted her long enough for them to grab the nozzles and open fire on her. She looked down at herself in shock. She was completely covered with the now foaming string of frosting. With her advantage now gone, she began to panic. She readied her teleportation spell, hoping to escape, clean herself off, and prepare her next assault. Her spell imploded as her concentration was broken.

She found herself on the ground looking up at Applejack, a rope taught between her teeth.

“Sorry sugar cube, but we can’t let ya get away again.”

She was dragged behind, struggling to free herself as they moved quickly down several side streets, and out of sight of anyone who might be watching. She did not know where they were taking her. After some time she drew in several calming breaths. She needed a clear mind if she was going to escape. Looking around, she realized that they were in the library. Her library. They might have her tied up, be she had the home field advantage. It would not take much power to teleport into the safety of her lab.

“Would you care for a towel?” She looked up, as Rarity gently cleaned her face, leaving her covered from the neck down. “I am dreadfully sorry about that, but it was the only way we could get you to talk to us.”

“Talk?” She looked around. She had been gently placed on one of the reading pillows. The Proton-String-Paks were sitting by the center table, next to Rainbow Dash. Applejack was standing across from her and Rarity next to another set of reading pillows. These ones holding a tied up Pinkie Pie.

“What is going on?” she asked carefully.

“We are not on Pinkie’s side, nor your side. We are simply interested in what it is you hope to accomplish. I’m sure you can imagine that Pinkie has a tendency to… exaggerate at times.”

She nodded in response, before remembering that with her head now clean, they probably would not see. “Yes, she does seem to have an active imagination.”

Rainbow shifted uneasily. “I am guessing that they chose you to be the moderator for my surrender then.”

Rarity looked back at the jittery pegasus. “Far from it. As I said, we are just interested in your goals. We want to hear them from the source, before picking a side.”

Master was cautious. On one hoof, that would explain why Pinkamena is also tied up: it shows that they could be on my side. On the other, I am still tied up as well. Then again, they only know what Pinkamena told them. And she thought I was an invisible creeper.

“Very well,” she replied after taking another calming breath, “where do you want me to begin.”

Over the course of the hour, she explained her goals of creating a utopian town that would act as the model for all of Equestria and of how with her great power, her invisibility, and connections, she was the perfect candidate to rule under the Princesses. Rarity listened intently, and politely. Rainbow Dash was surprisingly even able to remain quiet, despite her obvious uneasiness. It was as if she was waiting for something to happen.

“I can certainly understand your philosophy of viewing anything lesser than yourself as being your pet.” Rarity finally commented. “Despite all ponies being equal, there are still those that are far more powerful, stronger, faster,” – Rainbow Dash’s ears perked up - “or more beautiful than the others.

“So you have decided to join me?” she asked slowly.

“I am open to your ideas about creating an ideal Equestria; however, I must decline on grounds that I do not agree that anypony has the right to stand above all others. Yes, there are those with a higher pedigree, but that does not give them the right to mistreat and abuse others.”

“We have instilled a philosophy of equality amongst all ponies.” Rarity stepped quickly aside, lowering her head reverently. For the first time, Master noticed that the air almost seemed to ripple in two places: the tell-tale-sign of the Chameleon-spell. The rippling air shimmered and sparked as it took the form of two ponies. “Even we wish to be viewed as equals, and not as rulers or tyrants.” The larger form spread and extended her white feathered wings.

“It is for this reason,” the smaller of the two, yet still larger than average, added, “that we have continuously denied the title of Queen or Monarch.”

“Princess Celestia.” Master’s eyes grew wide. “Princess Luna.” She bowed, for the first time not minding being visible do to the frosting coating she wore.

“My little pony, we have much to discuss.” Celestia’s voice was calm, soothing Master’s darkened heart. She pictured it as being a soft wintery snowfall somehow occurring during a bright summer’s day.

“H-how much have you heard,” she stammered, slowly rising up into a sitting position again after the elder Princess motioned for her to rise.

“We have been following your friends all day. They had Spike send me a letter asking us about anypony we knew who might want to form Equestria into her vision of a utopian society, before finding and bringing you here.” Princess Celestia seemed almost saddened. Her eyes gleamed with a dull wetness, as opposed to the brightness of the sun that was characteristic for them.

“What do you mean my friends?” The four other ponies in the room looked at each other, asking themselves the same question.

“Is it not obvious,” Luna responded. “You are Twilight Sparkle. Or at least a version of her.”

“No!” Her anger began to rise again as she stood up, turning the rope binding her into ash. “I am Master!”

“Very well.” Luna approached her in several strides, and then touched Master’s horn with her own.

She felt the lunar magic flow into her horn and down through every part of her body. Her outline began to glow a soft blue, as her form began to fill with the spectrum of night. The constellations began to swirl inside the outline, glowing brighter and brighter. They swirled into galaxies before subsiding and fading away into purple. She could once again see her legs and body, as could those watching awestruck before her.

Darkness extended into her peripheral, and soon overtook her.


She awoke slowly. She could not make out the details of where she was. There was no shape, no form. Reality had become a blur. She thought… no, sensed, that if reality had become a blur it would have somehow been clearer than what she was currently experiencing.

No shape.

No color.

No thought.

Slowly, she felt herself slowly take form. She could feel her physical body morph and stretch around a forming circulatory and nervous systems. Muscles began to tighten and loosen around her skeleton. Her mind began to awaken.

Now with, to some extent, thought and awareness, she began to assess who she was. Part of her said Twilight, while another, darker part, responded Master.

“Do not be frightened.”

She looked around the formless and shapeless realm for the source of the mysterious voice. It was almost soothing, yet at the same time commanding and regal. Before her, a dark form began to manifest. The shadow began to take form, growing legs and wings as it slowly floated closer to her.

“Luna?” Twilight, or was it Master (she still was unsure as to who she was), did not know how she knew the name of the being before her. Nor did she comprehend why she now found herself bowing; and, why did her eyes feel wet?

“Be still. You are in the realm of dreams. You have been through a lot; although, you may not realize what it is you have done just yet.”

She looked up to the Princess of the Night (?), “I let a darkness into my heart.” She tried to look anywhere but the regal alicorn before her, but could not bring herself to look away from the understanding and comforting ruler. She continued, “A darkness that tried to go against everything I believed in.”

Princess Luna looked taken aback for a moment, before resuming her royal demeanor. “It should not surprise me that my sister’s most prized pupil in centuries would be able to recover so quickly.” She allowed a small smile to grace her face, “You truly are as remarkable as she has suggested. Perhaps I should not doubt her in regards to you -” she stopped herself short.

“Why am I here and why does everything look… blurry?” Twilight quietly asked, looking around. The name felt right to her. Master felt cold and evil: it frightened her.

“A pony’s dreams can cast a reflection of her thoughts,” Luna began. “It can represent your hopes, your dreams, your fears. Right now, yours is casting a reflection of your confusion and uncertainty.”

Images began to take shape around them: scenes of an invisible pony attacking a cross-eyes mail-mare, scaring ponies, stealing, bribing, enslaving. “Wha-what are you showing me?” She shuddered as she realized the truth even as she asked.

“I cannot control a pony’s dreams. I can observe and interact with them. Sometimes, even guide them, if the dreamer allows it. These are your memories. You are beginning to remember.” The Princess of the Night sat beside Twilight, draping one of her large wings over the saddened unicorn in an embrace as they watched the events of the past several weeks unfold.

When the memories seemed to fade away, she tearfully looked into the saddened eyes of Luna, “I… I did this. Why?”

“A pony cannot function if she cannot see herself. Not only did you lose track of your body, you lost track of your mind. A blind pony does not suffer this, as her other senses take over. Being blind to only oneself, however…”

“So by turning my body invisible, I lost my mind?”

“You did not turn your body invisible. You turned yourself invisible.” Luna let that hang between them, giving the young mare time to process what she had said.

Something about that clicked inside Twilight’s mind. “Then who, or what became visible.”

“You did.” Seeing the mixture of shock and confusion stretch across the young mare’s face she continued, “Your negative anyway. It feeds upon your deepest desires and turns them against you. For instance, I wanted ponies to enjoy the beauty of the night, just as much as they enjoyed the day. I went forth, visiting the ponies of Equestria after raising the moon and discovered that many seemed to not fully embrace my night. Many seemed to fear it. I wished only for them to see that day and night were equals; that both could be safe.

“My negative form twisted that around into a drive to overthrow my sister and bring forth an eternal night and take over Equestria for herself. She believed that the only way they would respect the night, is if they learned to worship it out of fear.”

“Master, is my Nightmare Moon.” Twilight whispered, looking down to her hooves and the nonexistent floor.

Luna sat silently.

“She wanted to bring forth peace to Equestria,” she continued after attempting to compose herself, “by turning everypony below her into her pets. She wanted to be a Goddess to them: an equal to you and Celestia.” The words tasted of vile poison. She did not realize that she was capable of such things.

“You were lucky.”

“How?” She finally looked up.

“Your friends were able to catch Master in time. Perhaps in another day or two she would have had complete control as her mind fully pushed yours out. Your presence prevented Master from doing any more harm than a few minor offenses. Once she gained full control, there is no telling how she would have twisted your mind.”

“Even if she had full control, it would still have been me who committed those crimes. I was the one who set out to try and turn Ponyville into my vision of utopia.”

“You might not forgive yourself, but I know that your friends will. The citizens that you affected directly might take some time to sway, but I am certain, that with time, they too will learn to forgive your actions. I have you to thank for helping me see that they do not truly believe me to be Nightmare Moon. I know that we can say the same for you and Master.” She gave Twilight a soft smile, before leaning down and whispering. “Do you really think I would risk being seen when I was watching over those sleeping ponies, wondering why they did not love the night over one thousand years ago?”