• Published 23rd Jan 2013
  • 1,656 Views, 42 Comments

The Invisible Mare - Thunderhalk89

Twilight accidentally turns herself invisible and, as a result, slowly begins to lose her mind.

  • ...

7: Hoofprints and Chases

“Do I really need to worry about a bunch of kids?” Twilight thought that everything was going smoothly. She knew that Pinkie could foil her plans; but, what about Scootaloo and the Crusaders? She grinned devilishly to herself, “They do say to keep your enemies close. I just need to prevent them from trying to get into contact with me.” She quickly looked around, realizing that she was talking to herself again. Luckily, nopony on the crowded street seemed to notice.

It had been a little over a week since she had assumed control over Ponyville. So far, everything seemed to be in order. It had taken some time, but Mayor Mare was now fully cooperative and enthusiastic about Master’s plans. While she may have gone a little overboard and terrified the mayor in the beginning, Twilight had now gained her trust by treating her like a friend.

“Who knows; perhaps, we will become good friends when this was all over.” Twilight smiled at the thought. She shook her head, chuckling at how she was still talking aloud.

Everypony in town was happy, although a few were nervously looking over their shoulders. As far as they were concerned, the new regulations being signed by the mayor’s office were meant either to ease their fears over the spreading rumors about a ghost, or some kind of mysterious vandal that was running amuck throughout Ponyville, or (more likely) to try and motivate some the lazier ponies in town. Mayor Mare had been able to keep many of the robberies from the public’s attention, so most believed that it was just some prankster running about, while others truly believed that there was something nefarious going on.

“Eeep!” Twilight squeaked in fear as a stallion looked over his shoulder, right into her eyes. She caught her breath and let out a long exhale of relief when she realized that his attention was drawn to an acquaintance, and not to her.

She chuckled quietly to herself, “Why have I been so jumpy lately? It’s not like anypony can see me, or even knows that I’m here.” While not being seen was one thing, she could still be heard; although, she was getting better at keeping her voice below a whisper whenever she talked to herself.

Her attention was soon diverted to the very ponies that she was thinking about. Drifting through town all day, she had almost lost track of time. School had let out at least halve-an-hour ago; it made sense that the Crusaders would resume their patrol with Pinkie. She decided, against her better judgment, to follow them. If anything, she hoped to learn more about the strange packs that they always seemed to be wearing.

As she followed them, she could not help but wonder if she could somehow convert Scootaloo into working for her. “She is already one of our ‘observers’. What would it take to get her to give up information on what they are doing, and how close they are to discovering my secret?” She froze, stock-still. She could have sworn she saw Pinkie’s ear twitch. Not a “Pinkie sense” ear-flop, but a “Pinkie may have just heard her” ear twitch.

She let out a breath that she did not know she was holding as the pink mare continued to bounce happily along. It was apparent to Twilight that either she was seeing things, or her friend did not seem to care that she was potentially being followed by an invisible ghost creeper… whatever that was.

As they approached the construction site for the new hotel, a nagging thought caused Twilight to grow weary. She nearly tripped and fell as her hooves refused to listen and froze beneath her. Her mind raced through her memories. Pinkie had known that she was secretly following her when she first began investigating the Pinkie sense. Her heart raced as she noticed a sly grin on her friend’s reflection in a newly installed window.

This. Was. Not. Good.

If Pinkie caught her, she would find out that she had lied to her and their friends about being in Canterlot, and that she was the one causing all the chaos in Ponyville. She was not ready to explain it to them just yet; not when there was so much work that still needed to be done.

Sweetie Belle and the other two Crusaders seemed to notice Pinkie’s strange grin as well, “What is it?”

“Shh. The invisible ghost creeper is right behind us,” she whispered at a normal speaking volume.

“Oh horse-apples,” Twilight muttered under her breath before turning-tail.

To her surprise, it did not look as though Pinkie was giving chase. Just to be safe she ducked inside the first building she came to. She gasped for breath; sprinting was definitely not her strong suite. After sufficiently catching her breath, she immediately lost it again. Somehow, she had run into Sugarcube Corner.

“I have got to have the worst luck in all Equestria,” she mumbled as she slowly walked to the far corner of the eatery with her head hung low in disappointment. “Wait!” she immediately perked up. “There’s no such thing as luck! I just ran to the closest safe place my subconscious could think of. And, under normal circumstances, that would be here.” She clapped her forehooves together in joy.

“And the best hiding spot is right under your enemies nose,” she added darkly, the tips of her hooves drumming together in front of her muzzle.

“Are ya sure it was followin’ us?”

Twilight looked up from her hiding spot. She was sitting in one of the booths in the back, knowing that most that chose to eat at the store preferred to stay more towards the front, or sit outside.

“Why have you been so cynical lately,” Sweetie Belle asked.

“I’ve not been sine-ic…whatever you said,” Apple Bloom countered. “I’m just curious. I mean she didn’t even have a Pinkie sense or nothin’.”

“I think the real problem we have is that it was following us. Right, Pinkie Pie?” Scootaloo asked, seeming like she was trying to avoid a confrontation with her friends.


“Right. So, we should form a plan.”

Twilight watched as they approached her booth, worried for a moment that one of them would accidentally sit down on her. To her relieve, they did not choose her booth. Instead, they sat down in the booth right next to hers; Pinkie then somehow procured a tray of cupcakes and fruit punch. She thanked the stars that they had not noticed she was there, before quietly getting up to leave.

“Ooh! Ooh! Pick me! Pick me!” Pinkie was practically jumping up and down in her seat, a forearm extended, waving wildly.

The three fillies looked to each other, before silently selecting who would acknowledge Pinkie this time. To the casual observer it looked like they had just glanced at one another for a brief second. In reality, it was a fierce battle of wits and cunning, and would have been on par with some of the greatest battles of all time. Even Daring Do, if she were not fictitious, would have been amazed and awestruck. Unfortunately, every great battle, even ones that would spawn epic ballads from traveling minstrels, has to have a looser. Today, that was Sweetie Belle.

“Umm, yes Pinkie,” She asked, hesitantly. “Do you have a question, or an idea on what we should do next?”

Pinkie had to take a moment to recollect herself from witnessing the greatest battle she had ever seen. She had to admit that Sweetie had fought valiantly, and did not mind that she now owed Gummy one bit. “Yes, I have a plan,” she began. “FIRE!!!11!”

Twilight watched in horror from several tables away as Pinkie Pie grabbed a nozzle, connected by a hose to the strange contraption on her back, and began shooting (what looked like silly-string) wildly. Scootaloo was the first to join her, and was soon followed by Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. Sugarcube Corner quickly erupted into pandemonium as patrons ran outside screaming. Tasty treats were flung to the walls and floors, tables were overturned, Mr. and Mrs. Cake huddled with their foals in the kitchen.

“Pinkie! What have I said about shooting those things inside,” Mrs. Cake attempted to scream over the cacophony of noise.

Twilight quickly jumped behind an overturned table. “Phew.” she breathed a sigh of relieve before scanning where her body would be. “I don’t think I was hit… Okay, maybe I was.” One of them had gotten a clean hit on her left hind leg. Her leg was cold as the string began to expand into airy foam. She perked her ears as she listened; she would not be able to escape until she first dealt with her “wounded” leg. Luckily, her attackers were still laying down suppressive-fire.

Confident that she had enough time, she inspected the foaming substance that was slowly forming what looked like a hollow cast. She tilted her head. On second thought, it looked a lot like frosting. She quizzically sniffed at it, quickly touching it with the very tip of her tongue. Her eyes lit up. It was frosting! And, not just any old regular frosting either (this was primo stuff): Pinkie Pie’s famous strawberry-cocoa-vanilla frosting. She quickly devoured it, almost squealing in pain as she accidentally bit down on her invisible hind leg.

She leaned back against her cover, letting the decadent flavor wash over her taste buds. Everything was calm and at peace. She was in a state of nirvana that only the perfect blend of fruit and sugar could create. She felt like she was flying through cotton candy and marshmallow clouds. Each was softer and fluffier than the last. She could almost taste each one. This was serenity.

Calm and at peace!?

Twilight bolted upright, the gears in her mind turning feverishly. It was quiet…too quiet. Quickly, and as carefully as she could, she peeked over the upturned table. The coast looked clear: Pinkie and the young fillies were busy looking over their handiwork; no doubt looking for frosting in the shape of a pony.

She stood up and began to work her way through the mess toward the door, careful not to leave any hoofprints in the frosting that blanketed the floor.

“And that’s why you should never cross the streams.”

“Because it will cover everything in frosting,” she heard Scootaloo retort.

“At least it isn’t tree sap this time. Rarity always has a fit whenever I come home covered in the stuff after one of our crusades.”

Twilight was almost to the door. She was confident that with the four remaining ponies preoccupied with their conversation, she would easily escape. She would have teleported, but had gotten a stomachache from eating too much frosting. (Being invisible and claiming that you don’t know where your frosting covered leg is makes for a great excuse to start eating frosting from the floor).

As she crept silently toward the door, a sharp pang surged from her front right shin, down into her hoof, and up into her shoulder. At first, she thought that she had been shot again. Looking down she noticed that she had slammed her shin into an overturned stool.

“Solar-flaring empty-sky filled with horse-feathers,” she squeaked.

“There it is!” cried Apple Bloom.

Quickly, Twilight threw open the front door with a burst of her magic. As she heard the first sounds of clopping hooves begin to bolt toward her, she surged forward as fast as her limping pain infused leg would carry her. Within moments, she realized that running immediately after bashing your shin with a stomachache from too much frosting (and being in a slight sugar-coma) was not a very good idea.

She panted for breath as she weaved through the crowd that had formed outside Sugarcube Corner, curious about the sounds of warfare being waged inside. She knew that Pinkie was right on her tail but was confident that, even in her disadvantaged weakened state, she could still escape.

“I hate irony!” The chase had brought them back to the construction site, where it had initially began.

“This isn’t irony,” she heard Sweetie Belle call back from behind her. “If you spent more time haunting the library maybe you’d know that.”

Twilight stopped in her tracks, her brain feeling as if it had broken. She barely noticed her pursuers continue to run past her into the construction site. In a stupor, she slowly turned around and walked back home.


Pinkie Pie came to a sudden and unexpected stop. She barely noticed the three young fillies colliding into her. She looked around, seemingly unfazed, for any sign of the invisible creeper.

Now where did you go this time Mr. Creeper? She looked down at the three Crusaders piled up behind her.

“Why did you stop?” Scootaloo groaned, disentangling herself from her friends.

“And how’d ya know that the ghost was inside,” Apple Bloom added, straitening her bow.

Pinkie radiated, “I heard it.”

“That works for me,” Sweetie Belle dusted herself off as best she could. “But, why did we have to stop so suddenly?”

“I found creeper tracks!”

The Crusaders saw fresh tracks in what would eventually be a sidewalk. Now, it was just a path of wet cement, with what appeared to be hoofprints embedded in what was otherwise a smooth gray sheet.

“We have you now invisible creeper ghostie.” Pinkie marched forward determinedly, following the strange tracks.

Hmm…, Pinkie thought to herself. They had been traversing the construction site for some time, and had still not found any other sign of the invisible creeper. We should have found something by now. Maybe it went back to its cave. Wait? Do creepers even live in caves? I wonder where creepers live. Maybe I’ll ask Twilight sometime.

“We’re going in circles,” Scootaloo complained noisily.

Pinkie Pie’s thought-bubble popped. She tilted her head, much like an adorable puppy. She waited patiently for several moments: primarily, for Scootaloo to explain; and secondly, for the author to recover from picturing such cuteness in his mind.

“And I’m pretty sure we’ve been following your own hoofprints.” she added, a touch annoyed.

Pinkie looked down. She squished her hooves deeper into the cool wet substance as she looked around. Her hoofs were firmly planted in the cement, while the Crusaders had chosen to walk alongside the future sidewalk. Pinkie could not help but think that the trail of hoofprints reminded her of making fresh prints after a new snowfall. Looking back the way they had come, she noticed a construction worker waving frantically at her.

Enthusiastically and with a bright smile, she waved back.


Once her mind felt like it had mended itself, Twilight teleported into Mayor Mare’s office. Taking note that it was empty, aside from just the two of them, she carefully let the mayor know of her presence before quickly donning her disguise. She knew that it was only a matter of time before their observers came in with a report on the days other events. Being chased around had prevented her from doing any observing herself.

“Miss Mayor Mare,” the intercom on the mayor’s desk lit up, “there are three fillies here to see you.”

The mayor looked to Twilight, who nodded, before responding. “You may send them in.”

Twilight watched from a far corner as the three observers trotted in. Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, she recalled, and Scootaloo. She grinned invisibly beneath her mask as they looked warily at her.

Mayor Mare smiled at the three fillies before her as she gestured to the three chairs before her desk. “So, anything new today?” she asked with her singsong like inflection voice.

“We almost caught the ghost!” Scootaloo nearly hopped out of her seat.

The mayor raised an eyebrow and quickly glanced at Master. Certain that Master was not going to respond, she continued, “What do you mean almost?”

Scootaloo settled down into the chair, as deep as she could bury herself and looked at the floor as she lazily swung her hooves. She explained the events of the day: how Pinkie had heard the ghost mutter something before beginning the chase, and of how they had tried to shoot her with their Proton-String-Paks, before chasing her back to the construction site.

“I think that might be where she’s living,” she added.

“Hmm-,” she sat back, thinking about what had been said, “-so how did Pinkie know that the ghost was inside Sugarcube Corner?”

“Oh, we asked her that on our way back. She said that she had heard it bump against the table as it was trying to get up from the booth next to ours.”

Twilight blinked. In truth, she was curious about that as well. Perhaps, she needed to work on her stealth abilities. She pushed the thought to the back of her mind as she listened to the other observers’ accounts of what they had seen throughout the day.

“Our job is to report on ponies reactions to the new rules, right?” The pinkish earth pony’s question almost seemed to come from nowhere. Twilight was not sure she liked the look on her face that she was sharing with her gray friend. It seemed dark. She shivered as a chill ran down her spine.

“That is correct,” Twilight responded, trying to shake the foreboding feeling.

“Wouldn’t ponies not following the rules count as a reaction?” Silver Spoon asked, before turning to her friend and sharing an ominous giggle.

Twilight looked to the mayor. As far as she was concerned, they were just two fillies acting like fillies. Twilight knew better. She had seen her far share of bullies during her own school days, and knew that these two were up to something.

“Yes, that would count as a reaction.” Her voice was cool and under control, carefully hiding her uncertainties about their line of questioning.

“Well, then, judging by the blank-flank’s story, Pinkie Pie is guilty of vandalism. And trespassing.” She added the second-point almost as an afterthought.

“What!” Scootaloo shouted, masking Twilight’s own cry of surprise.

“That site is private property,” Diamond Tiara began. “Only authorized ponies are allowed inside. That means she was trespassing.” Diamond Tiara looked smug; her friend seemed to be copying her expression.

“I suppose that is true-” Twilight began, having to mentally remind herself that she was Master here, not Twilight “-but she was hunting down a wanted vandal and miscreant. Furthermore,” she added, “she had an observer with her.”

“Being observers gives us special privileges?” Silver Spoon’s eyes were wide at the prospect. Her friend’s became darker and more mischievous.

“It would appear so,” Mayor Mare replied, studying Master out of the corner of her eye.

“Within certain parameters,” Twilight was quick to add. “No breaking the law and you do not have authority to order other ponies around.”

“What about the ghost?” Scootaloo questioned.

“I would think it wise for you three to leave that to the proper authorities.” The Mayor was quick to respond. Twilight nodded in agreement.

“But, what about that crazy pony vandalizing the sidewalk?” Diamond Tiara complained, rather loudly. “My daddy is the one financing it, and when he hears that you’re allowing ponies to ignore private property, he’ll never finance one of your reelection campaigns again.”

Twilight chuckled to herself at the threat. She had already convinced the mayor that going through with her plan had the potential to make her a powerful player in Canterlot. She knew that she would not give into such an idle threat. But, still…

“I never said that her actions were going to be swept under the rug.” She turned to Scootaloo. “I have heard that you and your friends have been following her trying to track down this… ghost, as you call it, ever since it first arrived.”

Scootaloo nodded in reply, “yep.”

“You will give Miss Pie this warning.” She began filling out a form from her invisible saddlebags hidden beneath her cloak. Before Diamond Tiara could protest she added, “It will also require her to pay a fine of twenty bits.” She had the mayor look it over and sign it, before levitating it over to Scootaloo.

As the three fillies were sent on their way, Twilight held Scootaloo back. “One more thing: I wish for you and your friends to write a report detailing everything you know about this ghost.”

Scootaloo nodded and left for home.

“I have determined a new rule for you to decree.” Twilight said calmly, turning back to face the mayor after the door had closed behind the filly. “If somepony wishes to hold a gathering of more than ten ponies in one place, then she must first petition this office.”

“Master, I don’t mean to be rude, but that is already part of the town’s ordinance.”

“Oh.” That was surprising. “Why does it seem Miss Pink… amena is able to throw one at random, then?”

“That’s easy,” Mayor Mare chuckled, “She registers a set number of parties early every year. All she has to do is come to my office before setting-up to make sure that there are no conflicts.”

“Well… umm… good. Carry on.” With that, she teleported back to her lab.

“Well that throws a wrench into that plan.” She told herself. Now that she was back to being shielded by her soundproofing, she was free to talk aloud to herself again; she was starting to find it therapeutic. “I was hoping that the passing of that new rule would…” what was she hopping it would do? Maybe it was to try to prevent that pink filly from going after her friend.

“No,” she had finally decided, “I think I was trying to show that I am not connected to her. Besides, even if we were to make the ordinance stricter, she would still find a way around it.” The thought of her friend being able to find a loophole to any law made her smile, yet also seemed terrifying. Although, anyone who knew Pinkie Pie knew that she would only use a loophole to spread cheer and happiness, never evil.

“Not, like you are doing right now.”

Twilight shook that voice from her head. She was working for the greater good. With that last thought, she laid down on her sleeping mat for the night.


Scootaloo looked on, trying to judge Pinkie’s reaction. She had met up with her friends after the meeting with at the mayor’s office to go crusading before bed. She had promised herself that she would deliver the message after class.

“It looks like we have to be extra sneaky now.” Pinkie Pie did not seem to be reacting in the way Scootaloo would have hoped.

“We can’t go after the ghost! If we get caught, I’ll be in big trouble.”

“If you get caught,” she emphasized. “The letter doesn’t say anything about the rest of us looking for the invisible creeper.”

“They told us that they only want the proper authorities to look for it, and gave us strict orders not to go after it.” Scootaloo countered.

“Hmm.” Pinkie Pie sat down on her hind legs, rubbing her chin in thought. “That changes things. Wait. They?”

“Yea, the mayor and her new assistant.”

“She have a name?” Apple Bloom asked.

“No, I didn’t ask. I was too busy trying to figure out why she was dressed the way she was, and protect Pinkie from Diamond Tiara.”

“I don’t need protecting.”

Scootaloo seemed to ignore Pinkie’s comment, “I think she wants to remain anonymous.”

“Why? Ponyville is a nice town with caring ponies.” Sweetie Belle asked. “I’m sure if she knew that we were friendly, she’d be more open.”

“Maybe she’s horribly scarred from a science experiment gone wrong.” Scootaloo stood on her back legs, waving her forelimbs about, trying to look creepy.

“It could be that she don’t want to be known as a pony who works for the government.” Apple Bloom offered. “Applejack says, that in some cities like Manehatten, the government officials are viewed as untrustworthy. It could just be that she doesn’t want her friends to think of her like that.”

“All I can say is that she’s a unicorn.”

“Really? How do you know that? Did you see her horn? Oh! What color is her aura? I bet I can figure out who she is by her aura.”

“Umm-” Scootaloo tried to follow Pinkie’s questions, but they came at her so fast, she almost forgot what a question was, “-she levitated the warning to me. I really didn’t see her horn.”

As Scootaloo recalled the previous day’s encounter, she became more perplexed, not by what she remembered, but by what she could not recall seeing. “I don’t think she had an aura.”

“That’s just silly: a unicorn without an aura.” Apple Bloom looked astounded.

“Apple Bloom’s right, I’ve never heard of a pony with an invisible aura before. I don’t think its natural.”

“Ooh” –this time it was Pinkie Pies turn wave her forelimbs spookily- “maybe she’s supernatural.” Pinkie paused, her forearms still in the air. “What if she is supernatural?”

Scootaloo blinked, looking from the pink mare with her forearms in the air (she did not seem to care), to her friends, and back to the pink mare.