• Published 2nd Feb 2013
  • 3,331 Views, 150 Comments

The Silent Guardian - Not_available_now

Leo arrives in Equestria cause Discord pet project has ended, the project being Earth. He arrives in Ponyville under special circumstances..

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Ch 13. What timberwolves?

Ch 13.

I hear the howling again. It scares the crap out of me and I feel a shiver crawl down my spine. I have no idea if Mac is back, where Applejack and Applebloom are.

I see something moving in between the trees and that something is growling at me. My first thought is to run, but then they would simply come after me. I could call for help, and being the hero that I am, I do.

My efforts are mostly fruitless, the only result is that the timberwolves now know where I am.

If I don’t make a stand then the whole Apple family will be in danger. I can’t let that happen.

A few leap out from their hiding and slowly walk towards me, as if they were seeing if I was a viable prey. They growl at bit and I growl back.

I take a defensive post and flare out my wings to make me look bigger.

The one closest to me jumps and I step aside to avoid the fangs. I turn 90 degrees and buck him in the side, throwing him back a few meters. The timberwolf stays down, I hope for a bit longer then one minute, I guess practicing my bucking really helped. I feel very content with how the first one went, but then more emerge from the tree line. My odds weren’t going to improve at this rate.

I flare my wings out ever more and, because I am a freaking alicorn, I think that I look quite big. They halt their approach a bit, but when they notice that I am not attacking they come closer once more.

Two attack at once, one jumps towards me and the other one comes in low. My hooves are made of a very hard substance, not unlike nails, so I hit the one that goes low very hard on the side of his head. A lot of branches go flying off his face and I see a large smear of tree sap on my hoof. There is a large hole in the head of the timberwolf.

I feel satisfied until I feel a ripping pain go through my left wing. I fall onto the ground and see smears of blood on it and a timberwolf with a few feathers in its mouth running towards me, fangs smeared with blood.

I stand up and turn around, holding my right wing stiff as I make a pirouette, hitting the timberwolf on the head and knocking him out cold.

The first timberwolf that attacked me is back on its feet and is running towards me. I hope that I can do something with my magic, but the only things that happens when I concentrate is that a couple of sparks come out of my horn.

But it has been very dry lately and the sparks land right on the back of the timberwolf, setting him ablaze. The fire spreads quickly and the wolf runs away as he lets out a sharp whine. Leaving a trail of burning leaves, twigs and branches behind.

I walk over to the unconscious timberwolf. The branches near his middle are snapped and bent. It’s breath is slow and irregular. I put my hoof on its neck and press down hard, snapping it and killing it instantly.

I sit down, letting the adrenaline flow out of my body. I have to let my breathing become normal again and I look at the carnage. There is a trail of smoking leaves and branches, a timberwolf that is missing half its head and one with a snapped neck.

I don’t want to let this lying here, so I grab one of the paws with my mouth and drag it towards the tree line. It tastes very sour and I have to drink something strong soon to get that taste out of my mouth.

As I walk towards the next one I hear something else. I feel relieved when I realize it is the sound of hooves and it is very close. Finally somepony who can help me.

“What in tarnation is goin’ on here?” Applejack asks as she emerges from the tree line. “And why are ya still here? It is 8 o’clock, ah though that ya had gone home long ago.”

“Aren’t you seeing what just happened here?” I ask her, unable to believe that she isn’t seeing the corpses of the timberwolves.

“Ah just see one frazzled lookin’ stallion.” She says casually. “And ah think that he needs ta get home.” She says honestly. I know that she couldn’t lie, so something must be wrong.

“Don’t you see the remains of anything? Or any blood perhaps?” I ask her, most likely sounding very weird.

“Honey, ya need ta get sum sleep. Ya’re hallucinatin’. Ah talked ta Rainbow and she’ll apologize the next time ya see her. Go ta her house and get sum sleep.” She turns around and walks back to the barn.

“Bye.” I yell to her as she walks away from me.

How the hell didn’t she see anything. As I look around I see that the corpses stick out quite clear and are very hard to miss. She didn't even notice the blood on my wings.. My wings sting too. I think that I am going to take a shower in the cloud house. I really hope that Rainbow has some stiff drinks.

I clean up the remaining bodies, laying them in a ditch somewhere. I am tired, but muster up the energy to flap to Rainbow’s cloud house.

I arrive at the cloud house, completely deprived of my energy. I slump through the door and up the stairs, ignoring Rainbow, who is snoring on the couch.

I take a long and refreshing shower, spending extra time to get all the dried up blood out of my wings. I wipe my coat dry with a towel, making sure that my wings are dry.

I walk downstairs, looking for that strong drink. I see that Rainbow is still snoring on the couch. I walk into the kitchen and open a cabinet, grabbing a small glass. I look through the kitchen for something strong. I find a unopened bottle of wine. I want something stronger, but this is the strongest thing around.

I grab a bigger glass and pour myself a drink.

And another… and another… and another…

Author's Note:

Sorry that this one is a bit late, but you shouldn't complain. One chapter every other day, you're spoiled.
Anyway, the schedule is set back one day, so no new one tomorrow.
As always, feedback is requested.
And the next times will arrive.

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