• Published 2nd Feb 2013
  • 3,335 Views, 150 Comments

The Silent Guardian - Not_available_now

Leo arrives in Equestria cause Discord pet project has ended, the project being Earth. He arrives in Ponyville under special circumstances..

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Ch 14. Those timberwolves.

Ch 14.

Ugh… my head… it hurts… I need to get up. I look up, seeing that I am still at the table, but the bottle is gone. The glass is on its side. I rub my temples, trying to relieve the pain.

I look around and see that Rainbow is no longer on the couch. She somehow managed to get up earlier than me, but I have a hangover that would knock out a bull. I hope that being an alicorn has its perks and that this is over soon.

I manage to get off the chair and walk towards the kitchen. I get a glass of water and drink as if my life depends on it. I put down the glass and grab myself some breakfast.

After I finish eating I walk upstairs, trying to find Rainbow. I check some bedrooms, but see no snoring Rainbow. I'm almost going to check Ponyville for her, but then I hear grunting coming from the last room. I walk up to room and open the doors.

I see Rainbow laying on her back, lifting some weights with her wings and looking very impressing.

“Hey Wings. Good to see that you’re not as hung over as I would’ve expected.” She says while leaving the weight fall to the ground with a loud bang. I have no idea how that is possible, the floor is made of clouds.

“I guess that I am good with alcohol.” I say smiling, hiding my headache.

“The bottle that you downed was the strongest kind of alcohol that I could find, aside from the hard cider from the Apples.” Rainbow says while wiping the sweat of her forehead. “That stuff hits as hard as a manticore.”

“At least it tasted quite well, I think. I don’t remember yesterday night very well.” I say, trying to dig up the memories. Nothing rises, just something vague about fighting.

“That’s what you get with a bottle of wine.” She cleans up her equipment. “Have you eaten any breakfast yet?”

“I grabbed a bowl of cereal so I’m not hungry anymore. I actually wanted to go to Applejack again, get some more work done.” I say, trying to lift one of her weights and failing horribly at it.

“I actually wanted to apologize for what I did yesterday. Applejack had a good long talk with me. What did you say to her? She was as as she could be.” She says as we walk down the stairs towards the kitchen.

“I told her what happened, nothing more and nothing less. Maybe it was something between you two?” I say as I grab a glass of milk.

“There have been some things between us, but she was mad. She was treating me like the worst villain there is.” She says as she made a jumbo bowl of cereal for herself. “We thankfully settled things and got a drink. ”

She takes a few large bites. “She gave me some of your pay too. Now you owe me a bit less.” She says through a mouthful of milk and crunching corn.

“That is a load off my mind,” I sigh, “How much do I owe you?” I ask her.

Paying off Rainbow is first on my list. Learning to fly is second and on the same place is learning magic. I need to think of a plan to convince Twilight to teach me magic. I think that I will make that my third priority on the list. Fourth is meeting the doctor. Not the one in the hospital, the other one.

My god, or my Celestia, I am making internal checklists. I am starting to look like Twilight. Maybe I can get Rainbow or Applejack to introduce me to the other ponies. Then there is Pinkie’s party, that will be one heap of fun for sure.

Being here is great, but I do miss my family on Earth. I don’t even know if I want to go back to Earth, being here is great. Maybe too great, no one would want to leave. I want to get a message through at least. Just to let my family know that I am alive.

I would also like to find out why Discord brought me here too; fun or another cruel plot. I really hope the first one. I wouldn’t want to plunge Equestria into eternal chaos or destroy Canterlot before I even met the rest of the main six. I would like to know Discord’s motives, but he is Discord. He is chaos, how could I even argue with him.

But that is something for another time. Now is the time for fun and other stuff, like paying Rainbow back.

“Hey… hey… Are you there?” Rainbow says as she waves her hoof in front of my face. I think that I zoned out.

“Huh… O, sorry. What were you saying?” I ask, looking as stupid as one can look.

“That you owe me around another 200 hundred bits, the hospital isn’t cheap if you haven’t got any insurance. Which you didn’t. Applejack said that you should have me paid back in about 2 weeks.” She says as she drinks the last of her milk. “So you better work on.” She smiles as she gives me a playful punch.

“Then I better get going to the orchard, buck some more trees.” I say while walking to the door.

“Say hello to Applejack for me!” Rainbow shouts as I jump off her front porch.

“Will do!” I shout back as I glide towards the ground.

Flying feels as great as it always does, the wind through my feathers and the little pressure on my body. I really have to get Rainbow to give me lessons. I have to find more excuses to learn some stuff.

I land on the path and I walk the last part towards the orchard, through the gate and towards the barn.

What I see surprises me. I see Applejack and Mac dragging some timberwolf bodies behind the barn.

I walk up to them.

“Howdy partner! Got any idea how these timberwolves here got in ta orchard? Ya were down there last night.” She asks me. I am just staring at with my mouth hanging open.


Author's Note:

More chapters and back on schedule.
The feedback is on schedule too, i would like to keep it that way.
Next times will be kept on schedule too.

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