• Published 2nd Feb 2013
  • 3,331 Views, 150 Comments

The Silent Guardian - Not_available_now

Leo arrives in Equestria cause Discord pet project has ended, the project being Earth. He arrives in Ponyville under special circumstances..

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Ch. 2 Meeting something colored.

Chapter 2.

I open my eyes and the only thing I see is a white ceiling and one pink pony with flat pink hair who looks very sad. I also notice the large bandage that is around my head and poke at it with my hand. No, wait, that’s a hoof now. I give myself a facepalm (hoofpalm?) and ask the pony who obviously Pinkie Pie, which I need to remember that I’m not supposed to know that .

“What happened?” I try to ask her, but fail miserably to as it comes out as ‘Blahrghaargh’. (I think I got hit on the head by the pink blur.)

“You-you’re awake? Now you can yell at me for being so stupid. I’m so sorry for hitting you in the head.” The pink mare says to me while holding her head in her hooves. She stopped sobbing for long enough to say something. “I was playing a game with my friend Rainbow Dash and I was running from her when you were suddenly in the way and I hit you hard in the head and then you were bleeding and then we were dragging you over to the hospital and then the nurse was yelling at me while bandaging you up and then I got all sad because you’re in pain and it is all my fau-au-ault and now you must hate me for it.” She says, all in one breath, and her eyes started to water a bit, which is about the saddest thing one can look at.

I just look at her and start to get sad a little myself. “What is your name, let’s start with that.” I ask her.

She wipes her nose with her hoof and sniffs a couple of times before answering: “Pinkie Pie.”

“It’s nice to meet you Pinkie Pie.” I say to her, trying to cheer her up.

“But you didn’t meet me in a nice way, so how can you think that I’m nice.” Pinkie says while keeping her head down.

“Come on, Pinkie. It’s not that bad. You couldn’t have known I was there. It isn’t your fault.” I say to the crying mare trying to cheer her up, once again. It didn’t work.

Pinkie just pushes my caring words away and slowly leaves through the door of the hospital room, her head still hanging on 6 o’clock.

“Oh, bye, then. ” I call after her, but my words fall on deaf ears. I sag back on my bed and that gets boring quite quickly. And the only thing to do is look out of the window or read a book and seeing as I prefer books over air (maybe I should learn how to fly with my wings otherwise they would just be useless feather holders) so I (somehow) grab one of the books with my hoof. To my delight the book is named Daring Do. The brony in me almost jumps out of my skin as I start to read the first few pages with joy. (Again, how the buck do I hold this in my hoofs.)

As I expected the time flies away as I read this wonderful book. But then the moment is spoiled as a nurse walks in and starts asking me questions. Stuff like what is my name, birth date, blood-type and other small things. The name thing is hard. I just answer Leo, but then she starts to ask for my last name. That is a bit more difficult. but I settle for the most obvious thing: Lion. Leo Lion, great name, for sure. The birth date is much more difficult, but I just try 21 years ago. She sighs and just writes something down. “That’ll be it, sir. You will be allowed to leave around this evening after leaving a deposit for your stay. Is there anything you want?” I ask her for some more Daring Do books and she walks to the nearest bookcase and takes some books out of it and puts them on my nightstand. I thank her and she walks away. As I try to get back to reading my book another pony walks into the room and asks.

“Hey, what’s up? You got hit pretty hard in the head back there.” The rainbow colored mare asks.

I try to say something, but drool a bit. When I regain myself I manage to push something understandable out. “Uhm, yes. Everything is good here. I was just reading some Daring Do books.”

“Ooh, man, those are so awesome. I read the first one when I was in the hospital just like you. You should go to Twilight’s library and read the rest.” She says while rushing to my nightstand to see which ones are there.

“These are good, and this one too, but this one was not so good as I would have expected.” She says while rummaging through the books. Then it looks like she realizes something and drops the books. “He, he. It’s not like the most awesome flyer in Equestria is an egghead. I just thought they were.... uhm.... pastries, yeh pastries.” she says while trying to look innocent. I doesn’t work.

“Sure. So what’s your name?” I ask her while grabbing the books she knocked on the floor.

“My name is only the most awesome name that has ever existed. It’s Rainbow Dash. The fastest flyer in Equestria and the only pony who can do the Sonic Rainboom.” Rainbow says while gloating a lot.

“Nice to meet you, Rainbow. And the fastest flyer you say, have you got anything to show for it?” I say grinning at her.

“What? Do you want a race, ‘cause I’ll race ya. And you’ll lose big time. Still, with those large wings it would be unfair.” She says while looking a little embarrassed that she has to turn down a challenge because she couldn’t even win. I can exploit this. I have leverage against the most pride pony in Equestria, great. I almost broke an evil grin.

“Sure, unfair. Anyway I’m leaving the hospital this evening, mind telling me a place where I can crash? And can you lend me some bits. I’m kind of low on them after, uhm…, yeah, after I had to pay for a hotel in the last town.” I say to her, getting myself into a deep hole which I’m probably not going to get out. I’m doomed.

“No bits, huh. Must have been an expensive place. Where was it?” Rainbow says while eyeing the books on my nightstand.

Crap, I have to think of something quickly otherwise my cover will be blown faster that I can say buck. “Yes, I was staying in an quite expensive hotel of the last of my bits. Sort of a last treat for myself after a long time of… uhm… travelling around. Yeah, I have been travelling for a long time. I’m a bit tired of it and I’m going to try to settle down.” I say, quite content with the cover. I can be expanded as much as I want and it should be safe, I hope.

“I can lend you the bits for the hospital and if you want you can stay at my place if you want to. I got enough place anyway. You can pay me those bits back by finding some work in Ponyville. That’s easy enough right now. I’ll bail you out this afternoon. See ya then.” Rainbow says while walking around the room and walking out after waving her hoof at me.

I only manage to shout after her. “Till then. Bye!”

I slump back on the bed and only manage to get some sleep after cramming that annoying headache to the back of my head. And everything goes black.

Author's Note:

A second chapter. And it didn't took me 2 months to complete.
I have a holiday soon, so more chapters on the horizon.

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