• Published 31st Jan 2013
  • 2,108 Views, 51 Comments

Doomed Secrets - darkstar64

I have to avoid them if I wish to keep knowledge of the cartoon a secret. I don't know what they'd do if they ever found out...

  • ...

Chapter 1: Darkstar

I nearly lost my balance as the train engine started, shaking all the cars in the process. We slowly pulled away from the station, and I stared outside the window observing the nasty weather outside. Vanhoover shared it's real-world counterpart's heavy rainfall. I was only visiting the city because I wanted to see how similar it was to Vancouver back on Earth. It was the closest thing in Equestria resembling home, and home is where I wanted to be right now.

Around two and a half months ago, I woke up in Equestria. I knew straight away where I was because I had somehow transformed into my OC. A pegasus stallion, sporting Vinyl Scratch's mane style, which was white with a black streak going down the middle. My huge, adorable orange eyes stood out from my black coat, matching the orange pentagram on my flank. No, I'm not a satanist or anything, it's actually the Doom 3 pentagram. I only chose it because it's one of my favorite videogames and it just looked cool. I never really had a special talent in mind when I chose it.

Now, I didn't even think it was logically possible to go to Equestria. It was fictional fantasy world after all. Sure, bronies will sometimes fantasize about living there, but a fantasy is all it should have been. There was no warning of my arrival, or any kind of supernatural event leading me here. The last thing I remember before waking up in a grassy field was going to bed the night before. For all I know, I could be dreaming the whole scenario.

Maybe I'm actually in a hospital bed and this is just a coma. How long before they pull the plug on me?

No, I shouldn't be scaring myself with my own thoughts. Fear wasn't going to get me home. All I want is to see my family again and finish school. I want to browse the internet and finish another playthrough of Ocarina of Time. I want to eat greasy fast food and artery clogging meat. God, did I ever miss meat. The first thing I'm going to do when I get back is make a McDonalds run. I could live with the pony diet, but it wasn't the same. Eating flower petals is just weird.

Not seeking permanent residence in Equestria, I've been painstakingly searching for any information that can lead me to a portal home, or at least create one. Local libraries didn't have the information I needed, and I was willing to bet that one library did have it. Too bad I wasn't stupid enough to actually go there.

My other problem here is the main characters of the cartoon. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Twilight Sparkle. They were public enemy number one. The thought crossed my mind that I should ask Twilight for help, but it was probably the most idiotic idea ever. How could I tell them what my problem was without sounding crazy, and without revealing that they're fictional characters? I remembered how Twilight overreacted in Lesson Zero, and I sure as Hell wasn't going to witness her breakdown over being an animated horsey.

My only other option was Princess Celestia. If it was as simple as walking into the castle and demanding an audience with her, I'd probably be home already. No way the guards would let an unknown civilian have a private audience with their leader.

With no one to help me, I was on my own. I could of just gone to the Golden Oaks library and read a few books without talking to Twilight, but I knew that the second I stepped foot into Ponyville, I'd have Pinkie Pie all over my ass. I don't need a crazy party and several ponies trying to befriend me, especially in my stressed state of mind.

So I've been spending the last two and a half months travelling, looking for any possible way to get back to Earth. I've been supporting myself by doing cheap labor at local farms and businesses, but my constant travelling was eating all my bits. That's why I had to sneak onto the train when the conductor wasn't looking. I never saw him check tickets on the show, so I was sure I'd get away with it. I needed my money for food anyways.

I was still staring outside when the door to the train car suddenly opened. My ears met the sound of the familiar voice I had been avoiding ever since I first arrived here.

"Excuse me, but can my friend and I sit here? Every other car is full." Twilight Sparkle asked.

Oh shit, what the Hell was she doing in Vanhoover? The shock froze me in place, and I could feel my heartbeat accelerating. I knew I'd make her feel uncomfortable if I kept staring, so I finally said something.

"Uh... sure. Knock yourself out." I answered.

"Oh, thank you so much!" she smiled. "Come on Rarity, this nice stallion is letting us sit with him!"

Oh god, not her. Anypony but her.

"Well, it's about time a gentlecolt offered a lady a seat!" stated Rarity as she trotted inside. "If you ask me, proper etiquette is lacking in today's society!"

She sounded like a prissy little bitch. I always hated her snobby attitude and high regard for upper-class society. Sure, she could have her heart-warming moments on the show, but she would always be my least favorite pony.

"Again, thank you so much!" said Twilight as she sat down. "I'm surprised the train is so full today! Completely unexpected considering the weather outside."

"Despite the nasty weather conditions, is was very kind of you Twilight to accompany me on my fashion tour." Rarity replied. So that's why they were up here. Stupid Rarity and her fashion bullshit.

"That's what friends are for!" Twilight stated. "I'll just be glad when we get back to Ponyville."

Wait, this train was going to Ponyville? Guess I'm not getting off at the next stop.

"Oh forgive me sir, but I believe we didn't introduce ourselves." said Rarity. "I'm Rarity, fashionista extraordinaire and the Element of Generosity."

I want to hit you really hard.

"And I'm Twilight Sparkle, personal student of Princess Celestia and the Element of Magic."

Like I really needed the introductions.

"Charmed." I replied, then returned to gazing out the window. I honestly didn't care if I was being rude, if anything it would drive them away from befriending me. Twilight didn't seem to catch it.

"And you are?"

Oh for fuck sake, can't you just talk with your friend while I attempt to ignore that fact that two fictional characters are sitting right across from me?


"Well, the pleasure is all mine Darkstar." Rarity replied. "Most stallions are-"

"Excuse me for interrupting, but what's with your cutie mark?" Twilight blurted out.

I caught her gaze staring down at my flank, studying my cutie mark. She didn't seem to know what a pentagram was, as she was eyeing it with curiosity.

"What's wrong with it?" I replied.

"I've never seen a cutie mark like that before! A star within a circle is a really interesting design! And the orange color gives it the appearance of flames." I noticed she was turning her head sideways to get a better look at it. "What does it represent?"

Shit. No one has ever asked me before. I never had a talent in mind when I picked it.

"Well, cutie marks tend to represent a pony's special talent, so I guess it represents that." I answered. I was always such a little smart-ass.

"Well, I know that. But what's your special talent? I'm curious as to what that symbol means. I might actually have a book somewhere here..."

Twilight's horn illuminated in a purple aura and she began to rummage through her saddlebag, tossing out various books onto her seat. Yes, it was definitely the same Twilight from the show.

"Please forgive my friend Darkstar, sometimes she can get a little lost in her studies." said Rarity. Twilight didn't seem to hear her as she was flipping through the pages of each book.

"Don't worry about it." I told her. Lucky for me I dodged a bullet there. Hopefully Twilight wouldn't find anything and leave me alone. I continued looking out the window and let my eyelids swallow my vision, slowly drifting off into sleep.


"Next stop Ponyville! Next stop, Ponyville!"

My eyes shot open. I looked up out the window and saw a small mountain village getting closer. This was going to be my first time in Ponyville, and hopefully my last. I brought my foreleg up to my face and started rubbing my eyes, trying to wake myself up.

"Oh, you're finally awake!"

I looked over at Twilight, who was shoving the last of her books back into her saddlebag. Did she really spend the entire trip reading all her books?

"I guess I dozed off." I replied.

"I wasn't able to find anything relating to the symbol on your cutie mark, but if we went to the library in town we could find it!" she suggested.

"As much fun as that sounds Twilight, this isn't my stop. I'm afraid our train ride together is coming to an end." I said. Finally, I could ditch these ponies and keep looking for a way home.

The door to the train car opened up and the conductor walked in.

"Tickets please."

"Here's mine." Rarity levitated her ticket with her magic and the conductor punched a hole in it.

"And here's mine." said Twilight as she did the same. The conductor then turned to me.

"Your ticket sir?"


Author's Note:

My attempt at a HIE story. I wanted to do something a little different from the others, seeing as the main character wants to go home despite being a brony himself. Please let me know of any ways I can improve my writing so I may improve on the story.