• Published 31st Jan 2013
  • 2,109 Views, 51 Comments

Doomed Secrets - darkstar64

I have to avoid them if I wish to keep knowledge of the cartoon a secret. I don't know what they'd do if they ever found out...

  • ...

Chapter 9: Kneeling in Blood

I was going a thousand thoughts a second as the pink monstrosity charged towards us. Pinky Demons were extremely strong, and I wasn't excited about possibly being crushed within its jaws. The ground shook violently as the demon pounded the ground with each thunderous stomp.

As I was getting ready to jump in the air and attempt to take the monster from above, a metal object smashed into my right side and knocked me over. I looked up and saw Pinkie Pie, lighting a fuse at the end of a blue metal tube. She had somehow managed to bring her fucking party cannon to Hell.

"There can only be one!" Pinkie shouted just before the cannon exploded. A massive blast of confetti shot forth from the barrel, colliding with the Pinky Demon in full force. The pressure lifted the demon of its feet and shot it backwards, growling in pain as it smashed into the ground. The demon's corpse burnt down to ash, leaving two mechanical joints and a pile of filth behind.

"Party cannon! Never leave home without it!" Pinkie smiled, pulling the cannon away from view and somehow making it disappear.

"Holy shit," I responded. "That was just awesome!"

"Pinkie... wha... how?" Twilight asked, puzzled by the effect of the fatal confetti.

"I don't wanna know." said Rainbow Dash. "Let's just keep moving."

No one argued as we continued deeper into the ruins, cautious of our surroundings. We gazed in horror upon the scenery, the hellish ruins decorated with the ancient blood of the ponies from the first invasion. Pony skeletons hung from the walls upside down by chains, the terror still screaming from the empty sockets of their eyes. The upper half of another skeleton was held on the floor by a wooden stake, a circle of melting candles surrounding it.

I brought my foreleg up from the floor in pain, failing to notice the burning hole in the ground. Small gaps and cracks in the ruined ground allowed heat and steam to rise, making the environment unbearable. Sweat poured like blood from my coat, and found myself panting a little in an attempt to cool down.

"This is just horrible..." Twilight stated, unable to look away from the skeletal remains of the ponies. "We can't let this happen again! All these poor ponies..."

"You know Darkstar? Your original kind or whatever is really messed up for creating something like this." said Rainbow Dash. "Even if it was just a game."

"It's based off a religion actually." I replied.

"A what?"

"A religion. A spiritual belief or something. Anyways, in this religion it's believed that if you live an evil life, you'll be sent here after death to suffer for eternity."

"What the... why would your species come up with something like that?" Twilight shrieked. "Good or evil, I wouldn't want somepony to suffer for, well, ever!"

"Well, some people believe in it. I for one, don't. I just think they made it up to scare people into worshipping their God." I replied. Yes, I am an atheist. The events weren't changing that though, since this was a videogame world after all.

"Like I said before Darkstar, your kind is completely messed up." repeated Rainbow Dash.

"Our actual history isn't exactly pleasant either." I replied. "But for now I just want to-"


"What was that?" Fluttershy meeped, shaking down to the ground in fear.

"I didn't hear anything." said Rainbow Dash. "C'mon Fluttershy, don't scare yourself into hearing things! We need to-"


"I can hear it too." said Applejack, her ears perking up at the sound. "Sounds like... footsteps or somethin'."

"Everyone stop moving for a second." I stated, all of us shifting to a standstill.

My ears lifted upwards, scanning the area for the mysterious sound. I cautiously studied the room we were in, looking for anything that might give away a trap or an ambush. The brick walls leading up the ceiling were worn with a considerable amount of age, with spider webs hanging down from the corners. Several markings were embedded into the bricks, some kind of hellish... wait, spider webs?

I felt something wet splatter onto my muzzle. Using my foreleg, I wiped the green substance off my nose, noticing it's thick consistency. I looked up.


A six legged monstrosity hanging from the ceiling above me unlatched itself from a web, falling straight towards me. As I jumped out of the way, I felt one of it's appendages cut into my back, just above my cutie mark. This somehow caused a reflex reaction in my back legs, bucking the demon right in its face.

"Nononononono," Rainbow Dash freaked. "I... hate... SPIDERS!"

"Ow... my ass.." I winced, feeling liquid run down my legs. "They're Trites if I remember correctly, and I believe they usually attack in swarms."

Just as I said that, more Trites began to lower down from the gaps between the bricks in the wall.

"What do we do, WHAT DO WE DO?" Fluttershy screamed, tears pouring down her face in fear.

"Run!" Twilight shouted.

A Trite leaped at me just as I moved away, my body breaking into a gallop with the others to escape the swarm of demonic insects. As we ran, I could hear the little ticktickticktick sound of their legs following us. My wound screamed at me as I ran, the motions keeping it open. I didn't care, just as long as I got away from those fucking Trites. We ran farther into the ruins of the demonic fortress, the hallway leading us into a rectangular shaped room. As we entered the area, the doorway leading back into the hallway began to close.

The ceiling of the entrance slowly shifted downwards, the Trites dashing to make it through the closing gap. One of the Trites attempted to clear the gap, only to be pinned underneath the lowering door. The demon screeched in pain as the door crushed it slowly, its body bursting open from the pressure. All that was left was a splatter of green matter and the demon's legs sticking out from the now sealed entrance.

"Shit... that was close." I stated, gasping for breaths.

"Darkstar, you're bleeding!" Twilight pointed out.

I looked over my shoulder to observe the damage. A deep slash a couple inches long had been etched onto my back and flank, dried blood smearing my coat. As the adrenaline from the chase wore off, the pain began to settle in.

"Ow, ow, ow, damn it all." I winced.

"Just relax, I know a little medical magic." said Twilight. "It will keep it closed for a few hours, just try not to move around too much."

I felt a magical aura radiate around my wound, and I gritted my teeth in agony as Twilight's magic began to close the cut. The ends of the skin pulled themselves toward each other, and I could feel the blood flow returning to normal.

"Ah, much better." I thanked, relieved that the pain was gone.

"Basic magic really," said Twilight. "Is everypony else all right?"

Everyone nodded, confirming they were all right. Aside from the slash in my ass and Applejack's burns, nothing extremely serious had happened to us yet.

"Girls... look at this." said Rainbow Dash.

"What is it?" Twilight replied, turning her head to where her friend was looking. "Oh my... sweet Celestia."

As I looked up on the brick wall beside us, my eyes widened as we witnessed another environmental phenomena from the game. A twisted sheet of bloody skin was bulging out of the wall, with the faces of dead ponies attempting to pull themselves out. Their expressions only showed fear and pain, screaming in silence at their own eternal agony. It was as if they were trapped behind the sheet of skin and were trying to push through, leaving a bloody mould of their own faces hanging out from the wall.

It was such a disturbing sight to see. None of us were really paying attention to our surroundings anymore. That's why we didn't see the Pinky Demon charging at us. It wasn't until Fluttershy screamed that we realized we were under attack.

"FLUTTERSHY!" Rainbow screamed.

The Pinky Demon held Fluttershy in it's jaws, it's razor-sharp teeth embedding themselves into the yellow pegasi's chest. Her eyes were wide open in shock, trembling as blood began to seep out of her mouth and down her fur.

"NO!" Everyone screamed, including me. Rainbow Dash had already launched herself at the Demon, smashing it with her hoofs until it released Fluttershy with a thud as her body hit the ground.

Before the Pinky Demon could reach up and take a chunk out of Rainbow Dash, Twilight and Rarity had already shot out beams of magic at the drooling monstrosity. The Demon smashed against the wall, it's body dissolving into ash instantly.

"No, no, no, no, please Fluttershy, no..." Pleaded Rarity, who I saw kneeling beside her friend's body. She was still alive, breathing slowly. However, the deep tooth marks in her chest made us all realize she wasn't going to make it. We were already kneeling in her own blood.

Applejack didn't say a word, she only removed her hat and covered her face. Pinkie Pie's hair went flat, her smile faded away from existence. Twilight Sparkle only watched in shock as Rainbow Dash gently picked up her best friend and held her in her forelegs.

"It... it's gonna be okay Fluttershy." Rainbow lied to herself. "Just.... (sniff) hang on. Twilight... please, you know a spell right?"

Twilight couldn't answer her. She only stood with her mouth open.

"Twilight..." Rainbow cried. "Do something!"



"There's nothing I can do..." Twilight revealed, closing her eyes to cry. "... Her wounds are too great..."

Rainbow Dash stared angrily at Twilight, slowly accepting the fact that her friend was dying and there was nothing she could do. She bent down and hugged Fluttershy, not caring about smearing her blue coat with her friend's blood.

"...This is your fault Darkstar..." Rainbow stated, no emotion in her voice.

I said nothing.

"If you hadn't of come here, none of this would have happened."

I hated to admit it, but she was right. Even though my appearance here was an accident, Fluttershy was slowly dying because I enjoyed a video game. I couldn't look anymore at any of them. I turned my back to them, unable to face them anymore. That's when I saw it.

On the other side of the brick wall, where a loose brick had fallen out, there was a blue sphere floating in it's place.

A Soulsphere!

I didn't have much time to waste. I quickly dashed over to Fluttershy's body and picked up her back legs.

"Rainbow, help me lift her up." I ordered.

"WHAT?" Rainbow screamed. "Just what do you think you're doing? Don't you dare touch her!"

"Rainbow Dash, just shut the fuck up and trust me here. You see that blue sphere behind you?"

"Yeah." she replied, noticing the ball. "So what? WHAT GOOD DOES THAT DO US NOW?"

"More good than you think." I answered. "Now you can either sit there and bitch at me or help me save Fluttershy. I'm doing this with or without your help."

Using all the strength I had, I began to lift Fluttershy off of the ground. I noticed that Rainbow Dash was helping me, making sure I didn't drop her by accident.

"This had better work!" Rainbow threatened.

Twilight and the others watched as we carried Fluttershy towards the Soulsphere, the ball's surface radiating a demonic face from inside. We were both hovering above the glowing sphere, and I purposely released my grip of Fluttershy.

"Wait, WHAT ARE YOU-!" Rainbow screamed in horror as she also lost her grip of the pegasus from the weight and watched as her bloody body collided with the sphere.

It had worked exactly like I thought it would. The sphere broke like an egg yolk, the blue liquid covering the pony's body. It began to pour into her wounds, and within seconds they began to close. A gasp for breath exploded from Fluttershy's mouth, and her blood began to return to her body.

I smiled as Fluttershy began to lift herself up, coughing up whatever blue liquid didn't heal her. Rainbow Dash and the others stared wide-eyed at their revived friend, happy to see she was alright but amazed at the power the Soulsphere possessed.

"Oh my goodness..." Fluttershy stuttered, attempting to balance on all fours. "I feel... funny. What happened?"

"Fluttershy... you're all right?" Rainbow asked, observing the other pegasus for any scars or signs of damage. There was nothing but fur.

"Um.. yeah. (cough) In fact I... feel really good." she replied.

Fluttershy gasped as Rainbow Dash pulled her in for a hug, crying into her mane,

"I... (sniff) I thought we lost you," she teared. "That demon bit you and you were hardly breathing..."

"Wha... what?" Fluttershy gasped in surprise. "I... I was hurt?"

"Yeah... but that doesn't matter," Rainbow rubbed her tears off her muzzle. "You're all right now..."

I lowered myself down to the ground, crying tears of joy. If that Soulsphere wasn't there, I didn't like to think of what would have happened. I noticed that the rest of Fluttershy's friends had smiles again, and Pinkie's hair poofed back to normal.

"Darkstar," Twilight called. "What was that thing?"

"It's called a Soulsphere," I replied. "In the game, it would completely heal your character to almost perfect health."

"Fascinating." Twilight said in awe. "It must have some amazing magical properties to be able to do that!"

"Darkstar..." said Rainbow, turning to me.


"...Thanks. I... I don't think I meant what I said earlier, but thanks for saving Fluttershy..."

"Darkstar saved me?" Fluttershy questioned.

"Yeah." confirmed Rainbow. "He knew that blue thingy would heal you."

The yellow pegasus broke herself from Rainbow's hug, hovering towards me. The shyness I remember seeing from the party wasn't in her eyes anymore, but instead the look of gratitude and respect. Before I knew it, she had thrown her forelegs around me and pulled me in for a hug.

Back home, as a brony, I always wanted a hug from Fluttershy. You guys missed out on the best hug ever.

"Thank you Darkstar," the pegasus obliged. "Thank you so much..."

I hugged her back, wanting to forget about the Hell hole we were trapped in. For the first time in months, I began to feel something. I warm, fuzzy feeling I hadn't felt in a long time. I was happy. I was glad to have met these ponies and helped them, even if it was leading to the apocalypse. I didn't want any more ponies to get hurt. I wasn't going to let it happen.

On one of the far ends of the room, the bricks in the wall began to float away into the ceiling, revealing a new path deeper into Hell. We all stared down the corridor, knowing what we had to do next.

"We have work to do." I stated. "Let's go frag some demons."

"What's a frag?" Twilight asked.

Author's Note:

You seriously didn't think I was going to kill Fluttershy, were you? And if any of you have read the Doom novels, I did in fact steal the demon/soulsphere thing from the first book. I just had to, it was one of my favorite moments from the novel.