• Published 31st Jan 2013
  • 2,108 Views, 51 Comments

Doomed Secrets - darkstar64

I have to avoid them if I wish to keep knowledge of the cartoon a secret. I don't know what they'd do if they ever found out...

  • ...

Chapter 4: Visions

The only view I ever got of Rainbow Dash's home from the cartoon was from the outside. I honestly don't get how she could own a mansion of a house when she didn't do shit all day. Maybe clouds were cheaper to build with since they occur naturally. But then again, nothing ever happens naturally in Equestria. They create rainbows in a factory for fuck sake!

I always wondered if pegasi living in the clouds had to worry about theft due to the light material their homes were made out of. As it turns out, they get unicorn contractors to charm the outside of the house to prevent other pegasi from entering and keep earth ponies from passing through. This also explained why their furniture and other belongings didn't end up crushing unsuspecting ponies below.

"Well, here we are! Home sweet home!" Rainbow announced, fluffing away a door of vapor to reveal the inside.

Knowing Rainbow Dash was probably the laziest pony alive, I wasn't expecting her house to be well-kept. I was surprised however, when I walked inside and it looked very decent. The only things scattered around were some Wonderbolts merchandise and a couple of books, some of which were Daring Doo. I had actually gotten a chance to read the first book during my first week in Equestria, and I didn't see what all the fuss was about. It wasn't a bad book, but the target audience of young foals made it an easy read. It was certainly no Harry Potter, a series I'm sure Twilight would love.

Aside from the crap on the floor, the inside of a cloud structure was amazing. Natural light from the sun easily beamed through the clouds, giving the inside a stunning natural appearance. The clouds reflected back a yellow tint, which would probably adjust as the sun sets and rises. I could just imagine how it would look during the early blue sky or the gloomy orange sunset. The ceiling was fitted with lights though, I assumed which were used during evenings. This had to be one of the coolest houses I had ever been in.

"So yeah, this is my living room." stated Dash as she attempted to pick up everything and straighten out the floor. "The couch over there is where you'll be sleeping." she pointed to a noticeable lump sticking out the floor, which was shaped into a sofa. I never minded sleeping on a couch back home, and a couch made out of clouds would be like sleeping on... well, guess I can't compare clouds to anything, can I?

"I'll just set my stuff on the couch, if that's all right." I stated as I heaved my saddlebag onto the sofa. When it landed on the cloudy cushion, it sunk down a little before slowly rising back up. I was actually excited to sleep tonight.

"What did you bring with you anyways?" Rainbow asked, curious.

"Just some bits, a couple of books I'm reading, and some soap for when I have to clean myself." I answered.

"...That's it?"

"That's all I need."

"Uh-huh. So anyways.. WATCH OUT!" Rainbow shouted quite suddenly.

I turned my head around quickly, only to see a giant green blob flying towards my face. I didn't react fast enough and was headbutted to the floor.

"...Why does this shit always happen to me?" I said out loud as I pulled myself back up. "I'm surprised I haven't gotten a concussion yet."

"Sorry!" said Rainbow Dash. "I forgot to tell you about Tank, my pet tortoise!"

I looked down at the blob laying next to me. That little shit had that propeller thingy strapped on it's shell, and it was struggling to get back up. The whole thing was just sad to watch.

"Because flying tortoises are a common occurrence." I replied, rubbing my head gently.

"It's pretty cool, isn't it?" Rainbow boasted. "Little fella looked so awesome when he saved my life about a year ago! That's why I made him my pet!"

"He didn't look so awesome when he nearly tore my head off with that propeller. Isn't that a hazard or something?" I asked.

"Don't worry, Tank hasn't hurt anyone with it so far!"

"That's reassuring. So what are we supposed to do all day?" I asked.

"Well, I was going to the library later. Not that I'm an egghead or anything, it's just that Twilight was holding the new Daring Doo for me."

That's right, the new Daring Doo book came out a couple days ago. I didn't know anything about it until I saw ponies lining up outside a bookstore back in Vanhoover. Most of them weren't even foals. I wondered if they had Daring Doo conventions where they would cosplay and ask the author stupid questions.

But I didn't want to go because of that. This would make a good opportunity to harass Twilight some more. I wasn't going to be an asshole this time, I would just tease her. Also, I'd finally get to see Spike for the first time, and I haven't seen a dragon yet since I got here.

"I'm up for it." I replied. "I need to see the rest of town anyways."

It didn't take long for the both of us to reach the library. From Rainbow's home, it was easy to spot from our vantage point. Dash was obviously faster than me, and probably had more stamina too. I wasn't very athletic back home, but all my walking the past few weeks was more than likely to make up for that. I wasn't that bad of a flyer, but you still had to support your own weight with wings. It's more demanding than everyone thinks it is.

I was also able to get a better look at the library. I quickly noticed the beehive hanging from a branch too my right, causing me to shiver. I hate bees. I was deathly afraid of them, despite the fact I had no allergies to their venom. The thought of giant, flying insects that can swarm together and sting you scares me. I ignored the hive and made my way to the door, forgetting about the ladies first rule and left Dash behind me.

Strange, everything was dark when I opened the door. I couldn't see anything. The sound of the door smashing closed behind me made me jump, and the room was flooded with a dark red light.

My vision blurred as a red haze surrounded me, revealing the twisted archive in front of me. A dark liquid began to seep through the walls, leaving a messy trail behind as they flowed to the floor. My heart responded by pounding against my rib cage, demanding more oxygen. I couldn't control my breathing anymore and started to hyperventilate, the motions making my chest heavy. Everything in and around the room began to suck me in, drawing me deeper into the crimson fog. My fur was moist from sweat as I felt my body starting get warmer. My throat began to dry up as the heat pounded against my skin. It felt like I was on fire! I tried to scream, but no voice would escape my lips. Instead, I began to hear other voices slowly leeching into my ears.

"SaVe Us..."

"ThEy ToOk My BaBy..."

"YoUr SoUl Will BuRn iN Hell..."



Suddenly, the red haze disappeared and the voices along with it. My vision reverted back into clarity and I came back into reality. The library returned to it's normal state, only it was filled with ponies instead of blood. In my state of shock, I scanned the room and saw a banner taped across the ceiling.

"Welcome to Ponyville!"

"Wow Darky! You sure were surprised! Just look at you sweat! You weren't expecting that were ya?" Pinkie Pie blurted as jumped in front of me. I was still in shock after watching the blood disappear back into the walls, and I was still sweating from the heat that had almost roasted my body.

"Oh my gosh, I have never seen a pony more surprised!" stated Rainbow Dash, who had flown in from behind. "Did you see the way he jumped when I closed the door behind him? Just look at him, it's like he's scared or something!"

"Wh... what?" I croaked, my throat still feeling dry. "Oh, yeah. Just wasn't expecting that... at all... you sure got me Pinkie... and my name isn't Darky..."

"What the fuck just happened?" I thought to myself.

"Now, LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" Pinkie screamed, pulling her party cannon out of nowhere and blasting everypony in the room with a storm of confetti.

"H-Hey Pinkie, you know where I can get a drink?" I slowly asked, my throat burning from the pain.

"Of course silly!" she answered. "There's a punch bowl right over there! And if you look over there, we have pin the tail on the pony, and over here we have-"

"T-Thanks, that'll do Pinkie." I stated as I galloped towards the punch bowl, nearly knocking some ponies over.

I didn't bother filling up a glass as I grabbed the bowl with my hooves and poured the refreshing liquid down my throat. The cool sensation eased the pain and relaxed my body as drips missed my mouth and began to soak down my fur. Feeling better, I dropped the bowl back down, letting out an orgasmic sounding "Ahhhhhh," as a fresh chilling sensation travelled throughout my body.

"Gosh, you sure were thirsty, weren't you?" Twilight asked, suddenly appearing from nowhere.

"Yeah, I guess. Is it hot in here? It feels a little hot in here." I replied as I tried to catch my breath after so many gulps.

"Are you all right? You're sweating like a pig." Twilight stated. "Pinkie's surprise didn't startle you too much, did it?"

"Uh, no, not really. Damn, why is it so hot in here?"

"You're feeling a little warm? It's not that bad in here. Are you sure you're not coming down with a fever?" suggested Twilight, concerned.

"No, I was feeling fine this morning. Maybe I need to step outside for a bit and cool down." I said as I quickly turned towards the door, only to walk into another pony.

The pain that throbbed in my head was more intense than usual, probably from all the brain trauma I've been receiving today. With all my luck, I'd be a vegetable the day after tomorrow.

I stared down at the pony I collided with, only to have the most intense rush of guilt I had ever felt in my life. I forgot about the heat I was feeling as I stared wide-eyed at the pegasus in front of me. Yellow coat, pink mane, butterflies for a cutie mark, I had just smashed into the best pony. I couldn't help but feel sad as I stared into Fluttershy's adorable eyes.

"Oh, um.. I'm sorry! I should have been been more careful, and...um...eep!" she squealed, almost making my heart melt. Hell, it was already half way there after that weird shit from earlier.

"No, I'm the one who should be sorry!" I quickly apologized. "I had turned around too quickly, and I didn't mean to walk into you!" I was fine with being an ass to Twilight Sparkle but Fluttershy would not get that treatment from me. Never.

"Oh.. don't worry about it." she replied, hiding her face behind her mane. "It... it was probably my fault anyways..."

"I assure you it was my fault! Please don't blame yourself, I was the one not watching where he was going."

"Um.. okay... if you say so." she mumbled. Holy mother of a fuck, she was so fucking adorable. She was cute on the show, but seeing a Fluttershy in reality was a completely different experience. I resisted the urge to hug her, which was harder than you think.

"Yeah, again, I'm sorry for running into you! I was just going outside to get some fresh air. It was nice meeting you, um?"

"um, I'm Fluttershy..."

"Excuse me?"

"My, my name is Fluttershy.."

Ugh, I didn't have time to deal with this when I already knew her name anyways.

"Flut... Fluttershy, did you say?" I replied, pretending I had heard her over the party. "My name is Darkstar. Again, I am so sorry for what happened earlier!"

I carefully trotted around her, her gaze avoiding mine. I wasted no time opening the door and got outside, letting the cool spring air blanket my body. I stood still for a second, then followed by ralphing into a nearby bush. What was with that crazy blood shit earlier? What was it the voices were talking about? Something about my soul? Despite how creeped out I was, I felt as if something was familiar about those voices.

"Hey Darkstar? You feeling all right?" called Rainbow as she stuck her head out a window. "You don't look so good."

"I'm fine Rainbow Dash, really." I lied. "I guess I just drank too much punch and my stomach couldn't handle it."

"Well, then get your flank back in here!" she ordered. "You're missing the party! There ain't no party like a Pinkie Pie party!"

She was right, no doubt about it. After all, the party was meant for me wasn't it? I could use some fun after that extremely vivid vision. Thinking about it wasn't going to make me feel better, and avoiding these ponies now would give them a bad impression of me. I decided I might as well stick through with it until I can get out of this town and find a way home. I spat out a few chunks from my mouth and made my way back inside.


"Woohee, that was such an awesome party!" stated Rainbow Dash as she fell back onto the floor of her home. "I don't think I'll be eating cake for a week!"

"Did she really have to put coconut in it?" I said out loud. "What kind of idiot puts coconut on a cake? It's disgusting." My only exception for coconut was Nanaimo Bars, and Equestria didn't seem to have any. If I could remember how to make them, I'd give Pinkie Pie the recipe.

"Oh, you still ate it anyways." Rainbow replied. "And by the way, you suck at pin the tail on the pony!"

"Shut up!" I responded. "You spun me around too fast and I couldn't even walk straight!"

"Yeah, SURE." she teased, then quickly let out a yawn. "Gosh, That party completely wore me out! I think I'm gonna hit the hay."

That action must have been contagious, because I yawned too. It had gotten pretty dark after the party, and near concussions and dark visions really tire you out.

"Yeah, same here. It's been a long day." I replied.

"All right. Don't worry about Tank, he sleeps upstairs with me. And if you're up before me, do you think you could make a pot of coffee? Thanks."

You're fucking welcome bitch. Actually, coffee didn't sound too bad. And I never thought of Rainbow Dash being one to drink coffee. That's more something I'd see in Twilight or Applejack.

"Sure, no problem. You think Twilight will still be pissed about me dissing Daring Doo?" I asked, remembering that argument from the party.

"You just be glad I let you off so easily!" stated Rainbow. "Just because it's meant for foals doesn't mean it's uncool!"

I've heard that before about a certain TV show.

"Whatever. See you in the morning."

"Yeah, g'night Darkstar. Or should I say Darky?" she snickered.

"Ok. Goodnight Rainbow Crash." I replied with a smirk.

She said nothing as she flew upstairs to her bedroom.

Author's Note:

Sorry if this chapter felt rushed. And I only skimmed through it, so forgive me if there's a couple spelling errors. Next chapter might take longer since second semester starts tomorrow.