• Published 2nd Feb 2013
  • 1,065 Views, 31 Comments

What We Haven't Had - GhostWriter17

Samael Sundance wishes to find love, in spite of his awkwardness. But in his quest, he will learn of misunderstanding, the kindness of strangers, and how we all touch the lives of those around us more than we know.

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Chapter 2: Of Apples and Lies

What We Haven’t Had

Chapter 2: Of Apples and Lies

A My Little Pony Fanfiction

By: GhostWriter17


"Goodbye, everypony!" Samael waved to his three marefriends, a bouquet of flowers saddled to him.

Samael hoped things would go well for his flower-selling friend, but the stallion had more important things to think about. He had wasted a couple precious hours talking to his friends about what flowers Rarity might like. After sorting through the rather large selection of plants, Samael agreed to give his future lover the best flowers the shop had: An assortment of crystal roses imported from the Crystal Empire! They were damned expensive, but Samael prayed to the Princesses that the benefit would outweigh the cost.

Samael trotted towards the Carousel Boutique, heart thumping in his chest. It was about eleven in the morning, a perfectly suitable time to chat with the wonderful dressmaker of Ponyville. He knew Rarity’s afternoon routine: At fifteen after she would drop her window blinds just enough so nopony could look in at her shop. It is at this time when she would finish her great creation of the morning, shielding it from wandering eyes so only those inside the shop could see. Then at eleven forty-five she would close her shop and eat lunch until one fifteen. Sometimes she may go out with her friends, but usually she’d stay inside, possibly sketching whatever it is she’ll be doing for the rest of the day. At one twenty is when the shop is reopened.

Because of this knowledge, Samael had his plan set up perfectly. He had taken the liberty of scribbling it on a napkin, just in case he forgot a step. He reached in his saddlebag, being careful to not disturb the flowers, and opened the napkin. It read:

My Great Plan
Part 1: Enter the Boutique
Part 2: Close Boutique door
Part 3: Take many deep breaths
Part 4: Introduce myself and engage in conversation with Rarity
Part 5: Repeat steps 3 and 4
Part 6: When alone, confess love
Part 6.5: Don’t panic
Part 6.75: Hope for the best
Part 6.8: Pray to Celestia
Part 7: Don’t buck anything up

Alright, you can do this, Samael. Believe in yourself. Samael thought to himself, putting the napkin back in the saddlebag, moving ever closer to the pointed shop. I shouldn’t be scared. I shouldn’t panic. Oh, Celestia, I’m so terrified. Please, I just need somepony to love me, anypony, to make me feel like I’m worth something.

Samael was close to the Boutique now, all it’d take is about twelve steps. Twelve shaky, sweaty, nervous steps.


All I gotta do is confess myself. It’ll be alright, right?


I can do this.... Can’t I?


Yes, I’m sure she’ll accept me and we will live happily ever after.


Wait... What if she loves somepony else?


Oh, no. She does love somepony else, doesn’t she?


I’m sure of it. She couldn’t possibly love somepony like me. There’s nothing likeable about me. I should just give up here and stop worrying. There is no point in making my heart suffer anymore than it does already.


Bump into a mass of red stallion that smells like... Apples?

Look up.

“‘Scuse me, Samael. Sorry about bumpin’ into ya.” Big Macintosh, the quiet, muscular farm pony stared down politely at Samael. “Haven’t seen you ‘round the farm in a while. Who them flowers for?” He asked, thick southern accent piercing the air.

“Oh, these? Nopony special.” Samael really didn't want the stallion's company. Big Macintosh, for as gentle as he is, frightened Samael immensely. Those big, broad shoulders of his, thick and muscular, made the farm pony seem twice his actual size. Those emerald green eyes that peered into his soul. That strong jaw, the red fur, everything about Big Mac oozed masculinity. And it scared the buck outta Samael.

Try to walk away.

“Ahem.” The red stallion blocked Samael’s path. “Look, I ain’t dumb, kid. You graduated school with my sister AJ, right?”

Nod. Nervously.

“Well, ya may not know this, but I know a great deal about the ponies my AJ had class with. And I know you well enough that you’re not a great liar, and you don’t seem like the kind of pony who just goes to buy the most expensive flowers in town to jus’ have them. So, assuming I’m right, you were gonna deliver them flowers to somepony special. Correct?” Big Mac obviously wasn’t going to let Samael pass. There’s no way out of this, is there?


“What was that?” Big Mac asked.

“I didn’t say anything!” Samael said defensively.

Big Mac cocked his head. “Ah’m pretty sure you said ‘Nope’.”

Samael protested. “I didn’t! Anyway, that is beside the point. Yeah, you were right. These are for somepony special.”

Glance toward the flowers.

“I was just going to go give these flowers to her right now when you, I mean I, bumped into you.” Samael needed to get this persistent pony out of his way. But how?

Big Mac moved aside. “Well then, go to her house. She’s nearby, ah reckon?”

Nod again.

“Then I’ll jus’ watch ya as you go into her house.”

Holy buck this guy’s smart! Okay, Samael, don’t lose it. Just pick a random house behind Big Mac and hope for the best. What have you got to lose? Oh, you know, just your pride, dignity, self-worth, and what small reputation you may have!

Samael looked to his left, ahead lay a little cottage on the side of the road. It was identical to most of the other buildings in Ponyville, which was a problem. Hopeful, Samael walked toward the house, seeing the lights were on, and hoped for the best. He trotted toward the door, and put a hoof up to knock on the door. However, Big Macintosh stopped him.

“Uh, Samael?” He asked. “You do know that house belongs to Caramel, a stallion, right?”

Twitch eye.

“Look, Samael.” Big Mac continued. “Ah don’t think either you or Caramel is a coltcuddler, but either way, ah’m not gonna judge ya. If you’re gonna confess your love to him, knock and I’ll wish ya good luck in your prospects. Unless, you ain’t a coltcuddler and are lying to me. Again.”

Damn he’s good. Samael turned to face Big Mac. “Fine. I lied. Twice. I’m not a coltcuddler, and I was going to give these flowers to somepony, Rarity actually, but I chickened out. I’m scared Big Mac.” He walked solemnly toward the farm pony.

Samael kept his head down in front of his fellow stallion, awaiting some form of cruel harassment, but no such thing came. Instead, Big Mac just chuckled half to himself. “Well Samael,” He began. “I dunno what you’re waitin’ for. If ah were you, ah’d go and tell that gal how ah feel.”

Samael was shocked at the kindness, the understanding, in Big Mac’s voice. Somehow, from those simple instructions, Samael felt... He wasn’t sure what it was, exactly. Was it hope? The hope that maybe he would find love at last? Was it relief? Relief because Samael was being given words of encouragement from somepony other than himself or Roseluck? Samael didn’t know, but for some reason he felt like crying. Not out of sadness, but out of joy. This pony, this quiet, mild-mannered farm pony whom he had barely known, was encouraging Samael to submit to his love, his desire, to be happy with somepony else. This stranger was telling Samael to go, face his fears, and be proud of who he was, no matter the cost. He looked up at the red pony in front of him.

“Is it...” He began, shakily. “I mean, do you think it’s a good idea?”

The farm pony smiled at Samael. “Course it is. Ya can’t go through life thinkin’ about the ‘what if’s’. Ya gotta try new things.” He reached his hoof up to his ear, and pulled out a strand of wheat. “Life’s kinda like this strand of wheat. When ponies first saw this here crop growin’ around, they wondered if it was edible. So ya know what they did?” He put the wheat in his mouth. “They turned it into bread. But that’s beside the point. Personally, that Rarity ain’t my kinda gal, but if ya really do love her, ah’d go for it. But,” He said as he walked past Samael, “it ain’t my life to live.” Before walking away, Big Mac turned around and winked at Samael. “But if ya do decide to after her, I wish ya the best of luck.”

And with that, the farm pony left Samael to his own devices. Big Macintosh is right! Samael thought to himself, tears welling up in his eyes. I can’t live with being afraid of the ‘what if’s’ in life! I gotta take chances and go for it! Rarity or no Rarity! This is my chance to do something with my life for once! I’m going to walk into that boutique, confess my love, and live with the consequences, no matter what! This is my chance, my chance to make a difference in my life! The Samael that once was will be no more! He took off his blue-rimmed glasses, and put them in his saddlebag overdramatically, a stern look on his scrunched up face the whole time. Today is my day of retribution! This is my Judgement Day! I shall not fail in my mission for true love! Onward! I will make everypony proud! No more liquor! No more sob stories and drinking the night away! No more dual personalities! I shall be the outgoing, kind, lovable Samael that Rose, Daisy, and Lily see all the time! No seclusion! No self-pity! I will no longer be shy! I have to do this, no matter what! I have to do this for Roseluck! For Daisy and Lily! For Big Macintosh! They believe in me, so I must believe in myself! For I am the one, the only, Samael Sundance!

Samael began walking, no, strutting, forward! Pride fueled his heart as he walked forward. Step by step, inch by inch, foot by foot he went, growing more and more confident with each passing second. I am Samael Sundance, and I will command my own dest- DAMMIT MY NOSE IS ON FIRE! OH LUNA, I THINK IT'S BROKEN! THE BLOOD IS RUSHING DOWN MY FAAAACE!!! I THINK I TASTE CAT FOOD BUT I HAVE NO BUCKING IDEA! BRAIN, STATUS REPORT?! OH NO, WE'VE LOST ALL COMMUNICATION!! MAYDAY, MAYDAY! ABANDON CONSCIOUSNESS!