• Published 2nd Feb 2013
  • 1,065 Views, 31 Comments

What We Haven't Had - GhostWriter17

Samael Sundance wishes to find love, in spite of his awkwardness. But in his quest, he will learn of misunderstanding, the kindness of strangers, and how we all touch the lives of those around us more than we know.

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Chapter 6: Of Love and What We Haven't Had, Part 1

What We Haven’t Had

Chapter 6: Of Love and What We Haven't Had, Part 1

A My Little Pony Fanfiction

By: GhostWriter17


Time moved in slow motion as Samael stood there in front of Rarity. She seemed enormous, imposing, like a wall that was about to crumble atop him. She was beautiful, horrifyingly so, and there was nothing Samael could do now. He was trapped, with nowhere to turn, and nowhere to go. If he ran, surely that Rainbow Dash character would catch him with her much faster stamina and speed, not to mention the injuries Samael had sustained over the past few hours.

The graceful unicorn looked down upon Samael, still warmly staring into his eyes. "Please, come inside, my dear." She stepped back into the boutique, allowing Samael entrance. Samael's knees shook. His mouth foamed from the exhaustion, his head was not his own, bobbing up and down from exerting himself to such a degree. He took a nervous first step into the boutique. His breathing was erratic, shaky, and his lungs stung with every breath. When his hooves hit the ground, the pressure forced his legs to shake even more. It felt as if the world itself was on top of him, threatening to crush him. Finally, he was inside the boutique, a magnificent store filled to the brim with what can only be described as organized chaos. But before Samael could take in his surroundings, a certain pegasus flew into him and wrapped her right forehoof around his neck. Her arm was warm... For some reason, it eased Samael, if only slightly. Rainbow, hovering in the air, used her left hoof to turn Samael's face toward her. She looked him right in the eyes, a worried expression on her face. She then leaned in and whispered softly in his ear.

"Look kiddo, don't be so nervous." Her tone was, strangely, understanding, gentle, almost. Samael was about to ask what she meant by this, but the pegasus went on. "Don't worry, Sam. I told her nothing of your attraction." She then pulled away from Samael, who was now dumbstruck. She giggled mischievously and winked at him. "I'll be outside, floatin' away on a cloud above the boutique. I'll make sure nopony gets in. You can count on me. Now go get 'em, tiger!" But before she flew away, she leaned in again. "Just, uh, don't get your hopes too high. Rare's a bit... Sensitive. Personally, I think she's kinda weird, but whatever. I think it has something to do with the fashion business in general. Everypony in it has at least a couple screws loose. Anyways, I wish ya the best, kid!" She then slid her arm off of Samael, who suddenly felt cold once her arm was away. He wanted to plead to her to not go, to not leave him to his own devices, but the pegasus just went through the door, closing it behind her with a wink.

Never before had the shutting of a door sounded so horrifying.

So, here he was. This was it, the event to end all events in Samael's life. Never before had such an event occurred that had caught Samael off guard this much. Well, there was one moment... That other horrible moment that changed Samael both mentally and physically. He pushed it out of his mind. There was no time to dwell on the past anymore. Now, it was time to live up to the promises he'd made to himself, to Rose, to Big Mac! No matter what happened to get him here, he had to go through with his plan, lest he wished to regret this day for the rest of his life. He breathed in and out slowly, sweat dripping from his neck.

Rarity turned to look to her visitor. Her sapphire eyes shimmered, as if they themselves were made of the beautiful mineral. "Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where I, Rarity Belle, am the shooting star to all of your wishes!" Her voice made Samael want to melt into the cracks of the spotless, shining floor, not only out of his fear, but also out of the hostesses' magnificence. "However," she continued, "it seems to me, from what my friend Rainbow said, that you wished to speak to me, and thus planned to be here for quite some time." She eyed him over, raising an eyebrow. "However... Considering Rainbow obviously caught you off guard, for whatever reason, you arrived here in a less-than presentable fashion. Therefore, I shall allow you to freshen yourself up firstly in the guest washroom. Please, follow me."

Samael obeyed without saying a word. Rarity, sauntering with every step, seemed to be teasing Samael with her every move, almost as if she knew his secret. Rarity led Samael through a small, circular hallway along the left edge of the building. Samael had hardly any time to look at the various pictures and accessories adorning the walls, for Rarity had begun to speak once more, putting Samael in a trance with her honey-sweet voice once again. "You will find everything you may require in this washroom, I assure you. We here at the Carousel Boutique go the extra mile to be sure each and every one of our customers are given only the best w-" she suddenly turned around, looking at Samael curiously.

Shit! Samael thought, frozen in his spot. Did... Did I say something? I don't think I did. Maybe I mumbled something rude or she asked a question that I didn't hear and didn't answer to it? Maybe she thinks I'm a loser! I really hope I'm not a loser! MAYBE I- Rarity giggled. Oh Celestia, that laugh scares me in the best way possible...

Rarity giggled again. "Oh, my apologies! I have not been having the best of days today!" Oh wonderful. She can add half-crazed-stallion-nervously-asking-what-she-thinks-of-me-because-this-stallion-has-repressed-his-feelings-for-Celestia-knows-how-many-years to her list of awful things! "I completely forgot to ask your name!"

"Really?" Samael asked aloud without meaning to.

Rarity's eyes widened in surprise and confusion. "Why, yes! It is the job of the hostess to greet her customers and ask his or her name right away! It is only the proper thing to do, and I apologize sincerely for it."

Samael was, like several other times today, dumbfounded. He stumbled on his words, half mumbling, trying not to look Rarity straight in the eye. "Well, uhm, I, uh, I accept your apology, I guess. I mean, I did not think it was really that big of a deal, because I don't really know many ponies anyway. At least, I don't really think I do, I mean I haven't really paid much attention to it and maybe I should but-" he took a deep breath to try and calm himself "-my name is Samael Sundance."

Rarity stared at Samael warmly, mouthing his name silently. "Samael... That is quite an interesting name you have there."

Samael looked down at the floor. "Yeah, it certainly is interesting, all right..." He apprehensively began to glance up to Rarity. To his surprise, she looked rather worried.

"Well, I think it's a beautiful name!" She chirped enthusiastically. "It's unique in every sense of the word! Why, I'd say it's one-of-a-kind! You should be proud of a name such as yours, darling! Please excuse the horrendous pun, but a name like yours is, well, a "rarity"!" She laughed nervously at her bad joke. Instinctively, Samael's lips curled into a wide, snickering grin. He didn't mean to, but he laughed, probably harder than he should have. Rarity laughed again as well, and the two stood there, in the hallway, laughing on about nothing as if they were good friends. "Well, anyway, I think we have delayed long enough. Let us proceed and get you to the washroom!" And so they did just that. Not another word was spoken, yet there was something comforting in knowing that Rarity had a sense of humor.


Inside the washroom, Rarity showed Samael that this place had 'all he needed to be as exuberant as possible'. Then, she left him alone. Samael let out an enormous sigh of relief. Now, at least, he did not have to worry about acting like a fool so much. Their little conversation in the hallway had, admittedly, calmed him down considerably. It's not like Rarity was some sort of a goddess or anything. Well, okay, to the eye, she was most certainly a goddess, a marvel. However, Samael had to remember that she's just a pony. She's no Princess. She's simply a beautiful, wonderful, amazing, lovely unicorn who just happened to look like a goddess. Nothing more, nothing less.

The washroom was, as expected of a place called the Carousel Boutique, extravagant, but humbly so. The walls were adorned with a beautiful pink wallpaper, with candles hanging from the ceiling to light the room and to give it an intimate, almost romantic, feel. There was a marble sink with a round, jewel-encrusted mirror, with several open cabinets beside it, to Samael's left. The cabinets held many types of colognes, perfumes, lotions, gels, mousses, pomades, and makeups, all of which Samael had never even heard of! In front of Samael was a marble shower (Big surprise there) with various shampoos and conditioners. Samael had to admit, Rarity had excellent taste in the quality of not only her choices in decoration, but also her choice of products. To Samael, this was hardly a surprise. Rarity had always been one to choose both style and substance.

Regardless of how much Samael wanted to gawk at the lush grandness of his surroundings, he did not want to keep his love waiting for very long. My love. It sounds so foreign, yet so... So... Comforting. With thoughts that set his heart aflutter and an ever-faster beating heart inside him, Samael took off his slightly-mangled saddlebag, set his glasses on the sink, stepped into the shower, and cleaned himself off. The warm water relaxed his aching muscles, giving him much-needed reverie. As he washed himself off with what seemed to be the best and most stallion-worthy products, he let his mind wander to other places... The aromas surrounding him, the serenity of being here, in the shower, in a place that faintly reminded Samael of Rarity, and, with that, also led him to think of somepony else who was very dear to him...


Hush little Songbird, don't make a sound.
One day, I promise, I shall come around.
And if I don't then do not fret.
One day Mother Songbird will find you yet.
Sleep, my little Songbird, for I am here.
Even in your dreams I'll still be there.
So, my little Songbird do not cry.
You'll soon find your wings and one day fly.


Yes, little one?

Why am I a Songbird if I'm a pony?

Well, it's because Songbirds are special. You sing that song to someone you find special. That special someone is your Songbird. You are special to me, so you are my Songbird!

So does that mean that you can be my Songbird, too, because you're really really special to me?

Yes, dear, I can be your Songbird. I can be whatever you want me to be.

Could you be a goddess, Mommy?

If you believe it to be so, my dear.

Is Dad your Songbird, Mommy?

Yes, dear. He is my Songbird, and I love him very much.

When I get older, can I sing that song to you and Dad, since you two are my Songbirds?

Of course, my sweet. That would be lovely!

Could I also sing it to Aunt Samael?

Of course you can. I'm sure Sammy would love that. Remember: You can do whatever you want, be whoever you want to be.


Yes, dear?

If Samael is my aunt, then why is she not part of the family?

Because she's not actually related to us, dear.

Why do we call her an aunt, then?

Because she's a very special friend.

But why does she look so weird?

Well, it's because she's a griffon, my sweet.

Are griffons nice like ponies?

Is Aunt Samael a nice griffon?


Then there are nice griffons out there.

But, are there bad griffons?

Yes, there can be. But there are also bad ponies, too.

Why are there bad ponies and griffons?

I don't know, sweetie. Some ponies and griffons can be bad for different reasons.

Do bad things happen to bad ponies?

They can. But bad things happen to all ponies, good and bad.

If bad ponies do bad things, should bad things happen to them?

Well, no, because sometimes a pony is bad because of the bad things that has happened to them. Sometimes I feel sorry for some of them. Other times, I don't know how to feel about other bad ponies who are bad just to be bad.

So, I shouldn't think bad things about bad ponies?

Well, that depends on how you think.



Is it okay if maybe I don't think the same as you?

Of course, my dear. You can think whatever you want to.

So you won't get mad?

Of course not. I could never stay mad at you.


Yes, my dearest?

Will you be my Songbird forever and ever?

Yes. I will forever be your Songbird, and I'll always be here for you.



I love you.

I love you, too.

Goodnight, Mommy.

Goodnight, my little Songbird. May dreams give you wings...


"...And may wings give you flight." Samael whispered softly to himself, a tear running down his cheek. Why does this always happen? Every time I think of Rarity or end up thinking of her, it always brings me back to my foalhood... Why? Nevermind that. I should stop obsessing over it and just enjoy the rest of my shower.

Samael stepped out of the shower, body clean and mind cleared. He felt renewed! Surely, now, I can take on anything, right? All I gotta do is keep calm. Just remember to stay cool, don't freak out, and don't buck anything up. If I do... Well, the worst has already happened, so it couldn't get any worse, could it? At this point, nothing really mattered to Samael. He began this day with one goal in mind, and he was determined to see it through.

Samael took a towel and dried himself off, checking himself in the mirror. What he saw, his white mane with a dull purple streak through the middle, his seaweed-green coat, and even his blank flank, were the things that defined him. As much as he utterly despised his outward appearance, maybe, he thought, Rarity could look past that and see who he was as a pony. After all, his friends, Rose especially, have constantly reminded him of his kind heart. All he needed to do was show it. Sure, he was far from perfect. Sure, his past isn't exactly desirable. Sure, today hasn't been all rainbows and gumdrops, but he at least made it this far, throughout all he has faced today. That had to count for something, right? With an optimistic attitude in mind, Samael combed his mane until it wasn't totally frizzy, combed back with a few strands hanging loose, and prepared himself to truly, finally, face Rarity. He put on his large blue-rimmed glasses, grabbed his saddlebag, and began his trek down the hallway to what would either be his salvation, or it could be his everlasting doom.

The hallway Samael had been in before was much like the entrance of the boutique, now that he had more time to look at it. Draped windows lined the outside of the curved hallway, and on the other side were a few other doors along the way and pictures. These pictures interested Samael. Many of them were of Rarity. Some pictures were of her and some outfits she'd made on the front of a magazine. Others, she'd professionally posed in a rather beautiful dress, catching Samael's eye with her natural beauty. Then there were the pictures of her and her friends and family. The friends didn't matter too much at the moment, but the family photos did. Rarity, in one picture, was shown smiling wide with a small filly that resembled her immensely. Was she a sister? Niece? Cousin? Daughter? Samael was unsure, but he would be sure to ask Rarity about it in time. After looking at the pictures and mentally preparing himself some more, Samael headed toward the entrance of the boutique, heart thumping loudly against his chest.

When Samael stepped into the main room of the boutique, he breathed a weary sigh, as he could now take in his surroundings without an annoyingly obnoxious pegasus bothering him. With its many ponniquins, draped in various different cloths, all in different stages of development as far as becoming a wearable piece of clothing, littered the room. Many piles of as-of-yet unused cloth were pushed up against walls, all sorted in different ways. Samael took note to not disturb anything in any of the rooms, for it seemed that Rarity was chaotically organized. However, there was no sign of the unicorn at all.

"Miss Rarity?" Samael called out to nowhere in particular, listening intently for a voice. Just then, Rarity's voice was heard from a door in the back of the room.

"I'm in here, darling! In the kitchen! Please, come in!" Samael trotted to the door and upon opening it, was bombarded by the scents of... Cake batter and frosting? Indeed, in this kitchen of Rarity's, there was cake being made. By Rarity. The seamstress had cleaned herself up, just as Samael did. Her mane was now in its usual curl, and she seemed to radiate in all of her glory. She truly was a sight to behold. She wore a slightly flower-coated apron to protect herself. The kitchen was large. Rarity and all of the kitchen were to Samael's left, while a small dining table was to his right.

"Hello again, Samael!" Rarity greeted her customer with a quick, caring glance, taking off her apron and gently putting it away, possibly to be washed later. "You just missed the grand cake baking! I just finished putting it in the oven! I hope you like vanilla, Samael!" Samael loved vanilla cake. It was his favorite flavor! "You, I might add, look quite lovely now that you have cleaned up. Do you feel any better? You seemed rather sore when you came in..." She looked to the ground and trailed off sheepishly.

"Oh, thank you, uh, Rarity." Samael said, grateful for the comment, blushing. "You look radiant, as always. I do feel better, though. Your house is pretty amazing."

"Thank you, Samael. I try my best to make this place comfortable and presentable to ponies, while also making it feel like a home. Please, come, sit down." She directed Samael toward the table, where two tea cups were filled to the brim with herbal tea. "I hope you like tea. I know I should have asked, but I remember somepony saying to me once that you rather enjoy green tea on particular days. I do hope you like it."

Samael sat down across from Rarity nervously. Is she planning something? How did she know I liked tea? Of course, I like it now more with some liquor on the side, but still... "Thanks again. But, uhm, I have to ask: What is the cake for? And how did you know I liked tea? And why are you treating me like I'm super special or something? I just don't understand. Shouldn't you be working on your outfits? Is your shop still open?"

Rarity's eyes suddenly widened rather comically. "OH DEAR CELESTIA'S BEARD! I FORGOT TO PUT THE "CLOSED" SIGN ON THE FRONT DOOR!" She hastily stood up, but Samael stopped her.

"Wait!" He exclaimed. "Rainbow Dash said she'd look out for anypony who tried to come in, so you don't need to change the shop's sign." It seemed rather foolish to say this, but it was just a sign. Nothing bad could truly come out of leaving the "Open" sign up, right? After all, Rainbow seemed loyal enough. Rarity contemplated for a second before sitting back down, calming herself.

"Well, I'll have to thank Rainbow Dash for doing that." She looked down to her cup of tea, eyeing it. "I guess I may as well talk now. There is no sense in dragging it out any further." She took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. "This is going to be a long story, Samael, but I may as well tell it.

"Rainbow came in here saying that you were coming in for a visit, wishing to talk to me about something rather important. I asked your name, and, when she told me, I knew what I had to do. It was now the time. Samael," she began, looking straight into his eyes. "I do not know what you came here to talk to me about, of all times. But I do know that, in a sense, I've been waiting for this very moment for a long time. However, depending on what you wished to say to me will influence on what I tell you. You came here flustered, in shock. I needed you calm and collected. From other experiences I have had, I know that a flustered pony is one you do not want to engage in serious conversation with." She sipped her tea.

Samael looked to Rarity, keeping his gaze on her, and soaking in every word she said. "So, to give me time to plan things out, I had you take a shower, not only because of hygienic reasons, no offense, but also because I needed the time. I just had to make sure everything was in order. I had to be sure every little detail that I could remember was absolutely perfect. I baked the cake because Pinkie Pie is out of town at the moment."

Samael was confused, so he spoke. "What does Pinkie Pie have to do with this? I hardly know her. The only times we really see each other are at parties or on my birth... Day..." It hit him, suddenly. A shiver ran through Samael's body. He did not say anything more. Rather, he wanted the truth to be known by what Rarity had to say.

"Yes," Rarity confessed. "I knew it was your birthday, Samael. I knew and, when I heard your name, I just had to do something about it. You simply cannot have a birthday without a birthday cake, after all! Besides, your happiness, right now, in this moment, is far more important than simple business that I could finish tomorrow, no matter how worried I am about it all. Like I said before, there is a reason I know of your birth date. There is a reason for my knowing one of your favorite drinks, and even your favorite flavor of cake. There is a sad, sad reason behind all of it." Her ears drooped, and her eyes lost the shimmer they once had.

What is she talking about? How does she know so much about me? Should I ask Should I just tell her the truth? I don't know what to do right now! I do not want to try and comfort her, only to make things awkward. What if she's not done telling her story?

Before Samael could figure out an answer to his own questions, however, Rarity spoke once more. "What I may say to you could, and probably will, surprise you. But first, I need you to tell me what was so important. I need to know why you came here, on your twenty fifth birthday, to talk to me. So please, tell me. Speak, and I shall listen."

This is it, Sam. The moment of truth. This is what you've been waiting for for almost your entire life. The love of your life is finally in front of you, sacrificing her time and willing to talk. Why you love her, or when you fell in love with her, you do not know. All that matters is the now. The present. This is my best of times, and it is my worst of times. This could very well be what I haven't had all along. This is it. The end is finally here. So do it, Sam! Stop staring at her eyes like they remind you of someone special to you! Just go out and say it! Write your own destiny for once!

Samael, as he battled himself internally, formed the words he so longed to say to Rarity in his mind. What he was about to say, admittedly, he wish was more poetic, but flowery language was not needed at this time. He had to be blunt and to the point. No beating around the bush.

Samael took the cup of steaming hot tea in his hooves and pressed it to his now trembling lips. The warm, flowery-tasting liquid flooded Samael's taste buds, making him tremble even more. He swallowed his taste of the tea, putting the cup down slowly. He felt warmed by the liquid, comforted. It reminded him of his mother: Soothing, gentle, kind. It cleared his thoughts.

Samael was now ready. He looked Rarity straight in the eyes, her caring gaze calming him further. "I, too, for possibly different reasons, have waited for a moment like this, to talk with you, for a very long time. I do not know why you wished to talk to me, but, I want you to promise me something." Rarity respectfully nodded, listening closely. "I do not want you to speak while I tell my story. If you interrupt, I may not say exactly what I have wanted to say."

Samael took a deep, controlled breath. Then another. Then he began his tale. "I do not know when I first had feelings like the ones I do now. There was not a time in my life that I don't remember these feelings being in me. This whole day, I have thought of one thing, and one thing only. I wished to talk to you. Why? I asked myself that before today, many times. All I could think about today was you, Rarity. Not once did I ponder why I had feelings such as these, or what had maybe caused them. Rather, I simply went with my gut and told myself that, no matter when or why, these feelings I had were real. I couldn't ignore them any longer." He paused, heart beating so loudly in his chest he was almost afraid that Rarity could hear its feverish beating.

"Miss Rarity. For as long as I can remember, I have had feelings for you. Feelings that, to what I can guess, can only be described as romantic. Each and every day that I catch a glimpse of you, I sense some sort of kindness within you. It reminds me of love that I so desperately want. It reminds me of what I have not had in such a long time. Your very presence could make me feel so many different emotions, all at once. I would feel fear, embarrassment, love, joy, sorrow, and even guilt. All this time, however, I do not know why I have felt this way toward you.

"Yes, Miss Rarity, I am what I can only describe as infatuated with you. You remind me of someone I knew long ago, but do not know now. You remind me of her so much, it almost frightens me. It feels like an unconditional love that is simply beyond my control. You are the only mare to ever steal my heart away, and, the saddest part of it all is that we have hardly spoken to each other in any way in all these years. I would spend days watching your daily activities, your finesse, your grace, and your happiness. That may seem a little creepy, I admit, but I just could not help it. I've always seen you as some sort of a goddess. Beautiful. Serene. Perfect.

"I have never loved anypony more that I feel that I have loved you. Yes, I have close friends that care for me. I don't have very many friends, but I do care for them. But, I have not developed any romantic feelings for any of them. Maybe it was because I have held you and you alone close to my heart. I like to read romance novels a lot in my spare time. They have always given me a feeling of hope. Hope that, one day, I may speak to you as I am now. I do not know how you feel about all of this, about some stranger you hardly know personally coming out and professing his love to you, but, in the end, I only ask of one thing. Regardless of how you may feel about me, I wish to get to know you better as a pony. I realize now that, maybe I do need to be more outgoing than I have. I need to stop being so insecure of things and wallowing at the bottom of a bottle every night. I need to learn to let go of my past that secretly, quietly, haunts me. All I ask is that you, Miss Rarity, be my friend, at the very least."

Samael had not noticed it before, when he was speaking, but he noticed now that Rarity was crying. Tears gently cascaded down her face, staining her pure white cheeks. She did not sniffle. She did not move. She just sat there, looking at Samael, crying. Samael had no idea of what he should do. Not knowing what else to do, he reached his hoof out to Rarity, whose hooves were clasped tightly around her cup. She shivered at his touch when he caressed her hoof.

"I am sorry." Rarity began. "I am so terribly, terribly sorry." She inhaled sharply, trying to compose herself. "I was afraid of something like this. I, too have a confession, Samael. I ask for you to do the same thing as I. Do not speak, only listen." She trembled some more before sighing heavily, almost as if a heavy weight had been lifted off her.

"I... I have had experiences with love in the past. Not as many as one might think, but a couple instances, nonetheless. I have had my heart broken. Shattered, really. I went to this gathering, this elegant party of sorts. For many years I had dreamed of meeting the love of my life at that party, hoping, waiting anxiously for the day that he would swoop me up in his arms and carry me away. 'Twas a rather childish fantasy, now that I think of it. Before then, on that fateful night, some years ago, I had never actually been in a relationship before. Not really. To my friends, I may seem elegant and well educated in the art of romance, but, alas, it was, and always has been, a ruse. On that night, at that party, I did in fact meet the stallion of my dreams. At first, he seemed charming. A little stuck up, but I imagined he'd warm up to me in due time. Little did I know that he was an insensitive jerk. Needless to say, we did not hit it off too well, and my heart was left in a million pieces, broken.

"That was truly my first and one of my last real dates with romance. I am a hopeless romantic because I essentially know nothing of the subject, but one day hope to. Thankfully, to keep my sanity, I have always had my little sister and my work to keep me busy after that incident, so that I may not dwell on something as trivial as love. That's not to say I despise the notion of love. On the contrary, I am quite fond of it. Yet, at the moment I am not looking for it. There is, of course, one other instance of love that I must mention. It is, in some ways, similar to yours. There is someone I know that is deeply, madly in love with me. He is sweet, kind, gentle, but a little childish. He, unlike you, it seems, finds it difficult not to express his outward feelings for me. However, he is a bit young and, interestingly enough, he sees me the same way as I saw that stallion. As someone who was perfect. Someone who would love me forever. Someone who I'd live happily ever after with.

"Of course, such fantasies never truly come true. This other someone still believes that one day I may open up to him. However, he's more interested in being with me simply because he thinks I am flawless." She laughed quietly, half to herself. "You should see the way he works for me. It is rather adorable and quite amusing at how he worships me so."

Rarity sighed contently, her tears no longer falling from her face. Her eyes were reminiscent, gazing off into memories only she could have. "Nevertheless, this is not about either of those two. This is about you, as much as it is I. I will tell you now, that I do not have any romantic feelings for you, Samael. But, knowing that I have had my heart broken as well, I could help you with your problems. I know it must be earth-shattering to have the pony of your dreams tell you she does not feel the same way, and I am deeply, awfully sorry for that. Truly, I am."

Samael thought he would cry. He thought he would be a blubbering mess if this moment had ever come. He had always imagined some sort of overwhelming sadness would overcome him. He had imagined his life never being the same, losing what little color his life may have had. But none of those awful, terrible feelings never came. Not one. Samael actually felt relieved now that he knew the truth. He was saddened, yes, but not entirely woeful. It was a strange feeling, one he had not expected. It was a bittersweet relief that washed over him. All of those nights he spent sleepless, obsessing over his fears would now be gone. No longer would he have to worry of impressing her, or not telling her things. For now, in this moment, Samael knew that he had not gained a lover, but something more: A friend.

Rarity continued on with her story, for she was not yet finished. "However, there is something else I must tell you. Another story. A long one. One that I have wanted to tell you for years. However, each and every time I thought about it, I could not bring myself to tell you it. Sometimes I thought that you were too young to know. Sometimes I was scared to tell you. Other times, I just told myself to wait for you to come talk to me. I noticed how you would look at me. I noticed how you looked upon me with a fantastical awe, the way a filly does its mother. But now, the moment I have dreaded has come, and I must tell you my true story. I must tell you a secret, one that I have been harboring for many years. It is a rather sad story, and it may explain your infatuation with me." She paused to look directly at Samael. "Are you ready?" She asked. Samael nodded, unsure of what she was about to say.

Little did Samael Sundance know that this story would change his life, and define the rest of it, for the rest of his days...