• Published 2nd Feb 2013
  • 1,065 Views, 31 Comments

What We Haven't Had - GhostWriter17

Samael Sundance wishes to find love, in spite of his awkwardness. But in his quest, he will learn of misunderstanding, the kindness of strangers, and how we all touch the lives of those around us more than we know.

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Chapter 5: Serenading Daisies and Remorseful Roses

What We Haven't Had

Chapter 5: Serenading Daisies and Remorseful Roses

A My Little Pony Fanfiction

By GhostWriter17

* * * *

"So, that's it, then?"

"I guess so, Daisy." Roseluck had finished her story of her and Samael. I can still remember how he felt when I was against him on that night. "I'm sorry for being so bitter earlier. It was rude of me to avoid you girls for so long. I just thought I could handle these things by myself. I guess that was not the case. I guess I was wrong. I guess I really do need some friends right now." She turned to her two friends, still beside her. "Thank you for talking to me."

Lily scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Puh-lease! We hardly did any of the talking! It was you who yapped on about your feelings! Sometimes, it's best for you yourself to talk about your feelings rather than have somepony else talk to you about them."

Daisy nodded. "She's right, you know. You have spent the past hour or so talking of your feelings. It wasn't that you had a problem, necessarily, or that you were a freak; rather, it was the fact that you had bottled all these repressed emotions for weeks on end, not telling anypony." She sighed, relieved. "It's not healthy to do that, Rose. You were just unsure of your feelings toward Samael, and, to me, at least, it's obvious you were, and are afraid of losing him. Am I wrong?"

Roseluck looked to Daisy now, and answered her question. "No, you're not wrong, Daisy. I guess I was also afraid of losing you two. You're the best friends anypony could ask for, and I love you girls to death..." She paused, then smiled. "...Even if it means having to put up with your dumb, crazy shenanigans!" The three mares all laughed together, embracing the moment. "You know, maybe it's for the best that all of this happened." She stared down at the now empty cups before them.

Lily leaned in to Rose, cheek-to-cheek with her friend. "What ever do you mean, Rosie-pie?" A huge grin was plastered on her raspberry-colored face.

"Well, I mean, everything that's occurred has been good, in its own way. This whole mess with you two has shown me that I truly do have feelings for Samael, and I've been trying to repress them for some reason all this time. Also, if Samael gets that mare of his dreams today, then I'll be able to try and move on. Maybe that's why I haven't been able to get with any stallions or colts for very long. Maybe it's because I've sealed my heart off over the years, hardening it, keeping it safely locked, until the day would come that Samael would tell me he felt the same way I felt about him.

"Sometimes things don't work as planned, I guess. Maybe it's for the best. Ya know, over the course of my life, I was kinda forced to shut my emotions out and not accept them. My Granny, while generally wise and kind, didn't like change. She was afraid of it, stuck in her old ways. Things like fillyfooling, coltcuddling and the industrialization of Ponyville just didn't set right with her. She wasn't evil, just stubborn, and feared things she couldn't quite understand. She's gone now, but at least I still have my parents." She sighed heavily. "Goddess, I haven't visited them in months. They moved away to Appleloosa to get away from the buzz of urban life. I guess it was just too much for them. I love 'em to death, but maybe part of the reason they moved away was because of Granny's passing. I never bothered to ask them much about it, and Granny wasn't my particular favorite family member, so it never came to my mind. Maybe the sights and sounds of Ponyville reminded them of her, maybe not. I don't know."

Daisy stood up, stretching her legs. "Well, maybe you should, one day, go and visit them, and talk for a bit. It'll probably be helpful." Lily got up as well, cleaning up the empty cups, smiling, bouncing around and as bubbly as ever.

"Yeah!" She exclaimed, balancing the tray of dishes on her nose. "My parents are kinda dead, so I can't have that chance."

Daisy's face suddenly hardened. She swallowed hard. "Lily. Did you just say what I think you said?"

Lily put the tray down on a counter by the wall and turned to face Daisy. "Well, yeah, my parents are dead, didn't Rose know that?" Before Rose could answer that she did, in fact, know, and before Daisy could say anything, Lily went on to talk of her parents. "Well, anyway, it was a few weeks after I got my cutie mark." Her eyes still glimmered, shined. "My parents and I were in our little cart, on our way to get my monthly subscription of anxiety-type pills, cause I have a problem, you see. Well, it had been really windy on that day, and it was raining really hard." Roseluck nodded to Daisy, who went to the medicinal cabinet. Roseluck proceeded to walk, slowly, toward Lily, who was still talking quickly.

As Rose got closer, however, and Lily went on with her story, her eyes lost their shine, her face twisted in a pained grimace. "My uncle, who drove the cart for the day, was finding it hard to see. Uncle galloped along the road, but he hit a hole, twisting his leg." At this point, Rose was standing right next to Lily. "We bumped, and the cart flipped. My mom wrapped her hooves around me as we tumbled along. Then, we fell down a cliff." Tears streamed down her cheeks relentlessly. "I saw dad's face, twisted in horror. His neck snapped right in front of me! And mom flew out of the cart, and I hit the ground and got knocked out and when I woke I knew they were all dead and there was nothing I could do about it and it was all my fault and had I not been the buckingfreakthatIamnoneofthiswouldhavehappenedandIamsosorrymommyanddaddyImissyousomuchanddammitIcan'tevendoabuckingthinginmylifebecauseeverythingbadthathashappenedismydamnfaultandImissthemsomuchI-" as her words slurred together she wailed in agony, an inner pain so intense, so gut-wrenchingly heart breaking it would move anyone to tears. But now was not the time to wail with Lily, for her sorrow had turned erratic. She stomped her hooves on the ground, shrieking in pain, thrashing around the room. But Rose was ready. Before Lily could do any harm to anything or anypony, she tackled Lily, pinning her to the ground.

Lily kicked and screamed on her back, trying to break free of Rose's grasp. She swung at Rose, and it took all of Rose's strength to keep her hysterical friend down. "Daisy!' She yelled, still struggling. "Can you find the medicine? Do you know where it is?"

Rose heard a rustle to her right, and Daisy called out. "I found it!" Rose quickly glanced over to see Daisy with a glowing vial in her hoof.

"PLEASE LET ME GO!" Lily wailed once more, pushing against Rose, who was now forced to push nearly all of her weight on top of her friend.

Rose leaned in close to her friend. "Lily, please, try to calm down. Please, you must."

"I can't! I'm an awful pony and I...I..." Her thrashing and kicking suddenly ceased, and she simply stared into her friends' eyes, breathing heavily. "My heart... It's just so empty, shallow!" Daisy was now beside Rose, kneeling to Lily. The vial was still in her hoof, a glowing green liquid pulsing from the inside.

Rose looked over and asked Daisy, "Is she better now? Can I get off o-"

"No!" Daisy snapped. "She's still having an anxiety attack, it's just her energy is drained. Goddess, I hate it when this happens to her. Lily," Daisy now sounded calmer, more gentle. "Sweetie, you're going to have to drink this, okay?"

Lily, eyes crazed and grief-stricken, studied the vial. "But... but I don't wanna. I'm a bad pony, and I can't even protect mommy and daddyandI'mjustsouselessand-" She started to become hysterical once more, so Daisy began to gently stroke her lovers' mane and speak over Lily's sobbing. Meanwhile, even though Lily wasn't violent as she had been before, she was visibly shaking, a cold sweat coating her fur.

"Shhh, baby." Daisy cooed, concern in her eyes. "It'll be okay, I promise. Just open up and drink this like a good girl, okay?"

Between her sobs, Lily cried out to Daisy. "But... But I-I'm n-not a good girl! I d-don't... Deserve it..."

"Sweetie, you are a good girl. I love you, Lil. Trust me, please?" Daisy tried to carefully put the vial to Lily's lips, but Lily turned her head away, crying out "No!" when she did so. "Rose, please hold her so I can get this medicine in her." Rose did as she was told. She flattened herself more on top of Lily, and used her forehooves to gently keep Lily's head in place while also stroking her mane, trying to keep her calm. Daisy, meanwhile, pressed the vial to her friends' lips until they reluctantly parted, allowing the glowing liquid to pour into her mouth. Lily was forced to swallow the liquid, and gasped after she drank the last drop.

Daisy sat up, breathing a sigh of relief. "You can get off her now. The medicine should work any second now." Indeed, as Rose sat up and lifted herself off of Lily, Lily almost instantly calmed down. Her eyes glowed a dark green color, and her breathing slowed. Her eyes were no longer panicked, and her crying ceased. She sat up, looking around the room. Her expression changed from confused to somber in a matter of seconds, however, when she saw the empty vial in Daisy's hoof.

"Oh no..." Lily exclaimed. "I did it again didn't I?" Daisy and Rose nodded. Rose had been around Lily when she had had nervous breakdowns and anxiety attacks before, but never had it been so serious as to use their magically-enhanced Adivan, specially-made for an emergency such as this. Lily was always a bit of a sad case. She'd always been prone to anxiety attacks, but ever since the deaths of her parents and uncle, she could add post-traumatic stress to her list of mental problems. The problem with Lily wasn't ever what her problems were, but rather what happened to her when those problems arose. She'd shut down. She'd have the mentality of a young filly. She'd be a completely different pony. But thankfully, Daisy had always been, and always will be there to comfort her.

Lily stepped shakily toward Daisy. "Daisy... I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to..." She began to cry again, collapsing in Daisy's arms. "I didn't mean to... I'm so so sorry."

Daisy, crying now as well, soothed her lover in her warm embrace. "I know you didn't sweetie. It happens to everyone. Rose, why don't you go upstairs, wash yourself up? No offense, but you haven't been looking your best lately." Rose nodded and turned around toward the nearby staircase and walked upstairs. As she made her way up, Rose could have sworn she heard the soft serenade of Daisy, and pictured the two swaying softly together.

Rose lingered a moment to listen to Daisy's song, "Carry Me Home" by The Fillies.
She sang:

The mourning dove sings, with two broken wings;
"Carry Me Home, I'm Not Afraid.
The Stars in My Eyes Were Shimmering Lies.
Carry Me Home, Don't Let Me Fade Away."

Rose sighed as the warm water sprayed over her, covering her body. She let the droplets roll off her back, embracing the heat, the steam, and how relaxing it all was. She let her mind drift to places recently visited, but Rose herself needed to think things over. What's my next move? I need to prepare myself... For the best and for the worst. I guess I need to learn about opening up to others... And staying in touch with them.

Mother and Father are probably worried sick about me... I have been avoiding them lately. I've never really talked to them about Lily and Daisy, and I probably should. I guess I've always had a problem talking to other ponies other than my friends. Will I ever find love? Will Sam be the one? How should I open myself up to others if he isn't? Will my lover and I ever be as close as Daisy and Lily? Goddess, I don't know...

I may forgive, but I never forget. Should I forget, but never forgive? Am I just overthinking this? So many questions...

Rose, now clean, feeling and looking much better trotted down the stairs back into the dining room. Daisy and Lily, however, were nowhere to be found. The door to the entrance of the shop, however, was left open. As Rose came closer to the doorway, she heard several excited voices. She went through the hallway and, standing in the doorway into Ponyville were Daisy, Lily, and Big Macintosh.

"Yes, ma'am." Big Mac said excitedly, well, as excitedly as the gruff stallion could muster. "I'll be sure to get ya the next shipment as soon as possible."

Lily chimed in. "Thanks bunches, Big Mac! Seriously, you and your family make the best apples in the whole world!"

Big Mac politely mumbled half to himself, saying "Well, we don't technically make them..." He cleared his throat and spoke louder this time. "But, ladies, it's been a pleasure doin' business with y'all. If you'll excuse me, I have more errands to run." He dipped his head respectfully and walked off into Ponyville. Daisy carried a basket of fresh, plump apples in her mouth. When she turned and saw Rose, she dropped them. "Oh, Rose, you look absolutely radiant now! Big Macintosh just came by and delivered the apples we ordered."

Lily nodded her head in excitement. "Yeah, he even said he saw Sammy earlier, but he didn't say where Sammy was going, which is kinda a shame, but I guess we'll find out who he visited sooner or later!"

Roseluck smiled at them both. "That's pretty funny, girls! I honestly do feel a lot better, to be honest. But, I can't stay. I have to get home to pack and clean my rather... Neglected house."

"Pack?" Her two friends asked inquisitively.

Roseluck nodded. "Yeah. I've decided, just like Sam, that I'm going to turn my life around. I'm gonna leave in a few days to see my parents, pay them a surprise visit. If that's okay with you two?"

"Of course it is, dear." Daisy said. "But, since you're going home, could you deliver something for me?" She trotted to the back of the room and salvaged a basket of Clothers, cloth-like flowers used in the making of dresses and sometimes for decoration. There was a large bouquet of them, all with various shapes, textures, and lengths. It was a rainbow of cloth. The interesting thing about Clothers was that if you cut off the buds or leaves, they would grow back and you could use more of their cloth to make what you wanted. "Now, I know we said we wouldn't deliver anything or really work until tomorrow, but I think we can make an exception. These Clothers are to be delivered to Rarity Belle, and since you pass her house on your way home, I think it'd be an easy delivery."

Rose inspected the Clothers and shrugged. "Why not? I'll do it, then!"

"Thanks a lot," Daisy said. "We'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah," Rose said as she picked up the basket, putting it carefully in her teeth.

However, Rose was soon assaulted by a mass of fur and kisses on the cheek. It was, of course, Lily. "Awwh, you're just soooo sweet, Rosie! What would we do without you?" Her voice suddenly lowered to a whisper, however, and Lily softly spoke in Roseluck's ear. "I just wanna say thank you. For everything." Lily pulled back, a huge grin plastered on her face. Roseluck grinned back and nuzzled her friend, burying her nose in Lily's cheek. She smelled faintly of strawberries.

Roseluck pulled back and walked toward the door. "Well girlth," she said with the basket in her mouth, "I'll thee oo thoo tomorrow." And so she was off. Roseluck began her journey through the streets of Ponyville. The warm mid afternoon air warmed her fur, and Roseluck basked in the sunlight. Everything around her seemed to shimmer, to glow, as if there was a wonderfulness that Roseluck had forgotten. She trotted happily toward the Carousel Boutique, smiling and saying hello to all of the passersby. Before she knew it, Rose was in front of the Boutique. She went toward the door and pushed herself inside. As she pushed a hoof against the door, however, Roseluck paused. She thought she had heard somepony yell a "No!" from far away, but quickly dismissed it as she pushed her way through the door.

Inside the Boutique, there was what was normally there: The usual assortment of ponniquins, cloths, and easels were scattered across the room in an organized chaos fashion, but the shop's owner was nowhere to be found. Through a door that led to the kitchen and back of the Boutique, however, Roseluck heard laughter. There were... Two voices? One distinctly male, and the other female. Not wanting to be rude, but not wanting to just drop off the bouquet for no reason, Roseluck called out to the ponies in the kitchen.

As soon as Roseluck spoke, however, the laughter ceased. "Excuse me, is Miss Rarity Belle here? I have a delivery for her." Roseluck, in the eerie silence, heard some rustling in the kitchen. Then, the door opened, and a beautiful, snow-white mare stepped out, eyes closed. It was definitely Rarity. No other pony in Ponyville was so elegant as she.

"Yes, dear, it is I." Rarity stepped out to face Roseluck. "I am the Rarity Belle. Welcome to the Carousel Boutique. How may I hel-" she stopped dead in her tracks when she opened her eyes and saw Roseluck. She froze, paralyzed, mouth agape.

"Is it okay to come out?" The male voice from the kitchen asked.

Rarity fumbled her words, still staring at Rose in shock. "Aga-uhm, well, I mean, aherm- yes!" She smiled confidently, but then, wide-eyed, proclaimed, "NO! Whatever you do, do NOT com-"

But Rarity was too late, as now the stallion that was in the kitchen now stepped out in the open. Who this pony was shocked Roseluck and sent shivers down her spine. It was unthinkable. It was horrible. It appalled Roseluck at how this, of all things, happened. The stallion standing in front of Roseluck now, was both the most beautiful and horrifyingly disgusting creature she had ever seen. How cruel fate can be. This beautiful pony, in this unfathomable moment, was none other than Samael Sundance, Roseluck's one and only true love.