• Published 24th Feb 2013
  • 579 Views, 10 Comments

The Book of Nightmares - A Green Notebook

After a series of strange events, a group of Royal Guards are called upon to deal with a rising problem in the Everfree Forest.

  • ...

2: Lost Not Forgotten

Chapter 2: Lost Not Forgotten

Once fearless and brave, a realm passed away,the ghosts of yesterday.”

“Jester!” I called numerous times, but to no avail. My calls just resonated through the dark damp forest. The drizzle that had ended earlier had returned, this time as a shower, blanketing the land in water, and made the temperature seemingly drop to a winter-like condition, minus the snow. The tears that used to represent my desperation were now gone; desperation replaced by determination. Determined to find Jester and ensure no harm comes to her.

The voices were getting closer, and more intense with each step that I took through the wilderness. Vines tried to grab me, and the bushes seemed to dart away from their roots, trying to eat me like a snack. The trees loomed overhead, the branches each trying to grab me, but to no avail. The grass began to appear in patches, dirt and mud forming in the places without the emerald blades.

“Some pony help!” I heard.

“Jester!” I called out again.

“Peace!” The mare called out again. It was her. It had to be. She, and the rest of the group were the only ponies that knew my name.

I headed towards the source of the location, to my right. Trees blocked my way; their branches acting as gates that never opened for any pony. A little chat with my blade seemed to move them out of the way though. I kept slashing at the vines and branches, listening to the chanting, hoping that no harm had come to Jester. If she was gone, then Celestia knows who would replace her. Probably a pony more stern that Shade, which was almost impossible to imagine; a pony who took their job more seriously than Shade.

A blood curdling scream that could be heard from miles away was what alerted me that I was getting ever closer to Jester’s location, though I hoped that it would be soon that I found the silver unicorn. My determination reverted back into fear and desperation, and no matter how hard I tried to push those emotions aside, they always returned, worse than the last time they were with me. The rain continued to fall, a cliche sign that something bad might have occurred already, but I continued the journey to find the friend I had cherished more than family (or what’s left of it).

The chanting was coming to an end, but Jester’s agonizing screams continued. The rain and my hooves splashing into the muddy ground the only other sounds along with Jester’s ambient cries. My heart was racing, almost bursting out of my chest trying to look for the mare itself.

I stopped behind a bush when I saw Jester. She was alone, on the forest floor, stripped of her armor, and blood dripping from her mouth and nostrils. I checked around the area, and emerged from the bushes when I saw nothing other than the forest and the mare clutching her stomach, blood emerging from a wound that would have proved fatal. Her bags were tossed on a tree branch, hanging until I approached closer to the wounded mare. The bag fell to her side, still getting rained on, but not as much as when it was when it hung off the tree’s arm.

“By Luna!” I gasped, kneeling down next to the mare. I reached into my packs and searched for anything that could help with the wounds. “I got you! Don’t worry!”

The mare groaned in pain as I continued to search for something to patch up the silver mare’s wounds. My heart skipped a beat when I managed to find the bandages in my pack. My face lit up with such joy, but Jester kept her pained expression, beckoning me to hasten the healing process. I was no medical expert, but I take pride in what I can do to heal some pony.
I wrapped the bandage around Jester’s wounded midsection. Another, smaller bandage, sat on the bridge of the mare’s bloodied nose. Tears welled up in her eyes, either of joy of finding me, or from what happened to her earlier.

“I’m so glad you came!” The mare said giving me a tight, surprising hug. “I didn't think I’d see any pony again!”

“You’re welcome Jester.” I spoke, breaking free of the mare’s caressing. “What happened? I looked everywhere for you.”

“We were testing the spell, but something was wrong.” The silver mare began explaining, trying to stand on all fours. “I could hear you, but I don’t think you were able to hear me. It was about that time when I saw... My little sister. She ran into the bushes, so I followed her, calling out to her, but it was like she wasn't really there. I was attacked by... Celestia, I don’t know what it was that attacked, but it’s still in here somewhere.”

I assisted Jester on all fours, listening to her story as she tried to get her bearings. Confusion blanketed my mind. She said that she saw her sister, but she never responded to Jester’s calls. It was when she arrived here when she remembered something about her little sister.

“...She’s been there for six years now.” Jester said, the tears still streaming, but her voice still calm; no quivering or sorrow in it. “There’s no way she could have come back without the help of necromancy.”

I shivered at the thought of a pony being brought back to the land of the living after living in paradise for six years. Necromancy was a subject of magic banned ever since Dark Winter tried to enslave a griffon city almost a thousand years ago. Necromancy, although now practiced secretly, is one of the most well known dark arts of magic, the others being... well I don’t know what the other dark arts of arcane abilities are, but they are probably just as bad as raising the dead or summoning spirits.

“Do you still have the map on you?” I asked, to which Jester levitated the tattered piece of paper out of her pack.

“I got what’s left of it.” Jester unfolded the map, revealing the vast Everfree Forest. Using her magic, she pinpointed our location on the piece of paper. I was shocked that she knew how to reveal our location, but not know how to activate our communication spell. “Here we are.”

The clearing we were supposed to arrive in to regroup with the others was a long way from here. We’d get there at least ten at night, when the forest began it’s mysterious happenings. We could have gotten there quicker, but with Jester’s injuries, there was no way we could move any faster than we were already going.

The leaves rustling didn't help fortify my mental fortitude. Paranoia became a factor in the trip through the forest. Black beings moved out of the corner of my eyes, and the most subtlest sounds were as loud as the roaring thunder overhead. The Rain began to get heavier, pelting my back so hard, as if a hoof were slamming against it. Jester grunted as I began to pick up the pace, and she was forced to hobble alongside me.

“Celestia, slow the buck down!” Jester begged. “My hooves aren't as good as they used to be!”

“Jester,” I responded. “I want to get to the rendezvous point as quick as possible. And that would require your full cooperation.”

“Screw cooperation,” The silver mare stopped trotting with me. “We need a shelter! Look, I intend on surviving! I can’t keep up with you like this Rookie. I need proper medical attention. Forget the bucking map. Other than shelter, we need to leave here!”

“But the mission Jester, we-”

“Forget the mission.”

The mare and I stared at each other in an awkward silence. On one hoof, she was in dire need of medical attention, and I was no expert on the subject. On the other hoof, there was the mission we had to worry about. But on the other hoof, Jester was right. And I hated it when she was right.

I wasn't sure if it was Jester’s rapid movement to my side, the roaring thunder, or the rustling of the bushes behind me that made me draw my silver blade. I looked around, hoping that the thing stalking us was just a small woodland creature and not a beast that would not be able to take damage from my blade. Jester’s shivering body didn’t help with my cautious approach as I began to shuffle towards the bush ahead of me. My sword was pointed towards the small shrub, in case of anything hostile wanting to chew at my flesh.


I landed on my back from the impact of an unknown force. Jester cried out in pain when she hit the ground. I felt a being pounce on my body, but kept my eyes shut to avoid seeing what would be the cause of my inevitable death.

“Peacekeeper? Jester?” A familiar voice questioned. It was the form on top of me. My heart skipped a beat when I saw who it was. I almost wanted to hug her, but refrained from doing so. It seemed like an eternity since I last saw the face of another group member.

Nocturnal’s eyes contained intensity, and so did her facial expression. She was missing her Lunar Guard helmet, and had a bandage wrapped around her forehead, a second one covering her left eye. The rest of her armor was still equipped, but the center of her chest plate was dented and cut. A deep stab wound found its place on her right fore-hoof, and another one right below the rib cage.

“I’m so glad to have found you two!” The mare said, her voice quivering and tears in her eyes as she assisted both Jester and I. “Oh by Luna, I thought you had died!”

“What made you think that?” I inquired.

“When the group followed the trail trying to get to the clearing we were supposed to meet up at, We saw the both of you. Or...”


“What was left of you.”

I recoiled at the statement. What was left of us? What in Tartarus did that mean? Was the forest making us all hallucinate? That could be the only possible explanation for what we were all seeing. The only thing on my mind was how Nocturnal arrived here.

The Lunar Guard seemed to read my thoughts and provided the answer. “About midway in our journey, there was a...Oh Luna, I don’t even know what it was. The thing was black, and had the eyes of a demon. It had no real form, but it spawned these twisted, contorted... Things! I don’t even know what they were! I think.. I think they were the ponies that were missing.”
A groan rang out from somewhere, but the groan sounded like something out of a horror movie. A slushy noise reverberated throughout the vicinity. Something walking. Or hobbling considering the rate at which the steps repeated after one another. I willed my heart to beat at a regular pace when I saw the distorted figure’s shadow.

The hairs all over my body stood up, as the being emerged from the fog. Skin was peeling off, like paint in a condemned building. Patches of fur hung on to whatever skin was left on the living dead pony. Its head tilted to the side, remaining in that position as it limped towards us, and an eyeball hung, the muscle holding it all together about to snap. Cracks revealed rotten brain matter and the rotten muscle tissue barely held the being together. Saliva drooled from the monster’s dry mouth, and it’s teeth were on the verge of slipping out of their places.

I should have realized that the beast wasn't groaning or making any strange noises (although it was indeed making strange sounds), but instead it was trying to speak. The voice was dry and raspy, and the words it tried to speak all but failed to exit the rotten mouth properly. I couldn't make out what it was trying to say, but I don’t think it really mattered. As soon as I saw it scuttling towards me, my blade couldn't have been any quicker.

I slashed at the being, severing the right hoof’s knee. I expected blood to rush out of the wound, but instead of the crimson liquid gushing out of the laceration, a black liquid slowly rushed out. I made every attempt to avoid the liquid with each cut that I made. My heart’s beating was out of control. Sweat covered my brow, and my breathing became more intense as I dealt the final blow to the monstrosity. It had stopped its advance on me, but convulsed on the ground before shriveling up to the size of a child. I pawed at my eyes, to make sure what I had just done was real and not a part of my imagination.

Cautiously, I approached the dead body, for reasons beyond me. It was just a heap of flesh, like there was an actual pony wearing that torn up flesh bag as a costume. Nocturnal and Jester both carefully stepped next to me. Both mares were breathing at a rate faster than mine, although I was the one who had slain the beast.

“Is that the thing you were talking about?” I inquired.

“No. The things we encountered were black. Not... This.” Nocturnal answered.

Jester was still hyperventilating. She fell on her haunches, backing away from the both of us, eyes full of fear, and sweat covering her head. Either sweat or the droplets of rain that managed to fall through the forest ceiling.

“She’s having a panic attack!” Nocturnal pointed out. She dove down to the silver mare’s side. I did the same, trying to calm her down. The silver mare kept moving in reverse, until she got on all fours, turned away from us, and let out a moan, that was cut off by bile fluids leaving her mouth.

“Not...a...panic attack.” Jester spoke solemnly. She stared at the ground blankly, lost in her thoughts. “Fear. A natural reaction to something like...That.”

I looked back at the shriveled up heap on the forest floor, expecting it to hop on all fours, and start its terrifying approach. It was still laying on the ground, dead and it was going to stay that way for all eternity.

“Peacekeeper.” Nocturnal called. “Look. Another path.”

I stared at the ground searching for said path, but found no evidence of its existence. After Nocturnal’s hooves redirected my head, the faint dirt path revealed itself to me. I looked back at the two ponies. I don’t know why I did. I guess I was trying to ask for their permission to follow it without opening my mouth.

Jester, although healed nicely, stayed at my side, her fur against mine. I could feel her shaking from her experience earlier. Nocturnal however, was at my side, but not making contact with me other than keeping visual contact.

Trees continued to grow, but leaves began to separate from them, despite fall being another four months away. Bushes began to disappear, leaving only the skeletons of the ones that had failed to grow any leaves. Soon enough, the trees began to stop growing, leaving us in a spherical shaped clearing, blanketed with fog. The circular clearing sent chills up my spine, despite being in the presence of two other ponies. The path continued to stretch ahead of us, but eventually stopped at a natural podium. Vines and branches helped create this natural podium, with a tree trunk cut in half as the base.

Torches were set ablaze recently. The fresh scent of overcooked meat filled my nostrils and made me cringe in disgust. With each step I took, the scent grew stronger, and my heart beats quickened.

Jester clung closely to me, while Nocturnal stayed at my side, but not making any contact, her sword drawn as we walked closer and closer towards the natural podium that stood at the center of the fog filled clearing.

“Is that... a book?” Nocturnal whispered to no pony in particular.

Upon further examination of the lectern, a book sat on the rest. It was old, and dust, as if no pony had opened it in years, hell maybe even decades. An emblem of a moon corrupted with darkness was inscribed onto the cover of said book. A dark aura seemed to emanate from the mysterious volume, and with each movement I made, the motions seemed to blur, and time seemed to go slower and slower.

Aeons of walking eventually led me to the book, the energy it was giving off full of evil and dread. My eyes felt heavy, my mind beginning to shut down on me.

“Peacekeeper?” Jester inquired, now at Nocturnal’s side other than mine. “Are you alright?”

“I’m...fine.” I lied. I was tired, and all my willpower was focused on keeping myself awake, and so far, the book’s magic was making all attempts in vain.

“Put the book down.” Nocturnal warned. I disobeyed her demand, checking the back of the book for no reason. “Dammit, put it down!”

Jester’s magic tugged at the book, but I held a firm grip with my own arcane abilities. It was a game of tug o'war between an old black book, one that could explain whatever is happening around here.

“Let the hell go!” Nocturnal pleaded, smacking my horn with her hoof. I fell on my rear end, rubbing my horn, which was so focused on trying to get the book back that it caused me to gain a thunderclap headache. I shut my eyes, and gripped my head, in a cruel attempt to stop the ache.

“Luna, what the hell is wrong with you?” Nocturnal questioned. “What’s so special about that book?”

I struggled to find the answer, although it was fairly simple. The pain was sluggishly receding, and I was recovering, getting on all fours.

Jester held the book in front of her, unopened. It didn't tempt her to open it, at least physically she didn't look tempted. I still wanted that book, but refrained from trying to take. So instead, I’ll use my devilishly good charms to talk them into giving me the book. Just note; I have no devilishly good charms.

“I don’t know what happened exactly.” I answered, leaving the idea of ‘charms’ out of the conversation. “The book, it felt like it wanted me to open it.”

“Maybe it has the answers to whatever’s happening around here.” Jester suggested.

“I don’t want to risk it.” Nocturnal said.

“Why not?”

“Because I’m the superior and I order you to keep the book closed.” The Lunar Guard spoke sternly, looking down at me. “And you. Keep yourself in line you hear?”

“Message received.” I looked around, confused as to what we were going to do now. “So what now?”

“I dunno, uh...Jester, you still have the map on you?”

The silver mare placed the book within her saddle packs, and continued to search for the map. Her simple task turned into panic as she started rummaging through the leather pack. “What the hell? Where the buck is it?”

My heart sank deeper in my body. My eyes shut and I dragged myself over to the podium where the book was once sitting. I slammed a hoof into it, either in anger, or some other emotion I couldn't pinpoint. Now we were lost in this forest, and there was almost no way out.

I cursed so loudly, I swear, the town of Ponyville would be able to hear it. Jester recoiled in fear, probably thinking that I would do something to her. I knew that I wouldn't do anything to her though. Nocturnal knew that too.

“I’m sorry.” Jester apologized, keeping her head low to the ground. “I really am.”

“It’s fine.” Nocturnal said, patting the mare on the back, trying to comfort her. I could hear the slight bit of anger in her voice though.

“Well, maybe we could try and signal the others.” I suggested. “They have a map too right?”

Nocturnal looked uncomfortable. I could just see it in her eyes. The answer was staring me in the face, but I was too stupid to realize it.

“Well... About that...”

“Forget it.” I sighed.

Nocturnal and Jester shuffled around, trying to think of a way to leave the forest, although there was three of our fellow guardsmen left in the forest, probably staring death in the face. I tried to think of something, anything that would help us leave the forest.

“The book!” Nocturnal exclaimed in unison with me. We both looked at each other silently until the mare decided to speak. “Maybe it’s a spell book! Maybe there’s a teleportation spell inside!”

“No chance.” Jester spoke. “I’m okay with the book, but I can’t cast teleportation magic. And I don’t think Rookie over here knows how to cast it either.”

“Well...Then read it.”

“It’s not that simple.” I broke in. “When given a new spell to learn, a unicorn can take days, weeks, months even, to learn the spell. And teleporting three ponies, well that’s like adept level spell casting.”

“Damn. We could still try right?”

I looked over at Jester, but she gave me one of her popular ‘let’s talk in private’ glares.

What is it? I contacted, remembering our communication spell was still working.

Are you really supporting her on this? The mare responded. Wasn't she the one that ordered us not to open it?

Yes, but now she’s going to command us to open it.

What if this is a necromancy book? We could be playing with-

Look at the cover of the book. Does it look like anything related to necromancy?

The mare examined the book and faced the ground. No. I just don’t have a good feeling about this.

Let me take look at it then. I got it. Don’t worry.

I grabbed the unholy looking book, setting it on the podium. Upon opening it, my vision began to darken. I felt drained, both mentally and physically. My willpower began to divert itself to keeping my eyes from closing.I felt Jester’s warm hooves lay on my back, and upon looking, her face seemed blurred, and every movement she made was slower than her normal pace. When she spoke, or at least what I thought was her speaking to me, no words came out, just her mouth opening. I glanced to Nocturnal, but found myself staring at a blank mare. It wasn’t Nocturnal, but it was somepony else. If her face weren’t so blurred then I would be able to make it out better.

I glanced back down at the book, but my consciousness was slipping away into a catatonic state of mind. I fell on my knees, then on my side. My eyes began to darken, only a dim light ahead of me, the only source of light now. Now.

It’s gone.


It was amazing that I could see despite the darkness of the room. The paint on the ceiling was peeling off, and a musky smell drifted through the room. I lay on an operating table, though I wasn’t strapped into it like other ponies were in the Canterlot hospitals. The only source of illumination was from a dim lamp on the other side of the room. In the denizens between me and the desk with the lamp, were other operating tables, blood on each one, and some still fresh with the crimson liquid.

The tiles on the walls and floor were stained with century old blood and other liquids I couldn't quite describe. The hairs on my whole body stood up, as I set all four hooves onto the ground. It was wet. And not with blood. It wasn’t water either.

I took reluctant steps through the urine covered room, the disgust building up with each step I made. As slow as I went, I was making progress over to the lamp, almost as if it were moving towards me.


As disgusted as I was the sudden surge of energy that shot through me made me dart towards the desk with the lamp. Upon reaching the desk I almost completely knelt down to the ground before realizing, not only was I stripped of my golden armor, but I was about to put majority of my body in a puddle full of urine mixed with blood and other less desirable fluids.Steps resonated through the room, and shadowy figures appeared from a hallway.It was do or die!

I dropped to a low crouch, as low as I could go without my body touching the ground. I tried to will my heart to slow down, but my whole body was shaking, and I was hoping that I could keep this position without falling into the liquids. As the steps got louder, my heart pounded faster.

“You heard that right?” A raspy voice spoke. It sounded slightly muffled, as if the thing talking was wearing a mask.

“No. Unless you meant the bing?” Another voice spoke, just as raspy as the other one. this one had no muffle to it, but for some reason, it struck fear into my heart.

“Yes, you fucking idiot!” A loud smack echoed through the room followed by a yelp of pain from one of them.

Sweat covered my face, and sweat dripped from my chin into the muck puddle. I gulped, as my muscles began to shake, tears welling in my eyes as I began to descend from my position and into the murky waters underneath my body. The steps resonated, getting closer and closer. I could see their lantern lights shining on the wall and under the desk.

Oh please Celestia! I begged. Luna! Hear my prayers! Help me from this hell, smite these beings and please ensure no harm comes to me! Please!

The lantern lights came ever closer, and my heart was on the verge of stopping.Disbelief filled my mind when the voices went further away. Celestia and Luna have heard my prayers! Thank them both!

I poked my head up first, not before my body willed itself to stand on all fours. The creatures were gone, whatever they were. i took a single step and out of the corner of my eye, one of the operating tables rolled on its own. There was nothing there though. Sweat still covered most of my head, and my body still shook from either the intensity of hiding, or not being able to sustain most of my weight so low to the piss and shit filled ground.

I walked through the vast room, wandering aimlessly. The operating tables shifted on their own from time to time, but never did anything happen. I let out a sigh of relief when i reached the end of the room. Across from me was a door labeled: ‘Emergency Room’. Looking to my left, there was a long and endless hallway, No pony was down there. The coast was clear for me. Might as well-


I fell on my back (Bucking disgusting!) and landed in the pool I so desperately tried to avoid. Overhead were two figures, both with parts of their skin hanging off, like they in the process of turning into one of those monsters I’d encountered with Jester and Nocturnal. One wielded a steel pipe in his mouth, while the other sported a Royal Guard helmet, crudely made with scraps of metal, and a humorous attempt in making a mask that could cover his whole face. The stallion must have given up on making the mask sometime during creation, because he just took a curved metal piece and just slapped it on the helmet, covering his mouth at an angle.

“I knew it!” The masked stallion exclaimed, despite his partner’s dull and boring expression, showing no interest. “New blood!”

The other pony dropped his weapon and picked me up, although I was still dazed from his concussive attack. The masked stallion shoved me forward, before turning me to the right. Another endless hallway. This one more cluttered than the other, full of trash and blood stained walls and other various objects.

“Start walking!” The masked pony shoved again, and I began to make the journey to the unknown denizens of this realm. Was this even Equestria? If it was then where the-

“Ahh!” I yelped. An shock coursed through my body, and upon looking behind me, the two ponies were gesturing for me to enter into another dark room. Their lanterns were the only source of illumination in this dreaded place.

I walked as commanded, but not before being stopped by the masked pony. Another narrow hallway, except that the end was right in front of me and that another room was on the left wall, a light illuminating both that room and the end of the hall. No piss covered floors (Thank Celestia for that), and boxes were spread about, as if some pony were trying to leave in a hurry.

The masked unicorn looked around,but averted his attention back to me. He ordered his friend to investigate the rest of the dark room, while he watched me. The other being left to carry out the task, leaving me with this pony stained with various liquids, most of which had a distinct and pungent odor.

He looked at me with the dirtiest grin I’d ever seen. “Wait till ya meet the big guy. She’ll just love you!”

“Don’t you mean ‘he’?” I corrected.

“No!” Another shock came from his unseen horn. “I meant ‘she’. Wait until you see her. You’ll probably die of fear.”

I looked around, hoping that wouldn’t earn me a shock either. The destroyed ruins of this old hospital honestly scared me. Well of course it did. It probably would scare you too. The worst part about this place wasn’t anything I was seeing now, but instead the thoughts that ran through my head here.

I wanted to go back home. I wanted to back with Jester and Nocturnal, Illusion and Shade. I didn’t know that there was a place worse than the Everfree, but now I guess I found it. Nothing ever in my life has ever made me want to go back to the Royal Armory so bad. Nothing ever made me feel homesick before, and now all the feelings I never experienced before, all began to accumulate inside and was killing me on the inside.

A glint caught my attention and hope was restored. A weapon! The steel pipe the pony dropped! Brilliant!

I looked towards the door we had entered from, and asked “Did you hear that?”

“What?” The masked stallion got up, his horn glowing despite the helmet covering it, and edged towards the door. I slowly grabbed the pipe, hoping that the enemy wouldn’t hear me standing on all fours.


“Didn’t hear that now did ya?” I joked scornfully. “Dick!”

The stallion groaned as I hopped over the body, and grabbed the lantern in my mouth. I made sure to squeeze an ‘accidental’ kick in the head, despite the helmet. When I heard his boyfriend coming back to investigate the racket, I began to run back down the hallway, towards the direction we came, and would continue until I ran into the end, or the next door. Wherever I go, I don’t care, as long as I can escape from these wretched ponies.