• Published 24th Feb 2013
  • 579 Views, 10 Comments

The Book of Nightmares - A Green Notebook

After a series of strange events, a group of Royal Guards are called upon to deal with a rising problem in the Everfree Forest.

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6: Beneath The Surface

Chapter 6: Beneath The Surface

"Until one day I stopped caring
And began to forget why I longed to be so close
And I disappeared into the darkness
And the darkness turned to pain
And never went away
Until all that remained
Was buried deep beneath the surface"

Blood dripped down my mouth and nostrils, the damage done to my body more intense than I had realized. I screamed in agony when the pain in my chest erupted like a volcano. Lightning lit the sky, followed by the massive roar of thunder that always came after. My ears were unable to take in any more noise, as my screams and thunder muffled everything that tried to enter my ears. Rain may have hit the ground, but the fires that consumed the wagon--the one that collided with us--was still burning, the rain preventing it from spreading.

Destruction, pain and death swirled all around me. The wagon wreckage did so much damage to everything. Cultists lay dead on the ground, one making a pitiful attempt to crawl to his weapon before dying. Pools of blood were washed away by the oncoming rain, still not able to drown out the fires. Moans of both, cultists and allies sounded in the area. Two wagons burned in front of me, both of which belonging to cultists. The carriage I had rode in was behind me.

Glancing to my left, there was a crashed Royal Guard wagon, the guards all dead; bleeding from various wounds and burns. One of them slumped over and fell on her stomach. She coughed out blood, but the way her body raised and lower made me feel better knowing that she was still clinging onto life.

I rolled over onto my back, howling in pain as I did so. Tears rolled off my face as I just lay still on the muddy ground. Thunder roared again, making me jump in fear. Another eruption of pain shot through my chest, tears beginning to form in my eyes again.

“P-Peacekeeper.” A voice wheezed. I picked my head up, trying to find the source of the voice. It called again, this time closer, but weaker. I was too pained to ready my horn for any kind of defensive magic. I was too pained to be able to do anything, really. I tried to find the power to roll back over and begin crawling to the source of the voice, but to no avail. My hooves could barely move, and if I were to do anything more to my chest and ribs, there was a chance of probably dying of internal bleeding, should one of my ribs puncture a lung.

Wet hoof steps sounded nearer and nearer, though not in a regular trotting rhythm, instead they came as limps. I glanced over to the source, and my heart almost stopped. It was Nocturnal. The mother of my squad. Well, what was left of it. She had suffered numerous cuts and bruises, and her right hoof was twisted in a strange position, making her drag her hoof along the ground as she walked. Her left eye was closed, the bandage that once covered it now gone. Blood slowly poured out of the mare’s closed eye, and from the other cuts she had endured during the crash.

“Oh, thank Celestia!” The pegasus limped over to me, and dropped beside me, grunting as she did so. She shook her head as tears streamed from her eyes. “We lost everyone Peacekeeper.”

My heart skipped a beat. “You mean...Jester and...the Elements..?”

“No, I...I haven’t found them yet.” The mare’s voice quivered. “All the guards. They’re gone, the damn cultists shot them out of the sky. Dammit,their wagons are scattered throughout the wreckage. Dead, all of them. I knew them... They didn't deserve this.”

I turned my head to the mare in Royal Guard armor to my left. She was still breathing, and was trying to get on her hooves. I tried to speak again, but the attempts were all in vain. Instead, Nocturnal saw the struggling mare, and hobbled over to her.

“There we go.” The pegasus said, resting the earth pony onto a broken part of a wagon. “Can you tell me your name...Private?”

The mare groaned trying to get the answer to form. “I’m...I’m Paladin. Wh-where are we captain?”

“Just outside of Canterlot. Can you stand?”

“I’ll try.”

The pegasus in the Lunar Guard armor assisted the earth pony in traditional Royal Guard armor. With Nocturnal’s help, Paladin stood on all fours. The two mares looked at me, and then at the wagon full of Royal Guards, each one suspected dead. One stallion was missing a leg, another had wooden shards piercing his body. Out of all the Royal Guards, I think that there was only one pony that could have survived, but I couldn't tell.

“Paladin, do you think you could help me search for health vials?” Nocturnal rummaged through the Royal Guard wagon, not daring to touch the soldiers, but working around in the wreckage around the dead Guards.

“No need for that.” The silver earth pony reached into a small pouch attached to her armor, and balanced one health vial. “Enchanted glass; doesn't break, no matter what you do. For your friend there.”

Nocturnal took the potion and brought it over to me. After feeding it to me, she limped back to Paladin, who was downing her own potion.

I wasn't feeling the effects of the health vial, my chest still throbbing with pain. Instead, strength returned to my body in short portions. My breathing came in a normal rhythm, instead of gasping desperately for air. I was able to move my hooves, but they still took most of my effort just to raise them. The cuts and bruises I had endured during the crash had not healed though, despite the amount of the potion I had drank. To add to my problems, a sick feeling rose in my stomach, making me want to throw up.

Nocturnal’s twisted hoof cracked back into position, the mare grimacing as it did so. I could only imagine what happened to my ribs and chest. A mental picture of bones and muscle snapping back together and reconstructing itself, making me think about how a simple liquid was able to heal with such power.

Groaning as she walked over to me, Paladin helped to get me on my back, the throbbing in my chest beginning to intensify. I groaned as I leaned on the ruined wagon, my back burning from the scrapes and gashes I had just learned about. The rain washed the blood away, and left me shivering hoping for warmth.“Look, you’re too weak to move and fight on your own.”

“And so you want me to stay here.” I finished. “I know, I’ve been in this situation before.”

“Then you’ll know to stay quiet and defend yourself.”

Paladin just stood up and joined Nocturnal, standing by a wall of wrecked wood. She shifted the plates and let Paladin exit first. The pegasus glanced back at me, as if wondering if it was a good idea to leave me behind, even if it was for a few minutes. I didn't care though. I only had the fear of a cultist stumbling upon me. My magic wasn't strong enough for me to do anything.

The two mares left, blocking off their exit, encasing me in a circle of wreckage. There were only a handful of entrances to my current position, but I had a feeling that I was only in a fraction of the aftermath. Whatever the case was, I leaned my head back on the downed wagon and shut my eyes.


“Fuck!” I yelled over the sound of the explosion. Smoke poured into my eyes, and my ears were ringing. My breathing stopped, replaced by coughing.

“Rookie?” An slightly upbeat voice whispered. “It’s me, Jester!”

“What’s the point in whispering after all that noise?” I remarked.

The smoke cleared in an instant, revealing the grey mare, still sporting her armor. It was heavily dented, some looked like they've made a dent in her flesh and bones. Blood crept through cracks in her armor, and from a gash below her mane-line.

“Sorry about that. Cultists would have got to you though if I hadn't done that.” Jester waltzed over to me, as though she wasn't even hurt. She looked to the wagon full of dead guards; grimacing as she looked away. “By the goddess. Why do we have the misfortune of living through something like this? Look, Rookie, I need to find Nocturnal; any idea as to where she is?”

“She just left to find you and the Elements.” I responded. “Were they with you prior to finding me?”

“Yeah, they were. Fluttershy was hurt pretty bad, as was Twilight. Our drivers, though? Dead. Lost somewhere in the wreck. I need to get you back to Twilight and her friends.”

Thunder cracked through the sky. I was in no position to argue. Nocturnal may be surprised to find me gone, but at least I would be safe with The Elements of Harmony, wherever they were.

Without warning, Jester threw me onto her back, and hauled me out of the circle of death. My chest’s pain vanished thankfully, and I subconsciously closed my eyes, tired from the pain I had endured. My body began to relax as the unicorn carried me through the rain. I didn't care if I woke up in a hollow shell, since I might be dead in Nightmare Moon’s realm. The one thing I’d regret is failing to save Sage from the tormenting realm.

“P-please!” Sage whimpered. The sound of a blunt hit sounded the dark room. “I’ll go, I’ll go!”

“It’s too late for that!” A more masculine voice spoke up. “You had your chance and now it has gone!”

Another hit resonated from the room, making Sage cry out. I felt renewed; as though my body had been healed and revitalized. The only problem was that my body could barely move, despite my new healed state. I glanced over to where the torturing was coming from.

Sage was on the floor trying to stand up, but a large grey stallion stood over her, dealing punches and kicks to the mare. She was beat bad too. Blood poured from her mouth and nose. Bruises and cuts were scattered around her body, some new, but most old. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and fear was the only emotion in her eyes.

The stallion standing over her kicked her back to the ground. Laughing as he did so. Anger flared up in me, and adrenaline pumped through my veins. I tried to muster the will to stand up, but to no avail.

“Just... Just wait until he wakes up...” Sage spoke in between pants. “He’ll kill you just like your friends.”

“Shut up!” The stallion kicked her, forcing her to the ground, and even then stomped on her head, and punched her in the gut, making the mare cough up blood.

“Ah! P-please!” Blood came out of her mouth. “N-n-no m-more!”


The stallion yelped and staggered from the unexpected arcane bolt, and turned back to me. Thankfully, I had full functionality of my magic now. The stallion stormed towards me, and slammed a hoof on my stomach. I groaned in pain. Adrenaline still coursed through my veins, and I was about ready to kill this pony.

“You stay still while I deal with your-”

I lunged at him, using my magic to force me off the table I found myself laying on. The stallion tried to kick me off, but I kept myself situated on top of the grey earth pony. I struggled for a second, but then the first strike came. Slightly disoriented, the pony kicked and struggled again, but I threw another hoof at him. And another and another.

At first it was just my hooves making purposeful ‘soft’ hits, but when I saw Sage, I threw each one harder, until I used my magic to enhance the blows. The stallion’s struggles were futile as each blow became deadlier and more powerful. Skin tore away at first, making cuts along his broad face, but then bruises appeared. His eye began to swell, and blood sputtered profusely from his new wounds.

“Peacekeeper that’s enough,” Sage spoke shakily. “He’s stopped resisting.”

My ears registered her words, but my brain ignored them, making me tune them out. My hooves pounded the stallion, until his every movements stopped. The last hit made a gut wrenching splat as the crimson liquid escaped from torn flesh. Blood covered my silver hooves and belly like paint on the wall. My body was.... better from the experience. All that bottled up stress and anger, finally able to be let out like that just made it...perfect.

I turned to Sage, who was on the ground, staring at me, fear in her eyes. Honestly, I didn’t think she would be this freaked out about me killing somebody. I mean, she practically watched me stab a pony in the eyes with his own keys.

I moved to approach the mare, but she kicked me away.

“Ow!” I rubbed my chest, which was perfectly fine, as though it had never been broken. “Sage, I’m trying to help you.”

“I’m.... I’m sorry,” The mare apologized, trembling as she stood on all fours. “I just.. I just need to be alone for a minute.”

“Not until I get you healed.” I protested.

“But--okay.” Sage slowly sat on her haunches as I approached, magic ready to heal (to the best of its ability anyway.). She suffered numerous cuts, like she’d been tortured and then was given the misfortune of being put in the hooves of that evil stallion. Bruises covered her body, and parts of her mane were cut short.

“Oh Luna,” I gasped as I examined the wounds. “How long was he at this?”

“Just do what you gotta do.” The mare hissed. “I’m in no mood for this.”

My healing was basic, but it should prove sufficient enough to help her. The bruises began to disappear, and the cuts sealed. She grimaced when I mended to her gash, which didn't seal up completely.She turned to look at me, avoiding eye contact, tears still streaming down her face.

“Hey, you can talk to me.” I tried. “Look, for what its worth, I’m sorry. I meant to come back, but things out in the real world... things are beginning to get crazy, and we were almost there; to Celestia, but it’s going to have to wait. Look, I hate to leave you, but I promise you, it will all be over soon. Would you mind explaining to me how we got here?”

The mare kept her mouth closed, but her expression shifted from anger to.. just depressed. She opened her mouth, but only air escaped it. I decided not to press her, as I’d hate to piss her off, especially after what she’s been through.

I managed to heal the small wounds, only partially sealing her major gashes. She got up and turned to look away. I had desperately wanted to do something to comfort her, but I risked hurting her even more. I don’t know how, but i had a way with doing that to ponies.

I didn't leave the room, since I hadn't a clue as to where we were. Sage sat in the corner of the dark room, a small, dim lamp illuminating her position. She was crying. And I was just standing there watching her like an idiot watching paint dry. My heart pounded when I began to take steps towards the mare.

Sage was sobbing into her hoof, leaning against the wall. I tried to search through my vast vocabulary to find the words to say. The emerald mare paid me no mind, either because she didn't know I was there, or because she was just ignoring me. I struggled again, still trying to do something. I moved forward hesitantly, then moved back, then forward again, this time not questioning in my mind that if I was doing the right thing.

My hooves wrapped around the mare, my chest acting as a sponge for the mare’s tears. I stroked her mane as she cried, trying to be as comforting as possible. The mare looked up from my chest, but still avoided eye contact with me.

“Peacekeeper.” The mare poke in a quivering voice. “We’ll be able to get through this right?”

“Yeah...” I answered, trying not to sound lost. “We’ll get out of here. I’ll make sure you leave this place, even at the cost of my own life.”

Sage gripped me tighter, and I did the same to her. Even though I had only known her for a short time, I felt as though Sage were a pony a knew since we were kids. Whenever I saw her, I was always nervous, though not to the point I couldn't speak. I was nervous because I wanted her to be safe, and since this realm was full of all kinds of creatures and twisted ponies, I always longed to stay at the mare’s side. Sure, I did have thoughts of trying to be more than just a defender for the mare, but I was a Royal Guard doing my duty, not some random stallion who happened to be looking for love.

I hated to put my feelings for the mare aside, but as my duty as a Royal Guard, I was supposed to just protect her, not fall in love with her. I savored this moment like it would be my last; clutching the mare in my hooves, and feeling her warm, soft body against my average, rough body. My heart wanted this moment to last forever, and there was no questioning that Sage was thinking the same thing, based on her body language and how tight she was clutching me.