• Published 24th Feb 2013
  • 579 Views, 10 Comments

The Book of Nightmares - A Green Notebook

After a series of strange events, a group of Royal Guards are called upon to deal with a rising problem in the Everfree Forest.

  • ...

4: Home

Chapter 4: Home

“I remember the first time she came to me, She poured out her soul all night and cried. I remember I was told there`s a new love that`s born, for each one that has died.”

I don’t know what shocked me the most: my blade managing to pierce the beast’s chitin, or it’s deafening roar of anger. The monster lifted it’s bulky arm to smash me, but had it been lighter, it could have hit me. I dug the blade deep into the un-armored part of the arm, and earned myself a smack by the smaller, more agile arm. It was hard enough trying to hit something that was about ten times bigger than you and trying not to get hit at the same time, but it was harder when that thing you’re trying to kill had armored plating enough to take hits from my most powerful spell.

Although I was weak from the the abuse I had taken earlier, I felt moderately rejuvenated. Energy was slowly being restored in my body, and my thinking became quicker. My senses were getting better, and my magic was slowly regaining its strength. The bleeding in some areas didn't stop though, like the wounds on my back. The heavy Royal Guard armor I had equipped earlier was cracked in the chest area and one of the shoulder plates had fallen off. It was the armor on my sides and chest that was taking the most abuse though, and soon I would have to brave the fight without any kind of protection other than my magic.

The beast lifted it’s arm and swung it like a wooden bat. I took the blow, soaring back about five yards. Dirt flew around me upon impact, my back stinging from the drag on the ground. I looked up to see the armored beast charging towards me, limping though.

I shot a blast of magic at the monstrosity, staggering its approach. I jabbed my blade in a crack in the beast’s chitin plate, and tried to lift the cracked plating off with my magic, but to no avail. I was too slow, and ended up on the ground again. I groaned, suffering a blow to the stomach from the monster’s bulky arm. The thing roared as if it were trying to gloat, but I slashed it in the mouth, jamming my blade as far as I could into it’s mouth.

I yelped when I was grabbed by the tail and flung to the other side of our arena. I smacked into a tree of oak variety, my armor amazingly holding itself together, despite the impact. I slid off the natural structure, dazed and struggling to regain my posture. I glanced over at the armored monster, who was trying to rip the blade from its mouth. There was about six different spots in which I could blast off, and strike with my blade, should I ever get it back. My sword may be in the beast’s mouth, but it was still ready to dance.

When my body’s strength returned, my hooves willed themselves to charge at the struggling monstrosity created by Nightmare Moon. As the monster neared me, I became more aggressive, charging up a spell and aiming it for the beast’s chest chitin.


There we go! One well placed charged arcane bolt pierced the armor plating and blew it to bits (The armor plate not the monster unfortunately). My magic gripped the blade and jerked it out of the obsidian shelled beast, stabbing at the chest as many times as possible. Obsidian liquids spilled out of the wounds, but didn't seem to have any effect on the creature.

“Ah!” I dropped my blade, and fell on my stomach, my back suffering an impact from the monster’s massive arm. My hind legs were grasped in the massive hands, and I was up in the air, screaming for dear life.


I felt like a bug being crushed underneath the hooves of a pony. I felt helpless and afraid. Afraid that this would be my last few moments in Equestria.

I was dragged along the ground, and then lifted up again. I heard the monster growl, trying its best to laugh at me for making such a pitiful attempt to fight it. I could smell the foul breath as the monster opened its mouth and edged me closer to the vertical opening. The sharp fangs dug into my fore hoofs as I tried to resist being eaten alive, blood slowly seeping from the wounds. The dark denizens of the beast’s mouth tried to consume me along with the beast itself. I was too focused on trying to keep the mouth open to try and do anything else.


I’d used it before, but why hadn't I thought about using it now? That’s right: I’m a little too focused trying to survive. Well Peacekeeper, its now or never. Focus on the horn or on the hooves. Choose now!

I strained myself, and slowly relaxing my hooves to the best of my abilities. The jaws of death were literally closing in on me, and I was busy trying to do something else. Focus all your willpower, c’mon! As I focused on my spell, I tried to think of something witty and cool to say, just to add some kind of effect, although nopony was watching. Probably the cheesiest line came to mind, but I never got to finish it.



This, you dick.

I found myself sitting on my rear end, covered in an obsidian liquid. The impromptu spell cast had earned me a headache strong enough to manifest into its own being. I closed my eyes and rubbed my head trying to make the pain subside.

“By Celestia!” I heard some pony exclaim, astonished at the scene. “Rookie did you...?”

I turned my head, to see who the pony was, but my vision was blurred. Judging from the voice, it was probably Jester.

“Damn Rook!” Another, more upbeat voice admired. Definitely Jester, the first one had to have been Nocturnal. “Who taught you that arcane pulse spell?”

“About a days worth of reading a book.” I answered, half jokingly, yet half truthfully. “I’m surprised it even--ah!”

I felt the mare’s hooves on my back, the wounds stinging from both her touch and the sudden realization that there was shrapnel from the chitin plates of the monster that had tried to eat me. I opened my eyes and was glad to see two familiar faces.

“Rookie, by Celestia, are you okay?” Nocturnal questioned, acting like my mom again. This time though, I was thankful for it.

“I need to sleep. I think that would be the only thing I need at the moment.”

“I was thinking the same thing kid.” Jester agreed. Both of the mares assisted me with walking through the clearing and towards the way they had come.

“There was a trail over here that led to the same direction of the town, but we had to find you first.” Nocturnal explained. “We also should wait until morning. We don’t know how long it is until we actually get to the town.”

During the time it took for us to walk to our unknown destination, I explained to the mares what was happening. From the Nightmare Realm to Nightmare Moon trying to come back, but in her own corporeal form. Illusion had planned to help the Azure Princess in her mission to return and engulf the world into an eternal night, and as long as he had the book, he was in control of everything. I was the only one who could get that book back from him, and when I am finally able to do so, it will go straight to Luna. She has to know what is happening. She could probably get the Elements of Harmony to completely destroy Nightmare Moon.

Once we made our way to a small clearing we all stopped in our tracks. Nocturnal crafted a fire, large enough to keep us warm without having to huddle up close to it. We all removed our armor, earning myself a lecture from Nocturnal about not to watch a mare remove her clothes or armor, and set it down next to the spots where we’d sleep, at least Jester and I. The fact that there was no beds made it harder for us to sleep. Especially me, since when I slept I’d be taken someplace else. I shuddered at the thought of leaving my friend’s company once again. Then again, there was Sage there to greet me, and she wanted--no, she needed my protection. I closed my eyes about five minutes after Jester had began to snore and Nocturnal began to patrol our perimeter.

“Peacekeeper?” Nocturnal spoke, ripping my eyelids apart from each other. “Earlier you said something about another realm?”

“What about it?”

“What is it like?” The mare’s eyes were full of worry. “Between Nightmare Moon trying to convert you into a follower, and the monsters that roam the realm, how do think you’ll deal with the problem?”

“Illusion still has that book,” I answered, edging closer to the fire between us. “I intend on getting it back. Nightmare Moon may have upgraded his magic, but I can figure something out to get the book back from him.”

“Is there any sign of the missing ponies from the town? Any pony who had either been indoctrinated by Nightmare Moon or just a straggler?”

My thoughts went to Sage. An innocent mare who deserved none of what is happening to her right now. I hoped that she was still intact, both in body and in mind. There was no sign of any other ‘normal ponies’ though. The ones taken under Nightmare Moon’s wing were horrifically deformed, either suffering from famine or just a disease that had only cosmetic effects.

“There’s only one pony that’s actually sane in that disgusting world. Her name is Sage. I think she’s stuck in there like me; having come into contact with one of the artifacts of Nightmare Moon. She might be one of the missing ponies. When we get back to Ponyville tomorrow morning, we should ask around about it.”

“Right. Look, since you sleep out here, and wake up in there, you should ask her if we can find her body out here.”

I lay on the ground, closing my eyes waiting for sleep to take me, that is until Nocturnal spoke to me again.

“Oh and also,” I sat up again, though I don’t know why. “Be careful in there Peacekeeper.”

The mare had a tone of despair in her voice. My ears perked up when she called me by my actual name. No pony, at least in the Royal Guard, had called me by name. I smiled at the mare as I lay on the uncomfortable ground, next to my armor. I shut my eyes, hoping to Celestia that Sage was still alright without me.

I woke, but not in the forest, nor the hospital. Instead, I found myself in a prison cell. The tiled floor wasn’t covered with a pony’s body fluids this time, but had more grime and dirt than actual color. The steel bars ahead of me were rusted, and ahead of me was a pony sitting on a chair, asleep, hooves on a small desk. The pony wasn’t like the others; no patches of fur or missing teeth. Just a regular cultist like the ones who tried to kill me earlier. Beyond him was a door, an exit sign hovering above it. If I could escape from this prison cell, then I could sneak past the sleeping stallion, given my sneak skills would prove sufficient enough to keep the stallion asleep.

I lifted my head up, sniffing the cold atmosphere, a strange, damp scent entering my nostrils. The dim white light above me did nothing to illuminate the room I was trapped inside. The stallion at the desk had a lamp that just flickered on and off, but did nothing more than that. To my left was another cell, full of rotting and decaying bodies. I guess I found the source of the odor. Bodies of numerous ponies piled up, some bodies reduced to skeletons, while others were fresh. I’d estimate the newest bodies added to that pile were tossed in about two days ago. I shuddered at the sight of each pony’s twisted expressions. Some died in terror, others literally died of laughter.

Blood was splattered on the walls in the cells, and the sight made me shudder. Some stains tried to spell out words, while others were hieroglyphs of some kind. I couldn’t find the strength to lift my whole body up off the ground, which was probably a good thing since I’d most likely wake the pony who was supposed to be guarding the door.

“Oh Peacekeeper!” A frail feminine voice whispered in excitement. “You’re awake!”

It was Sage, eyes full of tears, just like the first time we met. Her mane was sticky with the blood that dripped from her forehead and down to her muzzle. The gash she had endured in the hospital had been covered by a alabaster bandage, crimson on the spot of the gash. Sage’s smile still remained silver, which I was thankful for. A beautiful smile for a beautiful mare.

Sage lifted me off the ground, my right hind hoof barely able to keep itself up. I sat on my haunches when the leg gave out. Sage tumbled next to me, and sat up as quick as she had fallen. The emerald earth pony wrapped her hooves around me, caressing me tightly. I felt my face heat up as I tried to maintain my ‘tough Royal Guard’ posture.

“I thought you had died.” Sage spoke, almost choking on her words. “When Nightmare Moon shot that spell at you, your body just fell.”

“I’m sorry I worried you.” I spoke to the emerald earth pony, holding her as she held me. “When I lost consciousness, I only woke up in the real world.”

Sage pulled away from me, and looked at me with shock. “Y-you were in the real world?”

“Yeah, I thought when you sleep in here you wake up out there.” I don’t know what made me think that. It was true though wasn’t it? “That’s not how it works here?”

“When I dream, I’m taken someplace else, like I’m transported to another part of this realm. I see... names. I’m stuck in a room, with nothing, but names of ponies who died in this realm. I look around everytime, scared that I might find my own name on the walls.”

My mind went back to what Illusion had said. ‘You can stay for as long as you’d like’. If I ever wanted to leave, all I had to do was sleep here. The spell encrypted into my brain allowed for me to do that and me only. However, Illusion did say that it wasn’t recommended. Maybe when other ponies are stuck here for a long period of time, they begin to become part of this realm? Would they stay here, dream, but end up only in a different part of the realm? Did the ponies who stayed here without going back become one of the beasts I had battled? Or were they permanently stuck here, their real bodies transformed into hollow shells, their minds wandering this realm for all eternity?

If that was the case, maybe it was too late for Sage to be let back into the real world. I hoped that that wasn’t the case for her. She didn’t deserve to get stuck here.

“So... how is the real world?” Sage questioned, keeping her eyes away from me.

“Crazy.” I responded. “Canterlot has seen better days. The ponies were scared, saying Luna wasn’t doing her job as a princess. Not guarding the night, and letting their nightmares flow free. Obviously now I see, that wasn’t the case. Luna seemed secluded from the rest of civilization, as if she’s hiding something from the rest of Equestria.”

“How about Ponyville? Is every pony there okay?”

“I’m not sure. If I were to wake up in the real world, I’d be in the Everfree. Last time I was in the town though, every pony was scared, hoping not to be sucked into the Everfree.”

“And Canterlot?”

“It’s... different there. Before the reports of missing ponies near the Everfree Forest, Ponies in the city were just too tired to do anything. They complained about Luna not doing her job at night; defending the dreams of ponies. Ponies in the city were deprived of sleep, saying they encountered their most terrible nightmares, and were starting to see them during the day. I’ve only met Luna once throughout my time in the Royal Guard, and even she was worried about something. I couldn't quite tell what it was, but it obviously scared her.”

Sage shuffled around a bit before standing on her hooves. I managed to stand up, my hind leg wobbling as I got the rest of my legs to stay standing up. I don’t know why I stood, maybe to follow Sage’s plan, if she had one.

“Look Peacekeeper,” The emerald mare pointed to the desk at which the stallion was sleeping. He seemed to be awfully calm for someone who was at a different part of the realm at the moment “The keys to the cell.”

“Way to change the subject.” I said, trying to spot the keys. As far as I could see, there was nothing but a silver desk with no-

“Ah!” I gasped. “I see it.”

“Do you think you can get it?” Sage asked, a tone of hope in her voice. “Without waking him up?”
“I’ll try.” I spoke, approaching the cell door. My hooves clopped along the tiled floors, Sage’s hooves echoing along with mine. I didn’t feel secure; thinking that I would wake the sleeping stallion. I looked at Sage with uncertainty, but the mare had a hopeful glint in her eyes, and I’d hate to bring her faith in me down.

I searched along the desk for the golden key, and upon spotting it, the stallion’s hooves moved from one position to the next, blocking my view of the only way we could exit the cell. Again, I glanced at Sage, whose faith in me was slowly diminishing.

My arcane abilities worked at it’s own pace: fast. Doing something differently with it was more of a chore for me than a simple task. I could feel the cold metal of the keys, and tried my best to raise it up slowly. My azure aura cast a shadow on the wall and the pony’s body, signifying where I was currently lifting the keys. When the stallion shuffled around, I stopped, my heart pounding and sweat covering my brow. When he stopped and settled on a position, I continued lifting the golden object, focusing all my willpower on lifting the golden object slowly rather than my normal moderately fast pace.

“Would you hurry up already?” Sage complained.

“You wanna try getting the key over here?” I asked rhetorically. “I’m not used to stealthily maneuvering myself with my magic. So unless you are, I suggest you let me work at my own pace.”

The mare grew silent, letting me focus my willpower on getting us the keys to our cell. The light that acted as my guideline had finally revealed the object it was gripping. The keys jingled as silently as I could make them. I levitated the object closer to me, hoping that the jingling wouldn’t wake the stallion from his deep slumber. After my first bust in Canterlot, I found out that the most subtle noises could wake the most aloof pony in Equestria.

“Yes!” I whispered, excited that I had managed to control my arcane abilities from doing it’s own thing. I sifted through the keys looking for the right one, despite the fact that there was only three. The first key I jammed into the lock fit inside, but refused to turn. I cursed under my breath, attempting to use the second key, but to no avail.

I was just about to get to the third key when the stallion began to shift his hooves off of the desk. I stopped instantaneously, freezing in my position. The stallion shocked himself awake, and yawned, not noticing the keys in my arcane grip--not noticing me or Sage at all. He blinked a couple of times, trying to wrap his head around the scene he found himself in. After a stunning realization, he jumped up on all fours and approached the cell door.

“Hey!” The stallion shouted. “Put that back heretic! I’m not going to ask-”

I removed the third key from the ring as the stallion went to grab all three of them. Stunned, the stallion went to grab my key, but I slipped it between the bars, forcing the stallion into the steel beams. I took the other two from his mouth and quickly averted them towards his eyes, not piercing them yet.

The pony stopped in his tracks, and I turned my head away, closing my eyes at the same time. I could feel the blood spurting on my coat, giving me a new crimson paint job. Although I didn’t like my silver color, I began to appreciate it as the blood slowly splattered onto me.

“Oh my...” Sage gasped. “Y-You killed him!”

“I-I know.” I may have killed out in the real world, but in the fashion in which I had just taken a life, I couldn’t be any more disgusted with myself. I stepped over the body, my hooves shaking with each step. I glanced over at Sage, who stared at me with disbelief. “What’s the problem?”

“You killed him.” The mare spoke silently. “A pony. Not a monster like the ones in the hospital, but a pony.”

“Okay?” I turned my whole body around, moving the dead body out of the way, trying not to get any more blood on my fur. “Better?”

“No!” The mare hopped over the puddle of blood that had quickly manifested on the already stained floors. “You’re a Royal Guard! You’re supposed to incapacitate him or something, not kill him!”

“You don’t know what it’s like being a Royal Guard.Everything you see me do to the ponies in this realm will be from my training. One that taught me that survival was key, and I had to work if I wanted to live, or if the life of another pony was at jeopardy. Even if it meant the death of another pony or whoever. I was trained to keep ponies like you safe, no matter what. I’ll kill every other pony in here if it meant keeping an innocent safe. So don’t you ever tell me how to do my job.”

The emerald mare stared at me, the same expression of disbelief on her face. She tried to find the words to respond, but could find none.

“So are you coming or not?” I questioned, standing at the doorway that hopefully led to the exit. The mare hesitated at first, but then followed behind me, though not at the distance she used to. The hall seemed to go on forever, our hooves clopping as we went along, and an unknown source of light illuminating the path. I occasionally looked behind to see if Sage were still following me, and to see if we were being followed by anything.

After aeons of walking down the endless halls, a light seemed to appear at the end, shining bright, as if the sun were blocking the way out. I looked back at Sage, who seemed to get rid of her fear of me, and ran to my side, clinging on to me. I could feel her body heat radiating onto me, which felt nice and reminded me of my bed in the real world: nice, warm, and very comfortable.

The light dimmed as we approached it, revealing a door, worn out and rusted. I tried to look through the glass panel, but it was too cracked to allow proper vision. My attention averted to Sage, who I commanded to step back just in case anything that popped out from behind the door tried to kill us. Most likely it would try and kill us, knowing this realm.


“Not what I had in mind,” I said, stepping over the fallen door. “But hey, at least we’re out of that claustrophobic space right?”

“Right.” Sage rushed back to my side, glancing around the room. “Peacekeeper, I’m scared. This room is too dark.”

“Quick to forgive huh?”

“Excuse me?”

“I just finished yelling at you before, and now you act like nothing ever happened.”

The mare didn’t realize that we were moving about in the room, only illuminated by candles set up on the floor. I wasn’t paying attention to my environment, but on the mare, not breaking eye contact. Except to watch where I’m stepping. From the brief conversation we were having Sage had a really forgiving personality. She stayed close to my side, and continued speaking, though I had know clue what she was talking about. I was too busy looking into her eyes. Sparkly, and full of..something. I couldn’t quite come up with the emotion I saw, but something was there.

When Sage had finished speaking, she began to realize that her hooves were making her walk with me.

“Hey! You forced me to walk with you!”

“Ha! No, I didn’t.” I looked behind us, getting the feeling that something was creeping up behind us. “You just started talking, so I started walking.”

The mare blushed, but kept her pace in sync with mine. We remained silent. trying to spot anything that looked like an exit, but that did no good. The room was too atramentous for us to see anything within five feet ahead of us. I picked up one of the candles, hoping that our vision would improve, but I was too nervous to put the wax stick ahead of both Sage and I to find a path. My plan was to walk in the darkness and have the candle farther ahead of us, just to make a dim light to show the path.

Aha! Idea!

I did the unthinkable. My magic grasped a second candle from the ground, and lifted it close to me, while I levitated the other one about ten feet ahead of both Sage and I. Not exactly what I wanted: A light barely visible to my eyes. I dropped the farther candle in frustration, and just carried on, the wax stick beside me bobbing along with my every movements.

“Celestia, how big is this room!?” I yelled to no one in particular. Then again, Sage was the only pony there, so I guess it could have been directed towards her.

Before Sage could speak, I saw a blue square shaped light shining dimly ahead of us. I shushed the emerald pony, approaching the light, at the fastest pace I could without making a lot of noise. I seemed to make it at the light in no time at all. It was a doorframe, no door or anything, just a frame. I glanced back at Sage, who looked worried, and then glanced back out of the frame.

It was the exit, leading to Ponyville, though no pony roamed the abandon town. Buildings were ravaged; stripped of anything that could make any kind of weapon or shitty shelter. The structures that managed to stay standing were unfortunate, having to stand in a weak state for all eternity. Or at least until this realm is destroyed. Upon further examination, there were no signs of any monsters roaming the area, a good thing since I was in no shape (or mood) to do any real fighting.

I gestured for Sage to come closer, though she didn’t seem too thrilled with the idea of leaving the shelter of the abandoned building we were in. I took the first step outside, a chill running up my spine. The azure sky had no stars or clouds, but instead was a spinning vortex. A black hole, the size rivaling the whole city of Canterlot, floated in the middle, being the center of the vortex.

“Oh Celestia.” I gasped, staring up into the night sky.

“What, what?” Sage asked, rushing back to my side. She looked at me, and then at the sky. “It’s scary isn’t it?”

“Ow!” I fell on my stomach, as if I were dropped by something carrying me. Soon enough, a pain developed in my leg. I looked around, trying to spot what could have made me lose my balance. Nothing. Sage was shaking, trying to spot the unknown creature.

Sorry Peacekeeper.

No way. It shouldn’t have stunned me as much as it did. I shoot up on all fours as quick as I had fallen. My mind was full of excitement. Finally, a voice that was familiar (other than Sage’s of course)!

Jester! I spoke in my mind. I felt my body jump up. There was no response though. Jester, can you hear me?

“What are you doing?” Sage asked, still looking around for any threats.

“When I was out there in the real world, I managed to get a communication spell up with one of my squadmates. I just heard her speak to me, so I’m trying to talk back.”

“Oh! So you communicate mentally?”

I was taken back by the mare’s knowledge. Smart AND cute. “Yes.”


Ah! Jester! That wasn't directed towards you.

How’d you get the spell to work while you’re in the realm? I didn't even try and establish a connection.

I checked around to see if there was any other place for both Sage and I to rest. I pointed towards a house at the edge of the town, near the Everfree. I followed Sage, who was shaking as she ran towards the house, explaining to Jester my theory on how we were able to communicate.

The spell didn't wear off yet, though I’d give it a few more hours. Also since I’m ‘awake’ I could just talk with you, hell, I could probably do it in your sleep.

Right. That’s nice. So You could fill both Nocturnal and I in on the happenings in the realm?

Sure. That could work. I’ll be back soon.

Got it. And Peacekeeper?


Be careful in there.

I’ll keep that in mind.

With that, our conversation had come to an end. I spotted Sage as she approached the house. When she got to the front door, I regrouped with her. Being the nice Royal Guard that I am, I let the mare re-attach onto me, clinging on to me like her life depended on it.

Using my magic, I slowly opened the door, the creaking echoing in the silence. A quick peek inside and afterwards I entered first (of course I did) and scanned the room. It was like any other house I’d been in. Except it was old, and everything seemed to decay with time. The things that time managed to ignore were taken apart by the savage ponies of this realm.

A circular golden rug was spread across the floor in a neat manner, only to have been ripped apart by whatever was in here last. A crimson couch only stood on two legs in the corner of the small room, the other two legs ripped off, and broken apart. The paint on the hazel walls were peeling, as was the silver ceiling. Numerous pieces of wood were scattered about on the floor, mostly near the walls, so they weren't going to be in my way.

Sage walked around the house, examining everything about it. She glanced at a picture sitting on a shelf, rotting and on the verge of falling off the wall. I thought nothing of it when the mare shed a single tear, thinking that she had sympathy for the family that had once lived here, if this world used to be a peaceful place until Nightmare Moon returned and laid waste to everything here, making the realm in her own image.

I glanced around, hoping that this place would be stable enough to provide us with shelter until I came back. See, my plan was to sleep here and enter the real world, so I could navigate back to Ponyville, and once there, I would hopefully get to sleep in the hospital of the town. After sleeping in the hospital, I’d wake up here with Sage, and continue the search for Illusion. Once I get that backstabbing stallion, I’d get that book from him and see if I could reverse the spell the book had implanted into my brain. I could also see if I could do the same for Sage.

All I had to do now was to inform Sage of the plan I had conjured up just moments ago. I glanced over towards the mare, but held my tongue when I saw her staring at the picture, forcing back tears, and depending on her willpower to keep herself sitting down. I slowly approached her, not knowing of what words could console her.

By the time I had reached her, Sage had turned away from the picture and towards me, the tears still building up. “This is my old home.”

The emerald mare looked me in the eyes, a faint feel of longing emanating from them. She missed the real world. I never gave much thought as to how long she had been trapped in this realm. It made me think about the possibilities of never finding an end to this Nightmare. Sage had been in here so long she didn't know anything from the real world. I felt sorry for her.

Sage lay her head on my shoulder, staring at the wall, while I was stuck sitting beside her, trying to find the words to comfort her. My attention averted from the mare to the picture. It was fairly old, though not in black and white. It depicted Sage, a filly at the time, wearing glasses and a saddle bag. Her first day of school. It amazed me that even the most innocent of all ponies could be tossed into a world so full of pain and misery.

“Peacekeeper.” Sage spoke, breaking the eternal silence.


“Promise me you’ll help me get back home.” The mare lifted her head from my shoulder, and looked me in the eyes. “Promise me that you’ll always be there for me in my time of need.”

“You have my word. I’ll do my best to keep you safe from the horrors of this realm. But first, I’m going to need to do something in the real world. I’ll be back soon. Do you think you can wait for me here?”

The emerald earth pony frowned, but then managed a smile. “Okay. But be quick. I don’t like the feel of this place.”

“I’ll try.” I looked around, hoping for a comfortable spot to lie down. Nothing comfortable, but there was the couch. I guess that the pillows would have to suffice. I used magic to grab four of the largest pillows off the couch, and onto the floor, making a makeshift bed for both me and Sage.

“I’ll be back as soon as possible.” I tried to bolster Sage’s resolve, but it didn't seem to work. Before shutting my eyes, I swore that a tear rolled off of the mares cheek. I felt her nuzzle next to me, her warm coat giving me that one comfortable feeling I was looking for.

My eyes opened slightly, this time a muddy surface greeted me. My body bounced to the steps of the being carrying me on its back. I struggled to raise my hooves, and my head was still pounding from the spell I had cast. I knew it was out of my league, but when I was desperate, I can honestly say that is when I am at my most idiotic moments. I thought it a pretty good gift, being able to think quickly, although most decisions weren't so brilliant, but managed to get me out the most dangerous situations.

At the moment though, I was too tired to try and get myself off of the back of the pony carrying me. The cutie mark was that of a plain grey mask with a cheerful expression. As I suspected, it was Jester lifting me from point A to point B, wherever it happened to be. I felt bad for having her haul me in all of my armor, making me weigh more than a ton probably. The mare’s panting only made my heart sink deeper in my body. From the corner of my eye, Nocturnal was limping, her front hoof suffering deep, fresh wounds, most likely from a blade. Her face contained so much worry, as if she was about to lose some pony again. After the feeling of something trickling down my leg, she probably was about to lose someone else. I began to shake, fear consuming my whole body. The blood that was slowly seeping out of the old and recent gashes was washed away slowly by the oncoming rain, stinging the cuts.

When have I suffered these new wounds? Was it when I was in the realm of nightmares? Maybe that would explain the my sudden drop when I was with Sage, and the pain that shot up my leg. Was there a fight and did my friends almost lose their lives trying to defend me from our attackers? I glanced over towards Jester’s face. If any one of us needed medical attention, it was definitely her. A cut nearly sliced her eye out, the mare keeping it closed as she walked. Her body still had the gashes from her experience with the monsters when I lost her upon entering the forest.

I made a weak attempt to lift myself off of the mare’s back, but my body’s energy was so focused on casting the arcane explosion spell that it had to use every last bit of strength and willpower. Jester felt my movements, but didn't stop walking down the muddy path: the one that would hopefully lead us out of this cursed place.

“You’re finally awake.” Jester spoke, her voice raspy and silent. “We’re almost out of here Rookie. Finally, some good news right?”

“How long were you guys walking?” I asked weakly.

“About two hours.” Nocturnal answered. “And if we’re going down the right path, we should be back in another twenty five minutes.”

I could sense the hurt and concern in the Lunar Guard’s voice. I wanted to stand and walk on my own, but after the information given to me about earlier events while I was asleep, I thought that it would be wise to stay laying uncomfortably on Jester’s back.

When Nocturnal and Jester were getting ready to set out for Ponyville while I was in my slumber, We were jumped by a pack of timber wolves. Judging by what Jester had said, the fight was pretty hairy and if they hadn't been terrified of one of Nightmare Moon’s more... ‘evolved’ creatures, we would probably never had made it out. The only problem was that the abomination was still lurking around in the forest and could attack us at any given moment.

My body shivered at the thought of not being able to fight the beast with my fractured knee; not being able to defend my two friends was probably the worst feeling I had ever come across in my whole entire life. The thing is, as much as I wanted to impress Jester, Nocturnal and the rest of the squad before their massacre, I could no longer do that, but instead I had to be the group child and get myself into trouble again and again. It was as if I were a defenseless colt who couldn't live without the assistance of his parents. If his parents were two experienced Royal Guards who actually spent time with him during his time of need.

Jester gasped in excitement, as did Nocturnal, scaring me. Was the creature here to finish us off before we could reach civilization?

“Oh Celestia!” Nocturnal exclaimed. “There’s ponies over there!”

“By Luna,” Jester panted. “We made it. We made it Rookie, can you believe it?”

I was too tired to say anything. But I did manage to glance over to my left and there it was: the exit to the Everfree Forest. The place we had entered. A single group of ponies stood at the natural gate, each one’s outline apparent to me, seeing as the mist obscured the view of most of them.

The first real pony to come into view was Twilight, the lavender unicorn still holding her umbrella and a lantern. Her eyes sparkled from the lantern’s light, containing worry and sadness, hoping that the Royal Guards would come out alive. The other ponies came into view, each one waiting as we approached.

Twilight’s face was the first to light up as Jester, Nocturnal and I came into view. The miscellaneous ponies that had gathered around all held expressions of shock, and some were happy. Others, probably family of the missing ponies, were still depressed that their loved ones had returned. The fillies and colts that had gathered around that once held expressions of excitement, either to see us Royal Guards or the hopes of us having their parents with them, had lost their smiles and regained their tears and frowns.

As the entrance approached us, I felt my eyes getting heavy, almost going back to sleep. Maybe I would wake up in the other realm again. Hopefully I would. There was the possibility of never waking up from my slumber though, and I had desperately tried to keep my eyes open after coming to that conclusion.

“Oh Celestia!” A pony exclaimed, making my eyes whip open.

“They’re alive!” Yelled another.

“What happened to them?” I heard Twilight mutter.

Jester almost fell on her knees when we had emerged from the exit. A cool breeze blew through the air, and I let out a sigh of relief. I was overjoyed when I glanced around, though I had hoped the towns ponies would be happier to see us out other than no pony at all. The lanterns were the only source of illumination, aiding me in seeing the faces of many depressed ponies, others with a relieved demeanor.

The sounds of ponies approaching made my ears perk up, and my body floating up into the air shocked me, but I had little energy to do anything against the magic. I glanced over to Jester and Nocturnal, who were being taken by the ambulance ponies, before a mare blocked my view of the two Royal Guards.

“We’re gonna get you to safety.” One of the ambulance mares reassured me. “But first we need to put you under a sedative.”

My body experienced a sudden shock when I heard those words escape her lips. Sedative? Then again, I guess that I could go back to Sage, and inform her of the good news. But then again, this was a needle we were talking about here. What if the thing had pierced an important vein or something?

A shake coursed through my body, getting ready for the needle. I jumped when the damn thing pierced my skin, and a wave of drowsiness came over me, and clashed with all other feelings. Before my vision darkened, I could see the chariot of another Royal Guard group about to enter the Everfree. I struggled to command the doctors to warn the new group of guards to refrain from entering the forest. The only words that left my lips were “Don’t... Go...”

“Shit!” I vocalized, almost before I fully woke up in the worn out house. The emerald mare beside me jumped, soaring in the air before landing back on all fours.

“What, what what?” She asked rapidly.

“My squad managed to get me back to Ponyville,” I explained. “But the awakening was short lived as you can tell.”

Sage glanced around the room, as if she were looking for an answer to a question. “Well, what now?”

I thought for a moment. We could wait for me to sleep again, but I was too... awake for that. Time was also slipping away from us, as Illusion is still in this realm roaming around somewhere. I had no clue how vast this realm was. I probably could scour all of Equestria, but could have only explored a minuscule fraction of the whole realm. Just thinking about it was like thinking about how many stars were in this universe.

The only way I could really think about where Illusion might be is thinking about where an evil villain in a realm parallel to that of the real world would have a central hub. The seat of power in the land.

“Canterlot!” I exclaimed.


“That has to be where Illusion and Nightmare Moon are!” I paced around the room. “That’s where they have to be! Think about it: Nightmare Moon wants to take control of the throne, but can’t do that without the aid of her cultists. I don’t know how she’ll do it, but she’ll get back to the real world in her own form right? If that’s the case, then she’ll bring all the nightmares from here into Equestria and take over the throne in one swift surprise invasion!”

“B-but we can’t fight her!” Sage’s pessimistic side coming out “She’s like a goddess! And she has an army of monsters and cultists at her side! How do we fight that?”

“I don’t know.” I admitted. Sage made a good point. We couldn't afford to dwell on problems while time was ticking away. “We’ll figure out sooner or later.”

Sage examined me, like I had suffered an injury. “Look, we can get the book and get us back to Equestria right?”

“Yeah, but then who knows what will happen next. We could wind up back home, and Nightmare Moon would be free to do whatever she pleases here without any interference. If we can manage to get the book from Illusion, then we could destroy it. It is the only way Nightmare Moon can get back to Equestria right?”

Sage was on the verge of tears, though I had only explained to her why we needed to defeat Nightmare Moon here instead of waiting for her return in Equestria. “I-if I agree to go with you... you’ll protect me from whatever she throws at us?”

“With my life.”

Sage let a slight smile spread, and only let a few tears drop. She walked to me at the entrance of the house.

A cool chill met me as I opened the door, sending shivers down my spine. The dirt underneath my hooves felt colder than they did prior to us entering the home. The vortex that had loomed over the land was still there, though it was swirling at unfathomable speeds. Thankfully, it was so far up that nothing was being sucked into the azure cyclone in the sky. I glared further at the vortex, as if I were trying to examine a class pet.

By Celestia, the monstrosity of a vortex did increase in size. The massive black hole in the center consumed all light around it, and the clouds that swirled around the circular chasm were sucked into it, seemingly making it increase in size. Among the clouds, contorted figures roamed the sky, faces of lost souls lost in this realm molded onto the heavens. I shuddered as I glanced back down here on the land with Sage.

So that’s how she was doing it. I mean I guess that’s how she was going to do it. All the souls who had sided with Nightmare Moon were stripped of their souls without even realizing it. That just had to be it. It might explain the monsters in the realm. Ponies who had joined her ever since her banishment; their souls were stripped, and would help create a portal. Oh Luna... If that black hole was the portal to Equestria, Nightmare Moon could have come to Equestria in her own corporeal form, but she was so busy amassing an army to rival the Royal Guard. I sent a shiver down my own spine with that conclusion. Though it was all theoretical, I couldn't help but to feel like I had just solved the worlds greatest mystery.

I began walking, Sage following behind me. The worn out homes passed us by, the ambient sounds of their creaking ringing in my ears. The mist that had once blanketed the town had left, gone to some other place to bother some other pony in this realm, if there were other ponies roaming around here. During the venture through what I’d guess is the town’s marketplace, a rumble shook the ground, vibrating under my hooves, but I managed to keep my hooves on the ground, almost barely. Sage, however, fell on her stomach, staying there until the rumbling had subsided.

“What was that?” Sage questioned.

“If I know this realm right,” I spoke, searching for the source of the noise and sound. “Then it might be something really big. I don’t care what it is, but I want no part of it. Lets move out of here.”

“I ain't gonna argue about that.”

As Sage and I passed the town hall, another rumble came along, Sage holding onto me for support. A violet mist appeared, while the quake continued. I knew what was coming. The mist had converged on one spot on the muddy ground, and slowly morphed into a figure. It was Nightmare Moon. Fuck, of course it was.

The starry mist from her mane flowed eternally, and soon another form manifested. It took the form of a broad armored pony. The chest plate of said armor was bulky, sharp with intricate designs. It surrounded the pony up to the midsection, azure lights glowing from the shoulder plating and parts of the front. The fore-hoof plating was the same as the Azure Terror’s, with the exception of the spiked points that pointed up from the knee. A blade sat in its sheath; a wicked looking thing. Though I couldn't see it, I could tell it could cut a week into fourteen different days.

Upon further examination of the pony, I took note of who it was.

“Peacekeeper.” Illusion greeted, giving me one of his smug grins.

“Illusion.” I responded, adrenaline pumping in my blood. If he was here to fight in front of the Nightmare, then I would be ready.

Nightmare moon stepped up, not speaking a word, but instead of words exiting her mouth, she extended a hoof, but not directed to me.

“I know not who you are,” The mare of the night spoke to Sage in an unusual soft and gentle tone. “Death should not be your fate. You are young, and you deserve a chance at life in our new world.”

Sage departed from me, taking one step forward.

“Sage, don’t listen to her.” I commanded. “She’s indoctrinating you.”

“No fool. Not indoctrination. Reason. If... Sage joins me, she will die a mare with all her desires.” The Azure Princess’s eyes seemed to sparkle when she said that, giving me her most aggravatingly ‘holier-than-thou’ grins. “Along with Illusion, she could become one of my trusted advisers. Sage; you could actually mean something to some pony. Be it me or a stallion of your dreams.”

The emerald mare took three more steps to the Azure Princess’s outstretched hoof, but I blocked her with my magic.

“Sage, don’t do it. She’s just trying to use you to hasten her return!”

“But... I could actually mean something to some pony.” A smile came across her face, as tears began to stream down. The mare was an emotional wreck; torn between me and Nightmare Moon’s ‘generous offers’. “I... want to be a part of some pony’s life. I could be safer with her.”

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Sage was actually considering joining Nightmare Moon. I was being betrayed, and by the pony that had put all her trust in me. I felt my heart about to snap, and my eyes were dams getting ready to break. I needed Sage. I didn't want to lose the one mare who I swore my life to.

My magic barrier wavered, allowing Sage to pass through and approach Nightmare Moon. She was getting closer to the Azure Princess. Fuck, fuck, fuck! Think of something!

“Sage!” My voice rang out louder than I’d like, but it made the mare stop and turn. She stood between Nightmare Moon and me. “You already mean something to some pony,” I extended my own hoof. “I already sworn my life to you. Don’t make it count for nothing.”

Sage was at an impasse. She was torn between the love of a friend, or the love of a goddess. My hoof trembled at the thought that the mare would betray me. Beads of sweat rolled down my head, and my eyes almost released its waters. Nightmare Moon could see the hurt in me, and she gave me a devilish grin.

“He will lead you to your death.” The Princess of Nightmares spoke. “I will lead you to the path of life. One with your talents shouldn't succumb to death. Come with me, and I will grant you anything you desire.”

“Don’t do it!” I yelled, trying to gain Sage’s attention. “C’mon, don’t let it all go dark! I can get us back home! Just come back to me!”

Nothing, the emerald mare slowly approached the spectral form of Nightmare Moon.

My horn flared and shot an arcane bolt directly in front of Sage’s hooves, stopping her from her approach. My whole body was shaking, ready to fight should I need to do so. Illusion stepped forward, only to be stopped by his new master. Illusion glared at me, but I ignored. My attention was on Sage, who was looking back at me, uncertainty in her eyes.

I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. Instead, a massive roar deafened my ears, and made me cringe. I tried not to tremble any more than I already was, but I had failed horribly. I was terrified, and wished that Sage would make the correct decision before whatever it was roaring found us. The mare was midway from Nightmare Moon and I, though she was drifting more towards the mare of nightmares. I could see that the mare was thinking about coming back to me, but she was still torn between living under the rule of a tyrant that was most likely going to kill her anyway, or the chance to escape this realm and enjoy life like this had never happened.

Sage bit her lower lip, trying her best to decide what was best for her. I knew that Nightmare Moon was using some kind of indoctrination technique, but I had failed to see what it was. Sage had to break free of it, whatever it was.

“I...I...” Sage stammered. “I don’t know. I... I just want to live. That’s all I want. Nothing more.”

Nightmare Moon went to speak, but I cut her off, gaining dominance over the emerald mare. “Sage, you want to mean something to some pony, and you want to live? I can make it happen, just give me a chance!”

Sage, slowly returned to me, Nightmare Moon gazing in amazement that her tricks hadn't worked. Was Sage breaking through Nightmare Moon’s influence? I certainly hoped so. Sage was about three quarters of the way to me when Nightmare Moon spoke.

“If you wish for death as your fate, so be it.” She spoke coldly. “If you survive here, prepare yourselves for my arrival.”