• Published 30th Jan 2012
  • 1,445 Views, 8 Comments

Shattered Memories - Leoheartxx2

Twilight went to the future, but a darker future

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Chapter 2- Once a Sweet Apple

The wind continue to blow nosily into Twilight's ear, making it hard for her to catch some sleep. Despite Spike's gigantic size, Twilight could lay her body down while riding on his back. It's been nearly 4 hours since Spike and her took off from the once happy and bright Ponyville she once called home. Despite the constant rustle of the wind in her ears, she tries her best to sleep, her heart fear that what she see might see will only hurt her more.

Another 10 minutes later, Twilight could feel the wind had stop. Spike must have already stop flying and landed somewhere.

" Spike...where are we? " Twilight ask as she open her eyes. A large field of barren trees laid before her sight. The once blooming trees that bears fruits to feed the hungry ponies of Ponyville, now all dead and blacken.

" Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres....Our new home...." Spike gently reply.

Sweet Apple Acres. Twilight remembers the lush green trees that her friend Applejack and her kin; Big Mac and Applebloom together with Granny Smiths used to run. But now, it's all dead and barren. The once bright coloured barrel are nowhere to be seen, only burned and charred wood.

Spike and Twilight slowly walk their way towards the barn, home of the Apple Family. As she trots closer, she sees many holes and cracks ladden the sad looking barn, a quick memory flash, she remember the buiding used to be very well made and often clean. Such is the style and ways of the Apples.

A quick glance of the barn only made Twilight even more sad. Tired and weary, she push aside her feelings and enter the barn. But as she place her hoof on the door, she hears a loud click. Without a moment notice, Spike's giant scaly hand reaches out and grabs her, just in time as a long silver barrel reveals itself from behind the door; a loud gunshot follow suits.

" SPIKE!!!" Twiight scream as she felt the impact. The smell of burning gunpowder immediatly worries her more.

" I'm ok Twi...this trap cannot harm me. " Spike lets down Twilight on the ground. Anxious, she looks at Spike's hand. Not a scratch insight. Although the hidden gun was fired at a point blank range, Spike was unhurt at all.

" Twilight...is that you? " A familiar voice reaches her ears. But it can't be. An average pony only lives 30 years. Turning around, she see a familiar friend. A cowboy hats and that signature frackers on her face. Applejack.

" IT IS YOU TWILIGHT!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! " Applejack ran towards Twilight, but as soon as she got close, she suddendly pull out a hidden gun and pointed right at Twilight.

" APPLEJACK!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!! " Spike shouted.

" You sure she isn't one of those things? "

" She's not a changlings!!! I assure you Appejack, she's the real Twilight. " Spike gave Applejack a reassuring look. She breath a sigh of relieve, putting down her gun away. Then she reaches her arms out, and hugs Twilight. A drop of warm tears drips on the back on Twilight's mane.

" Applejack, how did it all happen....." there was a hint of dismare in Twilight's voice.

" Years after you disappeared, the element of Harmony has been weakend. The elements can't work at full potential if one element was missing, and your's was the most powerfull...." Applejack sigh. " Discord, he has broken free once more...."

Applejack went silent for a moment. Brushing her hair aside, she reveals a small silver device on her neck, it seem to be attached firmly on her neck.

" What happen next....was the biggest war ever wage in the history of Equestria. " Applejack continues. " I lost everything, Twi...I don't even know my own voice anymore. "

" What happen to you Applejack? " Twilight tries to confort her.

" Its a long story Sugercube...right now, lets get you inside. You must be cold and hungry." Applejack leads Twilight inside the rundown barn with Spike following behind. He peeks his head out once more to check the surroundings before he close the doors. Once close, the trap is rearmed to ensure no tresspassers.

Few hours pass as Twilight chat with Applejack throughout the night. Apparently, she has lost her voice while trying to save her farm from a fire cause by the war. A bullet shreded her voicebox while she was evacuating her kin from the farm. The only way she could speak again is that she has to implant an artificial voicebox for the rest of her life.

The war erupted after Discord escaped from his stone prison. This time Discord got a little smarter, getting aid from a well-know enemy, the Changlings. In less than a year, Equestrial was in a all-out war with the Princess against the entire army of Changlings. But alas, without the full power of the elements of Harmony, Canterlot was soon overun by the forces of Chaos. Casualty of war soon numberd from hundreds to the thousands. As law and order fails, chaos and terror soon overshadow the land, bring dispair and misery. Unable to see Equestria burn to the ground, Princess Celestia and Luna gave up and surrended. Now the land is once more ruled by Discord and Queen Chrysalis as his 2nd in command. To ensure the element of harmony never be used again, Discord imprisond Princess Celestia to her own stone prison. However Luna was spared, but had to live her live of servitude to Discord.

However Princess Celestia believed that Twilight did not just disappeared, she believed she would one day return. Seeing that the war had already been lost, she had the holder of the remaining element sealed in a time spell. Her aim was to ensure that all of the element would continue to survive until the return of the missing element. To reduce the chances of her plans being discovered, Applejack , Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie had to be sealed in special place each. Each location was special to each one of them, that way it reduce the chances for Discord of finding the remaining holder of the elements of harmony.