• Published 30th Jan 2012
  • 1,446 Views, 8 Comments

Shattered Memories - Leoheartxx2

Twilight went to the future, but a darker future

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Chapter 4- Pinkie's Promise Part 1

It's been three days since Twilight , Applejack and Spike arrived at Orion. The last known safe haven for all pony and other kind alike. Being it an underground city, few had known to actually seen the light of day. Most of the residence are afraid, and rather paranoid, ever fearing if Orion would also fall like the others.

The sounds of metal clings constantly in Twilight's ear, as Applejack continue to work on her power-suit hours after hours. The garage maybe small, but it still has ample space for even a large mechanical suit. Twilight sat down at the window, staring aimlessly at the city. Spike has been out the whole day,looking for possible information where Pinkie might be at. She sigh, closing her eyelids ever slowly, as if it all was just a bad dream.

" Something troubling you sugercube? You look kinda worried. " Applejack broke the stale atmosphere that was hanging for a long time.

" I don't know Applejack. Sometime I really wish this were all just a bad dream. Only if I hadn't mess up back then. " Twilight sigh, her sight lock towards the view of the city.

"You did nothing wrong Twilight. You just messed up, but I ain't angry. I too sometimes wish this were all a bad dream, where I can just wake up, and just smile for it was just another nightmare. I think we all do Twilight...." Applejack continue working on her power-suit, stopping awhile to catch her breath.

Twilight sigh. She resume peering into the nothingness of the view in-front of her. Only her mind wander, if she could undo all the mistakes she had done. Talk about curiosity, and she's the cat that wanders too far. Applejack sees her by the window from the corner of her eye. She placed down her tools, and trots to Twilight's side, giving her a soft hug from behind in attempt to comfort her. Twilight was caught by surprise, but she didn't object to it. She just closes her eyes, and let the warmth of her friend's body touches her's. The smell of oil and sweat from Applejack's coat reaches her senses , but that make her happy for at least she know Applejack will be there to guide her through this.

The sound of heavy winds blows and wings flapping soon divert their attention outside. Spike has finally came back. Hopefully, with clues of her friend's where about. Twilight look into Spike's eye, full of hope and glee. Applejack just stood back and watch on, a smile across her oil-smudge face.

" Nice to see you again Twilight...." Spike smiles at Twilight as he lands with a loud thumps on the ground.

" So have you found any clue yet? You did not even told me where you went." Twilight bombard Spike question after question, trying her best to get any information from him.

" Calm down Twilight, it's not like the information i get is gonna grow a pair of legs and walk away. Hey Applejack, I think it's best you join us too.

" Will do. Just let me finish ma stuff first." Applejack nods.

Twilight and Spike proceed towards a larger room next door, while Applejack quickly finishes up her work so she could join them. Grabbing a rag from the worktable, she wipes off the oil and sweat from her forehead and off her face with a couple of swipes. Taking a few deep breath, she feels rested enough to join the others in the next room. Hopefully, Spike has the necessary information to find their friend, Pinkie Pie.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Spike carefully spreads a large map on the table, the old parchment slowly unfolds to every corner of the table. The candle light revels elaborate details on the map.Twilight and Applejack stood at different side of the table, waiting for Spike to reveal his finding to them. The tension in the air was tight, yet unnerving.

" I've receive information regarding Pinkie Pie and her possible location. " Spike points to a place not far from Orion, about 5 miles. The expression on Spike's face was dead serious, his eyes focus to the map.

" and where did you get that information from Spike? Until now you have never told me where or whom you've been getting this information from. Not that I don't trust you, but given the circumstances, I just want to be sure that it's not leading us to any dangerous place. " Applejack broke her silences, her eye's stares deep into the dragon's eyes.

" Trust me Applejack. My sources are by far the most reliable. Although I cannot reveal it yet, but given the time it will be clear. As for now, we should be focus on how we're gonna get Pinkie back." Spike replied to Applejack's doubt.

" So, we know where Pinkie Pie is now. We should go and get her now. " Twilight was trotting in the room, her heart unrest and her mind troubled.

" But there's a problem. And it requires our attention. " There was a rather grim tone in Spike's voice. He seems worried. The room went silent for a moment. Twilight and Applejack wait in anticipation for Spike's explanation. " The danger's we face later will be unlike...."

" If you're are worried about changelings and renegades you can leave it to me. Me and my power amour will make short work of them. Don't tell me that your're afraid of those thing? You're a dragon Spike! 30 feet tall with razor-sharp claws and fangs, not to mention your fire-breathing ability! Twilight is safe as long as we can woop their asses! " Applejack interrupt Spike. Her anger was clearly expressing her frustration.

" They are not the problem! "

" Then who is?! Tell me! "

" Please calm down Applejack. Let Spike explain. " Twilight tries to calm down Applejack, but to no avail. Her frustration clearly squash any effort to help her calm her down.

With a deep sigh, Spike reaches for his bag pack, his huge claws carefully retrieving several stack of pictures. As soon as he place them on the table for everypony to see, the mood in the room turn silent. Both Twilight and Applejack were stun to their core. Their eyes and hooves trembles for as long as the image burn into their mind. Picture after pictures shows scene of a bloody and messy slaughter. Bone, flesh and organs. Twilight couldn't stomach the gore, and she rush out of the room to relieve herself. Applejack continue browsing picture after picture, still unbelieving of what's she is looking at. Even her harden soul felt a slight chill running down her spine.

" Spike! What is the meaning of this?! " Applejack was enraged, slamming her hoof on the table.

"That...is what's in between us and getting to Pinkie Pie. "

" But-but....who would do such a thing?! This is madness! "

" Take a guess. " Spike brings out another slide of picture. This time one of the image clearly shows a disemboweled changelings. But on it's chest was cut out image of three balloons among the countless amount of deep cuts. Only one known pony bears that cutie mark.

" You have got to be kidding me. It can't be her that did this....." Applejack was devastated. her eyes fixed on the image Spike brought up.

" I too hope it won't be her. But denial would not do us any better. That's our only lead. I'm afraid our problem...."

"...is the one we sought to rescue. " Applejack was too deep in her shock and disbelieve. She force herself to close her eyes, still refusing to believe what she saw.

"......Pinkie Pie."