• Published 16th Mar 2013
  • 2,306 Views, 33 Comments

Monster Hunting is Magic - Blazing Hell Dasher

The Princesses of Light and Dark must summon someone foriegn to protect the citizens of Equestria.

  • ...

A New Arrival

All rights of Monster Hunter series go to their according creators

All rights of My Little Pony: FiM go to their according owners

Monster Hunting is Magic

The Arrival of the hunter

"Twilight, Twilight! There's a scroll from the Princess!" said Twilight Sparkles number one assistant as he headed up to Twilight's main study room.

As Spike entered the main study, he realized that Twilight had another all-night study session.

"Twilight get up!" shouted Spike.

"No, Mr.Smarty pants, I already finished reading that version of the Griffin Encyclopedia..." mumbled a sleepy, purple pony.

Spike sighs and walked through the scattered books that were all over the large room, he leaned to Twilight's ear and whispered,

"Twilligght, the Princess is here~ ."

Twilight suddenly shot up and shouted "What?!"

"Just ki-"

"OH NO! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! I have to take a shower and, fix my mane. SPIKE DID YOU SERVE THEM TEA?!" said a scattered unicorn. Twilight turned to Spike to see him on the ground with his claws on his stomach and rolling on the ground laughing his tail off. "Spike! This isn't the time to laugh! Did you serve the Princess tea yet? Oh no! What kind of tea did you give her?!"

Spike caught his breath and stood up.

"Twilight calm down, the Princess isn't here, I just said that to give you 'motivation' to wake up." At this point Twilight is giving Spike a glare, that makes him get straight to the point. "But... she did send this scroll." Showing Twilight the scroll that he had in his left claw.

"I'll get you back for that one Spike...Well, can you at least read the scroll to me while I put everything away?"

"No problem Twilight." Spike cleared his throat and opened the scroll and said:

Dear Twilight,

I am in need of your assistance of welcoming a guest from a far away land. He has not arrived here at Canterlot, but after a few days of arriving, I want him to meet everypony in Ponyville and teach him the ways of the magic in friendship. I will warn you Twilight that he is not a pony or any kind of creature you know. He is a person of high importance in where from he is from and has a different culture opinion. He will be arriving in a different type of armor that you know from the Royal Armor Guards in Canterlot. In the end, please prepare everyponys schedule in a week time for arrival of my sister, myself, and our guest. He will be also living with you during his time here.

From your mentor,

Princess Celestia

Spike rolled up the scroll and placed on the desk. "Who do you think this guest that the Princesses ha is?"

As Twilight placed the last book in the shelf, she turned around and placed a hoof on her chin "Hmm..well, I have no real clue Spike. She said it wasn't a being that we know of. I wonder who and what kind of being this 'guest' is."

As Twilight started the preparations for the Princesses, Princess Celestia and Luna met at Celestia's personal study room to discuss the final preparations of their plans

"Sister, when do you want to summon the Hunter in our world, and shouldn't Twilight know about the situation?" asked the Princess of the night.

"Very soon dear sister, after we spend some time making the final adjustments of our spell, we will summon him here and it would be for the best that Twilight learns when the time calls."

said Princess Celestia.

"Do you really need to send him to Ponyville sister? I am not distrusting your decision but I don't think that will be the best place to be at for this type of situation."

"Do not worry Luna, sending him to Ponyville will be good so he can befriend the girls and work together for whatever seems to be coming."

Luna thought for a minute after her sister responded with a understanding response.

"Shall we start creating that when he arrives in our world Celly?"

Celestia did not answer her question quickly, as she pondered on what the decision can possibly decide on the fate of their two worlds.

"...yes Luna, we will need everything we have to stop the force that is coming..."


A few days later

"Do you still get those dreams Hunter." asked by a worried fish merchant.

" Y-yeah... I don't what they are about... The first one was that wyvren dragon. Then after that was vision like dreams, that I saw theses creatures with wings and a horn on their head. I don't know what it means, but I feel like its getting worse..." explained the Hunter.

"Hmm... It's seems that you need a vacation."

"A vacation? Sorry, but I don't do vacations. I never heard of a Hunter taking a vacation, besides... I can't leave everyone in the village alone, I want to keep everyone safe. After what happened with my last family, I want to protect everyone."

"Hon, after you defeated ceadous back those two years again, everything has been calm like a fish in a pond. We have been living such a calm life since then, take a break, for everyone sake."

I pondered after that statement, I started to wonder: Do I need to get a vacation? Is the dreams only affecting me due to fatigue? I don't know anymore but I think I can do it I suppose.

"Heh, I suppose I could take a few days off for now. I have to talk to the guild master before I do anything."

"Don't worry hon, I think he'll let you off for a few days." smiled the merchant.

"I'll talk to him tomorrow I suppose, I'm going to talk to J and see if he has anything for me today, if he doesnt then I'll just head to bed."

"You do that Hon!" waved a happy fish merch.

I just walked away waving without turning. I headed towards J to see if he had any new quests for me. I see him talking with a villager, something to do with kids drawing Cha-Cha pictures on their walls. Funny, but crude I suppose. I waited for them to finish up. After the villager walked away I called for J to catch his attention.

"Hey J, got any new quests for me today?"

"Ah, Hunter... How are you feeling today? More weird dreams?"

"Yeah, but its nothing to bother myself with. After today I'm going to take a few days off to collect myself. I have ask the head chief before I can confirm anything."

J just nodded, as he understood my dilemma perfectly.

"Well hunter, your in luck. Theres no quests from any of the villagers for today so you can call it an early one for tonight."

"Huh, okay. I'm going to talk to the head chief before I call it a night though."

I was just about to go before J told me to stop. "Don't worry about it my friend, I'll tell my father for you. Once I tell him, you'll have a nice and relaxing days off."

:I smiled back to J and said "Thanks J, I owe you one."

"Think nothing of it my friend! If anything, you owe me a meal from Katt!"

I chuckled and walked back to my living quarters. I sighed and removed my helmet and pulled the covers from my bed and lied down. For some reason the pillows feel extra soft than usual. I didnt pondered about this too long till I crept into the darkness of my dreams. I wonder what will I be in for this time.


"Sister, the Hunter has finally fallen asleep. We should start performing the spell now if we wish to make it easier for ourselves." said a eager Princess.

"Very well Luna. I shall summon him while you bring his chest that holds all of his inventory and equipment, understood?"

"Of course dear sister, thou have repeated yourself several times before." said by a rather annoyed Night Princess.

"Being careful never killed no pony Luna. Now, shall we begin?" asked Celestia.

"I am ready to send the chest sister." as Luna was saying this, she closed her eyes and focused on her horn, as it started to glow a dark blue glow.

"Very well then. Concentrate to send him into the main guest room." Celestia closed her eyes and concentrated to transfer every cell, every molecule of being of the Hunter.

Hours later

"Yawwwwwwwwn ah, I feel better than I usually do when I get up... Wait... Where am I?" As the hunter said, while he was looking around the room. The room was large compared to the Hunters sleeping quarters. The room had a large bed that could fit three people sleep, and still be comfortable. There was a highly detailed table with gold carvings etched into the frame, and instead of chairs, there were cushions to sit on. There was a mirror, sliding door that lead to a collection of different types of elegant and expensive looking clothes. The silks of the clothing glistened off the light reflecting from the windows, but the Hunter was too uninterested on what the clothing were about. He continued to the next room which was the bathroom. The bathroom had the same type of design as the room before it. A sink, toilet, and a bathtub that seemed to more spacious than the ones I saw when I visited Loc Lac city. The toilet... seemed a little to low for standards also.

He walked back to the bedroom, then saw what he knew what was his: his chest that he first obtained when he arrived to Moga Village. It has everything that he has ever obtained during his stay and is still surprised how everything can still fit in one chest.

As the Hunter walked to his chest, he heard a knock at the door. "Come in." said the Hunter.

What he saw, he felt that he was still dreaming.

Two creatures with a pair of bird like wings and a spiraling horn on their head. The smaller creature was a dark blue colored with wavy hair that looked like it was flowing in the wind. It had abnormal sized eyes and seemed to be younger the other creature next to her. The other creature was much taller than the blue creature, the taller creature had a sense of nobility of it. She had hair that consisted of blue, teal, and pink. Both of the creatures had what seemed to be a chest plate that the smaller creature of a moon and the taller creature of a sun. My concentration was broken when I heard the tall creature cleared its throat.

The creature then said "Hello Hunter, I am Princess Celestia and this is my younger sister Princess Luna. I want to be the first one to welcome you our world and our country. You are in the world of Terra and your are in Equestria, specifically in Canterlot, where you are residing at this very moment."
