• Published 16th Mar 2013
  • 2,305 Views, 33 Comments

Monster Hunting is Magic - Blazing Hell Dasher

The Princesses of Light and Dark must summon someone foriegn to protect the citizens of Equestria.

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First Day In Equestria

Monster Hunting is Magic

Chapter 3

First Day In Equestria

“W-where am I” asked surprised Hunter

Celestia clopped closer to him and tried to be eye leveled with the hunter,
surprising her that he is much taller than her. “As I said before, you are on our world that is called Terra. On this planet,
you are in the Country that is known as Equestria.”

“Okay… and why am I here?”

Luna now spoke next “We have used a spell to summon a warrior who is fierce but kind to protect our world,
and the spell has chosen you to be our protector in our time of need.”

Hunter had his arms in front of his chest absorbing the new found information. “And I had no say in this?”

Both sisters looked uneasy, as they did not know that the Hunter would be against the idea of protecting others.

The three sentients stood there quietly, trying to find questions to ask next. Our Hunter was the first one to speak.

“By the way, what are you creatures? Where I am from I have never seen the likes of you, well… Kelebi maybe, but never the less.”

Celestia spoke up quickly so the awkwardness would hopefully dissolve.
“To answer that question, I must tell you about the species of our kind.
We are over all known as 'Equines' and there are three common branches of Equines that is normally called ‘ponies’.

"There is the Earth pony, which lacks both horn and wings, such as my sister and I have, but
Earth ponies are more in tune with the Terra and are in charge with the foundation of all that is earth and things that are grown.
They are also in charge in the growth of food that is gathered and sold at local markets."

"Pegasus or Pegasi (for plural), is the second pony branch that, unlike the Earth ponies, have wings.
Pegasi have the natural ability to control the weather. Pegasi are depended on to keep a balance of correct amount of each certain weather for all
over Equestria. Being able to control the weather, the Pegasi also have the ability to move clouds with their hooves to move the weather when they need to.
Earth ponies depend on Pegasi to give a certain amount rain to help grow fruits, vegetables, and anything that grow from the ground.”

Celestia stopped to make sure Hunter is able to absorb the information so far. Hunter just nodded as showing the princess that he’s ready for rest of the needed information.

“Then there is Unicorns. Unicorns have the natural ability to use magic.
Magic is something that all ponies have but, unlike Earth and Pegasi ponies,
Unicorns can control their magic more freely. Unicorns can do many different types of spells with their horns.
The basic thing that all ponies learn to do is the spell ‘levitation’, which means lightness.
Levitation helps most Unicorns do everything much easier, but since they depend more on their magic,
Earth ponies and Pegasi ponies have more of a physical advantage over the Unicorns.
I have started a school for Unicorns that have more magic than normal unicorns, the school is called ‘Celestia school for gifted unicorns’.”

“And where do you and your sister come in the picture?” asked an interested hunter.

“My sister and I come from a forth branch of the Equine race.
The branch is known as Alicorns. Alicorns have both traits of Pegasi and Unicorns.
Alicorns are born with insanely large amount of magic that we are able to do things
that even the most powerful unicorn cannot accomplish, Alicorns are also immortal;
can live for eternity, but can die from any mortal wound.”

There was a paused with a painful look on Celestias face when she continued the next part.

“..But thousands of years ago, there was a griffons(Griffons are half-eagle, half-lion creatures. )
and pony war that many proud alicorns rose for the war. My sister and I have been in it,
behind our parents that led the army. Many honorable alicorns fell to protect our country,
now leaving my sister, another alicorn Princess, and myself that are the surviving alicorns that are known to exist."

Silence crept into the room as the two alicorns mourn for the lost ones that nopony remembers. As the time past, Celestia lifted her head and looked at the Hunters helmet that he was wearing.

“Please Hunter, we do not want the ponies to understand deaths of loved ones as my sister and I have sadly experience… we beg you Hunter of the Moga Village, please help us in our time of need…”

The hunter just stood there with his arms crossed and pondering in his head about what he just learned.
‘I know the pain to lose loved ones… I can’t let others know that feeling, no one or no anything should ever know it…’ As he said this, a small memory of his past became visible in his head.

The memories brought him to remember what had happened to him when he was child. His mother was a retired Arena keeper and his father was a widely known monster hunter, it was because of his father that he wanted to raise the sword to protect others.

One night after his father came home from slaying a Rathian for a quest of a neighboring village. They had a bountiful meal and earned quite a bit of zeni from the quest. After finishing their meals, there was an explosion outside and a roar that just looking at my father, I can see blood rushing away from his face.

“Maya! Get yourself and **** out of here! There’s a Rathalos right outside! It must be here because I killed its mate…I’ll distract it for you two!”
“You can’t kill a Rathalos by yourself! I know how to fight, I will join you.”

I don’t know what my father said but he seemed to let her join him as my mother was rushing me to our basement under the kitchen table. Mom flung the table across the room and sung the basement door open. She gently led me into the basement, sounds of metal clashing and the Rathalos roaring echoing through the basement. Mom led me to the very back of the room, I could see the fear in her eyes as she tried to comfort me.

“****, please stay here while we take care of this wyvern okay?
If you don’t hear from us… I want you to know that we love you so much and we are very proud of you son. “
After that my mother rushed out of the basement and closed the basement door and then I heard shouts, roars, sounds of our home getting destroyed, and then silenced.
I remembered crying in the corner behind the random things we kept in the basement. When I thought it was safe, I climbed through the mess and
slowly made my way to the door. I slowly opening it, and having to use my full strength to get whatever rubble off the top of the door.

What I saw was a disaster.

There was no home left to claim, everything was destroyed. Rubble of once lovely home was now a pile of debris scattered everywhere. Flames covering most of the place and trees around our home were caught on fire. I scanned the area for my parents, hoping that they are still alive. It took me about half an hour to find them… I have never screamed that loud in my life, or ever will again.

I found my parents bodies together, charred but recognizable. They were all bloodied and so damaged that I knew they didn’t make it, but they had a grin on their face, and saw their hands holding each tightly.
I didn’t dare to touch their bodies as I thought that their bodies would crumble with the added weight.

“Mother! Father! NO…WHY! Why… please, don’t leave me alone…


As my sister and i waited, we became more and more anxious for the response that we were waiting for, due to his unique armor and helmet, we cannot see if he was looking at us. As I gazed at the armor that he was wearing, it was so unique compared to our guards, that it showed its fearsome, and intimating appearance to its enemies. The red part of the armor seemed to faintly glow a bright red, as if that the armor was alive.

After looking at the armor that he wore, I trailed my eyes to his humongous weapon that seemed to be the shape of a hilt of a weapon. It seems to be as long as the Hunter, possibly more, which makes it completely impossible for normal ponies to even think to fathom to hold, never the less to swing and use it correctly. The hilt section seemed to glow a unworldly dark purple, I must make a note on what kind of materials he made to use to make this weapon.

After moments of silence, the Hunter suddenly started to move his arms from being crossed on his chest and slowly moved them towards his helmet. He slowly removed his helmet, revealing a face with smaller eyes and abnormal small head, his eyes were a sparkling like silver color with different types of sizes of scars on his face, there were a scar on his left cheek going from his ear to his jaw line and another scar right under his right eye and a short black mane just long enough to reach his neck.

He silently turned around to place his helmet on the bed and turned back to my sister and I. He waited to speak till he said

"...I know the pain of losing your love ones more than you think... and I also wish that no one to know that feeling."

He then placed his right fist over his chest,smiled and said "As long it is to protect those who needs protection, I will fight for citizens of Equestria."

I looked at my sister and smiled "With that, we welcome you, Hunter of Moga Village, to our country of Equestria."

He removed his fist from his chest and said "One thing though, I wish to say this: Please, no titles, but call each other as who we are, living beings."

My sister and I looked at each other, and knowing our answer without even discussing about it, I replied " We accept this, what is your name? It would be ironic if your name would to be Hunter."

"Heh, Hunter the Hunter. No, my name is Alex."

"Well Alex, I think we all had a eventful evening don't you think? You should settle down for the evening since we have much to show you tomorrow. I will tell everypony in the castle that we have an ambassador from very far away so, at least they won't gallop away from the sight of you...."

I scanned his armor as I remembered something "...and could you switch to a less intimating armor? I don't think our ponies would be that happy if I brought a monster in our castle."

At me mentioning about his armor, he looked at his armor and walked to the chest that Luna brought when we summoned him. He seemed to start to rummaging through the things in the chest, already seemed to be looking for his armor for tomorrow.

"Hmmm...(as he says while pulling out various of armor) "Whats the season right now?"

Luna caught this question before I could say anything. "It is the season of winter, so in a month that we will have Winter wrap up."

"Hmm....then I should pick my Barioth set with Wyvren Blade 'flare' long sword..."

Luna had a look that she seemed curious of what he was talking about, incidentally I have also become curious of the things that he had in his chest.

"Okay, I got my armor that I'm going to wear tomorrow. Is there anymore to say or should we call it a good night?"

I decided to ask about his things in the chest "I had a question if you don't mind me asking."

"Not at all, ask away."

"What is a 'barioth armor' , and with the current armor that you are wearing, may I ask how you have obtained the resources to make such strong looking armor?"

He immediately dug through his pouch that seem to contain a few random items, he then pulled out a brownish book out.

"This my friends, is my journal. As you may know, I am an Monster Hunter, and which I go around slaying creatures that people need help with. Being said I have obtained very rare resources while fighting with the monsters that I am able to make armor and weapons from them. Here, let me show you a picture and description of the monster."

He then opened his journal and hoofed (or should I say 'handed'?) it to us. I enveloped it with my magic and levitated it with my magic. The page the journal was on had a picture of a monster on the left and had what seemed to be personal description:
The dreaded, nomadic Deviljho have no specific territory of their own. Their muscles swell if provoked, revealing old wounds. Needing to feed constantly due to high body heat, they can hunt nearby animals to extinction.
Note to self: Do not piss off Deviljho

Saying that I was not surprised would be a lie. The creature was so fiendish, it seemed to be from the bottom levels of Tartarus.

"Is that Barioth? If so, where is this monster from?"

"Well, actually, you know the armor I'm wearing now? (I just nodded) Well, this armor is made from his scales and other resources that I can only obtain from fight that creature. Here, it'll show you how many I slain and captured."

I looked to the spot where he pointed in his journal. It showed: Slayed: 19 Captured:21

Luna and I were utterly shocked that he was able to defeat a monster at that caliber "How are you sized up to the Deviljho?"

"Hmmm.... I guess a quarter of his leg? Around that for sure."

Now knowing the length of creatures that Alex has been able to defeat and able to capture seemed impossible, but he is proof of such by not being killed.

"Well Alex, we are thankful of agreeing of accepting of being in Equestria. My sister and I must be getting now. Tomorrow we wish to show you the castle."

Alex looked at the window and realized that the sun seemed to setting.

"Yawwwnn~ Yeah, after today I need to get some shut eye." My sister and I said our goodbyes and left the room to set the sun and raise the moon.


As I watch both Celestia and Luna trot out the room, I turned to my chest and started taking off my armor and placed each part into the chest. I checked my stash of 1,154,875 Zeni and wondered if I could still use it as currency. I bet gold coins are still the universal currency. I placed the Zeni back into the chest and crawled into the bed. The bed... much softer than the bed at my sleeping quarters back home! I feel that I could just sink in to it. As I placed my head on the pillow I start to wonder what things shall unfold for the future.

"Oh fun this will be." I muttered before falling to sleep.