• Published 16th Mar 2013
  • 2,307 Views, 33 Comments

Monster Hunting is Magic - Blazing Hell Dasher

The Princesses of Light and Dark must summon someone foriegn to protect the citizens of Equestria.

  • ...

The Duel WIth Blueblood

Monster Hunting Is Magic

Chapter 4

The Duel with Blueblood

Note: Thanks to Dream Weaver for proof-reading and editing!

As the sun blissfully comes over the horizon, everypony are quickly are all about. Everypony is, while our hero is slowly getting out of the bed, getting dressed into the armor that he placed out the night before, and then equipped his trusty Alatreon Revolution to start the day. As Alex was about close the chest lid, he heard a knock at the door.

“Come in.” Alex said.

The door opened to reveal a unicorn pony with dark blue and blue highlights. He also had gold plated armor on his body.

The unicorn looked surprise about the creature and quietly said “The Princesses did spoke the truth.”

Alex ignored the statement that he heard from the unicorn and said “Hi. I’m Alex the Hunter. May I ask what your name is?”

The unicorn realized of what he said and grinned from the manners of the guest that the Princesses brought to the castle. The unicorn replied

“Hello Alex. I am Captain Shining Armor, but you can call me Armor. The Princesses sent me to tell you that breakfast is going to be served soon and they wish you tell be in their presence to meet the others of the royal family.”

Alex grinned and said “Nice to meet you Armor, it is nice to meet you. I suppose it is the best time to head out I suppose?”

Armor nodded “Yes. We do not wish to keep the Princesses waiting do we? I’ll show you the way.”

Alex agreed and headed out the room with Armor, shutting the door behind him.

Both Alex and Armor were walking down a few corridors tell Armor first spoke up.

“May I ask, what kind of creature are you? I have never seen your kind before in Equestria.”

Alex answered his question with honesty. “My kind is called Human beings. We are not known is Equestria or anywhere else on this world. Your Princesses called for my help in a situation they believe would be resolved with my certain ‘talents’ you may say.”

Armor’s interest peaked drastically due to hearing that Alex was from another world. He was also was curious about the help that Alex was here to help with, as Armor thought that his guards were fit enough for whatever situation would call fit.

Armor felt that he wanted to know more Alex’s ‘talents’ as he doesn’t seem to be in a career for something simple as a gardener or a construction worker. Armor took a glance of the weapon that was Alex’s back.

“May I ask about what is your ‘talents’ are? I can tell you’re some type of soldier with that monstrous looking of weapon on your back, but I have never seen that type of weapon before.” Asked Armor.

“Well, to answer your first question, my ‘talent’ is to slay monsters that would harm others, I would also accept a job that called to capture monsters also. As a Hunter, I have to accept quests that a normal person would be too scared to achieve. To answer your second question, no, I am not a soldier. As I said before, I am a Hunter that gets paid to hunt monsters. To answer your last question… This weapon is known as a “Great sword”. A Great Sword is under the branch of the term ‘Blade Masters’. This certain Great Sword was created by using the various of materials from a certain dragon in my world that is called “Alateron” which is a dragon that can control various of different elements to fight with, its actually one of the worst dragons in my world.”

Armor stopped in place to sort out all of the information that the ‘human’ just causally just said to him. Armor was too surprised in the fact that a creature such as Alex could even fight a dragon and live to tell the tale, and be so causal about it!

Armor resumed trotting through the corridors with Alex till they have stopped at a pair of tall wooden doors. Before they entered though, Armor stopped Alex from entering to tell him a bit of information before seeing the Princesses.

“Before we go in Alex, I want to let you know that I think you are a great stall-human, but you will meet with my soon to be brother-in-law that is the worst kind of unicorn I have ever met. When my fiancée and I announced that we were to be married, he sent out several remarks that day on how I am “disgracing the royal bloodline with my dirty blood.” I just wish to prepare you on how he will be. Just to let you know on what’s his name is, his name is Blueblood.”

Alex understood where Armor is coming from. His visits to Loc Lac city earned him glares for picking the career of being a Monster Hunter. The higher class would often call him varies of things that he wishes not to be repeated. He finds it ironic that the people that would berate him for his job would often come to him for capturing gigantic monsters that they would boast about capturing themselves.

“I understand Armor. I will let you know I have had my fair of stubborn idiots, such as the one you have described just now. I will however, if he harms anyone but your case, ‘anypony’ I would do everything in my power to make him pay for it.” Answered the Monster Hunter.

Armor grinned at Alex’s response.

“Let us hope it would not come to it, but most likely Princess Celestia would handle the situation. Now shall we get some breakfast in ourselves? I don’t know about you, but I’m quite hungry.”

Armor turned and used his magic to easily open the doors, revealing a dining hall that could easily be used to service 100 ponies. Both Alex and Armor walked into the dining hall to be greeted by both Princesses of the castle, and an alicorn that Alex has never met before.

Both of them headed towards the Princesses and Armor bowed and said.

“Good morning your Princesses, I have done what you requested and brought Alex here to join us for breakfast.”

Both Princesses grinned on how the Captain greeted them but Celestia responded.

“Thank you Shining Armor for doing this request, please sit with your fiancée and have some breakfast.”

Armor nodded and headed to the cushion that was next to who Alex presumed that was his soon-to-be wife.

Celestia turned her head to Alex and said.

“Good morning Alex. How was your slumber last night? My sister and I hope you rested well for the day.”

Alex nodded and said “The bed was much better than I have slept where I used to, thanks to that, I feel much more rested than I usually do, so thank you, both of you.”

Luna was the next to respond.

“You are most welcome Alex. Please sit next to us and join us for breakfast today. We shall introduce you to our niece once you sit down.”

Alex answered by sitting down on the cushion next to Luna. Due to being so tall, the dining hall table only went up to Alex’s stomach while he was sitting.

Celestia turned to the pink alicorn that was with Armor and said “Cadence? I wish you to meet a ‘person’ that will be joining us for breakfast today.”

Cadence nodded and gave a quick “Yes auntie.” Stood up and trotted to where Alex is.

“Alex, I wish you to meet my niece, Mi Amore Cadenza but more casually known as Cadence.
(Celestia then turned to Cadence and said)
Cadence, I want you to meet Alex, he has traveled a long lengths to travel here and will be here for a while.”

We traded greetings and she trotted back to Armor and then asked “So Mr.Alex… where are you from? You must’ve a bunch of stories from where you are from.”

Alex chuckled about what kind of stories that he could tell. He has stories that could last for days about his adventures of slaying monsters.

Cadence picked up on Alex’s chuckle and asked “Did I say something funny?”

Alex waved his hand (which both Armor and Cadence were confused about what that was) and said

“I do not want to be seem rude, just that my stories are a bit…lengthy, and please, just call me Alex, because I am not one for titles and such.”

Cadence smiled and said “I understand where you are coming from, just don’t say that to my brother or he would talk your ears off. May I ask what you have done in the past?”

Alex was about to answer her, till the doors to the dining hall were slammed open. Alex turned his gaze to the doors to see a unicorn that screams high class trash. The unicorn had a top part tux on, and a blonde mane that stayed in place, no matter how much the unicorn moved. The unicorn had three different of ponies following him that Alex presumed were butlers and maids.

“Good morning Auntie Celestia and Auntie Luna how are you t-WHAT IS THE MONKEY DOING HERE?!” pointing a hoof at Alex.

Alex looked around to see where this ‘monkey’ was. Without any luck, he turned his gaze back to the unicorn and pointed to himself.

“Auntie Celestia, I do not think having this animal would be hygienic for us all!”

“Blueblood, you are disgracefully talking to our guest that is from far away. We have personally requested for his presence to be here, so when you say remarks about him, you are also saying things about us. So sit down and prepare for breakfast or we shall ask you to leave.” Said Luna.

Blueblood was utterly in shock that his aunties would want a monkey in the castle that wasn’t on a chain. Without saying a word, Blueblood headed to the cushion next to Celestia and sat down.

‘This is just as bad like that moment when I found out the bad-blood of a unicorn asked my sister in marriage!’ Thought Blueblood.

Celestia looked over at the table of everypony…and human and said

“Now that everypony is here, shall we have breakfast now?”

(Celestia turned to the butlerpony)

“We are ready for breakfast now, please send them in.”

The butlerpony bowed and left off to send the food in.

Moments later unicorns came in with breakfast, levitated with their magic. The food was spread out with several of different things such as scrambled eggs, toast, pancakes, hash browns, oats, grass, orange juice, milk, coffee, and flowers.

Alex was quite surprised about the spread that was in front of him since he had to Katt make his meals or he had a simple cooked meat to keep him full. Alex then noticed that all of the ponies were using their magic to obtain their food, and he knew just reaching out for the food would be too rude to do, he decided to just wait and get some food from his chest back at his room.

While sipping her cup of tea, Celestia looked at Alex, who had no food on his plate and had his eyes closed.

‘Does he not want any food? Did something happen to make him ruin his appetite?’ Wondered Celestia.

After setting the cup back to the table, Celestia asked “Are you alright Alex? Is there something wrong that you would not like to eat?”

Alex turned his head to her and said “Oh, everything is fine. It’s just that I don’t have magic like everyone else and that I don’t want to reach over to grab food, so I’m going to wait and eat some food that I have in my chest.”

Blueblood thought it was a good time to interject “Hmph, a monkey like you should understand where he belongs.”

“Blueblood!” Celestia shouted.
“Luna has already told you to be respectful towards our guest, yet you act out once again! I will give you one more chance to act civilized or you shall be sent to your room bedroom!”

Blueblood decided to stand from his cushion and begin to walk out the room in an anger fit, before reaching the door, he bumped into a maidmare that was preparing to take the dirty dishes away.

Plates fell, causing them to shatter right next to Bluebloods hooves. This caused Bluebloods anger to reach its boiling point as he now thrashed out on the poor maidmare.

“You stupid mare! You might’ve ruined a hooficure that cost more than you make in a year!”

The mare rushed down to pick up the shattered dishes. “My apologize Prince Blueblood, please let me cl-“
The maidmare was disruptively by Blueblood smack her in the face with a hoof.

“Dirty my hooves will you?! Since you dirtied my hooves, might as well teach you a lesson!”

Blueblood continually beating the poor maidmare, Alex saw this foolishness of a being to harm another, stood up, and rushed to the maidmare in need. Right before Blueblood could hit the poor pony again, Alex crushed the hoof with his mighty grip that could easily swing a gigantic Great sword.

“Let me go now you monkey….” Bluebloods anger was soon replaced by being frightened by the look that the Hunter was giving him, a look that he has used several times used to stare down death over and over again.

Alex reached his boiling point with Blueblood.

“What kind of being are you to hurt a woman?! What gives you a right to do that?!” Alex shouted to Blueblood in anger.

“SOMEPONY HELP, THIS BEAST IS ABOUT TO HURT ME!” His cries for help fell on empty ears as the guards were enraged with what the Prince was doing, but could do nothing do to the Social Status of the Prince.

"I said, who you call yourself to hit a woman?!"
The unicorn pulled his grip from Alex's grip and snarled at him.
"HMPH, if you must know, I am Prince Blueblood; I am part of the royal family that lives in this very castle. Now, I must beat this useless pony of where she is in this world!"
Blueblood was readying himself to hit the poor mare, but was stopped as Alex grabbed him by his tux and raised him eye level.
"I won't let you touch her with your stinking hoof, you piece of garbage."
Blueblood then lost it.
Press this to play the song that I added that fits this moment.

Alex tightened his grip on the hoof that Blueblood was about to hurt the pony with. His anger was rising of hatred towards the unicorn. Alex then remembered of all the monsters that he has slain and captured to protect the people who had called for his services. The cries of hope from the time he first went to vanquish the monster Ceadeus, who, not even the Monster Hunter Guild knew about.
"Titles... Titles are what you earned by doing the deeds that you did to help others. Titles are what you wear proudly from the things you have done in your life. I have slain thousands of monsters, that you or even the princesses could stand against. For doing those accomplishments, I myself have titles of my own Blueblood... do you want to know what they are?"
At this moment, Blueblood was enraged but also curious of what the bi-pedal answer was, so he asked with venom in each word.
"What are your titles ape."
Alex felt his eyes flared in hot anger. He said in pride. " I am Alex, Protector, Savior, He who banishes the monsters, The god of the seas, Champion, but I am not known to use theses titles, except for one title, one title that ALL have known me since the very beginning.
They call me...
Monster Hunter."

After Alex gave the inspiring speech, all of the ponies in the room, Alicorn and not absorbed of what he had said.

‘I now know that we have chosen the right being to be here to fight the darkness away now. A being of courage and right sense of justice to defeat the being of the darkness.’ Celestia then smiled after thinking in her thoughts.

Blueblood thought differently though.

Blueblood whipped his hoof out of Alex’s hand and ran away with a good distance and said

“You do not scare me monkey! To show you your place, I challenge you to a duel!”

All of the servant ponies and guard ponies gasped in response of what Blueblood had said. The Princesses, on the other hoof, looked at each other and raised an eyebrow, since they have not seen a duel for over 2000 years.

Alex looked to Celestia and Luna, and asked.

“How does a duel here work Luna?”

(While asking this all of the ponies in the room [besides Celestia] gasped once again as how causal the creature said their Princess name.)

“A duel has not been declared for over 2000 years. A duel consists of two ponies fighting till the point one is dead or gives up. The challenged can pick the time, and the place for where the duel is to begin. Other rules goes that if there is one Pegasus, they cannot fly around, while if there is one unicorn, the said unicorn cannot encase the challenged or challenger in a levitation spell. The challenger may be able to add prizes into the challenge if he sees fit also.Knowing how this was before the time of peace, the rules must be changed to be acceptable for ponies of today to be able to watch it.” Luna said.

“We can use tools and any weapons that we want to use?”

“Yes.” Luna stated.

“Then I accept you challenge Blueblood. I will put you in your place, which is in the trash.” Alex said with a smirk.

“Then state where and when monkey! I will show you that I am your undoing!” Blueblood said with malice.

Truth to be told, Alex didn’t know any places to choose from since he just arrived yesterday. Alex turned to Armor and asked

“Hey Armor, do you have any interesting place for us to duel at, something that is big and open, like Bluebloods ego.”

“How dare you!” Blueblood yelled.

Ignoring Blueblood, Armor thought to himself about decisions about what would be a suitable arena for the two. After thinking for a few minutes, Armor came to with a resolution.

“What about the training arena for new guard ponies to practice? Its right behind the palace and it’s not that far from here. It would empty because academy for training would close around this season.”
Alex turned back to Blueblood

“There you go. In one hour, meet me at the training arena being prepared to fight.”

“Hmph. I shall make sure to make you grovel to my hooves after my victory.” Blueblood said before leaving the dining hall to prepare for a ‘certain’ thing for the duel.

After Blueblood closed the dining hall doors, Alex pulled out a green potion and knelt down to the injured maidmare. Before he said anything, the mare jumped and wrapped her hooves around him and said

“Thank you thank you thank you, whoever you are, thank you for helping me!” The earth pony said.

The earth pony then released herself from the Hunter, with a small blush on her cheeks.

“No problem pony. I have something for the injuries you got from that turd.” Alex handed a potion to the pony to drink.

Nodding, the earth pony grasped the glass bottle with her hoof and gulped the potion in several loud gulps. The effects of the potion were immediate, the cuts and bruises she had from the beating from Blueblood was vanished.

“W-wow, I feel so refreshed that I can get back to work!” said the pony.

“You got to hand it to potions, simple but effective.” Alex was given the now empty bottle and placed it in one of his many pockets all over his armor.

Alex then looked at the pony and said

“By the way, I never got your name. My name is Alex.”

“Oh I’m sorry; I forgot to tell you too! My name is Quick Step.”

Celestia trotted from behind Alex and was wearing a worried expression upon her face.

“Are you okay my pony? Do you need to be sent to the infirmary to heal?” Celestia asked.

“O-oh no your Princess, you do not have to bother yourself with me. Alex here gave me something that healed me back up in an instant.” Quick Step said.

Celestia let out a relief sigh. She was now puzzled with what Alex had used to heal one of her ponies in a quick amount of time.

“Never the less, you may have the rest of the week off, paid for of course.”

“T-thank you your highness, I will head out now then if you excuse me. Alex, thank you again, I will tell the other ponies about what you have done today.” Quick Step said then trotted out of the room.

After Quick Step left the room, Armor, Cadence, and Luna trotted to Alex to ask him their questions about what they witnessed before them.

“I must say Mr. Alex, you really showed my brother where his place is .”
“I don’t know about that but he didn’t seem that frightened. Besides, I can’t stand to see others hurting other people.” Alex said while crossing his arms.

Armor was the next to speak.

“Is there any way to see the creatures that you have fought? I would like to see them first-hoof.”

“Well, I have some drawings of them but that’s about it.” Alex said sadly.

“Excuse me Alex, but I can be at service to help you with that. If you wouldn’t mind, I would use a spell to transfer memories to one being to the next.” Luna said.

“Sure Luna, we can do that, but can we wait till after the duel, since I need to get ready for it after all? I want show you something then ask you a question about Equestrian economy set up.” Alex said while walking.

As the hero and three ponies walked/trotted to the guestroom, they were all exchanging small talk till they arrived into the room that Alex is currently staying at.

As everyone filed into the room, Cadence was completely in puzzlement on how Alex was going to deal with her younger brother. She went to the cushions that were by the table in the room and placed her rump onto the soft cushion, following her was both Armor and Luna.

“So Alex, what kind of plan do you have for the duel with my brother? He probably won’t be difficult to beat, but I think he would have a few tricks up his sleeves.”

Alex started to strip down from his armor, not feeling uncomfortable since he had his under armor to cover himself. He started to place the barioth armor back into his chest as he said to Cadence.

“I don’t have any to use, except for what I have done in the past quests with monsters, I will scan him while fighting and see how he works, after that, and I’ll be set.”

Alex pulled out the Vangis armor out and started getting the armor on.
“Oh by the way, can I ask a question to anyone that cares?”

Luna placed down her cup of tea (with her magic) that she had teleported from the kitchen.

“What is the question that you have Alex?”

Alex pulled out a single coin of zenni from his chest and threw it to her, which Luna caught with her magic.

“Does a gold coin in this world have any economic value at all? If not, then I am pretty much poor again.”

Luna studied the coin, looking at the coin in every detail. She passed it along to Cadence, which she grabbed with her magic to study it also.

“From looking at the detail of the coin, it has the different writing on it, probably from your world, but it can be used as gold from this world. May I ask how much gold coins that you may have?”

“I have about over a million of gold coins in my chest saved up from my adventures. Is that decent amount?”

Alex equipped his helmet on and turned to the ponies that were waiting for him. This is the first time he saw creatures were able to have their mouths gaping like theirs.

Armor was the first one to come back to his senses.

“Th-that’s more than a decent amount! That can buy you a castle easily, how have you ever obtained that much of gold in a lifetime?!” Armor shouted in shock.
Alex cocked his head in confusion. He was confused on how there was a huge amount of difference of the currency is in their own worlds.

“In my world the economic currency is that most things are sold in few hundreds to hundreds of thousands. Quests in my world offer in the same way. Basically, I accept the quest, complete them, get thousands of gold, and buy things that you would seem to be too expensive.”

All of the ponies now seem surprised once again with how the economy worked with at Alex’s world.

“Well I can worry about money in another time since I have to get ready anyways.”

Alex placed the inventory that he is going to use for the duel with Blueblood into all over his armor, he now started to feel the effects of his armor and of the decoration jewels activating.

He pulled out a steak and devoured it quickly in front of the herbivores in front of him and now felt his stamina doubled.

He turned to his guests and said

“Shall we head to our dearest friend Blueblood? I think we shall start this little duel and afterwards, get on our separate paths.” Alex said with a grin.


The training field was located in the back of The Canterlot Garden, which helps the newer guards to train vigilantly, while being calm being one with nature. However, the spectator left section is now filled with several of rich ponies (curtsies of Blueblood) wanting to see the fight of Prince Blueblood against an ape-like creature. On the other side of the spectator section was filled with servant ponies, guards on their breaks, and normal citizens that were brought by Quick Step. She caught wind of what was happening when her friends that work at the castle told her about a strange bi-pedal creature accepting a duel with the ponies hated.

Alex was being led by Armor outside to the training arena when they all noticed the unexpected ponies waiting for the duel.

“Uh Armor, what is this? I didn’t anticipate that there were going to be spectators for today’s duel.” Alex said while walking.

“There shouldn’t be spectators for it. I will be right being right back; I’m going to see how the duel was leaked.”

Thus left Alex with Cadence and Luna.

“It appears that the duel is about to start soon. We shall teleport you to the arena. Cadence, can you please go to my sister that Alex is here and ready for the duel to begin? I think a lot of ponies want to see this.”

Cadence then teleported away, leaving both Alex and Luna to themselves.

“May I ask you a question before I teleport us, are you going to…kill Blueblood, cause the duel can only end in a forfeit or death. Can you please don’t kill him; because he may be annoying but ponies have not experience death for over a few thousands of years. What I am asking, please make him forfeit so the ponies of Equestria won’t be afraid of you. It will help you in the long run.”

“Well, I wasn’t planning to kill him, just planned to scare him and teach him a lesson of not being a jerk to others.”

“Oh, well that works then; we shall take you to the located area then.”

Alex nodded and then both of them were teleported to the acquired area.

When they appeared to the needed location, Blueblood was seen using his magic to pick from the weapons that is available for him to us.

Alex started to do some stretches while Blueblood was fussing over what weapon to use.

After a few minutes of deciding (and yelling at a servant randomly), everything was set. Ponies were waiting in anticipation of start of the match, Princesses were sipping tea as they were watching, a certain grey mare eating a muffin, tension was felt in the air as the duelists were staring each other down.

Armor trotted to the middle of the arena, quickly learned about the basics of a duel from Princess Celestia, Armor knew what to say to start things off.

“Okay pony and…human, I want a clean honorable duel, only way of winning is to make the other forfeit or to…kill them. I do not want any audiences to get hurt because of this duel, do I understand?



Comments ( 13 )

so exited! :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy:

GAH, I hate you right now, you know that?! You got me fired up with that preview, call this chapter "The Duel with Blueblood", then cut off right when the durel is about to start.
I don't mind cliffhangers, but you're a right flank for doing that!!:flutterrage::fluttercry::flutterrage::fluttercry:

Press this to play the song that I added that fits this moment.

press what there is no link

Blueblood will finally get what he deserves! Fighting the FREAKING MONSTER HUNTER FROM MH3! I almost feel bad for him!


Blueblood vs the monster hunter? Easy victory XD

Where is the next chapter?

when is chapter 3 going to be.

awwww 1 year cliff hanger that sucks on so many levels T_T

Well this caught my interest, still I wonder if Blueblood will say something stupid and get ass...oh who am i kidding, it's going to happen. Update please.

Please make more, I want to see someone beat the sh*t out of blueblood.


Well fuck, I wanna see a beatdown now.

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