• Published 19th Feb 2013
  • 2,932 Views, 291 Comments

From man to mare: Time to tell - The Psychopath

Derry is now confronted with something dangerous that could shatter both his mind and his soul.

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Discording up da joint

I was dreaming. It was a really nice dream. No pain. No worries. Only comfort. Even though it was weird. I was actually dreaming that I was in a small fishing boat in a sea of clouds, yet even the boat was comfortable despite the wood...I've noticed that I seem to be a bit obsessed with comfort, too. Hm. I'll have to think about that when I have time, which means never. The waving clouds gave me a sort of vibration massage which made it even worse. I was starting to sleep in my sleep. Nevertheless, I found that the burning in my throat and chest had stopped as well. In its place, the soft and soothing cold breeze of the frozen air. Even the sky was bluish-white. It mixed perfectly with this atmosphere, so I just slumped down further into the boat, ignoring me still being Silver. I could finally relax.

"What's this? A small boat to the side! Anchor away!" yelled a voice.

My eyes immediately jolted open to see that there was a massive ship that had stopped to the left of my boat. It was pink with blue board linings, and even the sails were pink! Judging by its form, design, and shape, it was from the eighteenth century, but what would it be doing here? IN MY DREAM?!

"HEY! What's going on? I just wanted some comfort. Leave me alone!"

It's at that moment, that a stallion with a weird tophat leaned over the ship's hold and waved at me.

"I know you. You gave me that pacifier awhile back. What're you doing in my dream and how did you get here."

"Mmmm. You'd love to know. Wouldn't you?" he put a hoof to his chin and smirked.

"Yes. I would!" I responded with a direct and commanding tone.

He seemed insulted seeing his smile faded away as he jolted back.

"Well. That's too bad. I'm not going to tell you." he said as he turned his back to me.

"You better tell me."


I felt my blood boiling as he continued to act like a child...No. He was worse than Jewel even when she's in her most foul moods.

"Ahoy, there!" yelled a voice that I actually recognized.

That same voice that traumatized me so long ago. That same voice that had infested my mind and eyes with lies and torturing views. It was Discord.


I yelled as a flipped around to stare at a rather typical ship. Well, it would be typical were it not for the figurehead that looked like Discord holding a candle instead of a mermaid holding said candle. The flag flying above his ship's mast still showed his disgustingly smiling face.

"How're you doin', Derry. Having fun 'n all that?" he joked as he poured some tea into the bottom of his cup.

"How DARE you show yourself. After what you did to me. I can never forgive you. You actually used my grandfather to hurt me." I began to cry as anger came rushing out.

"Oh, posh. Don't get your hair in a knot." he mocked.

While he stirred his glass of tea with his tail, both my mane and tail twisted themselves into horrible knots.

"HEY! Get rid of this. NOW!"

"Why. You look quite...pffff...Knotty like that. I'm sure Cyclon would LOVE a knotty pony."

My face puffed up as I unintentionally grew red, although that all went away when my heart nearly stopped. That pink stallion had suddenly appeared right next to me and had taken my...mane and taill off of my body. He didn't even seem to make an effort as he placed them on the side of the boat, reached into his hat, and somehow pulled out two muffins. They were both placed on my back before each ran in the opposite direction, rooted themselves into my scalp and rear, then bloomed into a new mane and tail. I was too confused at the moment, but I noticed that Discord's eyes had widened as he saw this stallion.

"How did YOU get here." he said in astonishment.

"The same way as any, Discord. WITH POTATO MAGIC!"

"Huh?" I said.

The stallion turned my old, knotted hair into gigantic potatoes that he tossed towards Discord, who immediately shrunk them into peanuts and devoured them with a snap of his jaw. He seemed all confident of himself while the stallion just leaned against his boat's rails again. I heard an explosion and saw that Discord's mouth had exploded and that red vines had grown out of them to engulf his face.

"Muahahaha! I am the greetest!" the stallion yelled like an idiot.

"Fire the cannons!" Discord shouted through his cage.

The ship's flaps had all flung open, and cannonballs flew out of their containers like fireworks, although that other stallion somehow donned a tennis player's costume and started to smack the balls away with a racket. Discord played along, although he was playing ping pong.

"You cannot defeat the Nuestra Señora de la Santísima Trinidad!" the stallion yelled.

"That ship sunk because of light winds. I just have a first rate." Discord smirked.

"Silly chaos. Physics are for chumps." the stallion shook his head in disappointment.

His ship somehow immediately spun to face the side of Discord's ship directly, then boosted forward and rammed into it full force, only to spin back onto its side and begin firing at the bastard's ship. I couldn't believe it, but I was cheering for this crazy guy. He seemed worse than Discord, that is, until Discord was fighting the stallion up close wearing what seemed to be a pirate costume and an old cutlass. The stallion, however, has the appearance of an old man and was holding...a wooden leg and a sausage.

"This is the ancient technique of the wooden sausage."

Discord just stared at him plainly before attacking. The fighting made no real sense, until the pink stallion and Discord began to walk on the side of the Santima..nuev...whatever...and walked underneath the water. THat's when my dream flipped upside down and I found myself falling back towards my body.

I immediately jumped up, gasping for air. As I started to calm down, I looked to the right to see that Cyclon was sleeping. This was all nice, until our room suddenly became flooded with sea water. We were both caught off-guard and couldn't react properly as we both caught ejected from our room, then through the hall, then down the stairs of the small castle, and , finally, outside onto the lawn. We gently slid to a stop as I rested on my back while Cyclon slid onto his stomach. Discord was just overhead, looking at me with a grin. I growled as I forced myself upright.

"That stallion is all YOUR doing, isnt it?!" I shouted as I poked him in the stomach.

"Of course not. Why would I make something that tries to oppose me. It's only Illogic. It thinks it's different from chaos, but it's n--"

Discord suddenly spat out a giant carp from his mouth. As it flopped around a few moments, it immediately uprighted itself. It took a can and a monocle out from underneath its scales and pulled a message out from its mouth before dropping it and flying...flying away...

"Chaos is inferior as it tries to fin logic in what cannot be understood." Discord just sighed. "He got me there. Eh. Doesn't matter. I always get him back anyways. Now then. Why don't I pick you two up?"

Finally, the guards and Twilight had finally awoken to see the carnage brought up by this idiot. While Cyclon caughed up the water and tried to move his mane out of his eyes, Discord helped him up.

"Twilight. It's Discord. Quick! Seal him up or turn him to stone or something!" I yelled with panic.

"Silver. No need for that, although I need a word with the draconequus. Why would he wake us up so early in the morning?" she grumbled.

"DISCORD!" she yelled as she stomped away.

"Yes, my dear Twilight?" he answered with eye fluttering.

"What's the meaning of this? Why did you wake us all up so early, and...why did you flood my home?"

Twilight looked behind herself to see everypony caugght in the flood to be drying themselves off or simply looking horrified at the scene.

"Oh. Come now. I was only having a fight with this...stallion in D-I mean, Silver's dreams."

"What? No. Don't answer that. I just want you to fix everything up."


Discord rolled his eyes and was about to repair the damage done until Jewel came running towards him. I could see that look of overjoyment in her eyes.

"Jewel, wait!"

"Hm?" Discord hummed as he looked down to see a little filly staring at him with sparkling eyes."What is that?"

"She's the daughter of Silver and Cyclon."

"D..." Discord looked at me with pure shock and confusion.

"Yeah! She's the best! You know, I've always wanted to meet you."

"Y...You have?"

"Yeah. I was told that you do some weird things. I bet they're pretty funny." Jewel giggled.

"I..uh-I uh well...Why yes. I am quite enriched in humor." Discord regained his posture and adjusted a monocle that came out of nowhere.

"Cool. Could you teach me?"

"NO!" everyone yelled in response.

We scared Jewel, but it was in her best intentions. Discord, however, didn't see it like that.

"Come now." he sterned as he picke up Jewel and started to spin her on his claw like a basketball."If somepony wants to know how fun chaos can be, then let her. What's the harm that can be done. Besides, look at her. She's enjoying herself. I finally found somepony who appreciates chaos as much as I do."

That bastard finally set Jewel back on the floor, although she was still dizzy from the spinning and fell down on Discord's foot while she still laughed.

"I see a promising future for her."

The draconequus looked upward with great pride while the rest of us moaned or facehoofed.

Author's Note:

I apologize if this seems like a bumpy restarting, but I haven't been able to refine my writing, what with everything that has happened recently. Now, though, I can. I've never felt so relaxed in my life.