• Published 19th Feb 2013
  • 2,927 Views, 291 Comments

From man to mare: Time to tell - The Psychopath

Derry is now confronted with something dangerous that could shatter both his mind and his soul.

  • ...

Black senility

It took atleast a few hours, but Twilight had brought the other five that we knew to her castle. They were all waiting in the front yard, except for Twilight who waited in front of the entrance outside of the "castle". I just waited in my room and clenched my chest as best I could without fingers. I was sitting on a chair, like I would as a human, in front of a make-up table. I just looked up at the mirror and crunched my face up more. This would be tough. I never feared telling them what I actually was. I simply feared how they would react, and now, I have something worse to worry about. I recall that thing saying that something would happen to me once I told them. What was it? Surely, it would be something good, right? It couldn't be something awful. I was already being punished here.

"Why?" I asked the mirror as I clenched my paining heart."I had three more days. THREE! And why do these things have to happen to me anyways? What have I done wrong?!" I yell before putting my face between my hooves.

"Silver. Come on. It's something that you insisted on telling everyone you really knew."Twilight shouted from downstairs.

"Okay! I'm coming!"I answered back.

I couldn't do this, but I had to. It was for Amber. If I didn't...No. I couldn't think of these things. Taking my courage in both hooves, I got out of my room and slowly went down the stairs. My heart was beating a mile a minute and even felt like it was pounding in my throat. My muscles coiled and tensed up painfully as I began to dehydrate with all my sweating. Stress was going to claim me before I told them everything. When I finally reached the door, I gulped and pushed it open, worry and pain etched all over my face.

Twilight's guards were there, along with the castle's few servants. They weren't the important ones. Twilight was there to greet me next to the door. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were talking about stuff, I dunno. Fluttershy was with Rarity, and Pinkie Pie was dressing up a guard in party decorations. Cyclon and Jewel were the ones closest to me, and they seemed the least concerned for what I was about to say. I took a big gulp and looked at Twilight, hoping she would be able to talk me out of this, but she spoke to me first in whisper:

"Silver, I know that there have been issues with you, and they haven't been because of your attitude. No. There's something else wrong with you. I saw the second you arrived. Now, I don't know what it is, but it clearly isn't natural. If this is the only way to save yourself, do it. I'll help you through whatever you have to say."

"Okay...Twilight. You know...if my family didn't count, I have to admit that you were actually my very first friend...of flesh and blood." I joked as I gave a nervous smile.

"I...Go ahead."

Here it was; The grand finale.

"Everyone." they all turned to face me."I've called you here because I have something extremely important to tell you. Several things, in fact."

"You're throwing a surprise party?! No wait. That wouldn't make it a surprise anymore." Pinkie interjected.

"Pinkie! It's obvious she's tryin' ta tell us somethin' important, so, could you just quiet down?"

"Okay. Fine, but I still think it's a party."

"It's not a party." I yell at her with irritation.

"It's just that I...Well...I don't come from this world..."

A small brouaha started.

"I wasn't a pony. Not even when I was born. No. I was a human. Think of humans as being naked monkeys who can walk on their hind-legs. We're a bipedal species. Always warring because it' in our nature, but we also invent and innovate. We're creative...atleast some of us are...Then, Fluttershy, we're omnivores. We--"

"Get to the source material rather than delaying." a voice resounded.

Everyone looked to the right, and, fair enough, we saw the black goop creature. It had taken the shape of a gigantic reindeer with enormous antlers, and it was bubbling everywhere. The eyes were still beady white dots and its mouth was still drippin and gooey like usual.

"Hey, who are you?! What do you want?!" Rainbow shouted.

"Hold your tongue, muffin. I'm an acquaintance of Silver."

"I don't like how it said acquaintance." Rarity hissed.

Twilight stepped between us as it approached me, but he pushed her aside. She tried zapping it with her magic, but it was no use. It wasn't affected.

"Go. Directly. To. It." it said in a manner resembling clenched teeth.

"Fine. Cyclon, I know that you would be most affected by this, but...I wasn't a mare, as Luna told Twilight so many years ago."

I could see his face clenching up and the ones of the others getting mixed reactions. One of the servants seemed to find what I was about to say as kinky. Ew.

"I was a male." I drop my head in shame.

The ink creature laughs whole heartedly as we all hear some sort of spark go off. There were immense gasps in the crowd, and Twilight was the first taken aback, although I suppose that Cyclon's face of confusion as he began having internal conflicts added to the picture. The creature stepped aside with a smile on its face as it saw Twilight coming towards me and lifting my head up with her hoof, her eyes moving between both. An expression of betrayal on it.

"I didn't tell you at first because I was embarassed and, frankly, absolutely hated everything. I had a bad life growing up. When I was going to tell you, Cyclon came up, and I was having feelings for stallions, which showed that my mind had changed as well. I couldn't tell him, especially when we were controlled by the Giga Sparkle when it was supposed to have been destroyed. Heck, I never wanted this to happen either, but it did."

"But, you could have told us when we first met."

"Oh yeah. I was totally going to talk to total strangers in my stuffed dolls body, said strangers being ponies as well."

"Stuffed doll?" Cyclon whispered.

"I had grown so bitter of the years. I had hated so many things. The only object that really helped me was my plushie of Silver. It was the only gift I ever recieved from the only person who actually loved and cared for me: My grandfather."

Twilight rubbed her chin.

"It's true. I remember you mumbling about him when you slept at the library."

"Yet, so much has happened since I first arrived here. I actually got friends, peo-ponies, pardon, who actually cared about me, who were complete strangers on all that. I couldn't understand what was going on, and I ponly ever felt anger and pity on myself because of how I was treated. I only wanted to hurt. I guess that you all taught me what my grandfather was trying to teach me since my early years on Earth."

"Well, I do believe that you could require a hug from all of us." Rarity exclaimed.


"We were the first to know about ho badly you felt, and although this is a rather...erm...special experience, we still love you." Fluttershy added.

"Yeah. Now we're going to give you the elements of harmony group hug!" Rainbow yelled as she prepared to charge.

"I'm going to hug her too. She's my mommy and I don't care what she was like before." Jewel added.

Little Jewel hopped towards me with a radiant face of joy as Cyclon still debated with himself, his face full of disturbances and discrepancies. The others came closer as well, but something happened that I didn't expect. Jewel was intercepted by an antler and thrown into Rainbow Dash who, luckily, caught her and held herself aloft.

"Hey! What gives?!" she cursed.

"I have tolerated enough of this. Derry Wilhall was his name, and now, you're going back home."

It squinted and backed away as a white portal appeared in front of the entrance to Twilight's castle, and I was being sucked in.

"NO! You said that Jewel would still have me after this!" I shouted as I began to slide backwards against my will.

"Oh? I didn't lie. You won't be dead. Not at all. I just said that were you to never fulfill your duty, you would die. Here, you aren't dying."

Tears began to well up and pour across my face. The others, even Twilight, tried to reach me, but the creature erected an immense cage of the black goop. The guards began to bang and strike at the cage, and so did the six, but their efforts were fruitless. I looked at them with guilt and horror, until I saw that damned deer move aside and show me Jewel. Her face was completely covered in tears, and she was the one banging the most on the cage. She even kept calling for Cyclon, but he never reacted. Then something sparked in me, and I began to fight even more as I struggled to get away from the pull.

"NO!" I began to cry profusively."I actually have a life here! I don't want to go! I don't want to leave Jewel. She was the greatest thing that ever happened to me! I don't want another thing I love to be taken away from me so violently! Let me stay!"

The deer opened a portion of the cage to let Jewel reach me, and we both showed smiles on our faces as we were going to embrace eachother again.

"Ah ah ah! I was just joking!" he said.

As its goopy mouth curved into a smile, the portal pulled atleast ten times harder than before. We were centimeters away from eachother, and we were separated, just like that. With one final scream, I lost sight of everyone. The last words I heard before falling into that forgotten light was from Amber Jewel: