• Published 19th Feb 2013
  • 2,931 Views, 291 Comments

From man to mare: Time to tell - The Psychopath

Derry is now confronted with something dangerous that could shatter both his mind and his soul.

  • ...



Discord was standing on some sort of gigantic podium he had built out of nowhere and was dressed up like some DJ from the seventies, with the backwards baseball-cap, the striped sunglasses, and the sagging clothes.


"LONDON BRIDGE IS FALLING DOWN!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"I don't get it."

"Falling down..." I whispered as I kicked the podium.

Discord came tumbling down and landed face first into the mud. As he lay there for a moment, I got closer to him and whispered in his ear:

"Falling down."

Trotting on over to a stump was all I could really do right now. I didn't know what was lurking between these trees, so I had to depend on that bastard Discord.

"So what do you want me to do here?"

"Wait that I bring Jewel."

"I'm not letting you bring her here! It's too dangerous?"

"Derry, come now."

Discord just looked at me as sarcastically as ever, and began to stir...a glass of hot chocolate?

"Is that hot chocolate?" I ask with a stunned expression.

"Why yes, it is."

He proceeded to drink the glass, eat the spoon, then threw the hot chocolate behind him. As per cliché, I expected it to explode. Instead, it grew arms and legs, a leopard tunic, then began swinging from branch to branch, yelling, before disappearing into the forest. I could only leave my mouth agape to this scene.

"And this is normal to you?!" I yell at Discord while gesturing to the direction of the event.

"I don't understand what you mean. There was nothing abnormal there. Now, if you excuse, ADVENTURE AWAITS!"

He threw his arm into the air, then blasted off with a rainbow right behind.

"Wait!" I shout as I try to grab his tail."Don't leave me here. It's too dangerous."

Silence. He was already gone. This didn't bode well. I was in a forest with no knowledge of the place. This meant that I knew neither how to get out, or what was lurking around. I had goosebumps just thinking about it. Then again, I've dealt with worse. All I'd need now is some sort of gigantic plant-thing to try and eat me.

"Hello? Come on, Discord. This isn't funny."


"Discord? Get me out of here or I'll pummel you."

I threatened, but here I was shaking and would surely be wringing my hands together nervously if I still had some.



"Noooooo. You know me."


I didn't know who that was, but it showed itself to be some sort of black figure passing through the trees. It was rather tall, though.

"Who is that?"

What came through the moss shocked me to the highest degree. It was...me...as I was before. I...I mean it, was walking through slowly towards me with its arms behind its back and a rather devious smile. It started to walk around me while humming and analyzing my appearance.

"Tsktsk, Derry. You should pay more attention to Silver's body. Who knows what'll happen." it smirked.

"Waiit. I know what's going on. You're either a creation of Discord, you're the Giga Sparkle doing something, or you're one of those other monsters trying to confuse me. Well, not this time!"

My anger roared, and I dashed forward to deliver one powerful blow into its stomach. Once my blow connected, it simply bent slightly and looked at me with skepticism before I fel an immense pain in my own stomach and tumbled over.

"Funny, isn't it?" it said as it moved me up and massaged my shoulders.

*cough cough*

"You thinking such absurd things. It's funny, really. Maybe I'm a figment of your imagination wanting to teach the greatness about friendship and...Bah. Even joking I can't even do that." it literally transitioned from being all loving to being bored."Oh! Maybe I'm that black thing in your body that's infected your eyes and brain?"

My heart started to race in panic. What if this thing was a parasite?

"No. I bet you're thinking that stuff is a parasite. It's not. You're the one creating it and passing it through your body.

"That still doesn't explain how I hurt myself hitting you." I grunted on the floor.



"Oh. Don't worry. This won't be at all like those inner-speakings that you've had before. Far from it. We're just here to talk about getting you on track for when you'll do the great reveal!" it twirled in place after saying that.

"What reveal?"

"You know. You say it or you die."

"What, you'll kill me?" I struggled back up.

"Kill you? Me? Technically, I'm you, so what would that bring me?"

"What are you saying?"

"If Silver was your doll in that world, what would you be in this?"




It facepalmed.

"NO! The original Silver was a Giga Sparkle, one created by your love for it. I am, in some ways, the opposite of it."


"Remember the snake that your friends faced in your mind? I'm not it."

It put a hand on its mouth and gave me one of those weird feminin laughs from the nineteenth century.


"Your old conciousness, although I am the one that was never tainted. Think of me as alternate reality to what your existence was."

"And I should care?"

It looked away from me with face of smiling concern towards the forest.

"What are you looking at?"

"Nothing, really. Now, I suppose you want to find a safe place before you become animal chow.

"Yes, but--"

"Cliché-ily, there's a cave a few meters over there. I suggest you run as fast as you can."

"Why should I--"

An immense beast tore through the trees and roared so violently that the surrounding, unscathed trees saw their bark get torn off. This thing was brown, but seemed to have wings made from bones. Its eyes...there were only two, but the scelera was black with three green pupils in them. The creature was bipedal, and from the brown fur it seemed to e leaking a weird, toxic green liquid that was causing the ground to rot upon contact.

"Don't inspect it closer. It's an undead creature."

"What? That exists?"

"Hey. You were hypnotized by a blob that was also a type of spirit, I THINK THIS IS A VALID POSSIBILITY."

"What do I do now?"

"Run or be devoured."


"Over there, dumbass." it pointed away from the creature and that's exactly where we both jolted off to.

"Honestly. Kurom-Fotah's aren't that smart. They're beings of pestilence! READ A BOOK YOU UNCULTURED BARBARIAN!" it yelled at me.

I ran...er...galopped as fast as I could, but that hulking abomination just charged through every tree and boulder in its way. It even tripped, slid on the floor, then got back up without losing speed. How is that even possible? No matter what I tried, it kept getting closer and closer. I started to panic so much that I began to cry unwillingly, then something flew to my left and begin to whisper in my ear.

"Hello, Derry. I see you're going to die prematurily. Want some help getting rid of that thing?"

"How are you here and not in my mind?"

"That last batch you barfed out allowed the entirety of the black matter to give me a semblant of a body here."

"And what will happen if I ask for your help?"

"Detract a day from your time frame."


That thing roared once more and from the torn portions of its skin fired streams of that green muck towards me, desintegrating anything they touched.


"Time is ticking, Derry. Don't worry. You'll only have, oh, four more days if you get out of this by yourself, which I doubt. I'll even arrange to have your reveal happen in Ponyville."

"NO! Not that!"

"Fine. Just the three day thing. It would have been quite amusing, though."

That black fog literally broke the corner and engulfed the creature, tossing it far away...and through more of the scenery. Finally, afar, I could see the cave slightly above the ground. It took alot of energy, but I managed to climb that cliff and climb into the cave. I smiled as a gasped for air.

"Well then. You've come at quite a tardy hour, my dear."

My eyes cracked open when I looked behind me to see that Discord was wearing a tuxedo, a tophat, and a monocle. He had even brought in a table, three chairs, and was sipping tea with Jewel.

"Hi, Mom!" she yelled happily.

"Discord, I hate you tremendously."

"Oh! What a ruffian. You have such ill manners, unlike your daughter, here."