• Published 21st Feb 2013
  • 1,948 Views, 29 Comments

My little Slender. - Shadowstalker

Celestia's and Slendermanes son's adventures in life.

  • ...

A normal day at home.

Sun Spot stretched out, yawning with no mouth. He sat up, popping his wings muscles, with a grunt he rubbed one of the shallow areas on his face where an eye would be. If he had any.

He got up, brushed a small comb through his white coat, shinned his tentacles and wiped away any dust that had collected on his muzzle.

He exited his room, saying a quick hello and good morning to anyone that passed.

As he went down the halls, he began to hear a slight noise coming from the dining hall's direction.

"I think it's a good idea. I mean, he has to see the world at some point. We can't keep him in here for the rest of his life."

"I know that, but I'm afraid of what the other children would say."

He cocked his head to the side in curiosity. His horn lit up with a crimson and he sunk down to a shadow, quickly sliding across the floor. He stopped underneath the door, watching as his parents argued, but not out of anger as he found out.

"I do think it's a good idea, but I just don't want them to hurt him." Celestia said.

"I know, but, he did take after me mainly, so there will be a few comments here and there. Nothing a parent teacher conference cant handle? Wouldn't you agree, son?"

Sun Spot slid out into the light, reforming, he laughed a little. He took a seat in front of his mother, a waiter came with a glass of orange juice and a waffle.

"So," he said. "What were you talking about classmates?"

At that, his parents ears splayed back. His mother looked down at her food as his dad gave a sigh.

"Son, we've been wanting to ask you something." He said.

"Yes dad? You know you can ask me anything." Sun Spot replied, finishing his waffle.

"It's about... School." He said. "Me and your mother wanted to know if you would want to go to a regular school or maybe an advanced magic school?"

"Really? Your asking me?" He put down his glass. "I-I'm not sure. But, I think I would prefer to be in a regular school. It would be easier to make some friends."

"Are you sure?" Celestia asked. "You do know what others might say, right?"

"Mom." He said. "You're the one who taught me to control my anger, if I even had any to begin with. I doubt a few words can bother me all that much, trust me, when me and dad go out, I can hear the Canterlot ponies whisper about us. For a bunch of pristine royals, they use some very colorful language."

"Well," she gulped. "It's settled, me and your father will go arrange a meeting with a teacher Twilight knows. Come along my little sugar bear."

"Yes, my little flame."

"Mom, dad..." Sun Spot whined. "I'm eating."

They all laughed, leaving him at the table to finish his juice. Once done, he took the dishware to the kitchen, a chef catching him in the act.

"You know what I said about you doing that." He said. "Thank you," he laughed. "Every little bit helps make our day that much easier."

"No problem Carrot Broth." Sun Spot replied. "Oh, and the soup last night was great."

"Oh now get out'a here, you'll make me blush." The portly orange pony laughed.

With a friendly wave, Sun Spot trotted out from the kitchen and through the hall to the gardens.

The smell of crisp, temperature controlled mountain air filled his non-existent nostrils as he breathed in. Looking around, he saw his wacky uncle lounging by his pedestal.

"Hey uncle Discord!" Sun Spot shouted. "I'm not late, am I?"

"Huh? What's going on? Where am I!?" His uncle shouted, a magazine covering his eyes. "You'll never take me out without a fight!" He began firing random bolts of chaos energy, morphing anything it touched.

"Discord stop!" Sun Spot yelled, standing on his tentacles upon the only green patch of grass nearest to him. "Take the magazine off your eyes!"

His uncle stopped and felt his head, he grinned sheepishly as he got rid of the attacking article.

"You saw nothing." He said.

"Saw what?" Sun Spot smiled, copying his fathers trademark grin.

"Exactly." Discord winked. "Now, today's lesson is making objects out of thin air. We'll practice the most important one, food and water. Now, focus the energy into your horn."

Sun Spot's horn lit up, the crimson waving gently over his horn.

"Now, focus on the small threads that are matter and take them apart. You'll know when the air in front of you becomes blurry or distorted."

The air around Sun Spot's horn blurred.

"Now, just reconnect them into something small. Like a globule of water or an apple."

The air started to take form, turning from a blur to a wavy liquid.

As he focused, a head ache hit him suddenly and a surge of power went through him. Discord gulped, putting on a scuba mask and tank before most of the area they were at was hit by a flood from in-between them.

They both slid across the muddy ground, Discord looking fairly surprised while Sun Spot looked embarrassed.

"Well," Discord took off his gear and cleaning the water up. "That was unexpected."

"Sorry uncle, I've been having these head aches lately, and then my magic just explodes." Sun Spot said. "Hey, I got the bird poop off your pedestal."

Discord looked over at the white stone slab and nodded.

"It seems you did. Now, you go get cleaned up. Afterwards, why don't I take you out into town?"

"But you know the ponies in Canterlot don't like me or my dad..."

"I said town, not a city full of self interested gluttons." He rolled his eyes. "I'm talking about Ponyville. I already know your parents are going there to talk with Cheerilee. Why don't we go meet some ponies? It'll be fun and, you'll have an adult with you."

"Can I have a responsible adult?"

Discord face-taloned.

"Right, shower and trip. Hey, why don't we go see how my parents are doing after we get there? You know, so I can meet the teacher."

"Splendid! Now, run along and I'll be at your door waiting."

Sun Spot spread his wings and took off to his room. It was on the second story, right below his parent's rooms. He had his own balcony so he could watch as his aunt raises the moon.

He landed on the marble with a short gust of wind, strong enough to open the door and nothing else.

He stepped in and shut them behind him, made sure to lock it and went into the bathroom.

He grabbed a towel from the rack and turned the cold water on. he put a hoof in it, making sure it was just cold enough before stepping in.

The cold water felt great to him, he tried hot water before but never cared for it. Besides, it only made him sleppy and he didn't want another maid finding him in the tub like that again. He still laughed, remembering him screaming on the autopsy table, the mare with the scalpel fainting and a lot of apologizing later to her.

Now they occasionally sent letters to each other.

After he had cleaned himself off, he polished his horn and threw the towel into the dirty bin.

His uncle was on the other side of his door, standing on the ceiling. He gave a smile before snapping his paw.

In a flash, they both found themselves in the middle of the market.

All the ponies stopped and looked around nervously, one of them started shouting and they all made a beeline behind carts and other sturdy shelters.

"Well that's just rude." Sun Spot said. "Hey Discord, look, what's that pink thing speeding towards us? Uncle?" He looked over at his uncle and saw him in armor.

"Hi there!" Pinkie said, tackling Sun Spot to the ground. "What's your name!? Where are you from!? Is your dad Slendermane!? Ooh! You must be his son! I need to throw a welcome to Ponyville party stat!"

As quick as she appeared, she disappeared. Sun Spot rubbed his head and looked around.

"What and who was that?" He asked.

"That, would be Pinkie Pie." His uncle chuckled. "Word of advice, never decline a cupcake from her. Otherwise, she'll keep chasing you until you do. I remember waking up and she's just standing at the foot of my bed, a cupcake in hoof."

"That's creepy." Sun Spot said. "Well, now where?"

"To the school house!" Discord said.

"Which is where?"

"Um... I didn't think that far ahead honestly." Discord admitted.

Sun Spot face-hoofed.

"Well, if memory serves right, it should be that way." Discord pointed forward.

With a sigh, they began the trek.

one hour later. The school house.

"So, when can he begin?" Celestia asked Cheerilee.

"Today if he can arrive. We're just getting started on science actually."

"I don't think he has any of the supplies though." Slendermane said.

"Nonsense! They're always on sale. A bit for each text book and binder. Pencils, quills and ink are free."

"Thank you, now we should-"

"That is the last time I let you ask for directions from a tree! Or asking anything for directions!" Sun Spot shouted.

"How was I supposed to know he was an ex-con?" Discord shot back as him and Sun Spot entered the classroom.

"An Ex-con? It was a tree! They can only feel emotions! And they're rooted to the ground!"

"I can prove to you-oh look, your parents are staring at us. Hey sis, step brother."

"Discord, why is Sun Spot here?" Celestia asked. "And what was that I heard about a tree being an Ex-con?"

"I'm just here to drop him off. Well, I guess since were here, why not let me get the stuff for him. He deserves it, he did almost manage to flood the gardens." Discord said, pulling out a white change purse. "Here you go Cheerilee. This should cover it all."

Cheerilee took the bits and handed Sun Spot the proper textbooks and binders. He took only two pencils.

"Discord," Celestia said. "Isn't that my change purse?"

He stopped and tapped his fingers together.

He shrunk down and squeezed out the window frame, yelling the whole way.

"Have a good day at school son, me and your father have to go possibly hurt your uncle."

"Don't hurt him too much, he's teaching me to make food and water from thin air. Bye, I love you."

They said a few goodbyes before Slendermane pooled down into a shadow and slipped out the frame, his mother calmly trotted out through the door before taking to the air.

He was then stuck in front of class, every student staring at him.

"Well, why don't we start with introductions?" Cheerilee said. "Why don't you tell the class your name?"

"I'm... Sun Spot Pagefinder." He said, looking down at the floor, but keeping his head straight.

"Well, why don't you go take a seat by Clover Field over there and open you Science textbook to page fifty?"

He silently tucked his things against his side, using his tentacles to prevent them from snagging on anything. As he sat down, a small white colt threw a paperball at his head.

Or tried.

Sun Spot's ears perked up, he turned and caught the paperball in a tentacle. He gently sat it down before glancing over at the colt.

He gave a 'I'm watching you sign' while Sun Spot merely waved.

"Ignore him," Clover Field said. "He's just a boor."

He looked at her and felt his ears splay back.

She was a bright green, her eyes were a bright yellow and her mane curled everywhere, all of it a dark clover green with a white strip going through each lock.

He gave a gulp and spoke.

"H-Hi. I didn't really notice him... I get that a lot from where I'm from. Nice to meet you." He stuck out a hoof.

She gave a smile, her teeth shinning against her coat as she took his hoof.

"The pleasures mine." She said.

He felt his cheeks heat up as she retracted her hoof.

Author's Note:

No, boor is not the word boar. Boar means a pig or wild hog. Boor means a silly or stupid person, if my memory serves correct.

And yes, I deliberately made her name Clover Field, I didn't care for that movie but it wasn't bad.