• Published 21st Feb 2013
  • 1,948 Views, 29 Comments

My little Slender. - Shadowstalker

Celestia's and Slendermanes son's adventures in life.

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"Alright everypony, it's time to show your projects!" Cheerilee said.

Sun Spot looked over at Clover field and saw a faint glimmer of light come from her mane, he titled his head in slight confusion, seeing her write with a hoof.

"I didn't know you were a unicorn." He said.

"Really? What gave it away?" She asked.

"Well, most unicorns, or alicons, use magic to write. You use your hoof. Cool."

"Thank you, I don't actually like relying on magic for stuff you could do with a hoof. It just seems, pointless."

"Yeah, tell me about it."

As Cheerilee came around to the desk, checking the papers. The small white colt looked panicked, so Sun Spot watched in curiosity as the colt snuck past her and snatched a paper from Clover Fields saddle bag.

"Alright, Clover Field, where's yours?" Cheerilee asked.

"It's right..." She frowned when she opened her saddle bag. "Where'd it go? I just saw it a second ago."

"If you can't find it, then I'm afraid you'll have to get-"

"I know where it is." Sun Spot said. "That white colt over there just borrowed it, see?"

The white colt glared at Sun Spot.

"And why do you say that?" He asked, his voice was high and muffled.

"It was kind of hard not to see you walk across the room, plus, I even have a locator spell. Watch."

His horn lit up and one of Clover Fields papers lifted up, her hoof print on it turned black and then a red trail of smoke came out. And it went directly to the paper the white colt was holding, a hoof mark appearing on it too.

"Star Stapler!" Cheerilee said. "Why do you have Clover Fields paper?"

All the other kids were staring at him now. He gave a gulp and smiled before shrugging.

She trotted over to him and snatched the paper, scolded him and brought the paper back to Clover Field.

"Let's see," Cheerilee said looking over the paper. "Ninety-eight. Good Job."

"Thanks Mrs. Cheerilee." She smiled.

"Are you going to check mine?" Sun Spot asked.

"But you... Weren't... Here." She said looking at his own project. "How?"

"I'm a fast worker. I usually help my uncle with taxes or help catalog books at the library. I need to be quick."

"Well, lets see." She read over his paper and she gave a smile. "One hundred. Pretty good for a literal last second project."

"Um... Thanks." He muttered.

"Hey, good job." Clover Field said. "And thanks for getting my paper. I was wondering where my homework was going." She blew a raspberry at the white colt. "Cheating jerk."

"Jerk? That's a little strong."

"Believe me, he's been nice this week. Usually he causes trouble for any of the other students. Ripping or stealing their homework, putting tacks and glue in seats, or even sticking gum on the chalkboard. He's a menace."

"Oh... That doesn't sound very nice at all." Sun Spot said. "Is he ever nice?"

"This is him nice." She said.

He nodded, packing up his things in a small storage spell his mother taught him.

"Ok everypony, recess!" Cheerilee called out.

The children smiled brightly before running out the door and into the playground. Clover Field and Sun Spot sat in silence, amazed at how fast they went.

"I swear, they get faster each time." She smiled. "Do you want to have lunch with me?" She asked.

He felt his cheeks heat up again, he splayed his ears back and nodded.

With a playful shove, they both went out. Sun Spot waving to Cheerilee on the way out.

"So, where do you want to sit?" She asked.

"M-Me? Wherever's fine with you." He replied.

She shrugged and went to go sit at the base of a tree, just under the shade. He sat down next to her and lit his horn up, she watched in amazement as he made an apple appear.

"Wow, now that was cool." She said.

"It's nothing. Really. It's just something my uncle taught me to do. Mom wanted him to teach me incase I ever got lost. I don't wander anywhere really, and I know just about the whole town."

"Neat." She took a bite of her hay sandwich.

They sat in silence, the only sound was from her eating while he inspected his apple.

"Um... About the apple..." He said. "Could you look away for a second?"

"Look away? Why?" She asked.

He tapped his muzzle, she nodded in agreement. When she turned she heard a slight ripping sound, followed by bones breaking.

She heard a crunch and turned back. A large smile appeared on her face when she saw him.

"Wow, you look awesome!" She said. "Can I touch on of them?"

He threw the apple in the air and ate the rest with a snap, licking them with a pointed tongue he turned to her.

"You want to touch... My teeth?" He asked. "Why?"

"They look so cool. They look even sharper than a hydra's."

"Oh, thanks." He felt his face flush again. "Are you getting these heat flashes?"

"No, why? Your not going to pass out on me, are you? I can get Cheerilee if you want?"

"No, no I'm fine. Just a little sweaty." He said. "B-But sure, you can touch them. I don't bite." He grinned.

She giggled and reached out with a hoof, her eyes widened as it slid over one of the smooth canines.

"Why are they dry?" She asked. "It almost felt like sandpaper."

"I just need-excuse me."

He lifted another tentacle in the air and caught a ball, just an inch where his ribs are. He looked at it for a second before looking at the cleared path of children. And at the starting point was the small white colt, his own little horn shinning under his black mane.

Sun Spot got up, holding the ball in a magical grasp. He went black and sunk down to the ground. The children watched in fear and curiosity as the ball made a direct and fast line to the white colt.

Sun Spot reformed in front of him, his white teeth glinting in the sun as they stuck out past his lips.

"Here's your ball." He said setting it down in front of the white colt. "Sorry if I was in the way of a game or something, I was talking with Clover Field."

He calmly trotted back over to her and made some water. As he was about to drink it, the ball flew through that. Splashing Clover Field.

"Hey!" She yelled, drying her mane. "What was that for Stapler!?"

"Sorry," he shrugged. "I was aiming for that thing."

The children gasped, looking at Sun Spot.

"Me?" He asked.

"Who else? Or I should say, what else?" The colt rolled his eyes. "What are you anyway? Some freaky doll somepony forgot to finish?"

"I'm the next generation in my family curse. The second actually." He said. "I only know a little bit about it."

"A curse?" A grey filly said, breaking away from the white colt. "I didn't know curses were real."

"Well, do you want to hear about it? I've only gotten bits and pieces."

Now almost every filly and colt was listening, even Cheerilee from inside had stopped writing to listen.

"Well, it all started somewhere from when Equestria was still in the beginning. A while before my dad first met my mom. Apparently, while he was traveling, his caravan got attacked by Timberwolves and he ran into the forest. After a few miles, he came upon a hut with an old mare in it. She wasn't very nice, saying he defiled her land, so, she turned him into something nopony could love. But, after that, he met my mother and it all changed."

"Wow, your dad's caravan was attacked, he met a witch and he was turned into a monster. How more original can you be?" The white colt sneered.

"Hey, that's history. Plain and simple." Sun Spot shrugged.

"There's nothing plain about it! I mean look at you!" He pointed a hoof at him. "You don't even have a face, a mane or even any color aside from your cutie mark. What does it even mean anyway? It's just a circle with an X in it."

"I... It's not a cutie mark. Atleast I don't think it is. I was born with it, so I guess it's just a birth mark on my flank."

"Ponies don't get birth marks, oh wait, your not a pony." He laughed.

"Eh, cant argue with that." He shrugged again. "I'm only part pony."

The colts eye twitched again before he spoke.

"Fine! Well, only part pony, catch this!"

He picked up a sharp rock and threw it.

"Yeah, right at my head." Sun Spot said. "See what'll happen."

The colt threw it with all his might, the rock connected and left a gash across Sun Spot's face. Clover Field gasped, putting a hoof to her mouth.

His horn arched red energy on him, the area turned black, the outline of the electricity hitting was a white. The wound closed, pulling any blood back in.

"You can't permanently injure me." Sun Spot said, standing. "Only slow me down."

The colt gave a yell before striking out with a hoof.

Sun Spot made a small octagonal shield, letting the colts hoof hit that. His hoof sank in, bending the rubber like shield.

He pulled back and began wildly thrashing at him. Screaming his lungs out. Sun Spot merely moved the two pieces rapidly, predicting where his hoof would be.

"Students!" Cheerilee yelled. "What is going on!?"

The colt stopped and glared at Sun Spot. Sun Spot merely splayed his ears back.

"Well?" She asked.

"Stapler was being a bully and hit Sun Spot across the head with a rock, and then he tried to beat him up!" A yellow filly said, glaring at the white colt.

"Is that so?" She asked, turning her gaze to him.

"No! He attacked me first! He threatened to hit me!" The colt said.

All the students glared while Sun Spot merely face-hoofed.

"Strange, considering I saw him merely putting up shields, letting your hooves bounce off." She said. "Me and your parents will be talking about your antics, now go inside."

"What!? But-"

"I didn't ask for lip, I said for you to go inside. Now march." She pointed a hoof at the door.

He pouted and grabbed his ball, just before going in, he threw it at the wall.

It flew over the students and was about to hit Clover Field, but Sun Spot put a shield over her and caught it in his hooves.

"I didn't mean for him to get-ow! Ow! Ow!" He rubbed his head, his horn lighting up, a shield forming around him. "Hey! Stupid magic! Let me out!"

He hit the inside making little ripples go across it. As it got smaller, he began to panic.

"Help! I don't know how to stop it! Somepony! Get me out!" He yelled, using his tentacles to try and keep it at bay. "It's getting hard to breathe!"

The students and teacher watched in horror as the sphere grew darker, in a few seconds, Sun Spot's limbs and head came out. He tried to breathe but found his barrel still trapped. He hit and blasted it, he curled up onto the ground, clutching his chest as it grew smaller.

Cheerilee had run off to the hospital, long before he was being crushed.

A crushing sound was heard and the students flinched, most of them starting to cry.

He became an outline of himself, his body going black before melting to the ground. As the sphere stopped and became the size of a baseball, the shadow began to move. It rose from the ground, forming Sun Spot but not turning any other color.

Two yellow eyes pierced through the darkness of the shadow. He looked around and looked at the small orb of magic.

He picked it up and narrowed his eyes at it. He threw it into the air before hitting it away with a shadowy tentacle.

"Stupid murderous sphere of magic." He said.

"Sun Spot?" Clover said, attempting to reach out to him.

"No!" He sprung back. "Don't let your shadow touch me! Stay back!"

Her hoof shot back and all the other students backed away immediately.

He looked around and approached the school's fence. he put a hoof to it's shadow and watched as it was sucked into his hoof. The fence became a pale white before falling to dust.

His color returned to him and he poked his side.

"Alright, now you can touch me." He said, some of the students laughed. "What? Was it something I said?"

"Um, nothing. It was nothing." Clover said, a slight red tint to her cheeks. "So, where did that ball go anyway?"

"I don't know. I just know it went into the forest." He said.

"Are you sure that was a smart thing to do? Hitting it in there?"

"What's the worst that could happen?"

The Everfree falls

The red dragon was sleeping peacefully for once, no ponies to distract him and no wild animals to bite him.

With a content sigh, he laid his head on his fore-claws, beginning to fall into a deep sleep.

Before his eyes closed, something hit him int he left eye, startled, he thrashed around for few seconds before it fell out. he glared down at the glowing piece of magic, loathing it's very presence.

He leaned down and sniffed it, his lips peeled back at the scent.

"This time," he spoke, releasing a roar. "I wont just snap at the ponies! I'll burn their little town to cinders!"