• Published 21st Feb 2013
  • 1,952 Views, 29 Comments

My little Slender. - Shadowstalker

Celestia's and Slendermanes son's adventures in life.

  • ...

My Little Crush: Teasing is Magic.

After a few words with Clover, and some more strange heat flashes, School was over and Sun Spot had never felt better.

As he spread his wings, a hoof tapped his shoulder, he looked over and saw Clover.

"Oh, um hi, Clover." He said.

"Hey Sun Spot, I just wanted to stop you real quick to ask you something. Would you like to come to the book club later? You can sign up at the library. The next meeting is in two days."

"A book club?" He said to himself. "I'll ask my parents, so, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow is Saturday." She giggled.

He blushed and laughed with her.

He said a quick goodbye and spread his wings once more. He took off and flew quickly back to the castle.

He watched as the buildings and streets were crowded with ponies, the multicolored residents looked up and waved at him. He waved back, and continued on, even passing by a flock of birds.

Once he passed the gates of Canterlot, and made his way up the mountain, he reached the castle.

And his best friend was there at the gate.

"Hey Wrought Iron." He greeted the Lunar guard. "How's it going?"

"Some old, same old." He grinned. "Always getting in trouble. so, now I've got a new post. I get to guard the East side."

"But... Isn't the East side a sheer drop off the mountain?"

"Exactly." He grinned. "They put me in a position that even I couldn't screw up. Hey, how was school by the way? I heard about the guards talking about you going."

"Oh, school was great. I made lots of friends, I got a hundred on a project and I think I made the teacher have a panic attack."

"i don't think that last one is so good." He frowned. "I heard panic attacks aren't that good for your health."

"And neither is eating hot sauce flavored chips." Sun Spot pointed out, grabbing the baggie from under Wrought Iron's wing.

"Very funny, patronize the guy stuck on the most boring shift." He rolled his eyes as he opened the bag. "By the way, I also heard from another guard doing a flyover, that you crushed yourself. That true?"

"Yeah. I don't know what happened though. I was blocking this one colt from hitting me-"

"Whoa, whoa, hold up, some colt tried to hit you? I'll give the little brat a good whipping!" He started to hit the air with his front hooves. "I'll give him some of this! And some of that! He wouldn't even know what hit him! I'll be like the wind..."

"Yeah, silent but deadly." Sun Spot laughed.

"Way to kill a guys mood." He said flatly. "We can talk later, I need to be guarding this place from-hey! I see you! What do you think your doing back here!? Go on! get out'a here!" He gave a quick salute before taking off and over the cliff.

Sun Spot shrugged before flying to his room.

Once he had passed over the gardens, he set his stuff down by the bed and went out his door tot he dinning hall.

It took time to admire the many painting that decorated the halls. The decades of work it took to make them, the patience and skill. Even the one with his father in it.

He stopped and looked back at it.

"Dad? Why are you in a painting frame?"

The painting figure's head moved and slid out. Slendermane reformed on the floor, a large grin on his muzzle.

"Just seeing if you'd notice I was there." He said. "Come on to the dinning hall, your mom has been dying to know about your first day."

"Sure! Oh, and just between you and me, I need to talk with you. It's about these weird heat flashes I kept having while I was at school."

"Heat flashes... School..." His ears straightened up as his grin grew wider. "You didn't happen to be with a filly, would you?"

"Yes, why?" He asked.

His father merely laughed, changing into a shadow and disappearing into the hall. Sun Spot shook his head and followed, quickly catching up to him.

Once in the dinning room, Sun Spot stopped to watch as his mom looked around, completely oblivious to him and her husband watching as she eyed a large piece of double fudge chocolate cake with white chocolate frosting. And to top it off, a strawberry at the top of it.

As she sunk her teeth into an oversized bite, the two shadows burst into laughter, rising from the floor.

She spit the pastry out and coughed, putting a hoof to her lips she managed to smear the cake on her hoof. Her cheeks were a bright pink as her wings were still wide in surprise.

"Jeez mom, and you tell me to chew my food." Sun Spot laughed as he took a seat in front of her. "I thought you were supposed to be on a diet?"

"I'm eating healthier..." She said.

"Yeah, she put a strawberry on that one piece!" Discords laugh echoed out through the hall.

She narrowed her eyes before throwing a chair at a curtain. With a yelp, Discord curled up on the floor, clutching his sides.

"Ow..." He muttered, limping over to a seat. "Why would you do that?"

"You deserved it." She said, nibbling on her cake. Her husband took it from her and ate it himself. "Hey! That was my food!"

"No, your food is supposed to be a salad with turnips and greens." He said. "Even Discord can stick to a diet, so why cant you?"

"He's got a point." Discord said. "Why not just eat fruit? It prevents scurvy and tastes better after eating nothing but mashed potatoes and crackers for a week, and, with only water to drink."

She rolled her eyes before smiling at her son.

"So, how was your first day at school?"

"It was great!" He piped up. "I made lots of friends, got a hundred on a project, helped a new friend find her missing homework, made the teacher have a panic attack and I flat-lined. Although those last two weren't so good."

"Y-You flat-lined...?" Celestia asked, wobbling slightly.

"Yeah, my magic went haywire and it crushed me in a sphere."

"O-Oh... I think I need to lay-" she fell onto her husband, her face even paler.

"Maybe I should have just let Cheerilee tell her?" Sun Spot said. "Could you get the smelling salts uncle Discord?"

He nodded and snapped his talon, a small rack with jars of powder filled every compartment.

He took a white one out and waved it under her nose a few times. She blinked and made a groan before sitting up.

"Alright, I promise not to faint again."

"Aren't you going to tell her about the... Heat flashes?" His dad said.

"Oh, yeah, well, I kept getting these weird heat flashes and my chest feels really weird when I'm around this one filly. I cant talk right, think straight and my throat tightens up."

He became worried when his mother pulled him over, hugging him and sqeeing.

"Oh my little dumpling, he's finally got his first crush! Oh how adorable!"

"C-Crush!?" He blushed furiously. "I-I don't have a crush! I just met her!"

"Well, who is she?" Discord asked.

"Clover Field. But I do not-"

"Ah, the little green, yellow eyed filly in the back." He smiled. "Someponies got a wittle cwush." He puckered his lips and made kissing sounds.

"Stop it Discord! That isn't funny!" His uncle began to laugh. "Don't make me get Fluttershy!"

He stopped and looked dejectedly down at the table.

"So, whats she like?" His mother asked him. "You can tell me."

"Your not going to stop until I do tell you, aren't you?"

"Only until you tell."

"Well, I guess shes pretty..." He said, snorting as his mother laughed. "And... She's smart, curious and likes to read."

"That sounds a lot like you." His father said, now fixing his jaw so he was mouthless again.

"It does not." He shot back.

"Sun Spot," Discord said. "The only other pony I know that reads less than you is Twilight Sparkle. And your certainly curious, remember the bee hive incident? And your certainly smart, you counted ever star at night before Luna could. If she has all of that, then why not see if she want to be study buddies?"

"I'm not sure I feel comfortable taking advice from you uncle..." He said.

"Hey, its not like I'm giving you dating tips. That's your mothers job."

"Oh no, that would be his fathers job." She said.

"What? Why me? I'm the socially awkward one here!" He said. "I lived in a forest most of my life!"

"It looks like I'm-now you've got me doing it to!" He gave a huff. "I'm going to go see if I can find anything to read in the library. And uncle Discord?"


"Good luck with your mare friend."

His uncles face became one of shock as his parents stared at him, Celestia the only one grinning.

"Is that true? Does my little brother have a marefriend?" She teased.

"Arrivederci." He growled, blushing furiously as he teleported out.

"I wonder who she is?" Celestia grinned.


Discord reappeared at a cafe, sitting down in a chair he made an iced drink for himself. He grinned at his date as she approached.

"Hey deary." She winked at him.

"Do you have to call me deary? It makes me sound... Old." He frowned.

"Now cheer up," she said putting a cream colored hoof under his chin. "We've got the whole day to ourselves."

"And I have a good idea with what to do with it." He winked. "If you know what I mean?"

She blushed and giggled cutely. He pecked her on the cheek before walking with her.

"So, Roseluck, how have the flowers been growing lately?"

Comments ( 5 )

I'm not sure what it is, but I like it.

Please update this awesome story.
I would hate to see this kind of potential go to waste

What is sun spot cutiemark?

Hiatus Might as well mean canceled.

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