• Published 26th Feb 2013
  • 4,045 Views, 212 Comments

A Decade Lost - Neonz

Twilight teleports herself ten years into the future without realizing her spell was a one-way trip. Now stuck in a world that hasn't seen her in a whole decade, she's forced to see how her friends' lives have fallen apart. DECADE LONG HAITUS OVER!

  • ...

16. Far From the Tree

It felt like they had been in the tiny, dusty room for an hour by the time somepony rapped on the door and cracked it open. Babs stepped inside, shouting behind her, “Bullet, man the stairs – Juice, stay outside – ”

She continued barking instructions, but Twilight stopped listening as another pony stepped around her into the room. Twilight did not immediately recognize her, especially given the dim lighting. She had the same yellow coat as Apple Bloom, though as she stepped into the light of a torch, Twilight could see a gruesome tattoo of a skull floating above a grave that took up most of her neck and chest. Her left ear was torn, and her right sported multiple piercings. Her red mane was shorn into spikes, and her tail was short and tied with a black elastic. She wasn't as large as Babs, but muscles shone through her coat. Her orange eyes looked Twilight and Scootaloo up and down, widening slightly as recognition set in. “You...” she muttered, then turned back to the door. “Babs, get in here!” Her accent was marred by a Manehatten one, though the country twang still sounded clearly through it. “Who sent them?”

Babs stepped in and closed the door, glancing between the three ponies in confusion. “Uh, you did, genius.” She pressed the letter that Scootaloo had shown her earlier into Apple Bloom's hooves and turned to lock the door.

“No point lockin' it,” Apple Bloom growled, her eyes lifting from the letter to Twilight. She gestured to her with a hoof. “This one here could teleport out any time she wants.” Her eyes shifted to Scootaloo. “Is that why ya brought her?”

Scootaloo flattened her ears. “A-Apple Bloom - ”

“Apple Pounder,” she spat, rolling her eyes and setting the letter aside. “You ain't seriously saying you're in charge of Manehatten's weather?” She turned abruptly back to Twilight. “Unless that's where you've been this whole time – hidin' out in the clouds, watchin' as the world went to shit?”

“Apple - ” Scootaloo caught herself and hesitated. “This is Twilight Sparkle, remember? The world thought she was dead until a few days ago!”

“Few days, huh?” Apple Bloom looked Twilight up and down. Behind her, Babs was looking at them in wide-eyed amazement. “Where've you been?”

Twilight hesitated, the hatred in Apple Bloom's eyes throwing her off guard. “I performed a spell wrong ten years ago and sent myself ten years into the future.”

Apple Bloom scoffed, strangely quiet for a few moments as she paced the floor. “Y'know what you did to my family...?” she muttered, abruptly shifting a glare in Twilight's direction. “Ain't got no right comin' here. Ain't got no right at all.” She paced close enough to brush against Twilight, sending chills down her spine. “Know why they call me Apple Pounder, now?” Apple Bloom whispered into Twilight's ear. She turned abruptly and sent a back hoof into the wall where one of the nails was sticking out. The sudden, resounding thud sent Twilight's already nervous heart into overdrive, and her horn sparked up automatically.

“Down!” Apple Bloom shouted, and tackled Twilight into the back wall. Scootaloo yelped and Twilight blearily tried to locate her. A hoof smacked her horn, startling her out of a spell, and Apple Bloom grabbed her head. Her gaze was forced in the direction of Scootaloo, who was being held by Babs on the opposite wall, a knife at her throat. “Cut the magic bullshit and nopony gets hurt,” Apple Bloom growled. Babs shifted her green eyes to Scootaloo with an apologetic frown. Her large frame put virtually no effort into pinning her victim.

“Okay, okay,” Twilight squeaked out, and Apple Bloom released her to the floor.

Scootaloo was at Twilight's side in the next moment. “Are you okay?” Twilight didn't trust herself to speak. Scootaloo released a shaky sigh and turned back to Apple Bloom. “Look, you were the one who wanted to see me, remember?” Scootaloo said, an irritated edge to her voice.

Apple Bloom tapped the letter. “Alone.”

Babs hesitantly stepped forward, looking at Twilight with a frown. “You're the pony who went poof one day? As in, Celestia's student? Element of harmony crap?” Twilight glanced between Scootaloo's nervous expression and Apple Bloom's scowl, then nodded slowly. Babs nudged Apple Bloom. “Yo, AP, you gotta think smart about this. Head, not heart. Twilight could be useful to us.”

Scootaloo cleared her throat. “Can we get back to me, here? Were you the ones who hurt the Manehatten weather team?”

Apple Bloom raised a hoof and focused her attention on that instead of on Scootaloo. “Maybe,” she dodged, glancing at her sideways. “Still not convinced you're the one in charge of 'em.”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “I got my cutie mark by redirecting a storm just south of the Hayseed Swamps. I studied at the weather management school for three years, interned at the weather factory for another three, got my designation, and now I'm a fully-fledged manager for Manehatten, Fillydelphia, and Baltimare. I extended the management for Ponyville until a year ago, too, for your sister.” Apple Bloom's glare deepened, but Scootaloo's expression was matching it. “This is all stuff you would know if you ever bothered reading the letters I sent you!”

“Fine. Let me see your mark.” Apple Bloom stood and circled around to look at Scootaloo's flank. She was quiet for a few moments, then turned around to show her own mark against the light of a torch. A hammer and two nails – outlined by a white shield that mirrored the one on Scootaloo's flank. Scootaloo stared back. Apple Bloom tapped her cutie mark. “You got anything to do with this?” She glared over at Twilight. “You done some kind of magic thing?”

“N-no,” Twilight said honestly.

Scootaloo shrugged. “I dunno what it is. Just woke up with it a few days ago.”

“It appeared six days ago, at night,” Apple Bloom recited. That would line up exactly with when Twilight arrived, but she didn't want a reason for Apple Bloom to distrust her even more, so she kept quiet. “You seriously expect me to believe you have no idea? I blackmail you and we both just happen to get the same mark on our flanks?”

It was odd. Twilight idly wondered if Sweetie Belle had the same mark and she just hadn't noticed. It would be difficult to spot on a white coat. But there was no reason she would, other than Twilight's association of the three of the crusaders as a trio. It was certainly too far-fetched to be true.

Scootaloo shrugged again. “How would I even do that, and why?”

Apple Bloom scowled at her. “Fine, whatever. Got more important shit to talk about, anyways.” She smirked and nodded at Babs, who walked back over to the desk. “We was thinkin' – got some difficult clients, see. Don't like the price increases we're putting up. But we got a business to run. We provide an important service for Manehatten – protection.” Babs walked back over with another lit cigarette, took a long drag, then handed it to Apple Bloom, who continued smoking it while she talked. “Here's what we was thinkin' – save some bloodshed, threaten 'em with the weather instead.” Apple Bloom grinned as Scootaloo looked quizzically at her. “Doesn't have to be anything big, mind – though I wouldn't say no to the odd tornado. Just, say, a thunderstorm on their product launch day. Maybe some wind focused enough to cause their roof to leak. Real innocent. That's all I'm askin'.”

“Apple Bloom,” Scootaloo started, and while Apple Bloom's torn ear twitched, she didn't interrupt to correct her, “I can't do that. I'd lose my job. The ecosystem is sensitive. The higher-ups would notice.” Apple Bloom's glare deepened. “Here's what I can offer,” Scootaloo continued, and Apple Bloom perked up. “I can let you know the weather in advance. Before anypony else catches wind. Would give you enough time to make decisions around it.”

Apple Bloom clicked her tongue. “We got weather reports in Manehatten, Scoots. That ain't much of a help to us.” She exhaled smoke. “Wouldn't be often. Even ponies who go to school their whole lives for something make mistakes sometimes.” She smirked over at them. “Ain't that right, Twilight?”

Twilight flattened her ears. Scootaloo sighed. “What do I get out of it?”

“Protection,” Apple Bloom said nonchalantly, taking another drag off the cigarette. “From us, and from any rival gangs. Nopony will touch the Manehatten weather patrol, and I'll make sure of it personally.”

“How do you get away with this...?” Twilight asked, and both Apple Bloom and Babs turned toward her. “I mean, you even signed that letter with your cutie mark. Isn't that a dead giveaway?”

Babs chuckled. “Ain't no job as well payin' as a corrupted cop. We got plenty of 'em in our ranks. The Manehatten police force is a joke. They pretend to be onto us, but money will override morals every damn time.”

Apple Bloom shrugged. “So go ahead, tattle on us. I dare you.” She drove another nail into the wall with a sharp kick, then flicked her short tail at Twilight and circled back around to Scootaloo. “So how about it, Scoots? You and me in cahoots, just like the old days?”

Scootaloo narrowed her eyes. “Yeah,” she deadpanned, her voice laced with sarcasm, “just like the old days – the two of us, extorting Sweetie Belle's family.”

Apple Bloom laughed quietly. “Alright, alright – I'll cut Fancy a break if it means that much to ya. Show of goodwill 'n all.”

Scootaloo nodded slowly. “Then fine, I'm in – on one other condition.”

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes and glanced backward at Babs. “Let me guess – money?”

“No,” Scootaloo continued, causing both Apple Bloom and Babs to raise their brows curiously. “I want you to go with Twilight and visit Applejack.”

Silence hung in the air for a few moments. “Why?” Apple Bloom finally asked, as if the request was to check on the state of Pinkie's family rock farm.

“She needs help,” Twilight supplied, ears flattening. "She isn't going to last much longer on her own. She's dying, Apple Pounder." The name felt odd on Twilight's tongue, but it was important to respect it.

Babs's brow furrowed in concern, but Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. “Then go ahead and help her. Weren't you best friends?”

“We've tried,” Scootaloo implored, “we've all tried – she needs her family!”

Apple Bloom laughed quietly and shook her head. “I'm not family to her. She kicked me out the day I got my cutie mark and won't talk to me anymore.” She tapped her cigarette against the doorknob. “But don't think that means I'm not helpin' her.”

Babs nodded. “Apples stick together, no matta what – even if AJ's forgotten that!”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

“Well,” Apple Bloom said, “why do you think Fluttershy and Big Mac are still in Ponyville, after literally everypony else left? I pay them to stay there.” Twilight's eyes widened. “Not like they could make a living otherwise. I send supplies down too and they share with Applejack.”

“That's not all,” Babs continued, “we cut some sucker a break on his fees, but in exchange he buys all of Applejack's crops. Garbage apples, last I saw – ain't nopony buyin' em otherwise.”

“Reckon it makes her feel needed. Gives her a purpose.” Apple Bloom huffed her annoyance. “So don't go sayin' I don't look after my family. I look after Applejack better than any of your friends ever did! Not my fault Mac's slackin' off.”

“It's not a substitute for a real relationship,” Scootaloo insisted.

“And Fluttershy and Big Mac are planning on leaving,” Twilight continued. Apple Bloom and Babs both whipped their heads incredulously toward Twilight at that news. She flattened her ears and immediately wondered if she'd overshared.

“Like hell they are,” Babs hissed.

“They can't leave, and especially not without tellin' me,” Apple Bloom said, eyes narrowed. “Why do you think they're leavin'?”

Twilight hesitated, and Apple Bloom tapped her hoof impatiently. “They...” Twilight started. There wasn't enough time to decide if telling them was a bad idea or not. “They have a foal on the way... they wanted to leave after he or she was born.”

The Apple cousins looked at each other. Apple Bloom sighed loudly and Babs just shrugged. “Well, AP,” Babs started, her voice resigned, “that was the deal, yeah? They only had to stay until they started themselves a family.”

Apple Bloom glowered at her and then looked curiously at Twilight. “Suppose it is foal season – reckon Fluttershy's close, then? Not another dud baby like the last time they told me?”

That was an awful way to put it, but Twilight nodded anyway. “Should be soon.” It had been five days since she'd left Fluttershy's cottage – the foal could even be here already.

Apple Bloom crushed the remnants of her cigarette on the floor and shrugged. “Well, alright then, Scootaloo. You've got a deal.” She smirked sideways at her. “I'll go to Ponyville with Twilight.”

Scootaloo gave Twilight a concerned look, then turned back to Apple Bloom. “To visit Applejack – not Fluttershy!”

Apple Bloom scoffed. Babs nudged her. “Ey, maybe you should visit Applejack. These two, they seem real concerned. I don't like that. We don't leave any Apples behind, Pounder.” She turned to Twilight with a frown. "Don't suppose they ever made amends with Applejack? We always kinda hoped they would..."

Twilight solemnly shook her head. "No."

“...Hmph...” Apple Bloom skirted around Babs and left the room. Scootaloo and Twilight glanced at each other nervously.

Babs chuckled at their expressions. “Don't worry 'bout Pounder – Mac and AJ practically raised 'er. Even with their differences now, that ain't a bond that's forgotten easily. And she thinks the world of Fluttershy after she took 'er in when Applejack kicked 'er out.” She smiled, though that did not do much to ease Twilight's anxiety. “I'm glad youze came. Always thought it was best we left Applejack be – Apple Pounder's siblings don't want this life, and can't say I blame 'em – but now I can see it's gotten out of hoof.” She gently punched Scootaloo's shoulder. “And happy to have ya in the family, new partner.” She grinned as Scootaloo scowled.

The door opened again, and a pony draped in a black cloak walked into it. Apple Bloom poked her spiky head out from underneath it and shrugged them to the exit. “Well, c'mon then. Train leaves the station soon.”

“The trains don't go to Ponyville anymore,” Scootaloo said, brow raised. “You can't seriously tell me you didn't know that?”

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. “Well, duh, but it ain't that far from Canterlot. Maybe a half day's trot if you keep a good pace.” Scootaloo's skeptical expression didn't let up. “What?” Apple Bloom snapped. “You two so fragile you can't handle a little exercise?”

“No,” Scootaloo argued, huffing at her. “I just don't want to leave you alone with Twilight for that long.”

Apple Bloom gave a low laugh. “If you don't trust me, then feel free to join.”

Twilight thought for a moment. “Do the trains still run to Appleloosa?” Apple Bloom slowly nodded. Twilight grinned. “Then I think I have an idea.”


A flash illuminated the dreary fog around the Ponyville train station. Apple Bloom, still cloaked in black, stumbled onto the platform, and Twilight grinned back at the train as it whizzed past them. Teleporting ten feet out of the moving train was a lot easier than teleporting all the way from Canterlot.

Scootaloo had left at the Canterlot station, with a promise to check on Sweetie Belle before she went back to Cloudsdale. Apple Bloom had smirked and said she would send weather suggestions to her shortly. As much as Twilight was glad Scootaloo didn't feel the need to babysit her, Apple Bloom hadn't been much of a conversationalist after Scootaloo had left. Despite the awkwardness, it did give Twilight precious time to think about her plan once she got to Ponyville. She'd decided it would be more productive to visit Big Mac first, which Apple Bloom was all too happy to oblige. The meeting with Applejack needed to go perfectly, and any information she could gather from Big Mac and Fluttershy was a crucial prerequisite.

Apple Bloom pulled her cloak off and stared outside of the train station in awe. “Wow... it's gotten real bad here.” She hid the cloak in the corner of the train station, sheltered under an old bench. The skull on her neck followed her gaze as she looked upwards. “Ain't the clouds supposed to be above the ground, not on it?”

“At least it isn't raining...” Twilight muttered. She trotted to the edge of the train station and glanced back at Apple Bloom. “Listen, I don't think you should show up at Fluttershy's house unannounced.” She'd already given Fluttershy the scare of her life when she showed up last week, and Twilight didn't want to take more risks this late into her pregnancy. Apple Bloom turned and quirked a brow. “I'll go ahead and warn them.”

Apple Bloom huffed. “You think you can tell me what to do?” Her eyes flicked into a glare.

Twilight sighed. “No, I can't. But if you want this meeting to go well, then let me lead it.”

Apple Bloom tilted her head. “Why do you care so much, anyway?”

“Because,” Twilight said, looking back sadly, “a week ago you were a sweet little foal who loved her family. My memory is a lot fresher than yours, I know, but if there's anything I can do to help Applejack and Fluttershy, I'm willing to do it.”

Apple Bloom held her steely gaze for a few more moments, then dropped it and stared at the ground. “...You know, Twilight...” Her volume had dropped significantly. “While we're in Ponyville, it's okay if you call me Apple Bloom. I know it would piss off Applejack if I used my new name, and Big Mac was never able to get it straight anyways. Besides...” She looked forlornly out at the boarded-up town. “It just... kinda feels right, here.”

Twilight nodded. “Okay, Apple Bloom.” Twilight turned to continue walking. “Just give me ten minutes, then follow behind me.” Apple Bloom waved her off, another cigarette already in her hoof.

The weather was a lot tamer than last time she'd navigated the streets of Ponyville. She'd never actually seen fog in Ponyville before – surely it wasn't normal this far inland. Probably just a result of the lack of pegasus ponies around to lift the clouds higher into the sky. She was lucky she knew the town so well, or she would have significant issues finding her way back to Fluttershy's cottage.

Twilight was nearly within what would have been eyesight of the cottage if the fog hadn't impeded her vision when a loud voice startled her into stopping:


The voice didn't belong to Fluttershy, Big Mac, Applejack, Apple Bloom, or anypony else she could imagine would still be in Ponyville. It was so jarring it took her a moment to place it.

Twilight turned, and out of the fog, a pink figure bounded toward her. Pinkie Pie, her mane as curly and bouncy as ever, smiled widely and waved as Twilight's jaw dropped open.