• Published 26th Feb 2013
  • 4,044 Views, 212 Comments

A Decade Lost - Neonz

Twilight teleports herself ten years into the future without realizing her spell was a one-way trip. Now stuck in a world that hasn't seen her in a whole decade, she's forced to see how her friends' lives have fallen apart. DECADE LONG HAITUS OVER!

  • ...

4. Vague Memories

Twilight awoke to the sound of chattering animals and splattering rain. She blearily opened her eyes, and through the darkness could see several animals shaking rain out of their fur and trying to settle themselves around the living room. Realizing that she probably wasn’t going to get back to sleep until they quieted, she sat up and looked around. The sun’s morning glow was just barely starting to peek through the window.

“Oh, Twilight. I’m so sorry… I didn’t mean to wake you.” Twilight followed the sound of Fluttershy’s voice, and could see that the pregnant pegasus was dripping wet. Fluttershy moved her sopping mane away from her face, and gave a weak smile. “The weather patterns are erratic now that the pegasus ponies don’t service Ponyville as much anymore. I had to get up and take the little ones inside.”

Twilight glanced at the grey seal, which she was surprised fit through the doorway, and gave a small smile at Fluttershy’s word choice. Twilight’s horn started glowing to cast a drying spell on her friend, but she stopped herself. Magic had the potential to cause unwanted effects on unborn foals, and she didn’t want to take any risks. “Jeez, it must really be raining,” Twilight noted, then rolled out of bed and walked to Fluttershy. “Hold on, I’ll get you a towel.”

She turned to walk up the stairs, but Big Mac was already walking down with two white towels draped over his back. He went to his wife and wrapped one around her body, and gently used the other to dry her mane. “Ya should’ve woken me up, hun. Too rough for you to be outside, ‘specially before daybreak.”

Fluttershy took the towel from his grasp with a small laugh and began drying her mane herself. “Don’t be silly: it’s my job to take care of the animals, Mac.” She rewarded his thoughtfulness with a peck on the cheek anyways. Big Mac gave a small grin before repeating the gesture on her lips.

Twilight looked away and decided to busy herself by making her bed. She pulled the covers into position with her magic, then slowly started to put the pillows properly at the head of the cot.

“Twilight?” The unicorn turned around to see Fluttershy walking toward her. “Mac’s making breakfast, but why don’t you come with me in the meantime?”

Curious, Twilight nodded. “Alright.”

She followed Fluttershy up the stairs and into her bedroom. Twilight couldn’t recall ever being in there before, and was surprised to find that it was quite spacious. Wooden furniture adorned most of the room, and a few birds were sleeping on top of an empty coat rack. Twilight heard Fluttershy sigh, and looked over to find the cause. Fluttershy was frowning at a small table in the corner of her room, and Twilight noticed that it was covered with pictures. Specifically, pictures of the six of them.

The largest picture in the center filled Twilight with longing. It had been taken not long after she’d moved to Ponyville. Pinkie Pie’s beaming face took up the entire bottom of the photograph, as she had been the one holding the camera. Twilight herself stood in the center above Pinkie’s curly mane, and Rainbow Dash had a foreleg wrapped around her neck. The cyan pegasus was airborne, and her wings were flared out proudly. They were both smiling, but not at the camera. Their attention was focused to the right at Applejack, who was laughing at Rarity. The white unicorn was fussing with the cowpony’s hat, trying desperately to make it stay perfectly in place for the photograph. Fluttershy was on Rainbow’s left, watching the scene across from her with a concerned frown.

Twilight remembered that photograph vividly. Rarity had demanded that they retake it, but it embodied their friendship so perfectly that nopony else would agree with her.

Twilight tore herself away from the scene, and looked to the other framed pictures on the table. There was only one photo of a pony she didn’t recognize, so it caught her attention immediately. It displayed a very young unicorn colt with a white coat, deep blue eyes, and a light blue mane. His colours actually made him look quite a bit like Shining Armor as a foal, and Twilight smiled. “Fluttershy, who’s this?” She gestured to the picture with a hoof.

“That’s Blue Jasper.” Fluttershy giggled. “Rarity’s son. Isn’t he cute? I think he’s just turned seven, but this picture is a few years old.”

Twilight blinked several times, trying to register what she’d just been told. “Rarity has a son?!” she exclaimed, looking between Fluttershy and the photo frantically. “But Rarity doesn’t even like kids!” The words had tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop them.

Fluttershy gave an amused smile. “She has a daughter, too, but I don’t have a picture of her.”

Twilight’s mouth hung open. “Is she married? Who’s the father?”

Fluttershy frowned, but nodded slowly. “Yes… actually, you might be a bit surprised. It was a huge controversy, because he’s an older high-class stallion, and he was already married…”

Twilight’s eyes widened considerably and she turned to stare at the picture of the colt again. “...Oh Celestia, did she marry my brother?!”

Fluttershy looked surprised for a moment, then her expression softened and she laughed. “No, no, Twilight, calm down. His name is Fancy Pants; he’s a really well-known stallion, a bit of a celebrity.”

“The one Rarity was flirting with during Shining’s wedding?” Twilight remembered him from her birthday too. She’d always thought that Rarity was less in love with Fancy Pants and more in love with Fancy Pants’ social status, but it had been ten years since then. Things change, as Twilight was starting to know all too well.

Fluttershy gave a nod. “Yes.”

“Wow…” Rarity was married with foals. A sudden surge of emotions nearly brought Twilight to tears, and it took her a few moments to understand where they came from. “I… I always thought it would be Applejack…”

“What do you mean, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked sweetly, her teal eyes holding concern.

“Sorry… just, of all of us, I thought it would be Applejack that would get married and have kids.” The words sounded so innocent coming out of her mouth. It made Twilight acutely aware that Fluttershy was a decade older than she was, and that she probably sounded like a whiney little filly to her.

Fluttershy gave a small smile. “I’m sure she would have loved that.” Her smile broke, and she stared at the ground.

“Sorry, I…” Twilight decided to change the topic by pointing at the image of Pinkie’s head in their group photograph. “I noticed Sugarcube Corner was gone.”

Fluttershy nodded. “The Cakes sold their land to a small business owner. They tore down the house to make room for it, but with the state of the economy, I guess they decided not to build anymore.”

“Where do they live now?”

Fluttershy shook her head. “I don’t know. I’m sorry, Twilight. The last time I saw Pinkie…” She paused for several moments. Twilight wasn’t sure if she was going to continue.


“I… sorry…” She closed her eyes for a few moments, then continued in a tone that was barely above a whisper. “I… I was pregnant once before, but we lost the foal a few weeks after we found out…” Fluttershy sniffed, tears glistening in her eyes. Twilight put a comforting hoof on her shoulder. “A few days after… after that happened... Pinkie Pie showed up.”

Twilight quizzically raised an eyebrow. “At your cottage?”

“Yes, in this tiny little party car. It was the first time I’d seen her in years.” Fluttershy wasn’t looking at Twilight, but was instead staring at the picture of Pinkie. “She didn’t say hello, just bounced in and hugged me.” A small smile appeared on Fluttershy’s face, and she sniffed again and reached to touch the picture. “She explained that she’d learned to use her Pinkie sense to tell when ponies need to be happy, and so that’s what she does now. She travels around Equestria and goes where she’s needed.”

“That’s… interesting.” Twilight had long accepted Pinkie’s strange abilities as just being a part of who she was, but something about Fluttershy’s story seemed off. “Why… why doesn’t she keep in contact with you?”

Fluttershy removed her hoof from the photograph and looked at Twilight. “I don’t know. I’m sorry.”

Twilight bit her lip, but decided to drop the topic. Her eyesight landed on a photograph of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy laughing together. Rainbow Dash had a Wonderbolt’s outfit on, minus the goggles.

“That was the last time I saw Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy must had followed Twilight’s gaze. “She’d just been accepted onto The Wonderbolts.”

Twilight felt happy that her friend had finally accomplished her lifelong dream of joining the elite flying team. Her initial emotions were countered by the upset look on Fluttershy’s face. “What happened?” Twilight asked carefully.

Fluttershy sighed. “I think the fame wasn’t all she thought it was. The reporters said good things about her, but they also said really mean things. Sometimes they wrote about how she was lazy, or how she skipped practice a lot. They said she wasn’t a team player, that she wasn’t fit for it.” Fluttershy picked the photograph of the two of them off of the table, and looked at it longingly. “The stress got to her. She… she was arrested four times on counts of FUI.”

Flying Under the Influence. Twilight hadn’t known Rainbow to be much of a drinker. “That’s… wow, that’s a lot of times…” Twilight’s brain worked in overdrive, but she failed to comprehend Rainbow’s behaviour. “Is that just a fine? Or…?”

Fluttershy shook her head, causing Twilight’s heart to clench in horror. “It is for the first three times, but after the fourth it’s four months in jail. She was found guilty of property damage as well, so…”

Twilight hung her head. “I-I can’t believe…” Twilight had never even met another pony who’d been sent to jail before. “That must really have affected her…”

“I guess so, yes…” Fluttershy said, causing Twilight to shoot her a confused look. “All I really know is from newspapers, Twilight, back when we still got them. I haven’t seen Rainbow Dash since that photograph. I know she lost her place with The Wonderbolts, but I don’t know what else happened to her.”

Twilight turned away from the table and bit back her emotions. “I think I’ve heard enough, but thanks for showing me, Fluttershy.”


Twilight started walking toward the stairs. “Let’s go eat.”

The enticing scent of eggs and toast wasn’t quite enough to stir Twilight from her thoughts. The three ponies ate in what would have been silence if not for the constant bickering of the animals in the other room. Their caregiver was constantly on call, and left the table frequently to solve quarrels.

“That was delicious, Big Mac. Thank you.” Twilight smiled her appreciation once all three of their plates had been emptied.

“Yer certainly welcome, Twilight,” he droned in his deep voice. “What's yer plan for today, then?”

Twilight stood up and used her magic to lift the plates into the sink. “I’m going back to see Applejack.” The anxious look on Fluttershy’s face was enough to tell Twilight that she shouldn’t elaborate. “I’ll be fine. I just want to make sure she’s okay… you know, because, uh, seeing me yesterday must have been a shock.”

Fluttershy still looked concerned. “The rain is awfully heavy, Twilight; you shouldn’t be outside. Right Mac?”

“…Applejack’ll appreciate your company, Twilight.” The gratitude in his tone was unmistakable. “How ‘bout you take her a basket from us? Some eggs and apples and such.”

Fluttershy stared at her husband. “A-are you sure that’s a good idea?”

Big Mac stood up and passed an already filled basket to Twilight. Twilight accepted it with her magic. She stole a look at Fluttershy, who looked very confused. “I’ll make sure to give this to her.” Twilight smiled, trying to seem lighthearted. Beneath her happy expression, her heart was beating rapidly. This was her first chance to try and fix this mess she’d caused.

And she would fix it. If it took her whole life, she would fix it.

“O-okay, Twilight…” Fluttershy stood up and wrapped her in a hug. “Be safe. And… thanks for coming back.” Her last words were spoken in a rushed, embarrassed whisper, but Twilight was accustomed to Fluttershy’s tiny voice.

“I’m so sorry. I caused you so much pain, all because of a stupid mistake…”

“It’s okay. You’re welcome to stay the night again, if need be.” Fluttershy smiled warmly.

“Be careful, Twilight,” Big Mac called after her. Twilight recalled the conversation she’d had with him the day prior, and understood his meaning.

“Thanks Fluttershy, thanks Big Mac.” Twilight smiled back at the couple and turned the door handle with a hoof.

She immediately regretted it. The winds roared into the house, blowing her mane straight back and sending any animals unfortunate enough to be standing nearby squealing as they retreated further into the cottage. Twilight floated the basket to sit between her teeth, and used all of her magical will to create a small forcefield around herself. “’Ee? O ‘ig ‘eal…” Twilight said, her attempt at communication blocked by the basket handle.

“Bye, Twilight!” Fluttershy called as a well-protected Twilight delved into the storm and back toward the dead apple farm.