• Published 26th Feb 2013
  • 4,045 Views, 212 Comments

A Decade Lost - Neonz

Twilight teleports herself ten years into the future without realizing her spell was a one-way trip. Now stuck in a world that hasn't seen her in a whole decade, she's forced to see how her friends' lives have fallen apart. DECADE LONG HAITUS OVER!

  • ...

3. Laden Butterflies

When Twilight left Sweet Apple Acres, the sun had nearly disappeared beyond the distant hills. By the time she’d arrived at Fluttershy’s cottage, completely out of breath, Luna’s beautiful moon had replaced it. Applejack might not like the yellow pegasus, but Twilight couldn’t even start to think of a bad thing to say about her. To Twilight’s relief, the cottage looked a bit worn, but it was far from uninhabitable. The bird feeders were still filled, and several little bunnies, ferrets, and other small woodland creatures were lounging around the property. There were a couple of apple trees growing around the home, all of which looked much healthier than the ones under Applejack’s care. Somepony definitely still lived here. Twilight had to set things right.

The unicorn approached the cottage door and gave it a gentle rap. If Fluttershy wasn’t home, then Twilight had no idea where she could be. There wasn’t much of a Ponyville for her to visit, after all.

There wasn’t a response, so Twilight knocked again. This time, she could hear voices from inside the house. The door slowly opened, and Twilight instantly recognized Fluttershy’s face as her teal eyes peeked out. Twilight smiled at her. “Hello, Fluttershy!”

Fluttershy stood frozen in place. “T-T-T-Twi… O-o-oh… oh my goodness… MAC!” Fluttershy suddenly screamed and slammed the door in Twilight’s face. “GHOST! I SAW TWILIGHT’S GHOST!”

Twilight sighed. She probably should have realized this would happen; after all, she was supposed to have been dead for ten years.

The door opened again, and this time Big Mac was staring at her with an unreadable expression. He was married to Fluttershy, Twilight had to remind herself. She smiled sheepishly. “Uh, hey Big Mac!” The red earth pony blinked and continued to stare at her. “I’m not dead,” Twilight tried to reassure him. “Listen, I did a time-travel spell incorrectly and I think I ended up stuck in the future. If you haven’t seen me for ten years, that means I never returned back… and that’s why I’ve been gone.” It was a harsh reality that hadn’t quite sunk in yet. Big Mac just stared, and Twilight shifted awkwardly. “Uh, is it okay if I come in?”

Big Mac glanced over his shoulder. “Oh… o-okay…” Fluttershy’s soft voice floated from within the house, and Big Mac nodded before opening the door completely.

Twilight smiled. “Thank you. Now, I know it’s been a while since…” Twilight trailed off as her vision landed on Fluttershy. The lavender mare’s attention was diverted almost instantly to the pegasus’s stomach. She was heavily pregnant, likely not too far off from foaling. Twilight could barely believe what she was seeing.

Fluttershy blushed under Twilight’s gaze and curled on top of her sofa, allowing her swollen abdomen a place to rest. Big Mac walked over and placed one of his huge hooves on hers with a small smile, but then looked at Twilight with a stern expression. “Y’shouldn’t be startlin’ a mare in foal.”

Twilight frowned. “I’m sorry. I had no idea…”

“Twilight.” Fluttershy said in an anxious voice. “I… I just don’t understand how you’re here…” Both ponies were giving Twilight a look of uncertainty. Twilight understood it; they didn’t trust her. She tried to imagine herself in their situation, and could understand that seeing a friend that they had long accepted as being gone forever would be really disturbing.

“I know this is probably a bit overwhelming…” Twilight said slowly. The couple nodded. “But… I was never dead. I thought that the spell said it would only allow me to glimpse the future, but I think I underestimated my own abilities… and besides, it was illegal magic. I should never have touched it. I must have accidently trapped myself ten years into the future… but that still doesn’t explain why I never went back. Why couldn’t I have revisited the archives and tried a different spell to send myself back?” She realized she was chiding herself, and shook her head lightly. When she looked back up, she noticed that Fluttershy’s eyes had filled with tears. Twilight’s ears flattened. She had to remember that this wasn’t all about her. “Fluttershy… I’m so, so sorry…”

Big McIntosh backed off, allowing Twilight to approach and wrap Fluttershy in a gentle hug. Fluttershy hugged her back, and the two stayed like that for a few moments. Fluttershy sniffed and broke off with a small smile. “I missed you, Twilight.”

Twilight gave a weak smile back. “I just saw you a few days ago, so I guess I can’t really say the same.” To Twilight’s immense relief, Fluttershy giggled. “When are you due?” Twilight asked out of curiosity.

“Oh, in a few weeks… I guess it could be any day now, though…” Fluttershy gave a genuine smile that was absolutely heartwarming, especially given what Twilight had experienced back at Sweet Apple Acres.

“You two must be excited, then.”

Big Mac moved back to Fluttershy’s side, and the two exchanged loving nuzzles. Given that Twilight wasn’t used to seeing them as more than friends, let alone married with a foal on the way, the display of affection was a bit awkward for her to watch. “Eeeyup,” Big Mac droned as a response to Twilight’s question.

Fluttershy laughed and prodded the red stallion. “Come on, Mac, you don’t have to be so quiet around Twilight. She’s a friend.”

Big Mac looked at Twilight sheepishly. “Ah know. Ah was just lettin’ you two talk.” Twilight had to admit that they seemed to be good for each other. She’d never heard Mac string more than two words together before today.

“It’s funny…” Twilight mused, her mind starting a different train of thought. “Applejack didn’t mention your pregnancy when I visited her.”

The cheerful mood dissipated immediately. Fluttershy’s eyes widened. “Oh no, you talked to Applejack already?” Her ears flattened to her head. “What did she say about me? Oh, she still hates us, doesn’t she? Twilight, I’m so sorry, I promise I didn’t try to hurt her - ”

“Shh, shh, darlin’…” Fluttershy silenced under Big Mac’s coaxing, but she continued to stare intently at Twilight.

“Was she… okay?” Fluttershy asked, her teal eyes begging for information.

“Um…” Twilight hesitated, and Big Mac caught her attention by silently nodding while Fluttershy’s gaze was still directed at the unicorn. He was giving her a pleading look that Twilight understood meant she should lie through her teeth. “She looked fine to me…” Twilight said slowly, watching as Big Mac gave a grateful smile.

“Oh… good. I haven’t seen her since…” Fluttershy put a hoof on her huge stomach. “She wouldn’t take it very well. She hates me.” Fluttershy looked distressed. “She thinks I stole Mac away from her…”

“We were datin’ a bit before you left,” Big Mac elaborated. “Ah wanted nothin’ besides mah own life, and a special somepony to share it with.” Fluttershy managed a smile at his words. “After AJ got hurt, well, what was left of the farm was entirely my responsibility. It was too much for me to handle all by myself.”

“What happened to Rainbow Dash?” Twilight interrupted. Applejack had skipped any details regarding the cyan pegasus, and though Twilight hadn’t felt comfortable asking her about it, she needed to know the truth.

Big Mac and Fluttershy shared a look. “I’ll tell you later, Twilight,” Fluttershy said meekly, which made it pretty clear that something bad had happened.

There was a pause, so Twilight nodded. “Okay. Sorry, you can keep going, Big Mac.”

McIntosh nodded. “Well… after Granny passed and Apple Bloom left, Applejack was still tryin’ to recover… Ah wouldn’t let her do any buckin’ or heavy liftin’; not good for her leg. Course, Ah guess that didn’t leave her with much to do.”

“She was sad and restless,” Fluttershy elaborated. “I thought… I thought maybe… if she knew that she could have more family to rely on…” The pegasus sighed. “Oh Twilight, it’s all my fault. AJ didn’t take our marriage announcement very well at all. Mac warned me she might not, but I was so anxious, a-and I thought it would be okay…”

“So… you’ve just sort of… fallen out?” Twilight asked, her voice a bit hollow.

“Well…” Fluttershy looked away from Twilight. “There’s more to it, but…” She hesitated, tears forming in her eyes.

“It’s okay.” Twilight quickly stopped her, since Fluttershy clearly didn’t want to continue. Twilight wasn’t sure if she wanted her to continue either.

Fluttershy smiled at Twilight through her tears. “Thanks. I’m sorry…” Several white bunnies came rocketing around the corner, and Twilight took a few surprised steps backward as they leapt eagerly onto the couch and gathered around Fluttershy. The pegasus wiped at her eyes and gave a soft laugh. “I know, I know, it’s time to get ready for bed. You poor little things must be sleepy. Do you want a snack first?” The rabbits responded with great enthusiasm, and Fluttershy glanced at Twilight. “These are Angel’s great-grandbunnies.” She giggled as they pushed themselves against her, and Fluttershy gently patted them.

“Do you need any help?” Twilight offered.

Fluttershy shook her head. “I’m okay. The animals have been so good to me recently.” She glanced out the window to the darkened sky, and frowned. “Twilight?” she asked, tipping her head to the side. “Do you have any place to stay tonight?”

Twilight shuffled a hoof. “I-I guess I could go back to my tree.”

Fluttershy looked concerned. “All by yourself?” She shook her head and gave a warm smile. “Why don’t you stay here for tonight?"

“Are you sure?” Twilight asked.

“Of course!” Fluttershy slowly moved off of the couch, and the white bunnies sped ahead of her into the kitchen. “Mac?” Fluttershy asked, looking over at her husband. “Can you set up the cot for Twilight? Oh, and can you give the chickens their last meal and check on the ferrets for me? They’ve been awfully lazy today, the funny little things."

“’Course, hun.” Big Mac said with a nod as Fluttershy smiled and exited the room. “Twilight? Do y’think you could lend me a hoof?”

Twilight was taken aback at first because she had expected him to suggest helping Fluttershy, but one look at his expression suggested that he had a deeper meaning behind pulling her outside. “Sure!” Twilight agreed, and followed him as he left the cottage.

They walked in silence to the bridge that allowed access to Fluttershy’s house over the river. Big Mac ducked his head underneath it, to where Twilight could see several otters and a large seal all fast asleep. Big Mac backtracked to where the birdhouses were, and checked inside those as well.

Twilight cleared her throat. “Big Mac?” The red stallion glanced over his shoulder to show he was listening. “Why is Applejack all by herself?” Her tone came out more hurt than she’d intended, but maybe he deserved it. He was all Applejack had left, and he was allowing her to suffer in a situation that was beyond her control.

Big Mac didn’t say anything, but walked over to an apple tree and glanced up to where the ferrets were sound asleep in the sturdy branches. “Cause she’s shut everyone in her life out. Besides her old dog, that is.” Big Mac finally answered as he started to circle around the house.

Twilight trotted to keep up with him. She couldn’t remember seeing Winona when she was at the farm. “Mac, I saw Applejack today.” He gave her a sideways look. “She’s injured. She’s starving.” Twilight let out a shaky breath as Big Mac reached up to get the chicken feed. “Why can’t you help her?!” Twilight exclaimed, her frustration at his lack of response finally showing in her tone.

Big Mac hesitated before he could grab the feed, and turned to face Twilight. “We’re still here, aren’t we?” he asked, and Twilight wasn’t sure what he meant at first. “We stayed in Ponyville when the town collapsed years ago. Ah couldn’t leave her, not by herself. Ah don’t think she was so much mad at me and Fluttershy; she was mad at the world. But she thought for sure we were abandonin’ her.”

Twilight may have been absent for a decade, but she knew Applejack well enough to understand what had happened without Big Mac telling her. “So she turned on you for it, and when she realized she’d made a mistake, she was too proud to forgive you.”

“Well, Ah reckon she still believes we’re about to take off on her. AJ doesn’t trust anypony now, Twilight; they’ve all abandoned her. That’s why Ah couldn’t let Fluttershy visit in her condition.”


“’Cause we’ll be leavin’ after the foal’s born,” Big Mac said with a heavy sigh. “Can’t let mah child grow up without other foals to play with. Ain’t right. Besides, it can get real lonely… we’ve had our rough patches, but we still love each other, and Fluttershy’s good friends with Zecora, though she travels often. But Ah miss the town life, Ah really do.”

Twilight was starting to realize just how much the earth pony had sacrificed. He’d given up his farm for Fluttershy, and he’d given up a better life for Applejack.

Well, until now.

Big Mac pulled the bag of chicken feed down and heaved it onto his back. Twilight followed him as he made his way to the chicken coop, but stayed outside when he entered it. Her mind wandered past the noises of the hens’ loud clucking and back to Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack hadn’t pushed her away until she had suggested that she leave. Twilight realized now that she’d hit a nerve by mentioning it.

But Twilight was from the past, which made her pretty much the only pony Applejack could feel safe trusting. As Big Mac reappeared and went to put the bag of feed back where he found it, Twilight looked at him resolutely. “I think I’m the only one who can help Applejack. I’m going to fix this… I have to fix this.”

Big Mac looked at her, surprise etched on his face. “Ah’d be so grateful if you’d try… but… you need to be careful, Twilight.”

Twilight gave him an odd look. “Why do you say that?”

“She’s like a trapped animal; frightened and easily provoked.” Big Mac looked like he wanted to say something else, but then he paused and shook his head. “Just be careful.” He started walking away, and Twilight flattened her ears. Things were so different. Her mistake was so seemingly small; magic could be tricky sometimes. Errors weren’t uncommon.

This error just happened to cause her friends to suffer for the rest of their young lives.

Twilight followed Big Mac back into the cottage, and watched as he retrieved a folded cot and attempted to figure out how to unfold it in the living room. Twilight wordlessly picked the bed up with her magic and assembled it neatly on the ground.

Of course, she had no problem with that spell.

Fluttershy joined them with a smile. “That looks perfect. I’m sorry, Twilight, it’s been so long… you aren’t allergic to any animals, are you?”

Twilight shook her head. “No.”

Fluttershy frowned. “Are you okay down here by yourself? One of us could sleep on the couch?”

“I’m fine.”

Fluttershy and Big Mac shared a look. “Alright… Are you sure you’re okay, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked, concern flooding her tone. “Do you want some water, something to eat?”

Twilight shook her head mechanically. “I just need sleep. Thanks for letting me stay, Fluttershy.”

“O-oh, that’s not a problem…” Twilight didn’t respond, so the couple took a few steps backward. “We’ll leave you be, then.”

Twilight watched them as they ascended the stairs, then she collapsed onto the cot. It complained loudly under her weight, but Twilight ignored the noise, curled up into a tiny ball, and squeezed her eyes shut.

“You can fix this… you can fix this…” she whispered under her breath, clutching her tail tightly for support. Tomorrow she would ask Fluttershy about what happened to Pinkie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash. She would find out why Ponyville was gone, and why Fluttershy and Applejack both thought that the other hated them.

“They don’t hate each other…” Twilight murmured to herself. “They can’t… they’re friends…”

She would find Applejack. Twilight could make her see reason. If she couldn’t, maybe she could find a spell for a temporary solution. Just to get Applejack off of the farm and as far away from it as possible.

And then a whole decade of pain would be… gone?

Twilight curled herself tighter as tears poured down her face. “It’ll be okay… Celestia have mercy… it’ll all be okay…”