• Published 30th Jan 2012
  • 2,937 Views, 32 Comments

The Greatest Adventure - Dinos4Ever

Rainbow Dash and Sky Rocket have been together for a few years and are now ready for the greatest ad

  • ...


Chapter 2. Reactions

"Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh…" repeated Rainbow Dash over and over as she tightly hugged her mate, peppering his face with small kisses. "I'm pregnant! I'm gonna gave a foal! Ohmygosh…"

"Ohmygosh! Sky, we have to tell everyone! I'm going to have to take mareturnity leave over this, this is so big!"

"Well, where should we start?" Said Sky Rocket, squeaky with excitement.

"Well, first let's round up my friends, "I'll hit Ponyville, you get Applejack and Fluttershy. Don't tell them anything yet, I want it to be a surprise. Just tell them to meet up at the Library, and that it's urgent. Kay?"

"Sure thing Dashie." And with that, the two stepped out the door, and took off in similar directions. Since Sweet Apple Acres was closer, that was where Sky Rocket arrived first. He spotted Applejack, as usual, apple bucking. Landing down next to her, he shouted, a little loudly due to his excitement, "Hey Applejack!"

"Gah! What in tarnation! Oh, Sky, how nice off ya'll ter drop by. What can ah do for ya?" greeted the shocked palomino farmer, in her Ozark accent as she pushed her Stetson back into place.

"Well, you can start by going to the library. Rainbow Dash is calling a meeting, and wants all of us there. She says it's urgent." Said the pegasus as he deliberately left out that that he'd be heading the meeting as well.

"Sure thing, ah'll be right there. Jus' don't scare me like that. It's rude ya know." Said Applejack in her usual blatant honesty. Representing the Element of Honesty had not been kind to Applejacks' sense of subtly.

"That's great!" exclaimed Sky, again a bit louder than he meant to. "I'll see you there. I've got to go fetch Fluttershy now, I'll see you there."


Rainbow landed at the Carousel Boutique, home of her friend, Rarity. Ringing the bell, a church like chime echoed around as Rarity answered the door. "Oh, hello my dear, what can I do for you today?" asked the white unicorn. Rarity was a giver, like the Element of Harmony she represented, Generosity; Rarity would not stop to consider herself over her friends if she could ever help it.

"Well, you can start off by coming to the meeting I'm setting up for us and Sky Rocket, I've got some urgent news that everypony needs to hear right away!" squealed Rainbow, hoping that her antics would not give herself away to the gossipy unicorn.

"Of course my darling. I would never pass up an opportunity for the girls to get together. I'll be right over, let me just put something together first." Acknowledged the fashonista.

"No, now!" hissed the spectrum haired pegasus as she realized what Rarity meant by 'put something together'. "That's Rarity for ya, always looking for an opportunity to show off her latest dress" thought Rainbow, slightly irritated with the dress making she has always loyally put up with. But this was important, and she needed the purple maned unicorn instantly.

"Fiiine." Said Rarity, realizing she wouldn't be able to show off her new line of Wonderbolt Derby hats she had been working on. Rarity then looked at Rainbow with an eye of suspicion. Something was off about her, but Rarity just couldn't put her hoof on it. She could have sworn that Rainbow seemed to be emitting an aura that told Rarity something she would never think possible. "Rainbow Dash, a mother? Impossible, she's not the motherly type Rarity; you need to get out more." Thought the unicorn, chuckling out loud to herself.

"Okaaay, so uh just be there alright." Said Rainbow as she flew off. "Rarity was giving me a funny look back there. She couldn't Nah! She's clever, but she'd never figure that one out. I mean, she still looks at me like I 'm the same careless filly I was six years ago. Heh, I'll find out by her reaction later…"

At Fluttershys' Cottage:

Fluttershy was out in her gardens, tending to a family of bunnies whose father had broken his leg, and could not go out for food look for food, when a shadow appeared over her. Looking up, she saw Sky Rocket, the palomino pegasus mate of her friend Rainbow Dash. Squeaking in her usual shyness, she quickly scurried away from the spot she was just as Sky landed right next to it.

"Hello Fluttershy" said Sky politely, in an attempt of not to have a repeat of his arrival to Applejack with the easily spooked yellow pegasus.

"Oh, um, hello Sky.' Spoke Fluttershy in her soft voice, as she peaked out from behind her pink hair.

"Say Fluttershy, could you please come to the Ponyville Library immediately? My Dash has some great news that she wants all of her friends to hear." spoke Sky, making sure to keep his tone down as so not to frighten either Fluttershy or her small animals.

"Oh, of course I will. Anything for my friends. Yes. I will be there. Thank you for coming all this way out here to tell me."

"Don't mention it. Was on my way anyhow. See you there then." Replied Sky in his most polite voice possible. So much of him that day wanted to fly up as high as he could and scream, 'I'm going to be a father!' at the top of his lungs.

"Oh, um okay. Thanks again," Whispered Fluttershy "See you there, I guess."

"Awesome!" Yelled out Sky Rocket, causing some of the birds in a nearby tree to take flight. Seeing this instantly sparked his mind. "Oh, uh yeah. So I should get going. See you at the library." Called Sky rocket as he took off for the library.

The Ponyville Library was built out of a tree. There, were also two residents of it. Twilight Sparkle, a violet coated unicorn with an extreme talent at magic, and one of Princess Celetia's, the ruler of the country of Equestria, most prized students. The other, a young dragon by the name of Spike. He was an assistant to Twilight, who had hatched him as an entrance examination to one of Equestrias' most influential schools of magic.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash had an easy enough time convincing Pinkie Pie at Sugarcube Corner, the Ponyville sweetshop, where the party pony lived and worked. Anytime was a good time for her friends to come together in the hyperactive pink ponies' eyes.

The six ponies approached the library, Pinkie Pie arriving at the door first to knock at it incessantly. Answering the door, and getting some knocks to the head. Spike looked up happily to see everypony. "High girls, and uh Sky." Spike quickly added as he noticed the pegasus giving him a look that said 'Hey, what about me!'. As the six went into the library, they were greeted with a friendly 'hello' from Twilight Sparkle as she looked up from her book.

"Oh hi everypony! What brings you all here?" said the unicorn, putting down her book and greeting her friends.

"Uh, we've got an announcement to make," spike up Rainbow Dash, "If everypony could please just sit down, and me and Sky Rocket will deliver our news."

"Oh, news! I love news! Is it good news, bad news/ Oh I hope it's not bad news, that'd be just the worst, and-"

"Pinkie" yelled everypony except the happy couple.

"Right, so uhh…me and Sky, well…what I'm trying to say is…I'M PREGNANT!" yelled out Rainbow Dash with a squee.

There was a collective gasp, and then, a "yay" from Fluttershy, a "congratulations" from Twilight and Applejack, a "I've gotta plan a party!" from Pinkie Pie, and lastly, and to everyponies surprise Rarity flatly states, "I knew it!".

"What? Rarity, how'd you know?" questioned Twilight, with a confused expression on her face

"Oh, darling, it was obvious. Rainbow Dash was acting rather strangely towards me, almost…dare I say, motherly. And she has that motherly glow about her that my own mother had when she was pregnant with Sweetie Belle" explained Rarity in a rather matter-of-factly tone.

"Ohh" was all that she received from her friends.

"Oh mah gosh, ah'm so happy fer ya Rainbow." Spoke up Applejack, "Ah jus' know ya'll'r gonna make the best mother." Continued the apple farmer.

"Heh, thanks AJ." said Rainbow Dash, very thankful for the comment.

"An' a congratulations on you too there partner." Said Applejack, giving Sky Rocket a punch in the shoulder.

"Well, I've got a party to plan, so I'll be seeing all of you ponies later. It's gonna be a dam-hood one too!" giggled Pinkie Pie as she rushed out the door, leaving her friends to groan at the terrible pun.

"Heh, yah. I should be a gittin back ter the apples before Big Mac gits thinkin I done just left mah post." Said Applejack as she also went out the door, "Congratulations again, Rainbow, I couldn't be happier fer ya."

"And I should get back to my Boutique; I just have to try my knack at some baby clothes." Said Rarity as she trotted her way out the door. "I do want to wish the best of luck to the both of you though."

"And I should, probably get back to my animals, that is unless you would want me to stay. I mean, I don't have to go if you don't want me to. I could stay; we could have tea, we-"

"Fluttershy, it's fine" cut off Sky, and then looking at Rainbow. "Right?" he asked in reassurance. "Yep!" said Rainbow Dash.

"You know, I'm sure I might have some books on pregnancy that might interest the both of you." Said Twilight. "Spike! Start helping me find some books for Rainbow and Sky!" ordered Twilight as her assistant groaned, obviously woken up from the nap he was taking in their room, and likely from a dream he was having on his crush, Rarity.

"Oh, thank you Twilight" said Sky and Rainbow together is unison. The two were incredibly gratuitous. They thanked Twilight, and left for their cloud home, in a tight embrace, thinking of their future together.