• Published 30th Jan 2012
  • 2,937 Views, 32 Comments

The Greatest Adventure - Dinos4Ever

Rainbow Dash and Sky Rocket have been together for a few years and are now ready for the greatest ad

  • ...

No Time Like Party Time

Chapter 3. No Time Like Party Time

"What do you mean you'll be needing to take some time off in a couple of months?" Spitfire was fuming. Her two best performers just informed her that they'll be needing to take a break.

"What Rainbow meant, is that she'll be needing mareturnity leave" said Sky as he immediately added onto Rainbows' rather blunt and ambiguous statement.

"Oh, um. My gosh! That's excellent! I'm so happy for you! Hay Soarin, Winger, Firestreak, High Winds, Ice, Lightning, Surprise, Fleetfoot! C'mere, Rainbow Dash and Sky Rocket want to say something!"

"Hehe er thanks for that, Spitfire!" groaned Rainbow Dash sarcastically, as the rest of her present teammates flew up to her, Sky and Spitfire.

"So, what'd ya want to tell us?" said Fleetfoot as he landed right next to Soarin and Winger.

"It's really great news! Me and Sky are gonna have a foal!" said Rainbow, relieved that she got that out of the way.

"Oh, how wonderful! That's great! Fantastic news!" cheered Rainbow Dashes' and Sky Rockets' teammates.

"I know! I couldn't be happier! In fact, I don't think I've been happier in my whole life. Not even when I got on the Wonderbolts!'

"Not me, the day I got on the Wonderbolts will be my happiest!" butted in Rainbow Dash without any reserve.

"Well, you can practice for now, so get to it!" commanded Spitfire with a huge smile on her face. She remembered the happiness that little firefly brings her and Soarin, she was sure that Rainbows' and Skys' foal would do just the same."

Three weeks later…

"Pinkie Pie, where are you taking us?" said a quizzical Sky. Rainbow Dash knew Pinkie Pie long enough to figure out what was going on, but Sky, even knowing Pinkie for three and a half years, was still relatively new to her randomness. Eventually, they ended up at the Ponyville Library.

"Okay you guys now close your eyes and no peeking!" squealed the pink party pony with delight. Rainbow knew she had set up a party, she just didn't know what scale. Pinkie did a number of different parties, all based on the importance of the celebration. Except to Pinkie, anything was important enough to celebrate.

"Okay Pinkie, they're closed." said Sky and Rainbow together, slightly blushing for having the same train of thought. Rainbow sniggered, she knew what was coming.

Pinkie opened the door, and pushed her two friends into the Library, and sang out, "Okaaay, you can loooook nooow!"

"SURPRISE!" a wave of noise hit the couple like a brick wall, even blowing their hair back. All their friends were there, as well as what seemed like half of Ponyville. There was the happy two, Lyra and Bon-Bon, the cockeyed Derpy with her new boyfriend Dr. Hooves. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were there. Well, weren't really the Cutie Mark Crusaders since getting their Cutie marks. Scootaloo had a pair of butterflies on scooters. Rarities younger sister, Sweetie Belle, had a pink heart wrapped in a musical staff dotted with notes, and Apple Bloom, Applejacks' little sister, had an apple chomped into the shape of a hammer as on her flank. Even if the three fillies had attained their goal of getting their Cutie Marks, they were still as close as ever. Even if they did not hang out as much as they once did. Sweetie Belle had a promising musical career ahead of her since winning Equestria Idol, Scootaloo was had several acrobatics and stunt show managers after her, and Apple Bloom had discovered her love for home repair after helping Big Macintosh finally fix the sagging barn roof one summer.

And speaking of Big Macintosh, he seemed to be lively chatting it up with Fluttershy, something out of character for the both of them. The only Apple not there was Granny Smith, who had sadly passed away the previous spring. As Rainbow and Sky walked through the crowd, saying a 'thank-you' to everypony that congratulated them, they saw other familiar faces: Mayor Mare, Spike, Zecora, Derpys' dughter: Ditzy Doo, Dasiy, Lilly, Junebug, Carrot Top, Berry Punch, Lotus and Aloe, twin sisters who managed a spa together, the Cakes and their two young foals. Cheerilee, Snips and Snails, Twist. Mr. Rich, who had shown up just for show, could be heard explaining how his daughter was once again grounded for sneaking out in the middle of the night. However, Silver Spoon, who had made it, had eventually defriended Diamond Tiara a few years ago in favor of real friends instead. Even Nurse Redheart had made it to the party. Seeing the two, Redheart promptly walked right up to them, "I'm very happy for you two, now I'm hoping to see the both of you in two week. We'll need to discuss our little package here." said the white furred nurse, smiling.

"Sure thing Nurse!" yelled Sky Rocket, over the noise of the party. "Yeah don't worry, we'll be there!" continued Rainbow.

"HOW ARE YOU TWO DOING!" shouted Pinkie Pie, popping out of nowhere.

"It's excellent! You've really outdone yourself this time, Pinkie!" shouted Rainbow. And it was true; this certainly was the best party Pinkie had ever thrown. Even better than the one she threw for Princess Luna after she was freed from the control of Nightmare Moon. The streamers were so abundant that the ceiling looked like a rainbow, no doubt on purpose. Vinyl Scratch was the DJ. The food was top quality, and even Applejack had made an exceptional batch of apple treats including pies, tarts, fritters, caramel coated apples, and even a barrel for apple-bobbing. There was a gigantic banner that read 'Happy Parenthood, Rainbow and Sky!" hanging from the rafters, but was barely noticeable among all the streamers hanging around it. There were balloons of every color hanging for every possible place. Then, out of nowhere, was the most unexpected sight: Tank! Twilight has somehow gotten Tank, Rainbows' pet tortoise, from Rainbows' and Skys' cloudhouse and brought him to the party where he was happily being fed lettuce. Tank turned out to be the perfect pet, needing minimal care, which was perfect for Rainbows' and Skys' Wonderbolt careers.

Everypony was having a wonderful time. Twilight came up to the two, "Hey you two. You know Rainbow; I found a ton of books that I think you'll be interested in." She led them over to a stack of books in the corner. "I remember how you loved reading when you were in the Hospital a few years ago, but these are nonfiction books. They're a bit different from the books you like."

"Pft, Twi? How hard could it be!" She immediately ate her words when she saw the stack of large, thick, and relatively uninteresting looking books that Twilight had set up in the corner.

"Uhh, Twi? What are these?"

"They are reference guides to pregnancy. You've got a long eleven months ahead of you."

"Yeah, yeah I know." shunned off Rainbow Dash, slightly disappointed. These books did not exactly look fun, and Rainbow was not exactly looking forward to reading them. She knew she had a long adventure ahead of her. This was motherhood, and it was likely to be the greatest adventure she'd ever have.

"And by the way Twilight, how'd you get Tank down here?" asked Rainbow, nodding towards the ages reptile.

"Oh, I performed the Cloudwalker spell on myself, then used a levitated myself up to you house and let myself in. Hope you don't mind."

"No, no. It's fine, I was just wondering is all."

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, and two ponies entered that nopony had expected would be there.

"Princess Celestia, Princess Luna!" said Twilight, as everypony around her bowed to the alicorns. "Why have you come to the party? Is it something bad?"

"No, no nothing bad has happened. I thought the answer would be obvious, my little pony. I would think it'd be a big deal, Rainbow Dash a mother. She did help save Equestria twice."

"Oh, right. I just...none of us expected you two come." said Twilight, flushing at her own ignorance.

"Of course Twilight Sparkle, we have our own duties to attend to," stated Princess Luna, referring to herself and her sister, no longer speaking in a millennium old accent, "but we believe we can always find time to visit old friends." finished the night alicorn with a rare smile. Luna had a much more serious demeanor than her sister, and was still rather old fashioned, but she was starting to lighten up and enjoy parties and general outings a lot more.

"Well, Rainbow and I are very appreciative that you decided to come." greeted Sky, as he and the rest of the crowd came up from their bow.

"You are most welcome, Sky. Any friend of Rainbows' is a friend of ours" responded Celestia, smiling.

Noticing the awkwardness caused by the unexpected arrival of the ruling sisters, Celestia cleared her throat, "Well, uh…carry on."

Treating the encouraging words as if they were royal decree, everypony quickly went back to what they were doing, albeit more tensed due to the appearance of royalty.

"So Rainbow, how has your time with the Wonderbolts been lately? I assume you are both still enjoying it?"

"Oh yes your Highnesses, we-"

"Please, just Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are fine" interrupted Luna. "Yes, there is no need to be so formal. This is a party after all." continued Celestia

"Of course your Hi-er. I mean, Princesses." said Rainbow. "As Rainbow was saying, we've had some rigorous scheduling going on lately. The performance in Fillydelphia is coming up and Spitfire and Soarin want us to be our best, even if my little Dashie here does have a little bun on the way." Said Sky, putting a wing around Rainbow dash, causing her to blush.

"Oh, Spitfire and Soarin. How are those two? Celebrity pairings are always so difficult to follow. One can never tell what is truth and rumor these days."

"Oh, they're doing wonderfully. They've been…" Said Sky as Rainbows' mind started drifting elsewhere. She was never into small talk, and used to be terrible at it until she met her Rockit. She caught the eye of Twilight and gave her a pleading 'help me" look. Seeing this look of desperation in her friends' eyes, she immediately trotted over and asked Princess Celestia, "So how has that Solar Flare Prediction spell you've been working on?'

"Oh Twilight, I've been meaning to write to you about that…" said the Sun Princess as she started the intricate details of magic with her student, while Luna rolled her eyes at her sisters' actions. This also gave enough time for Rainbow to rush off and mingle with the other guests. She still hadn't talked to Rarity, Fluttershy, or Applejack yet.

The first she found was Fluttershy, who was still talking to Big Macintosh, only now they were both was blushing profusely.

"Hay Fluttershy!" called Rainbow Dash, which caused her to squeak in surprise.

"Oh, hay Rainbow. Um, some party, right? I mean, I hope you're enjoying yourself. I certainly am." responded Fluttershy as she, if possible, blushed even harder and stole a quick glance at Big Macintosh.

"Yeah. So uh, Fluttershy. You know about small creatures, and about them mating and giving birth. So, uh, I was wondering if you had any tips." asked Rainbow awkwardly, not exactly sure how to word such a question.

"Oh…my. Um I thought you said that Twilight was giving you tips."

"She is, but she's giving me like a ton a books to read and I was hoping to get some background info before I started on them. Ya know, help it be easier to understand."

"Well the first thing you have to know is…" started Fluttershy as she described, in intricate detail, the process of which a baby grows, and how the mother deals with it. Granted she was using bunnies as an example, but the message got across.

"And by the time of crowning, th-"

"Thank you Fluttershy, but I think I get it." interrupted Rainbow, who felt like her head was spinning.

"Oh, I wasn't boring you, was I? I'm sorry."

"No, no. Not at all. It's just I think I can grasp the rest myself. If I have any questions I'll come to you." insisted Rainbow Dash, giving her shy friend an encouraging smile.

"Oh, thank you Rainbow Dash. You're such a good friend." Said Fluttershy, who then went back to talking to Big Macintosh.

"Hay, that's what I'm here for." Said Rainbow as she went off and found Applejack next to the apple platter. Taking a piece of apple pie, Rainbow bit into it, saying "Oh, Applejack. Thish is the besht apple pie you've efer made!" with her mouth full.

"Aw shucks, Rainbow. Ya'll'r too kind."

"No sheriously!" said Rainbow, swallowing, "this is excellent!"

"Ah don't know what Ah did. It's still th' same ol' recipe."

"Yeah, but Idunno, something seems different about it. Like it's sweeter or something."

"Heh, thanks sugarcube. Glad ya enjoy it."

"You're welcome!" said Rainbow as she dashed away with her piece of pie in her mouth

Finding Rarity in in deep discussion with Apple Bloom about he she thoughts for interior design, Rainbow trotted up to the two of them, while finishing her pie piece.

"Rainbow, dear, you have pie all over your face." Said Rarity, recoiling slightly.

"Oops, sorry, hehe" said Rainbow with a giggle, wiping her mouth with the back of her pastern.

"Um, Apple Bloom? Could you excuse us for a bit, this is grown up talk." said Rarity, leaving the grumbling teenager saying something that sound like "Still get treated like a damn foal."

"So, Rainbow Dash, are you happy with your decision so far?" asked the fashionable unicorn.

"Well, actually. I really don't know how to feel about it yet." said Rainbow.

"Well, darling, I just know you're going to love being a mother. Remember how happy Mr. and Mrs. Cake were when they had Pound and Pumpkin? I'm sure you'll make a fabulous mother, and Sky a wonderful father. He's so kind, you know."

"Yeah, he is…" trailed of Rainbow, thinking of her mate.

"Er...Earth to Rainbow Dash." Said Rarity, waving a hoof in front of Rainbows' face.

"Oh, sorry." Said Rainbow, quitting her day dreams of what she'd be doing with Sky later.

"Well, my dear. I certainly hope everything turns out for you. You certainly deserve it." complimented Rarity as she walked back to Apple Bloom.

Turning around, Rainbow found herself staring directly into a pair of lavender eyes on a bright orange face.

"Gah!" shouted Rainbow Dash at the unexpected appearance of her biggest fan, Scootaloo.

"Hiya, Rainbow Dash! Uh, sorry about surprising you like that. I just wanted to congratulate you and ask you a few Wonderbolt questions."

"It's okay, and thanks. So go ahead kid, fire away."

From here, Scootaloo managed to badger Rainbow Dash for over half an hour on all aspects of the Wonderbolts. Eventually, the question were getting more and more personal, until Scootaloo eventually asked something that made Rainbow shout, "SCOOTALOO!" making everypony stare.

"Eh, sorry. Forgot he's taken." said Scootaloo with embarrassment. Scootaloo then zipped away towards Sweetie Belle, who then started giggling. "She told her about that, didn't she…" thought Rainbow as she sighed and rolled her magenta eyes.

The Princesses had left about twenty minute earlier, as had most of the guests. The only ponies left were Sky Rocket, Rainbows' five other friends, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and Big Macintosh, who was being heavily and repeatedly flattered by Fluttershy, who seemed a little tipsy from something more than just Applejacks' cider.

Noticing her brother get goo-goo eyed with her best friend, Applejack suddenly declared herself to be really tired and took her sister with her back to Sweet Apple Acres. Rarity also called it a night, decided to take herself and Sweetie Belle back to her boutique with the excuse that she might get too tired and spill something on her coat.

Pinkie Pie was a different matter. She could party all night if Twilight didn't start calling the party down about an hour after Rarity and Sweetie Belle left. Big Macintosh decided to walk Fluttershy home on the grounds of "Makin' sure she gits home safely."

Spike, although still a baby in body structure, had the mindset of a twenty year old dragon. Therefore, he was allowed to stay up to help the rest clean up the party. Pinkie Pie, however, had other ideas, which included keeping the party going for herself as long as she could get away with it. That is, until she bumped into the apple products table, sending a pie flying right into Spikes face. Even though everypony found it extremely hilarious, Twilight decided it was time for Pinkie to go home, and with Pinkie not dancing around like a crazy chimera, clean up went a lot faster.

"Well, thank you again for a wonderful party Twi" thanked Rainbow.

"For the fifth time, Dash, it's fine. We did it for a friend. I swear, it was no trouble at all."

"Yes, but-" started out Sky.

"No buts, Twilight is telling the truth. It wasn't all that hard. Especially with Rarity and Sweetie Belle lending a hoof to help with magic." Cutting off Spike.

"Still. Thank you. I never had more fun in my life." Insisted a very gratuitous Sky Rocket.

"Well, you are welcome. And there! Done! Thank you for helping clean this place up. That was really nice of you." Said Twilight as she put the broom back into the closet and shut the closet door.

"It was no trouble at all. Now, I think me an Sky are gonna go home now. I'm pretty tired" said Rainbow, feigning a yawn, and then giving Sky a quick wink. The happy couple then each saddled up the enormous books that Twilight had for Rainbow.

"Well, g'night you too!" shouted Twilight as she fare welled the two lovers out the door.

"So…you thinkin' what I'm thinkin' Rock-it?"

"Aw…first one to the bed gets top?"

"And the last one there makes breakfast in the morning?"

"Deal!" said the two, spitting into their hooves, and then giving each other a high-hoof. The two then raced back to their bed for another intimate night together.

A/N-Well, hope that wets your appetite for another week. Don't worry about that last part, like I promised, there will be no more intimate scenes. There may be a swear dropped here or there, but nothing too explicit. Definitely won't be any F-bombs dropped on ya. Also, how am I doing so far? Review in the comments, plz?