• Published 30th Jan 2012
  • 2,937 Views, 32 Comments

The Greatest Adventure - Dinos4Ever

Rainbow Dash and Sky Rocket have been together for a few years and are now ready for the greatest ad

  • ...

All Adventures Reach Their End

Chapter 5. All Adventures Reach Their End

"Oh no! Nonononononono! Oh damn it not again!" cried Rainbow, barely making to the toilet. The size of their foal had finally peaked as she had entered the eleventh and last month of her pregnancy. With the size came the removal of space in the rest of her body. This also meant for a smaller bladder, which led to more bathroom breaks.

"Ahhhh" moaned Rainbow, as she had reached the cloud toilet just in time. This is how she had been waking up every morning for the past week, and she was really starting to hate this, parasite, as she had come to call it. Sky, on the other hand, was thrilled. Of course he didn't have to go through the heaving and gagging she did every now and then.

"Rainbow, honey?" Sky called out from the other side of the bathroom door, "I'm gonna go make breakfast."

"Okay, be out in a Dash flash!" responded Rainbow, smiling to herself at the pun she just made up.

Sky, however, did not share her sentiments "Ha, ha. Don't quit your day job" he teased, rolling his eyes. Sky walked down stairs into the kitchen. He went into the cabinet beneath the counter, and pulled out the skillet for the eggs and hash browns. Then, with a turn of a knob, Sky lit up the lightning stove with a thunderous boom.

Pegasi cookware was not like normal cookware. The stoves were powered by the electricity found naturally within the clouds they made their homes from. Smelling the scent of the fresh eggs he had gotten from Fluttershy the day earlier, he cracked them on the skillet side, and could smell the scent of them sizzling. Then, with two potatoes, he took a peeler, pealed the skins of, and started dicing the spuds into a fine rice thick grains and plopped them on the other side of the skillet, away from the two eggs, which he saw were almost burning, and so turn them over nice and easy. He set up two plates on the table, and two glasses as well. At this point, Rainbow was down stairs, and waiting eagerly, fork and knife in hoof.

"Okay, come and get it!" said Sky, before noticing Rainbow was already at the table. That was one of the things Sky liked about Rainbow Dash. She was never late for anything, especially if food was involved.

Filling the two glasses with orange juice, Sky sat the now food laden plates on the table, and sat down at the table. Sky and Rainbow both took their time, seeing as it was the weekend. Swapping stories of their respective dreams, Rainbow finished first, as always. She seemed to treat everything as a race, even more so now that she couldn't physically race.

"So, what do ya wanna do today?" asked Sky, with nothing particularly interesting in mind.

"Well, I was thinking we should probably get started on names, seeing as the foal is almost here. Heck, the thing could be born right now, and we don't even have a name in mind!" said Rainbow.

"Heh, yeah, we've kinda been procrastinating that. Kinda suck if the foal was born and we didn't have a name." said Sky, rubbing the back of his head.

"So let's get started!" said Rainbow, as she and Sky flew off to the family room.

"So…how about Seabiscuit?"

"Seabiscuit? Really? You came up with that off the top of your head, didn't you?" said sky, with a raised eyebrow.

"Um, yes?" admitted Rainbow.

"Tash?" asked Sky.

"Hmmm, Tash does sound cool, but wouldn't you get it mixed up with my name? I mean, remember my father's name was Rainday, and my mom would say my name whenever she was mad at him! Even if I was usually the one in trouble."

"Hmm, yeah. Now that I think of it, Tash is kinda too close to Dash."

Thinking on it took all day. They stopped to break for lunch, and after which they decided to consult Twilights' books, which were stacked in the corner, and meant to be returned, and look for suggestions.

Sipping her teas, which helped calm her nerves, Rainbow found a whole list in the third book they tried. Along the list, was a division. One side colts, the other, fillies






"Dynamite…no" This one, Sky really had to talk Rainbow Dash out of, who was becoming more and more bored as the day when on.


"Flash…YES!" the two excited parents exclaimed. They had found the name, at least until the foal was born, and they could think of a better one.

"Whew! Glad that's out of the way!" said Rainbow as she yawned. She never thought doing something so nonphysical could take so much out of her.

"Me…t-too," said Sky, suppressing a yawn himself. Tomorrow was Monday, and he had work. "Let's hit the hay!" suggested Sky, standing up and stretching forward and back.

"Yep…" said Rainbow, only partly aware of her surroundings. Then she felt it. A little nudge. "Aww, how cute, the foal is kicking…ugh! There I go with the sappiness again."

"Hey Sky, little Flash is kicking" whispered Rainbow as she stood on the top of the stairs with Sky. Sky immediately rested his hoof on Rainbows' side. He could feel his little bundle squirming around inside.

"D'aaaawwww" said Sky, in a cutesy voice.

"Ugghh, it's just a little squirming, no need to get all sappy on me."

"Yeah, but duh wittle ting's sooo cuuute" said Sky, rubbing Rainbows' belly.

"Ugghh, this 'wittle ting' isn't even out yet. Let's just get to bed" said Rainbow, as the little, unborn foal inside her stopped wiggling. "Tomorrow, I've gotta return those books to Twilight" planned Rainbow Dash has she drifted off to sleep.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* Went the alarm as Sky got up quietly, and shut it off. Looking back on the bed, Sky noticed Rainbow give a little stir, but then gave a loud snore, indicating she was definitely still sleeping.

Sky strolled over to the shower, eyes still closed, stepped in and turned it on, the chilly morning water shocking him awake. After which, he shook himself dry, ate a meager breakfast of oats, and flew off to the Wonderbolt Stadium.

At around eight in the morning, Rainbow herself woke up. She was surprised she slept so late, but shook it off, figuring she was just out of practice and would be setting her alarm that night. Stepping into the bathroom, she didn't find it odd that she only had to go a little, while she waited for the shower to warm up.

After her shower, she shook herself off, and stepped back into her room. It was then she saw it. A little bright yellow spot, right where her pelvis rested at night.

"DAMN IT!" screamed Rainbow. It wasn't the first time this had happened, but cleaning up an accident wasn't on the top of her 'what I want to do today' list.

After cleaning up the mess, Rainbow plopped the dirty sheets in the hamper, and went down stairs for some breakfast. After making herself an English muffin with Zap Apple Jam, she noticed the books she was going to bring back today laying next to a pile of cards her friends had given her at her party. Among them was a badly scribbled and poorly stuffed card from her old griffon friend, Gilda.

"Well, better late than never" Rainbow Dash said to herself, sighing as she shoved the first set of books into a saddle bag. She would have taken both saddle bags, but feeling her back protest to the added weight that was on top of the already extra weight that was her Flash.

Flying out the door, and to the Library was a bit more of a task than Rainbow anticipated. She had not flown with any weight besides the current bodily one yet, and so the trip took longer than Rainbow thought it would.

Landing in front of the library door with a light thud, Rainbow Dash knocked on the Library door, and heard the Twilight yell, "SPIKE! Get the door!" from inside. Opening the door, Spikes' face lit up when he saw who it was.

"Hey Rainbow! Oh, I see you brought the books back, finally…" said Spike, whose demeanor indicated he did not look forward to reshelving them.

"Hey, don't you give me dat lip!" said Rainbow, giving Spike a punch in the shoulder to show she was joking. "

"Hi Twilight!" greeted Rainbow as she saw Twilight coming down the stairs.

"Oh hay, Rainbow. Oh good, you've brought back the books! I've been meaning to tell you. I've been meaning to get those books back because we've got somepony else who's gonna have their own little bundle of joy. I just can't believe she managed to keep it a secret, but apparentl-" Twilight cut herself off with a gasp. She then pointed a shaking hoof at Rainbow, who was looking around confused.

"What?" asked Rainbow "So, who is it? Who's pregnant?"

"Rai-R-Rainbow! You, your-your water broke!" stammered the shocked unicorn. From what her friend told her, she still wasn't due for another two weeks.

"My what?" asked Rainbow, in a momentary lapse of memory. "Wait, my-my WATER BROKE!" shouted Rainbow, looking down at the puddle of fluid that was between her hind legs, "uuuuhhhh..." said Rainbow, starting to feel light headed.

"NO! Rainbow, snap out of it!" yelled the lavender unicorn as she shook her friend. "Spike, write a letter right away! Send it to Sky, and then gather the rest of the gang. I'll get Rainbow to Ponyville Hospital" ordered Twilight, as Spike stood there, with a surprised expression on his face.

"SPIKE!" shouted Twilight, snapping Spike out of his daze.

"Right!" said the young dragon, giving a salute. Grabbing a quill, he ran over to the table and grabbed the nearest roll of parchment.

Flying down the track, Sky was being put through the usual paces as he raced Soarin and Fleetfoot. Determined to win, he was concentrating so hard, that when a puff of green flame appeared out of thin air at the far end of the track, he crashed face first into the clouds.

"Ye-ah!" gloated Fleetfoot, as he finished first. Getting up, Sky shook himself back into it and flew back to the track.

"Hey, what's this?" said Soarin, noticing the scroll that had appeared where the odd green flame was just moments earlier. "Hey, Sky, it has your name on it!"

"Huh? Wonder what it could be..." said Sky as he unraveled the scroll. As soon as he read it, his face went white.

Rainbow Dash having baby. Need you at the Ponyville Hospital immediately,


"OH MY GOSH! Rainbow's going into labor!" panicked Sky, forgetting where he was. "I'm-I'm sorry guys. Soarin, tell Spitfire what happened, I gotta go right away!" said Sky, as he rushed off to the Ponyville, not hearing the "good lucks" being given behind him over the roar of the wind in his ears. Even if he could hear them, he likely would not have given a response; his mind was completely focused on his mate and getting to her at the moment.

"AAHHHHH! WHERE'S SKYYYY!" shouted Rainbow Dash, as she felt another contraction rack her body and putting her in severe pain.

"He's comin' Sugarcube, don't ya'll worry none." Spoke Applejack, as she and the rest of her friends surrounded her.

"TELL HIM TO HIS FLANK HERE NOOOWWWWWW!" howled Rainbow Dash, in the Ponyville Hospital Mareturnity Ward. There was a team of doctors and nurses surrounding her, one of them, Nurse Redheart, approached the five friends, shoving them back into the hall.

"I'm sorry, but only immediate family can be in the room at this time. Do any of you know where a Mr. Sky Rocket is located?"

"He's currently working, I'm afraid. He and Rainbow are Wonderbolts, you see" answered Rarity.

"YEAH! AND HE SHOULD BE HEEERRR-AAHHH!" screamed Dash, as her biggest contraction yet ravaged her.

In the meantime, Sky had just landed at the doors of the hospital. Forgoing manners, he burst through the door, and shouted, "WHERE'SRAINBOW!" which gave him some very annoyed looks from the others in the room.

"She's in room 302 of the Mareturnity Ward, if you'll please jus-wait! You need to sign to in first!" said the receptionist at the desk, just as Sky, still dressed in his Wonderbolt uniform, galloped off to the indicated room and ward. The receptionist chased after him, yelling, "You need to sign in!" but Sky gave no indication that he had heard here. All he cared about was getting to his Dashie. "YEAH! AND HE SHOULD BE HEEERRR-AAHHH!" Sky knew that voice, and immediately dashed off to its source.

"Rainbow I'm here!" announced Sky, bursting into the room.

"Oh good, you're here" said one of the nurses, routinely writing something on her clipboard.

Then, among the yelling, came an "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!..." and the sudden sound of a foal crying.

"It's a colt!" announced the doctor, as one of the nurses assisted in removing the rest of the afterbirth. "Let me just get him cleaned up, and the father can cut the umbilical."

"Cu-cut the umbilical?" said Sky, gulping.

"Oh, don't worry, Mr. Rocket, it doesn't hurt at all."

"Uhh, if you say so…" said Sky, who shot a wary look at Rainbow. Rainbow was a complete mess, her hair was utterly disheveled, not that she cared, she was soaked in sweat and panting while leaning against the backboard, clearly exhausted from the whole endeavor. Her stomach was quickly deflating itself, yet still showed some signs of what it had been.

"Okay, Mr. Rocket," the doctor said, "here, take these and just snip right in front of this clamp."

"Uh, okay…" said Sky, terrified of hurting his newborn son. *SNIP*, Sky breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now, I'm very sure Rainbow would like to hold her new son" said the doctor as he rushed the nurses out of the room, except Nurse Redheart. "You five can see her now" said the doctor, as he rushed passed, on to another patient.

The newborn slept next to Rainbow, who rocked him. The little colt was the same color as Sky, but possessed the red, orange, and yellow portion of Rainbows' rainbow colored mane. Suddenly, he stretched out, and attempted to flutter his wings, as if he wanted to fly off.

"Awwww…" cooed the five mares in the room.

"Well, we should name him, shouldn't we?"

"Oh Yes! Yes! Yes!" shouted Pinkie, bouncing up and down, but quickly stopped when shot a look by Nurse Redheart, who was waiting for documentation.

"It's just…" trailed off Sky, "Well, he doesn't seem like a Flash anymore. I don't know. He really seems to have your spirit."

"That's it! That's what we'll name him!" said Rainbow, looking down at the little colt

"Spirit…" said the two together.

Suddenly, they heard crying, and found Pinkie Pie quite literally fountaining tears. "You guys know what we gotta do?" said the pink mare, pulling her party cannon from nowhere, "We gotta par-mmph!" Pinkie was cut off by Nurse Redheart who had taken a rag to her muzzle, while a bottle marked 'chloroform' sat on the table behind her.

"Wow, it's suddenly quiet' joked Twilight.

Propping Pinkie up in one of the guest chairs, Fluttershy was suddenly heard giving a soft, "ahem".

"Actually, if it's alright with all of you, I have some news. Actually, I think it's good news, although I'm not sure how all of you will feel about it. I hope you think it's good news, it's just that I'm prmhmhhmm..." Fluttershy trailed off, blushing and hiding herself behind her pink mane.

"What's that, darling?" asked Rarity.

"I said I'm premhmhmht..." whispered the yellow pegasus inaudibly.

"She said she's pregnant' said Big Macintosh, in the doorway.

"WHAT?" shouted everypony in the room, except the blushing Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie who gave a loud snore.

"Yes, me and Mac have, um…well. You know" said the mare, whose face turned an even deeper color crimson.

"Mares and Stallions, I hate to break up the touching moment, bu…"

"Wait," Applejack said, turning to her brother, who had his arm around one of her best friends.

"So, ya'll'r sayin' that you are... And Apple Bloom and Ah're gonna be uuuhhh…" stammered the cowpony, as she suddenly fainted out of the shock.

"Now, if you please. Mr. Rocket, you still need to sign in, and get records for the baby" continued Nurse Redheart as Rarity and Twilight moved Applejack to the unoccupied chair next to Pinkie Pie.

Since Rainbow Dash had fallen asleep, Sky took the sleeping Spirit and fluttered over to the nurse, making sure to hold the precious newborn in both arms.

Nurse Redheart proceeded to mark the little colts' hoof prints on all four limbs, took measurements and weight. Then pricked the babies' skin with a sterile needle, drawing blood. This caused little Spirit to howl upon being woken up and jabbed.

"Shhh, shhh…it's okay, it's okay" cooed Sky, practically out of instinct. The babies' wails dropped to small whimpers. Nurse Redheart returned Spirit to Sky, who in turn put the baby back in the nestled arms of his mate, stripped out of his Wonderbolt Uniform, and sat down in the remaining seat, next to Rainbow, thinking that now the real adventure would begin, and he couldn't possibly be happier…

A/N: This will not be the end, there is still one more chapter, so stick around! I actually, I was barely able to get this out in time. With finals starting for me, I had to push this to the side in favor of a 10 page essay worth mega points. Fun Fact: I actually based the Rainbow/Rainday problem off my own. Even after 19 years, you'd think your own mother would be able to remember the difference between "David" and "Glenn".