• Published 7th Mar 2013
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Draconic Guardians of Equestria - Defias

After a particularly brutal fight involving a fallen Titan and a Draconic protector, a battle which nearly resulted in the death of both, the dragon, Vakarious, has been thrown into an unknown world.

  • ...

Chapter 14

"We're taking this trip because the Princess herself requested our presence in Canterlot," Twilight Sparkle said, facing her friends as they waited at the train station.
"Ughh, do we really need to be up this early?" complained Rainbow Dash. Twilight Sparkle shot her a look before continuing.
"Yes. Last night a Changeling was found in the castle," Twilight answered. The rest of the group gasped, Rarity seeming to almost faint. "While she didn't go into much detail, it is my firm belief that Princess Celestia wants us present because of everything we've learned on friendship," she finished.

Before anything else could be said, the train that awaited them was ready to go. Twilight was the last to board, looking back toward the town before stepping onto the train. As she boarded, she couldn't help but worry both about Spike, whom she left at the library, and about the future and the Changelings. She shook the thought for now though, deciding to worry about it later. After the girls found their seats, Twilight stood in the isle, clearing her throat to get her friend's attention. After she saw them paying attention to her, she began talking.

"Remember girls, we're going to Canterlot to meet somepony very important," she said, opting not to use the term 'Changeling' on a train with other ponies. "Keeping in mind 'who' we're visiting, that means keeping our cool and understanding that the Princesses have everything under control."
"Relax Twi, you know I'm already cool," Rainbow Dash said.
"While I don't exactly share Rainbow Dash's 'modesty'..." Rarity said, rolling her eyes, with Rainbow Dash to stick her tongue at her in response. "I believe I speak for all of us when I say you can count on us to behave in a sophisticated, professional manner," she finished, earning nods of approval from everyone else, including Rainbow Dash.

After the reassuring words from Rarity, Twilight Sparkle took her seat. Instead of sitting with her friends like she normally would have however, she decided she needed some time to herself to go over everything and took a seat by herself. As she looked out the window towards the disappearing town of Ponyville, she thought about the 'guest' they would be seeing in Canterlot. She wondered if the Changelings were planning another attack, and if they would be prepared and able to defeat them again. She then thought about the other 'guest', or newest resident rather.

He was strange, that much she knew. Though if what he told her and her friends was true, she had no choice but to expect the leader of a group of dragons to be nothing but strange, by her standards at least. She was a little worried about how he would fare in the town without her or her friends though. Granted, she didn't think he'd do anything bad, she just didn't want him getting lonely or something. Besides, thinking about how Vakarious would fare was better than thinking about a possible Changeling invasion. Just as well, her worries about his 'premature exposure' to the town were put to rest that morning when she had a glimpse at that mornings front page paper. She leaned back to relax as much as she could though, deciding that everything was okay. After all, if he did get 'lonely', Spike was still there.


Vakarious had stayed in the park the entire night, going over everything that had transpired over the past few days. His situation was unique; not even a week ago, he was involved in essentially World War III, defending it from what were basically space demons, to fighting the demon's leader, to suddenly awakening on an entirely different world. He knew how he ended up where he was, and though the odds of him getting back seemed against him, he knew the possibility was there. What he thought of the most though were the world's inhabitants; specifically, the ponies of Equestria. The fact that they existed isn't what he thought about. To his knowledge, there were a couple more alien worlds that were home to beings who were quite proficient in other energies. He was even aware of one such world driving the Burning Legion back not once, but four times, three of which, he was sure, was during his very own war with the Legion.

The ponies intrigued him, though. Though they seemed weak and timid at first glance, he could tell they were powerful. And that was what intrigued him the most; they had power, yet no urge, or history really, to abuse it as Humans surely would have. Not only that, but their extreme passiveness seemed to be their strength rather than weakness. In what way however, he wasn't sure. Having decided that thinking about history and nations was boring, Vakarious decided to head back into the town. He had to admit, he was rather curious as to how the town would react to him now. He prepared to expect everything from sheer horror and panic, to angry mobs and lynching parties, though he more expected the former.

He had made it to the town's center and went to look for anything that resembled a news bulletin. However, as he rounded the corner of a building, he noticed a blue Unicorn mare walking fairly quick with a newspaper held in front of her, not paying attention to where she was going. He also noticed a fairly large puddle of mud in front of her, and saw that she was heading right towards it. Instead of warning her though, he decided to have some fun at her expense and just watch her walk into it. Moments later, just as he knew, she stepped in and slipped in the puddle and fell face first, earning some laughter from Vakarious.

"Ha! Should probably watch where you're going next time," Vakarious said to the blue mare, calming himself to chuckling while still trying to prevent himself from breaking out in all out laughter.
"Ugh, great. This is just what Trixie needs to start of this already terrible day..." the blue mare muttered.
"Why the rush anyway? " Vakarious asked, helping the blue mare up.
"Just need to catch the train before it leaves, which is in just a few minutes," she answered.
"You mean that pink train that's leaving now?" Vakarious asked, pointing towards the train station he had just noticed with said train departing.
"Wonderful..." she said under her breath.

"Tell ya what. Since I now kinda feel a little bad about you missing your train, lemme make it up to you. Probably kind of my fault anyway," Vakarious offered. The blue mare looked at him as if he were crazy before responding.
"How is your fault? And more importantly, why would you do anything for me?" she asked.
"I don't know, I could have told you to watch out or something,. And why not? Isn't that like, the norm around here?" he asked.
"Sure, just not for this mare," she answered. Vakarious shrugged and was about to leave her until she continued. "What did you have in mind?"
"Well," he began, now realizing he had no idea where anything of relevance was. "I actually have no idea. I'm kinda new in town, so yeah."
"Ha! That explains it then," the blue mare suddenly said, earning a questioning look from Vakarious. Before he could ask, she answered for him. "I am The Gre---Trixie. The one who tried to use a powerful artifact to get revenge on a pony just because she showed me up, and ended up enslaving the entire town."
"Oh," was Vakarious' response. The blue mare, Trixie as he knew her now, began to head towards the train station before he stopped her. "So, yes or no?"
"I...Trixie does not understand. You have just been told that Trixie enslaved an entire town," she said.
"So? Wasn't here for that, so me watching you face plant a puddle of mud was your first impression on me. That being said, I've also been told that I should 'make friends', and you seem pretty decent so far," he replied.
"That's the--Ahem. Yes, since Trixie no longer has to worry about missing her train..." she shook her head, deciding not to dwell on that bit of misfortune. "There is a cafe very near here, and Trixie is quite hungry, if you are serious about 'making it up' to Trixie. And what might Trixie know you as?"
"That works. Kinda curious as to what passes for food here anyway. And the name is Vakarious," he answered.
"Well, Vakarious, Trixie thanks you for this kindness you've shown her," she said, as they both made their way to the cafe she had mentioned.


The train to Canterlot had finally arrived, much to the relief of everyone aboard. When Twilight and her friends departed the train, they saw that a Unicorn royal guard was waiting for them. Twilight knew this guard as one of her brother's top lieutenants. The guard, Lightning Clash, saluted Twilight and her friends as they approached him, before turning towards the castle proper.

"You made it faster than was expect, Ms. Sparkle," Lightning Clash said as he walked with the six friends.
"We just wanted to be here as soon as possible, seeing how urgent things are," Twilight Sparkle replied.

The six friends and the guard were nearing the inner walls of Canterlot Castle. After a bit of walking, Twilight noticed that they weren't heading to the main castle building, but rather a smaller, more rough building instead, one which she recognized very well. Curious, she went ahead of her friends and walked by Lightning Clash's side, eager to know more about the situation.

"Is the um...'Visitor', really that dangerous that they need to be put in the magical dungeons?" Twilight asked, already knowing the answer.
"We don't know. The Princess didn't want to take any chances. As it was, 'it' stayed in Discord's chamber's last night while Princess Luna prepared a special cell for it," Lightning Clash answered. "And once they got word, your brother arrived earlier this morning. Princess Cadence was to be present as well, but she had duties to attend to in the Crystal Empire."
"I see. So if the Princesses basically have everything under control, as well as having my brother here, what are we needed for?" she asked. Lighting Clash shrugged before answering.
"I'm not sure. Seeing as you six are the Elements of Harmony, I'd assume she'd want you to blast it with magical harmony magic in case she somehow escapes or something," he answered nonchalantly. Twilight didn't like his answer, but it made the most sense. At least it did make sense, until she realized that they didn't bring the Elements.

"Well, here we are," Lightning Clash said, snapping Twilight out of her thinking. She noticed that they stood in front of a black solid metal door. Lightning Clash saluted the six friends again before presumably returning to his post. The girls hesitated for a bit, standing in front of the relatively imposing door, before Pinkie Pie broke the silence.

"Oh! Maybe the Princesses wanted us to throw the Changeling a 'Welcome to Canterlot' party!" Pinkie Pie shouted, bouncing up and down.
"No offense sugar cube, but ah don't think that's what the Princesses want us to do. Especially considering, ya know, how the Changelings kinda attacked us during Twi's brother's weddin," Applejack said. Pinkie stopped her bouncing, but didn't change her mind.
"Let's head inside. There's nothing to worry about, and if anything does happen, my brother is here," Twilight said, earning the attention of all of her friends. She held the door open for her friends to enter, before following. After all, it's only one Changeling. That can't be too bad, right?

Author's Note:

Yup, I decided I wanted to add some Trixie to this. It came pretty short notice, but hey, post magical duel she can't be that bad right?