• Published 7th Mar 2013
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Draconic Guardians of Equestria - Defias

After a particularly brutal fight involving a fallen Titan and a Draconic protector, a battle which nearly resulted in the death of both, the dragon, Vakarious, has been thrown into an unknown world.

  • ...

Chapter 2

As Fluttershy lead Vakarious downstairs to meet the one called 'Twilight', a thought came to him. Why is she being so trusting and hospitable to a being she has never heard of nor seen before, that somehow possesses the ability to speak the same language as her? For the matter, why am I being so trusting for the same reasons, when I was the most distrusting person on Earth? And how, and why, am I able to speak and understand the same language as her? As they neared the door, Fluttershy shouted outside, letting 'Twilight' know that she had a guest over.

"Oh, just to let you know, so that way you're not surprised or shocked, I rescued somepony from the edge of the Everfree forest last night, if that's okay..." the shy Pegasus said, right before opening the door to reveal a lavender colored Unicorn. Well, if a Pegasus exists, why can't a Unicorn?

"Hey Fluttershy. Who's the pony you res--" she was, naturally cut off from surprise at the strange bipedal being that stood before her, next to her friend, holding a plate of eggs. And of course. Be it on Earth, or, wherever the hell I am, I screw up up my first impressions with the local populace. Wonderful. With that thought Vakarious shrugged, and composed himself.

"Hello. My name is Vakarious. And to whom do I owe the pleasure?" the Unicorn just stood there, dumbfounded for a bit, until she snapped herself back into reality.

"O-oh, I'm sorry. I'm Twilight Sparkle. Pardon my, initial reaction, and pardon me even further for asking, but, who and what ARE you?" the Unicorn, once back into reality, seemed more formal and composed than her Pegasus friend. Of course her name is Twilight Sparkle. 'Cause why not? I'm going to assume 'Twilight' isn't a title. Still though, kind of ironic how she does seem pretty similar to my sister, Alestra.

"Don't worry about the little, hiccup, so to speak. As I said, my name is Vakarious, and I am what my homeland calls a 'Human Being'." before she could ask anymore questions, Fluttershy spoke up.
"Why don't you come in Twilight, if you'd like?"
"Of course, that'd be nice," Twilight Sparkle said.

By the time the lavender Unicorn came inside, Vakarious already finished the eggs given to him and set the plate down on a table. If I wasn't who I was, and if I haven't already seen all the crazy crap I've seen, I would be handling all of this very, very poorly. Quite frankly, I'm surprised I'm handling all of this as well as I am. Maybe my surprise, stress, and shock were all lost over the 250 years of war though. As they entered a living room of sorts, they all sat down, Fluttershy breaking the silence by talking to Twilight Sparkle.

"So what brings you over here again, Twilight? If you don't mind my asking," Fluttershy asked, seemingly less shy, if that were possible.
"Oh, like I said. I saw the storm over the Everfree forest last night. While normally a storm over the Everfree forest occurring randomly isn't that unusual, I sensed a lot of magical build up, and on the way over here, felt a lot of magical residue. So, I just came to make sure you were okay, then I was going to investigate it a little bit and report any findings to the Princess," Twilight Sparkle said, almost as if even random magic storms were somewhat common. Great. A unicorn version of Alestra. And wait, she knows a Princess? Well, I always was one for asking stupid questions.

"If I may ask, which is probably something I'll end up regretting, but, who is this 'Princess' you speak of?" Vakarious indeed asked. He was met with silence, of which he expected. After all, if someone on Earth asked who even some worthless actor was, they'd probably get shot or stabbed.
"Um, well, Princess Celestia, along with her sister Princess Luna, rule Equestria together. She's responsible for raising the sun, while her sister raises the moon," Twilight Sparkle said, almost as if she was just insulted.
"I get you're not from Equestria, but, even beings outside Equestrian borders know who the Princesses are. Just who are you exactly?"
"As I said, my name is Vakarious, and as I also said, I am a human being. And, as for the storm you were referring to, I am of the strong belief that it had something to do with my appearance here. I just have but one simple question," Vakarious asked. If they didn't shoot at me, or attempt to lock me up, maybe I'll be able to get away with asking for an audience with this 'Princess'.

"What is it" Fluttershy asked, surprising Vakarious.
"Well, it's more for Miss Twilight Sparkle. But, considering I heard you say you report to the Princess, and the fact that I, an unknown creature possibly entered into this world through a storm, would the odds of me being granted an audience with the Princess be out of the question?" There is no way in hell this is going to work. I'm going to have to get out of here soon, find a damn ley line, and work with whatever arcane power I have to try and at least find Earth. Ugh.

"Under normal circumstances, it's not really that simple. But considering everything you said, I think it would be possible. And honestly, I think it'd be a great idea," Twilight Sparkle said, with no hesitation. Hmm, whatever, stranger things have happened that me being wrong. But seriously, what the hell? Me, strange creature, arcane storm, and I'm going to see the ruler of this world with no background check on me at all? Either I'm clearly outmatched here, or these horses are way too trusting. As am I, apparently, since I'm not even hesitating meeting their leader. I've gotta ask...

"I have to ask, both of you. Why are you both so naively trusting me so much? I mean, as I said, I'm a strange creature, I came here from a particularly violent arcane storm, yet I'm given shelter by Fluttershy here, and you didn't hesitate for a second agreeing to an audience with me and your Princess, despite me not knowing she existed." I probably could have sounded less annoyed, but, honesty is key here.

Fluttershy seemed a little hurt by Vakarious' words, but, she'd answer him the best she could.
"Well, you were hurt, and scared..."
"Well, yes...I could see it in your eyes..."
"And how would you know what I was by just looking at my eyes?" it was a dumb thing to ask, considering Vakarious shared a special connection with life in general. Seeing a persons, or any beings intentions by just looking into their eyes, was not as outlandish as he made it seem. The fact that I was apparently afraid of something and I don't even know what, worries me.

"It's just my special gift..." Fluttershy said.
"Fair enough. But what about everything else I asked?"
"For one, you're right. Your sudden appearance after a strange storm is indeed report worthy to the Princess. As for 'naively' trusting you: I'm not putting blind trust in you. Quite the contrary, actually. It is because I DON'T trust you at all, that I think you should see the Princess. As she is the most powerful being here, if you were bad news in anyway, or you did try anything, I have complete confidence that she could stop you with ease," Twilight Sparkle said, with both a hint of confidence and bragging. Bullshit she could 'stop me with ease'. I'll let this Unicorn believe what she wants to believe though. Arrogance apparently isn't only a human nature.

"Fine. While I truly do not mean you or your kind any harm, it just strikes me as odd that you'd be so trusting of me. But as you yourself said, you don't trust me, which is good. Where I'm from, you can't trust Humans for all of the tea in ch-the world." Pretty sure they don't know what China is.

"Well, now that we're clear, shall we get going? We'll need my number 1 assistant to send the Princess a letter," Twilight said.
"If you don't mind Twilight, I'm going to stay here. I still have to feed some of my animals, and I have to fluff Angel's tail the way he likes it," Fluttershy said.
"That's fine. Well then Vakarious, shall we go?" Vakarious merely nodded.


The whole trip to Twilight Sparkle's apparent home/library was filled with nothing but silence. And, so as not to cause a panic in the town, Twilight had hidden Vakarious in some clouds. As they approached the library, Vakarious noticed what it was. A tree huh? That's actually kinda nice. I can feel that it's alive too, and not even in any pain. Now that I notice it, the elements of this world aren't crying out in pain either.
As soon as Twilight Sparkle opened the door, she called the name of what appeared to be her number one assistant.

"Spike! Spike! I need to send a letter to the Princess!" As he listened, he could hear the sound of not hoof steps, but actual, footsteps. Familiar footsteps at that. What he saw dumbfounded him yet again. So, village of horses, and a dragon whelp lives among them? I'm just going to pretend that I thought dragons didn't exist, though maybe my true form won't be so terrifying to them...I'm not going to risk it though, instead I'll just play dumb.

"If you don't mind my asking, what is he? No offense," Vakarious whispered to Twilight Sparkle. Twilight merely giggled at the question, but she answered.
"Why, Spike is a dragon. He's just a baby dragon though, but he's a dragon nonetheless. Do dragons not exist where you're from?" Vakarious had to fight with every part of his being not to break out in laughter, so he simply answered the best way anyone else in his position would answer.

"Oh. Well yes, he's a dragon. Most dragons of this world are actually much, much bigger, and have wings, which allow them flight. Unfortunately, with the exception of Spike, most, if not all dragons, are very greedy, territorial, and very hostile," Twilight said, seeming a little disappointed. Isolated dragons that are territorial and filled with greed? Pathetic. Not even worthy of being called dragons. Dragons that are feral as they are, whether they're capable of speech or not, are nothing more than animals. Pests that do nothing but destroy. But, I'll give this little whelp a chance. He seems good enough.

"Sorry Twilight. I had to um, fix my bed..yeah...Anyway, is this thing here the reason you need to send Princess Celestia a letter?" the little baby, or, whelpling asked.
"Yup. Spike, meet Vakarious. Vakarious, meet Spike, my number 1 assistant," Twilight said, with Spike seeming proud of the title.

"Pleasure," Vakarious could see why Praetorian was always so emotionless. It was kinda fun to do to them.
"Ready to write when you are Twilight!" the little dragon exclaimed, happily.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Last night, a strange storm occurred in the Everfree forest. While I understand that storms randomly occur in the Everfree forest quite frequently, this one was different. For one, it only lasted a very little amount of time, lasting just long enough for a bolt of lightning to be cast, and when said bolt struck, a strange, purple glow surrounded it.

This morning, I left for Fluttershy's to make she sure was okay, then to investigate what I could of the storm. However, when I made it to Fluttershy's cottage, she had explained that she had rescued an animal near the edge of the Everfree forest. The creature in question that she rescued turns out to be, well, a sentient being. He calls himself a 'Human Being', who he claims his name as 'Vakarious', speaks our language fluently, and what has me even more at ease, is his lack of surprise of his surroundings, or the fact that he interacts with us as if he's known of our existence before.

Considering the fact that the time the storm took place and this new being's arrival, I think it is no coincidence that the two are related. In fact, Vakarious himself reasoning that he came from the storm. Quite honestly, he makes me uneasy. He has requested an audience with you at your earliest convenience, but I'm not sure such arrangements should be made. I think he should stay in Ponyville so we can observe him for a bit.

Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle.

"Okay Spike, send it," Twilight said to Spike. Suddenly, Spike gave a breathe of green fire, and the letter disappeared in a green trail towards an open window, leaving just a small bit of ash behind. Letter by dragon flame. We haven't use that since the Americans came over to, well, America. Vakarious mused to himself.

"Strange, I didn't know burning letters was common practice here," Vakarious said, acting as if he had no clue what happened.
"Oh yes, it's strange dragon magic. Unfortunately, since we don't know much about dragons, I couldn't even begin to tell you how it's done," Twilight said. That's funny, for your Princess being very powerful, I could tell you every single detail of how that letter spell is done. Hell, I could probably even show you how to do it, given your apparent affinity for magic.
Just then, Spike started grabbing his stomach, and let loose a loud burp, along with a scroll bearing a seal of some kind. And look at that, he can even receive letters. I'm guess he's around 20ish years about.

"Wow, that was quick!" Twilight exclaimed, feigning excitement to conceal her worry.
"Well, this will only take a bit, then I can show you around Ponyville Vakarious!" she said.
"Can't wait," Vakarious said, feigning excitement as well.

My most faithful Student

I know of the storm you speak of, though I didn't witness it myself, my sister, Luna, saw the entire event, and what you described is indeed what my sister saw as well. I fully believe that what occurred that night was an opening of a concentration of magic known as a 'Ley Line'. I will explain further when next we meet.

As for your new guest, I do not doubt at all that he arrived through that storm, though I cannot answer as to how he may have done so. However, I expect, and trust, that you will treat him no different than you would treat anypony else, and that you will treat him with respect. He is in an unknown land surrounded by unknown creatures to him.

Also, please inform Vakarious that I will indeed grant him an audience and inform him of his situation personally by tomorrow. I will send royal guards to meet you at your library in the morning so you may depart immediately.

Princess Celestia

Although she was a little annoyed, she realized that the Princess was right. Vakarious didn't deserve the disrespect she had shown him. Still, she wasn't sure how she'd take him about town without causing a panic, or at the very least, causing everypony to stare at him.

"Well?" Vakarious asked, arms crossed and brow raised.
"The Princess will see you. Tomorrow, in fact. So we leave in the morning for Canterlot. In the meantime, I'd like to show you around Ponyville and introduce you to the rest of my friends. Although, I'm not sure the rest of the town will quite share my um, 'open mindedness' about you, if you catch my meaning," Twilight said, nervously.
"Oh, that won't be a problem at all. If I may, can I see your ha--hoof?" Vakarious asked.
"Um, for what?" Twilight asked, hesitantly.
"Where I'm from, my kind can form connections with the wild life of my world, allowing us to change our appearance to that of any animal," Vakarious said, honestly and confidently. His confidence, however, was broken by a very loud shriek and the shout of something he was pretty sure was bad.

"CHANGELING!" Twilight shouted.
"Um, what now?" Vakarious asked, confused, though pretty sure he offended her. Maybe I called her fat by accident?
"You're a changeling! I knew there was something off about you!" She said again, this time a little quieter.
"Um, yeah, I'm not quite sure what creatures inhabit this world, but whatever a changeling is, I'm probably not one of them."
"Um, if you can change your shape to look like anypony, then yes, you're a changeling!" Twilight said, anger in her voice this time, as well as her horn beginning to light up with a purple magical aura.

"Yeah...it's not that simple. I can't make myself look like anyone I want, nor can I change my gender. Whatever form I take of any animal or person, is a unique look to me, and me alone. I can't, for example, make myself look like you," Vakarious said, which seemed to ease the shrieking/angry Unicorn.
"The reason I can change my form is because of our natural connection to life and boring stuff like that," he said, reassuring her that he wasn't whatever she said he was.

"Now, can I see your hoof real quick?" Vakarious asked. This time, Twilight agreed, albeit reluctantly. After a few seconds, Vakarious let her hoof go, and began the transformation. After a few more seconds, where once a human stood in her library, now a sleek, very dark glossy purple Pegasus Stallion stood.
"Wow...that was some amazing magic," Twilight said, still in awe.
"Not really. Besides, that power is restricted here, since I seem to not be attuned to this world like I am my own," Vakarious said with a matter in a blunt tone.
"So, if I may ask, what does your Cutie Mark represent?" Twilight asked.
"My what now...?" Vakarious asked, confusion clearly in his voice.
"You don't know what a Cutie Mark is do you..."
"No I do not," Vakarious answered, now looking at what Twilight was looking. And sure enough, on both sides of his flanks, he bore the insignia of the Obsidian Draconic Guardians. I hate this form. Sure, I'm more flexable in it than normal Earth horses, but I hate hooves. If I can't have claws, then I don't like being on all fours. I'll be sure to only use this form in public. Much as I dislike humans, their body structure is amazingly damn comfortable and practical.

"A Cutie Mark is obtained by young ponies when they discover their unique characteristic or talent. A ponies Cutie Mark represents their special talent, and often, ponies live their lives doing whatever their special talent is. For example, my Cutie Mark represents my affinity for magic, while my friend Fluttershy's represents her care and gift with animals," Twilight informed.
"Oh," Vakarious responded simply. Frankly, he didn't care all that much, and actually hated the term.
"Right...Anyway, what does your Cutie Mark represent?" Twilight asked again, annoyed because her explanation went unappreciated.

"It's the insignia of the Obsidian d-Guardians. The Obsidian Guardians is a very large group of d-people that devote themselves and their entire life to the protection of my world, the elements, and preservation of all life, great or small," Vakarious said plainly. At least I'm not lying, merely leaving some key things out. Vakarious mused to himself.

"Oh," Twilight responded, the same way Vakarious responded to her little rant. Though unlike Vakarious, she was actually very interested in these 'Obsidian Guardians' and their goals. Vakarious wasn't bothered either way by her apparent lack of interest in his explanation. Both, because he just wanted to return to his own world, and because he could see through her terrible attempts at feigning disinterest.

"Well, okay then...Shall we get going then?" Twilight asked, wanting to break the awkward silence.
"I suppose. Though, I'd like to learn a little about this Princess of yours first. Both, so I'm not completely socially unaware, and since I will be making her acquaintance tomorrow," Vakarious said.
"Hmm, well, alright," Twilight said, kind of annoyed. Not because she had to explain the history of her mentor, something she in fact loved doing. It was more so because he was right.


"...And that's when Princess Celestia's sister, Princess Luna, was freed from, well, herself," Twilight said. She had spent the last hour telling Vakarious everything she knew of the entire history of Princess Celestia's rule, and Twilight's time as her student.

Damn it. Finally, holy shit. And I thought Twilight Alestra explaining the physics of Quantum Arcane Energy Straining was mind hell. And this Princess of hers is only 1,000 years old, yet apparently 'oh so powerful and wise?' Bullshit. A thousand years ago I was walking the streets of Rome when she apparently took power. And Discord is apparently this 'powerful spirit of chaos and disharmony?' Yet, he allowed himself to get turned to stone twice, and now listens to Fluttershy...? Clearly she hasn't met anyone like Draken'kar or Sargeras...Not to mention Celestia's sister and her going crazy...Such actions would have led to her death on my world. My kind do not tolerate traitors, no matter who they are or how sorry they are. The sooner I'm off of this damn world, the better.

"So. Any questions?" Twilight asked, a little excited.
"No no, I think I got the gist of it all. Quite a lot of interesting history there, though," he said, trying to hide his sarcasm, and trying not to roll his eyes.

"I think I'd like to meet the rest of these friends of yours now, though, if you wouldn't mind," he didn't like the idea, but anything was better than spending any more time with what seemed to be an exact replication of his sister, Twilight Alestra.
"Good idea! And since this form of yours is a Pegasus, you're going to love my friend Rainbow Dash!" Twilight said, excited still. The temptation of opening a giant ravine and just bathing this world in flame grows and grows with each passing minute. No, no no no no no. Bad thoughts. Doing so would make me no better than the Old Gods or Burning Legion.

"Sounds fun."