• Published 7th Mar 2013
  • 1,233 Views, 16 Comments

Draconic Guardians of Equestria - Defias

After a particularly brutal fight involving a fallen Titan and a Draconic protector, a battle which nearly resulted in the death of both, the dragon, Vakarious, has been thrown into an unknown world.

  • ...

Chapter 3

On a particularly sunny day, a lavender Unicorn was walking with a new glossy dark purple Pegasus that seemed to be new in town. The Pegasus in question was, frankly, quite strange. His wings resembled those of the Royal Night Guard, his tail seemed very reptilian, and his Cutie Mark was a circle with a dragons head within it. All things considering, while I may hate walking and being in this form, I can't deny the fact that for a Pegasus of this world, I look pretty awesome. As they approached a clearing in a field, Vakarious could hear a slightly raspy voice calling Twilight's name. Curious, he looked up, and sure enough, he saw a Cyan Pegasus with a mane and tail being the colors of the rainbow. Gee, I wonder who that is...

"Hey Twilight, what's up? Who's your new friend?" The rainbow Pegasus asked, teasingly.
"I'm knew in town, actually. My name is Vakarious, though. Twilight told her her friend's name, and, judging from your color scheme, I'm going to assume you're the one called 'Rarity'. Again, just an assumption, based on the fact that your mane and tail are SOOO well taken care of," Vakarious shot at her, intending to be as sarcastic as he possibly could. Quite honestly, he was expecting, and wanting her to react as negatively as possible, maybe even making her kick him or something. But, life is not so fortunate.

"Um no. My name is Rainbow Dash! I'm letting you off the hook this time, since you're knew and all, but surely you've heard of the name right? Right? C'mon, what am I talking about! Of course you have! No one is as amazing as the one and only Rainbow Dash!" She exclaimed, not holding back on any show boating whatsoever.

"Hmm, I notice you have my personality. Frankly, I love my personality, because it makes me, well, me. With that said, knowing exactly how I am, I now know, given the impressions you've made upon me, that I want to stay as far away from you as possible, and never talk to you. Ever,"
Vakarious said. He normally wasn't this cruel to mortals, but this world was starting to make him go mad. He could resist the whispers of the Old Gods, could even make them fear him, yet this world was going to be the death of his sanity. He needed to let loose some cruelty.

"Hah! Whatever you say chump! With messed up wings like those, I bet don't even have a personal wing power of 0.1! Let alone being able to create a sonic rainboom!"
The rainbow mare exclaimed, proudly yet again. Twilight just sat back and laughed. It was almost as if she was watching Rainbow Dash argue with Rainbow Dash. This was not a moment she was going to pass up, and enjoyed every minute.

"Uh huh. No clue what wing power is, nor do I really know what a sonic rainboom is, though I have an idea, I have to be honest, though. I'm not impressed, at all. As far as I'm concerned, you're all talk, with nothing really to show for it. Not to mention the idea of a creature such as yourself breaking the sound barrier and living to tell about it is the most stupid concept I have ever heard," Vakarious retorted. He wasn't annoyed by her, he just really, really needed to vent his cruelty, and her pride was just the thing to do that with.

"Tell you what hot shot, I'll race you from here to that cloud over there, to the north. If you beat me, not only will I be impressed, I'll also stop knocking you about your wings. I beat you, then you'll never hear the end of it. Deal?" She challenged
"As a favorite man of mine said: Let's see see if the mare lives up to the challenge!" and with that, Vakarious and Rainbow Dash were off.

Surprisingly to Vakarious, Rainbow Dash was indeed quick. Damn it...I'm going to lose to this one of all the things here...Why the hell did I quote a first level boss anyway...Idiot... Just as surprisingly to Rainbow Dash, however, was the fact that, giving a good amount of effort, this new Pegasus was actually keeping up with her, neck and neck. She wouldn't allow herself to be made a fool, though. No, she would show this new Pegasus his place. As the last meters of the race came to an end, Rainbow Dash let loose all of her speed, completely blowing Vakarious in the dust, or in this case, clouds.Well damn, I lost. Who knew. All things considering, for example the fact that this is a knew body and this was the first time I've flown in it, I did pretty damn good. At least, I'll tell myself that. Knowing how much effort she put though, especially at the end, I know for a fact I would blow her away in my dragon form. Oh well, such is life.

"Impressive, if I do say so myself. Given the fact that this is the first time I've flown and race, after all," Vakarious said, not showing a single ounce of shame or embarrassment, much to Rainbow Dash's chargin.
"What are you so smug about? You lost, by a long shot loser!" Rainbow Dash teased. She wouldn't admit it, but if what he said was true, and that this was his first time flyi---

"Wait, your first time flying, what do you mean? How have you never flown before...? Even Fluttershy was flying when she was a filly," Rainbow Dash questioned the new Pegasus.
"Oh, yeah, you don't know yet, do you? I think I'll have Miss Twilight Sparkle here explain," Vakarious said, purposely putting the Unicorn in the spotlight.
"Well Twilight, who is he?" Rainbow Dash demanded....


"...And that's how he ended up here." Twilight had finally finished her explanation, panting a little.
"And you're sure he's not a changeling...?" Rainbow Dash asked, for the 3rd time.
"Positive," Twilight responded, annoyed at the repeated question.
"So, as much as I'd like to meet the rest of your friends, by which I mean I'd really rather not, I think it'd be a less waste of time if you just gathered the rest of them up and we told them the entire situation at the library. That's just my 2 cents," Vakarious stated bluntly.
"Well, I think you're a little upset because Rainbow Dash blew you away in that challenge, hence why you think you wouldn't want to meet the rest of my friends. But I think you're right, it would save a lot of time and stress just telling them all the situation. And one question..." Twilight began.
"Form of currency where I'm from," Vakarious interrupted.
"Alright then...Why don't you gather everypony Rainbow, and I'll take Vakarious back to the library," Twilight said, with Rainbow Dash giving a quick salute before flying off. Lovely, I get to be lectured by the rest of these 'friends' of hers. I'm beginning to debate whether it was a good idea shifting into my human form. Vakarious shook the thought, and followed Twilight.


As Vakarious followed Twilight into the library, a burning pain in his side and stomach reminded him of a question he wished to ask the Unicorn. So, reluctantly, he began, turning into his human self.

"Alright, you're gonna be a bit repulsed by what I'm going to show you, which is completely understandable. But, it's even more important that you find a way to cleanse what I'm going to show you. Now, can you promise me that you'll seriously look into fixing this?" Vakarious asked, trying to sound as sincere as he could.
"Okay, but I'm not really a doctor, I'm just skilled with magic and magical properties," the Unicorn responded.

"I know, that's why I'm asking you to do this," Vakarious retorted. Shortly after, he removed his 'shirt' and revealed his wounds. Twilight Sparkle was indeed repulsed by what she saw. While she didn't like seeing his wounds, it was the green, unnatural coloring that surrounded and embedded them.

"What...IS THAT? WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!?" Twilight shouted.
"Calm down, it's not that serious yet. What this is, is called 'Fel taint'. It is a corrupted form of Arcane energy, or, magic. Normally the amount that you see here is non deadly, however, given the deepness of my wounds, much of the Fel taint was allowed to go deep within my body. Now, the reason it is of utmost importance that you find a way to cure this is because of two possible outcomes: Either I die, which would be rather unfortunate for me, or I become insane and mindless, and start wreaking havoc upon the town killing innocent, um, ponies, which would be unfortunate for me AND you. Now, can you find a way to extract, or better yet, destroy the taint?" Vakarious asked, showing no emotion in his voice. Now was not the time for such weakness. After a bit of just staring, Twilight finally moved closer to inspect the area of Vakarious' wounds. After some looking and scanning magically, she finally had an answer for him.

"I don't know what this stuff is, but you are right. It is a form of magic, just a tainted form of it. Now, if I extracted it, it wouldn't be painful for you at all, but the risk of it affecting me is great. However, I can destroy it as well, without actually harming you physically, but, in doing so, it would cause you great pain," she responded bluntly.
"Destroy it. I care not for the pain that will ensue," Vakarious said, voice still devoid of emotion.

A few moments and shrieks of agony later, they were done. The process of destroying the Fel taint was very simple, the procedure only taking a couple of minutes. However, just as Twilight had said, it was very painful for the dragon. He endured though. He would not allow an innocent to become corrupt by such foul magic, no matter how much she annoyed him. In fact, he was now in her debt, which he had no qualms of informing her about.

"It was nothing Vakarious. Really. Besides, considering me being able to hurt you payback for you saying you didn't want to meet the rest of my friends," she stated, when she heard a knock on the door suddenly. "Speaking of which, they're here! C'mon, in your um, hu-man form," she told him.


As far as introductions were concerned, these weren't so bad. Vakarious was already quite friendly with the quiet Fluttershy, he was impressed with Rainbow Dash's speed and brashness, and was grateful for Twilight Sparkle's help in cleansing the Fel taint within him (Despite the fact that he didn't tell her exactly what it was and how he got it in the first place, much to her chargin). As for the rest, the one called Rarity annoyed him slightly due to, what he called to himself, 'self righteous attitude', but did admire her gem finding ability. The one called Applejack was probably his favorite next to the shy Pegasus who saved him. However, it took all of his will, sanity, strength of courage, and every fiber in his being not to go into a Draconic Frenzy when around the one called Pinkie Pie. Her name irks me, her bouncing irritates me, and I hate parties. Though I wasn't fond of them in the past, I never, ever hated them to the extent I do now. I swear the Titans better somehow hold me back if she EVER tries to throw me one of her surprise parties.

After the introductions were finished, and some of Twilight's questions answered, Vakarious decided he'd look up some more information on the history of this world. It never hurt, and besides, he always liked the history of different races and cultures anyway.
Hmm, the 'History of the Crystal Empire'. Intriguing. 'The days before the Regal Princess Sisters'. Another intriguing one. Hmmm, one dated only a few months ago. Lets see, 'The Crystal Empire: King Sombra's Tyranny'. Latin and tyranny huh? This requires study! As he was about to begin reading the book, he was interrupted by none other than Spike.

"Guess you want me to check the book out before actually reading?" Vakarious inquired.
"No, I know a secret about you though," the little dragon said. Vakarious wouldn't admit it to anyone, but he was a bit uneasy right now.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone at all, Pinkie Promise. But, are you related to dragons in anyway?" Spike asked, waiting patiently.
"Um, and you would get that idea from, where exactly...?" Vakarious asked, trying to play dumb.
"Vakarious: Draconic for Obsidian's Rebirth. I'm a dragon dude, I know draconic, even if I'm still young," the little dragon replied. Well, shit.
"You swear you won't tell anyone else, right?" Vakarious asked.
"I Pinkie Promised," Spike replied.
"Yeah, I don't know what that is. You're a dragon though, so do you swear a dragon's oath that you won't tell anyone else?" Vakarious asked again.
"I, Spike the Dragon, swear a dragons oath not to tell anyone else whatever secret you are going to tell me," Spike replied.

"Alright. My name is true. I am Vakarious, Dragonlord of the Obsidian Draconic Brood, and leader of the Obsidian Draconic Guardians, guardians of the world known simply as Earth. I don't know if you have any clue of what all of that is, but basically, I'm the leader of a large group of dragons, and said group protects my world from any and all things that would threaten it's existence, so to speak," Vakarious said, quietly and bluntly.
"Whoa...." was Spike's only response. Vakarious expected as much.
"So, how old are you...?"
"Well, my egg was conceived around a couple million years ago, I lose track of the exact time. However, I was hatched around 2,600 years ago," Vakarious responded, whispering still.
"So...You're older than Princess Celestia...? Even Discord...? I didn't think that was possible..." Vakarious could tell the little dragon was in disbelief.
"Well, I'm not from this world, so, yes, it makes sense. I need to get going though, if you wouldn't mind," Vakarious stated, trying to make sure the little dragon knew that he just wanted to read the book he had.


As the party to welcome Vakarious to Ponyville began to die down and everyone began to leave, Vakarious felt it comfortable to go back to using his human form. How the hell the pink one turned a simple introduction into a large ass party in less than a minute is beyond me. That's something I'm going to have Alestra research.

"That was a great party don't you think? Did you like it Vaky? Huh? did you? did you? I like it a lot, it was super duper uper fun! Oh my gosh! We should totally have party to celebrate how fu----" Pinkie was cut off by Twilight's hood in her mouth, something Vakarious was thankful for, yet another thing he owed Twilight.

"Look, Pinkie Pie is it? I don't like parties. I never have. And while I do appreciate the gesture of this one, I would greatly appreciate it if you didn't throw anymore 'parties' for me. Forever. Can you do that for me please?" Vakarious asked, just wanting a simple yes or no.
"You don't like parties? But who doesn't like parties? Everypony likes parties!" Pinkie exclaimed.
"Yeah, well, in case you haven't really noticed, I'm not a pony. With that said, no more parties for me, deal?" if there was one thing Vakarious hated more than anything, it was repeating himself.
"Okay fine! But on one condition! You should totally come over by Sugar Cube Corner tomorrow to meet Mr. and Mrs. Cake and their twins!" she practically shouted out her 'compromise'.
"We'll see. I have important things to do tomorrow, so if time is available, I will." Vakarious responded.
"You have to Pinkie Promise that you'll be there tomorrow!" Pinke exclaimed. Now, there was one other thing Vakarious hated almost as equally as repeating himself, and that was being told that he 'had' to do something, especially by mortals. He was even annoyed by it when the Titan's ordered him around.

"Now, I'm going to let you go easy, since you don't know me. But there is absolutely nothing in this world, or any other world for that matter, that I 'have' to do. Now as I said, since you do not know me, I'm letting you off easy this time. But for future reference, know that I do not allow others to tell me what I 'have' to do. Now, with that said, I will try to make it tomorrow if time allows it. Deal?" Vakarious asked, keeping his tone calm, yet stern. Pinkie just looked at him for a second before responding.

"Okie dokie loki!" She exclaimed before bouncing outside of the library.
"Wow, I've never seen anypony get out of making a Pinkie Promise with Pinkie Pie. How did you manage that?" Twilight asked, seemingly dumbfounded.
"Simple. Don't let someone else dictate what you do," Vakarious responded slightly bluntly, slightly amused.
"Hmm, didn't ever think of her as dictating what we do, we just liked being there for Pinkie," Twilight responded.
"Well, you can't be there for someone all the time. Otherwise, my life would be far too easy. Disappointment is a part of life as well, after all," and with that, Vakarious began making his way towards the door.

"Oh, a couple things before I forget. First, I'd like to check this book out, The Crystal Empire: King Sombra's Tyranny, and, Fluttershy, I was wondering if I could stay at your home tonight. If not, understandable," Vakarious asked.
"Oh, of course, I don't mind at all," Fluttershy said.
"If I may ask, why do you want to read this book?" Twilight asked, slightly confused. Is she seriously asking me why I want to check a book out...? Is there some law I broke or something, is there some proper etiquette to borrowing a book from a library...?

"Well, yaknow, I just saw it and thought it'd make for a pretty cool chair. Since, you know, that's what books are used for and all," Vakarious said, trying to sound as sarcastic and condensending as possible.
"Right...Just take care of it. I hoof wrote that book from scratch, and it's the only copy I have right now," Twilight responded. And with that, Vakarious took on his Pegasus form and followed Fluttershy to her cottage.


As Vakarious followed Fluttershy, he couldn't help but recall and ponder over something she had told him.
'Well, you were hurt, and scared...' True, I was definitely hurt, but what the hell was I afraid of? I mean, I remember being apparently lifted by her, and I remember that dream I had, which was after I was dropped here. So what could I have been afraid of? More importantly, why am I even pondering this, when instead I should be figuring out how to get back to my world? And why am I not stressed out about any of this? Ugh, Galvadir, Praetorian, whatever the hell you want me to call you, I wish you were here right now...

"Are you okay Vakarious?" Fluttershy asked the seemingly dazed dragon.
"Um, yeah, I'm fine. Just pondering some thoughts, is all," he replied. It was the truth, at least.
"Oh, well, okay then. If you want to talk about anything though, then, you know..." Fluttershy struggled.
"I'm fine." Vakarious stated coldly, cutting her off. Fluttershy didn't respond for the rest of the way.

"Well, we're here. If you need anything, or want anything, just please let me know," the shy Pegasus said.
"Will do," Vakarious replied, still cold. Fluttershy headed towards her room, feeling too tired to continue her daily routine of checking on and feeding her animals for tonight. Fluttershy also couldn't help but feel sad for Vakarious. While she had barely known him for only a day, she knew something had happened to him, that much was certain to her. What's more, is whatever happened to him, troubled him greatly. So she would wait until he either opened up to her, or somepony, or until he somehow got over what was bothering him.

Vakarious, however, had his thoughts elsewhere. 'The Crystal Empire: King Sombra's Tyranny.' Let's see what you did and how long you lasted Mister Shadow. 'Note, all information contained within this document is mostly speculation, and should be left up to the reader's interpretation. Speculative pages will be marked accordingly. It should be noted, most of the unknown speculation on King Sombra, is his biography, his reign as king of the Crystal Empire, how long his rule lasted, and the details of his imprisonment.' Well, let's see if Sombra here is in anyway related to the Old Gods.