• Published 17th Apr 2013
  • 3,016 Views, 61 Comments

Gojira and the Battle for Equestria - Immortan Joe

A massive, unstoppable beast rose up from the depths of Equestria. It destroyed our homes; it began to spread plagues and famine throughout our country side. It ruined foreign relations, it even killed our forerunners.

  • ...


Chapter 4: Preparation

Twilight Sparkle ran around her library in a rush, quickly grasping at books and flipping through the pages. Releasing another aggravated groan she tossed yet another book aside into the pile behind her. "There has to be something relating to the creature in the photo somewhere around here!" She moaned plopping down on her haunches.

"Come on Twilight you can't give up now." Her trusty assistant Spike said, making his way towards her holding a feather duster.

"But Spike I checked every book twice, I even tripled checked a few!" She said, she let out a sigh and slowly climbed back onto her hooves and began levitating the books back onto their shelves in their rightful spots. "There's nothing in these books that relate back to the creature in the paper." She said placing the final book on the shelf, she trotted into the kitchen and lifted the news paper that was resting on the table and hoofed it over to Spike. Who just made his way into the kitchen, taking the paper in his claws Spike examined the perfectly taken picture.

It was a picture of a large dragon like creature looking over the mountain at the ruins of Manesville the picture was taken exactly one week ago. Ever since that day the picture was taken the creature hasn't been seen, it was as if it has fallen off the face of the Earth. "It just looks like an ordinary dragon to me." Spike said handing the paper back over to Twilight.

"That's just it, Spike, it does look like a dragon, but the thing is it has no wings! Also dragons don't get that big!" Twilight said a little over dramatically.

Spike rolled his eyes, "Twilight, I think you're making a too big of a deal about this, so what you got a dragon that doesn't have wings and had one too many growth spurts. Like look at me for example, when I grew I had no wings,"

Twilight sighed, "Yeah, I guess you're right but that doesn't explain why the ponies of Manesville are suffering from a possibly incurable disease." Twilight said making her way back towards her collection of books; she levitated two books off the shelf that had the titles, All You Need to Know about Diseases 101 and The History of the Great Pony Plague.

How convenient. Spike thought.

Twilight began rifling through the pages of the books simultaneously, occasionally looking back and forth between the two. "See, Spike, there's nothing in here about this unknown disease," She said "The news paper stated that the ponies suffering from it where having symptoms of boils, tumors, and also dark spots under their coat. The biggest one of them all is fur loss; ponies had fur falling off their body in locks, large clumps of fur just falling off of them for no reason at all."

Spike raised an eyebrow at this. "Sounds bad," He said "least they don't have to worry about grooming themselves anymore." Twilight slammed the book shut and glared at Spike angrily. Spike raised his claws in defense, "S-s-sorry I was only kidding."

"Spike, do you know what happened to those ponies," she asked, Spike shook his head no. "They all died painfully." She said placing both books back on the shelf.

"Oh..." Spike said lowering his head, "Sorry,"

Twilight nodded her head, "It's okay Spike you didn't know, just think before you speak alright," she smiled glancing over at Spike, "Well I'm going to be heading out for a while okay, and I need you to watch over the library while I'm out. In case anypony shows up wanting to get a book or something." Twilight made her way towards the door and grabbed her saddle bag which laid their idle as usually. Spike waved goodbye as Twilight made her way out the door.


Ponyville was in a state of paranoia, everypony who heard about the destruction of Manesville and the discovery of the new monster. Scared the living crap out of all the residents, some citizens even packed their things and left. Some ponies even began heading north, towards the Crystal Empire.

But for the most part though, the citizens just didn't go outside, so the streets were pretty much empty. Save for a few merchant ponies trying to earn a few bits. Twilight Sparkle on the other hand though was heading over to Sweet Apple Acres to help Applejack with harvesting this season’s apples.

After a brisk walk Twilight finally reached the orchard in only a matter of minutes, as she made her way up the dirt path towards the farm house. She was greeted by one of her friends, Applejack; she was seen pulling a few empty baskets out of the house.

"Hey AJ how's it going," Twilight asked smiling at her friend,

"Could be better, Twi, hey could you help me out by taken a few of these baskets?" AJ asked placing a few of the baskets on her back.

"Yeah sure," Twilight said, using her magic she lifted the rest of the baskets and placed them on her back.

"Thanks," Said AJ, while they made their way to the field, "Say, Twi," Applejack said trying to start a conversation, "did you find anything about that new monster yet?" Twilight sighed,

"I'm afraid not, I searched through every book and I found nothing! It's as if the creature appeared out of nowhere just a week ago." Applejack raised an eyebrow,

"So you're sayin you found nothing," she asked,

Twilight shook her head, "Not a single thing,"

"Well, maybe it did just appear out of nowhere then,"

Twilight stopped and glanced at AJ, "But that wouldn't make any sense," AJ shrugged,

"Well the point is, Twi, it's here now and there's nothin we can do about it." AJ turned and began heading back down the dirt road towards the field, Twilight sighed and followed in behind.


Celestia sat back in her large plush throne, letting out a restless breath she fired up her magic again. Searching deep in her thoughts trying to pin point exactly where this Gojira is but she couldn't sense him, letting go of her magic Celestia breathed deeply. Why can't I sense its energy, I felt it before... But why can't I now. She thought angrily,

"Tia," Said Luna, startling Celestia causing her to flinch. Luna chuckled, "Sorry, sis, but thou should get some rest. You have been up all night searching for the monster." Celestia yawned,

"I know, Luna, but I need to know where it is exactly so that we can warn our subjects in case of another attack." Celestia said stifling another yawn.

"But, sis, that is why we have search parties scattered throughout our nation." Luna said, making her way towards her older sister. She placed a hoof on her shoulder; Celestia sighed and glanced over at one of the many stain glass windows.

"Again, Luna, I know but it's still not enough. Even now we still haven't got any information on where it's at. For all we know it could be attacking one of our neighboring allies." Celestia said.

"Please, sister, go rest and let us take over," Luna pleaded with her sister.

Celestia now finally submitting to defeat nodded her head, "Okay, you have my word I'll go get some rest. But there is one thing I must do first." She said rising up out of her throne.

"And what is that, Tia?" Asked Luna while watching her sister step down and make her way towards the door.

"I must round up the Elements of Harmony, it might be the only way we can stop this creature." Luna looked at Celestia worried,

"And what if the Elements do not stop this monster, Tia, what then?"

Celestia stopped and glanced back her sister, "Pray that it'll show mercy on us all."


Gojira lay deep beneath the ocean green, where he slept on a flat plateau. Gojira snarled and rolled over in his sleep, but while he was in the middle of rolling over something bright shined across his closed eyelids. Growling he opened his eyes looking up at the watery surface he saw a decently sized dark object move across the surface shining a bright light down into the water.

The light skimmed across the plateau again this time striking him in his eyes blinding him, Gojira let out a roar in anger. Climbing to his feet he pushed off the ground and began swimming to the surface.

Gojira pierced through the water's surface, releasing a screeching roar into the night time sky; ceasing his terrifying howl. Gojira tilted his head towards the vessel that spoiled his night time slumber, the vessel was filled with ponies all dressed in nice suits and dresses. They all stared up at him in horror, glaring down at the ponies Gojira roared again, this time receiving a response. The ponies screamed in fear and began running inside the ship, pushing each other over trying to find an area that could supply shelter.

Other ponies that were slightly smarter dove off the side of the ship, others ran for the life boats. Gojira tilted his head back, the spines on his back beginning to go from white to a bright shade of blue. Storing all the amount of energy in the pit of his stomach, Gojira finally released it all causing a cyan explosion to erupt from his mouth firing a bright cyan beam of energy. Which struck the boat causing it to explode into a heaping ball of fire; the fire soared up into the night time sky illuminating the surrounding areas of darkness.

The ponies who were smart enough to jump off the ship stared at the destruction with horror. Watching as the ship slowly sunk into the deep dark ocean abyss...

Gojira roared with delight, turning away from the sinking ship he was caught off guard by another unexpected sight. Dozens of white lights, all of them seemed to be attached to tall looming buildings. Well at least nothing compared to the buildings the humans built, but still they at least went up to Gojira's chest.

But they were all extremely bright, Gojira squinted his eyes trying to stop the lights from burning their way into his retinas. Gojira snarled he couldn't have this by his home. How would he be able to sleep with these pests right on his doorstep? In the distance Gojira heard a loud siren coming from deep within the city.


Leisure shot up from his bed, the siren waking him from his wonderful sleep; quickly hopping out of bed he ran to his hotel room door. Leisure flung open the door only to be greeted by a massive wave of tourists and other ponies that were quickly making their way down the corridor and towards the stairs.

"Squeeze me! Coming through," he shouted while trying to push through wave after wave of panicked ponies. Leisure finally reached the stair well; he began to slowly yet carefully make his way down.

"Come on ponies keep on moving!" shouted a police pony at the bottom of the stair case,

"Officer," Leisure said finally reaching the bottom he made his way towards the officer, "Officer did they find it? Where is it?" He asked.

The cop shook his head, "I'm sorry son I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about, I'm just here to make sure these ponies get out of here safely, now please get moving." Leisure shook his head and began moving with the herd of ponies again.

Finally making his way out into the street, it was worse than back in the hotel. The entire population of Manehatten made their way through the streets; all of them either wore panicked expressions or the look of confusion. Ponies back and forth continued to ask each other the same questions, "What's with the siren, and what the Hay is going on?" They continued to ask.

"May I have your attention please; I repeat may I have your attention please!"

Everypony stopped, looking to his left Leisure saw another police pony, who was standing on a carriage and was levitating a mega-phone in front of herself.

"I've been told that we are evacuating the city of Manehatten, now please remain calm and make your way to the Bucklynn Bridge," ponies really now began to grow scared, murmurs began to sprout up all around. Most being that Gojira is attacking the city. Others thinking it's a terrorist attack, "Now please try to remain calm," said the police pony herself sounding slightly panicked. "We need to evacuate the city in an orderly fashion. We do not want to cause a panic, we are only trying to maintain your safe-" A large tremor surged through the city followed by an enormous bang.

Leisure lost his balance and fell to the ground, Ponies screamed in fear and fell to the ground, but then began to quickly climb back onto their hooves. Leisure got up looked to the sky trying to see if he could see anything. He saw an orange glow just above the sky scrapers, but he also saw something else, things that looked like meteorites and they were coming down right towards them!

A nearby building exploded the ground too just a few feet away from him. Fiery pieces of rubble came hurdling out of the sky only to collide with the Earth. Leisure quickly began running aimlessly not paying attention to where he was going.
Large pieces of debris came crashing down into the ground spraying shards of brick and cobblestone everywhere. The streets were crowded with screaming and crying ponies. Leisure pushed his way through the ponies trying to find a place to seek shelter from the fiery death that seemed to be raining down on them. Leisure turned down a nearby alley way, taking a short breather, only one thought came to his mind,

Manehatten is under siege...


Celestia finished sending her letter to Twilight Sparkle, finally pushing herself away from her work desk she got up. Looking down she realized she was still dressed in her outfit. With a tired sigh, she took off her golden armor and placed them on the nearby hanger. Taking off her crown she placed it on her desk, Celestia yawned and made her way to the bathroom. Towering over the sink she turned on the faucet and began to wash away her makeup, suddenly Celestia was halted by an unknown disturbance.

A dark sense of energy filled her body, looking back up into the mirror she notice herself trembling and her pupils were shrunken in fear. What is this feeling? She thought. This... This doesn't feel like the thing I felt before.

A knock came at Celestia's door, "Tia, We bring dire news!" shouted Luna. Without waiting for a reply Luna opened Celestia's door. Not seeing her sister in bed Luna made her way towards the bathroom, "Tia? Are you in there," she asked knocking.

Celestia didn't respond, she couldn't respond! The dark energy inside her was over powering her commands; she was in a state of shock and fear.

Growing worried Luna couldn't wait anymore opening the door, Celestia collapsed to the floor. "Sis," Luna shouted quickly running over to catch her. Catching her sister before she could hit her head on the sink Luan dragged her back into her sister’s room.

Celestia trembled all over, "Tia! Tia! Answer Us! What is wrong?" Luna asked herself trembling with fear.
"I-I-I, f-f-felt h-him..." she stammered.

Luna raised an eyebrow, "Who, Tia, who did you, feel?" Celestia slowly brought up her trembling head until she was looking her little sister in the eyes.
