• Published 17th Apr 2013
  • 3,016 Views, 61 Comments

Gojira and the Battle for Equestria - Immortan Joe

A massive, unstoppable beast rose up from the depths of Equestria. It destroyed our homes; it began to spread plagues and famine throughout our country side. It ruined foreign relations, it even killed our forerunners.

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The Beginning of the End

Chapter 7: The Beginning of the End

“Open the gates!”

Guard ponies ran back forth along the walls in a state of frenzy, the rhythmic pattern of marching hooves echoed throughout the city. As the royal army made its way out of the castle and into the city of Canterlot; families gathered outside their doors or balconies. Watching as the line of soldiers and siege weapons made their way down the streets.

Celestia stood next to her sister for the last time this morning watching as the army marched, “Are you okay with this?” Celestia asked already even though she already knew the answer.

Luna nodded her head, “Yes, Tia, have thou contacted our neighbors?” Luna asked as she turned to face Celestia.

She nodded, “Yes I have.”

“What did they say?” Luna asked.

Celestia sighed, “The council has arranged a meeting for this upcoming Wednesday.”

In the distance a horn blared signaling that the army was ready to advance, Luna sighed, “That is my signal.” Luna stretched out her wings and took to the sky, but before leaving she turned to face her older sister, “What of the Elements?”

“I haven’t heard anything back from my student yet. But I am sure they’ll be here soon,” Celestia said, Luna nodded her head and turned back towards the army. “Please, Luna, don’t do anything you’ll regret.”


“Everypony run!”

Gojira’s tail smashed fell onto the brigade of soldiers; he dragged his tail across the ground destroying dozens of buildings in the process. The soldiers scattered, “Fall back! Fall back!” Captain Heart shouted to her men, the soldiers did as she said and ran. Gojira roared as he continued to smash through the now ruined city. Smoke rose into the sky blotting out the stars, all around Rose could hear the screams of her own men.

“Captain Heart,” Shouted a nearby soldier, “what are your orders?” Heart turned to see a white stallion that stood by another battalion of guards.

Heart turned towards her men, shaking her head she looked back at the behemoth, with a regretful sigh she turned back to her men, “Flee.”

Gojira roared charging up his energy he blasted another row of buildings, causing a massive wave of fire to engulf everything around it. Spinning around he swung his tail into the skyscraper behind him, the buildings caved in and keeled over. Looking over his own destruction Gojira smiled, turning back towards the ocean he began to walk.


“Come on single file!” Shouted a police pony, the bridge was packed Leisure and Vinyl quickly made their way passed the terrified ponies. Leisure who was moving as fast as he could shoved ponies out of his way.

“Could you please slow down?” Vinyl snapped as she stumbled over her own hooves while trying to match Leisure’s pace, “My legs can’t take it!”

“What would you rather rest here and have that creature eat you or something?” Leisure retorted.

Vinyl grinned, “A rest does sound a quiet good.”

Leisure shook his head, “Well just hang in there we’re halfway across, once we get off this bridge we’re home free.”

“It’s coming this way!” Shouted a horrified mare Leisure’s attention snapped to the left, in the distance behind the smoke and fire was an outline of the beast. The creature howled into the night time, the ponies on the bridge gave a response back by screaming in fear. The ponies began pushing and ramming into each other.

“Everypony, would you please calm down!” Shouted an officer, “If we all remain calm we will not draw att-” The officer was knocked over by a large stallion who wasn’t paying attention. Pegasi took to the skies, leaving the earth ponies and unicorns to fend for themselves; the monster stepped into the harbor. Causing large waves ram against the side of the bridge making it shake.

Leisure could only watch in horror as the beast made its way towards them, the bridge was big enough to go to its waist and this was the closest Leisure has ever seen this creature. The waves began to rock the bridge; the ponies stumbled their way towards the other end of the bridge. Others not willing to take the chance ran back to the city in fear; Leisure adjusted Vinyl’s leg so that he could hold onto her better. He then turned and began heading towards back to the city,

“What the hay are you doing!?” Vinyl protested,

“I can’t take the chance, it’s too close!” Leisure explained.

“But we’re halfway there we’ll surely make it if we just hoof it!”

Gojira let off a screeching roar, which caused Leisure to clench his eyes shut and grit his teeth. Once Gojira stopped roaring Leisure took a quick glance back at the monster, he watched as Gojira stared down at the bridge. But instead of going through it like he expected it to do, it instead dove under the bridge and went into the water.

“What’s going on?” Vinyl asked not being able to look at it.

“It… Just went under the water,” He said, “I think it’s leaving.”

Ponies that just noticed the monster’s absence stopped fleeing and turned their attention to the side of the bridge. Leisure looked at Vinyl, “Come on I think it’s safe to cro-”


The bridge shook as a massive object rose up out of the water; water fell from the sky as if a storm had just blown in. The bridge shook violently and let off a groan in protest, Leisure stared at the object. He could hardly make out the details but it looked like a tendril, the object stood to full height. For a few mere seconds it stood there, until it slowly came crashing down onto the bridge. Ponies screamed in fear as the large beams of medal caved in, the wires that held the bridge in place snapped and came crashing down.

Leisure who stood right below the massive of tail watched in horror as it came right down onto him…

Gojira's tail collided with the bridge, the force flung ponies into the air. Ponies were crushed and others were flung off by the force, shards of metal and brick were thrown up into the air. Ponies that weren’t thrown off ran for the lives trying to escape the bridge before it fully collapsed. Gojira rose up from out of the water, turning one last time to look back on his destruction. He turned to see the rising sun on the horizon; the once black sky was now overcome with beautiful hues of purple and tints of blue. He could feel the warm rays of the sun hit his hide, with a snarl he shook his head and took the water.


The Doctor kicked open the door to the Canterlot Research Department, “Where’s Blossom?” He snapped at the receptionist.

The pony behind the desk that was a tan unicorn mare stared to the Doctor with a minor look of shock, “Oh sorry, sir, she won’t be here for another two hours.”

“What are you talking about, darling, it’s only…” The Doctor looked around for a clock, “I’m sorry but do you know what time it is?” He asked.

“Six O’clock in the morning pardon me, sir-”

The Doctor raised a hoof, “Please you can just call me the Doctor

“Oh sorry, but pardon me, Doctor, but may please ask you this are you okay?” She asked.

The Doctor tilted his head in confusion, “Why of course I’m fine,” The Doctor glanced upwards trying to look at his mane, “Is something wrong with my mane?” He asked while brushing a hoof through it.

The unicorn chuckled, “It’s not just your mane, sir.” She said while tilting the small mirror on the desk towards him.

The Doctor approached the mirror glancing down he looked at himself, his mane was stiff and wasn’t straight like it normally was. Around the bottom his chin parts of his coat was sticking up, especially down his back. His eyes were bloodshot and he bore large bags under his eyes.

The Doctor the scratched the bottom of his chin with his right hoof, smiling he looked up at the young receptionist. “Nah, I don’t like that bad. But trust me I’m fine, now when did you say Blossom gets here?”

“Eight O’clock.” She said.

The Doctor sighed, “Well is there any way that I could get into her office?” He asked.

The mare raised an eyebrow, “Now why would you want to do that?”

“Sorry but that’s personal business.”

The mare chuckled and pulled on a smile, “What is she your special-”

The Doctor’s eyes widened and he shook his head, “No, no, no, she is not my special somepony thank you very much. Now is there by any chance I can get into her office?”

The mare sighed, “Do you by any chance have a pass?”

The Doctor furrowed his brow, “Pass? Nopony ever told me that I needed a pass?”

The mare sighed and began tending to the papers on her desk, “I’m sorry, Doctor, no pass no entry.”

The Doctor rolled his eyes, “Fine I need to go her office so I can pick up my note book and a few other documents; it’ll only be for a minute.”

“Nope, cannot let you do that.”

The Doctor shook his head in frustration, “What if I just walk in there right now, what are you going to do to me?”

The mare looked to the Doctor with a raised eyebrow, “Seriously, why can’t you just wait till Ms. Blossom arrives?”

“Because I need those documents right now,” The Doctor said while approaching the desk. Placing his front fore hooves onto the desk he leaned closely so that his nose was almost touching the mares, “trust me, miss, those documents are going to save lives…


Dr. Chimes sat outside the Canterlot Research Department on a nearby bench. He listened to the sound of marching hooves as the nearby royal army made its way out of Canterlot so they could battle the marauding beast.

Chimes sat on the bench while fiddling with a single bit, using his hooves he was trying to twirl the bit on the smooth wood. After a few moments of trial and error, he was finally able to get the coin to spin. He watched with a large smile on his face, for over ten seconds the small gold coin continued to spin.

Chimes smile soon turned to astonishment as he just realized that this was the longest time he was ever able to get the coin to spin. For all he knew this could be a world record, Chimes was a amazed this had to be world record as long as he is able to know the exact am-

Chimes was startled by the random brown saddlebag that was flung onto the bench which knocked the coin over in the process. To his right he heard a long drawn out yawn; Chimes frowned looking over her saw Doctor Whooves standing right behind the bench.

Rolling his eyes he asked, “So did you finally get what you need?”

The Doctor nodded after he finished yawning he answered, “Yep, got my grocery store checklist and my lunch bag.”

Chimes stood back surprised, “Really? W-we came all the way here just so you could grab your lunch and checklist?”

The Doctor chuckled, “I’m just teasing you, Chimes, but yes I did get what we need.”

“Well what is it?”

The Doctor shook his head, “I cannot show you here, come we’ll talk in my bedchamber.”

Once the two doctors reached the castle the each made their way back to Doctor Whooves guest room. Once they reached the room the Doctor pulled every window shut and locked them only to then pull the blinds over them. Lighting all the candles he flung the saddlebag off his back and gently placed it on the bed.

“What are you doing, Doctor?”

The Doctor turned towards Chimes and in a low whisper he said, “What I am about to tell you Chimes is not to leave this room, you hear me,” Chimes nodded his head slightly worried about what the Doctor is about to tell him, “Not only have I been studying this Gojira, I’ve also been trying to learn about our forerunners.”

Chime’s raised an eyebrow, “What about them, Doctor? They’re all dead there’s no reason to be snooping around a dead pony’s grave.”

The Doctor sighed, “I know that, Chimes, but what I want to know is what killed them.” The Doctor said, “These creatures were far more technologically advanced than us, there should be no reason on why they all died.”

“All things live and all things die, Doctor, that’s just how life is. But that still doesn’t explain on why we need to be locked up in this room.”

The Doctor nodded turning back to the bag towards the bag he said, “That is true, Chimes, that is true; but the reason why I’ve brought you in here is to show you this.” The Doctor opened the bag and reached in, after a few moments of rifling through his possessions the Doctor came back out. In his teeth he held a rolled up piece of parchment, placing it on the bed he unrolled it. Only to show a map of Equestria, the only difference was that just below where Bramble Wood Forest use to be was a red X.

“So it’s the map to the underground facility.” Dr. Chimes said.

The Doctor nodded his head, “Exactly!”

“What about it?”

“We need to go back.”

Chimes recoiled back and shouted, “What!?”

The Doctor shoved his hoof into Chimes mouth, “Shh! We need to be quiet about this!”

“Wh-why do we need to back? That monster already destroyed everything!”

“You don’t know that, Chimes, you saw how big that place was. For all we know that could’ve only been one small section of it.” The Doctor said.

Chimes looked at the Doctor as if he was some kind of mad pony, “But why?”

The Doctor sighed, “Because, Chimes, we need more information.” Reaching back into the bag the Doctor pulled out a torn piece a paper. The same document he found the first day the monster was resurrected, “All the information we have of this monster is this single torn piece of paper,” he said, “which isn’t even enough. We need to know what we are dealing with here, Chimes.”

“Yeah an overgrown dragon that’s what we’re dealing with here,” Chimes said.

The Doctor face hoofed, “I’m being serious, Chimes.”

“So am I! I’m not going back there, Doctor, who knows what kinds of other hideous abominations are hiding down there!” Chimes turned and began heading towards the door.

“Please, Chimes, I can’t do this without your help.” The Doctor said reaching out with his hoof to stop him.

“I’m sorry, Doctor, but you’re going to have to find somepony else. I have seen my fair share of that facility, and what I’ve seen I’m not going back there… Ever, I’m sorry.”

“Chimes, I know you’re afraid but trust me. There’s nothing there that is going to hurt you, you even seen it for yourself there was nothing else there.”

Chimes shook his head, “I told you, Doctor, I’m not going and there is nothing you can do to change my mind!” Chimes opened the door.

“I’ll pay you five hundred bits, and I’ll buy you dinner for the next three weeks when this all over.” The Doctor said with his straightest face.

Chimes stood there facing away from the Doctor for a good minute, slowly shutting the door he turned to face the Doctor, “If anything happens to me out there, I swear on Celestia’s beard that I’ll never forgive you.”

The Doctor smiled, “That’s the Chimes I like to see.”

Author's Note:

I smell an adventure coming along, things are getting better and spicy. Do not worry the mane 6 will play a major part in this story. But other than that all I can say is this things are officially kicking off!

Comments ( 10 )

I get a smile on my face every time this story is updated with a new chapter :)

Finally, a good Godzilla-MLP crossover! Faved and Upvote.

expert work, got my inspired to pen my fic

Please don't stop writing! I love this story! Please I beg you kind sir.

I started laughing before I've even had the chance to open the actual story. The Japanese-American pronunciation of "Godzilla" was too brilliant.

Chimes shook his head, “I told you, Doctor, I’m not going and there is nothing you can do to change my mind!” Chimes opened the door.
“I’ll pay you five hundred bits, and I’ll buy you dinner for the next three weeks when this all over.” The Doctor said with his straightest face.
Chimes stood there facing away from the Doctor for a good minute, slowly shutting the door he turned to face the Doctor, “If anything happens to me out there, I swear on Celestia’s beard that I’ll never forgive you.”
The Doctor smiled, “That’s the Chimes I like to see.”


4118071 Don't read this one! :twilightangry2:

:twilightoops:, *Ahem* Sorry about that but, it's cancelled; instead, I restarted it in the story It Came From the Depths.

4118084 But, I already read it! And it was sooo guuuudd!!

meh, I'll read the reboot...


Hope this updates soon

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