• Published 22nd Jan 2014
  • 6,481 Views, 474 Comments

Twilights Mane Passion - Darkonshadows

Twilight grows up with a strange passion and it changes her life from how it should have been.

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A day or so later, the changeling had thought following Twilight was a bust as well. There were always witnesses wherever she went and odd things happened to the changeling so it couldn’t figure out how Twilight interacted with ponies as painful things kept happening. Never had it imagined it would ever know what it would feel like to be run over by a donkey cart, it couldn’t even get the number of the thing because it had been hit by it so fast. That wasn’t the worst thing, but it was the most memorable.

The only thing the changeling could say that was going its way is that so far its cover hadn’t been blown and that it found out that Twilight and Tress were well known around Ponyville as being trouble magnets. The changeling itself was trouble and it was magnetized to them for the rewards of love eating at that wedding. It was almost getting to the point the changeling would give up on the principle that it was almost wasting energy just by going for them; instead it decided going after other targets was prudent.

After it tried Vinyl and her ear destroying noise, the changeling knew that it would never be able to stand being a DJ, no changeling could handle that much noise for such prolonged periods. It tried for Rainbow Dash directly afterwards and it found it wasn’t going to be able to copy the flying speed of the mare as she was ridiculously fast and gave off a rainbow vapor trail. That wasn’t the only reason; the changeling was blown out of the sky by the mare and had slammed into a garbage cart on its way to the reconstitution dump. Rainbow Dash was almost always flying and changelings couldn’t fly forever or at such extremes.

The changeling had to admit ponies knew how to deal with their garbage in a very green way at least, even as it almost went through the process itself of being reconstituted in a painful manner. It didn’t like the fact that it almost became fertilizer.

The changeling decided to try its next target with a force of backers. Fluttershy sounded sweet, innocent and rather easy to take down. The changeling wasn’t going leave anything to chance this time as it gathered its forces on the edge of the forest looking at the quiet cottage from the front. This was a bit disturbing as all the changelings gathered knew that there were supposed to be a ton of animals around here. Something was not quite right here.

“Charge!” The changeling didn’t care that something was off; Fluttershy was home as the lights were on and it’d get into that wedding one way or another.

All the changelings halted their forward movement when a large blue furry head lifted above the house sniffling a bit and then it sneezed. They found themselves glued to the ground and some were in green cocoons made out of snot. It was a rather ironic moment for them as this is the kind of thing they did when they replaced ponies for a while, except they didn’t use snot for their cocoons. After a moment all the changelings looked at what had caused them to be trapped in a gooey mess with fear.

“I would call retreat, but I think we’re all stuck.” The raspy voiced changeling said after a moment, it couldn’t get its legs out of the sticky goo pinning it to the ground. Fluttershy having an Ursa Minor around was not something they could have planned for. Apparently he had cold and they could even see Fluttershy hovering in front of the giant bear’s face which had a frown on it.

“There there, it’s okay. You didn’t hurt me.” Fluttershy cooed to the Ursa Minor, she had to talk to the Ursa Major about how to take care of its ailing child. Plenty of fluids and rest and this giant bear cub would be feeling better in no time. “Your mother will be back for you soon and she’ll take care of you, until then I want you to take your medicine please. It’ll help you feel better.”

Fluttershy got the giant bear to give a happy grunt and she smiled, she turned around to look at the mess she’d have to clean up and saw pony like beings trapped in all the snot. She’d better tell her helping friends about this, she quickly flew down to Tress and Twilight.

Twilight was wearing a nurse’s uniform with her mane in a nifty bun that Tress had called cute. Tress herself was wearing a nurse’s uniform with her hair in a high ponytail. They were currently discussing their current business of aiding Fluttershy with the bear.

“You know, this still isn’t the most disgusting thing we’ve ever had to do Tress.” Twilight sighed and lifted a huge filled up silo up to the bear’s mouth and started to pour the medicine gently into its throat. A few gallons of honey were going to help this medicine go down and it was a good thing they met a stallion that was a bee keeper who had a surprisingly steady surplus.

“I still say that was really sickening to see.” Tress murmured as her face turned as green as the globs of sneezed snot that fell everywhere.

“Um, I don’t want to alarm you and everything, but I may need you out front. A lot of pony like creatures were caught in its snot and they all look to be going into shock. If you could please finish giving little Barley his medicine and help me around front, which is if you don’t mind.” Fluttershy covered her face with her thick pink mane and shyly looked at the ground. “I don’t want to talk to them alone.”

“Fluttershy you’re definition of little needs to be reexamined.” Tress pointed out the likely fifty foot bear cub. “But sure, I’m not really helping out much here anyway. Also I don’t see why I’m even wearing this outfit; I’m not exactly tested for first aid like you two or happen to be good with animals. Wait, did you just say they were trapped in the bears… oh that is so nasty.”

Tress’s face turned straight green and her cheeks swelled up, she quickly ran to a nearby bush. Seeing what she saw trapped in the giant snot globs really caused her to vomit and she had been already sick to her stomach at the thought just seconds ago. A minute later she walked back and around to the front to see all the creatures stuck in the blobs of snot with looks of unmoving horror plastered on their faces.

“So what are we going to do first Fluttershy? They seem inattentive at the moment and I would be too if a giant bear sneezed all over me. Oh and they aren’t ponies Fluttershy, they’re changelings. My cat mauled one three times the other day and I think it might have been the same one that was run over by that runaway donkey cart.” Yes, Tress knew what the changelings were and had noted her cat mauling the ever loving tar out of the same one three times in one day. She just didn’t rightly care at the time and found out from Twilight what the thing was after she described it; apparently it was still following her around for whatever reason.

It was hard to tell any of these changelings apart, they all looked similar to each other, but if you looked at them long enough you could see their variances easily enough. Different solid eye colors, different carapace colors, different placement of holes in the legs and wings and their horns were also unique to each of them. It required a closer look though to notice any of this as at a distance they all looked the same.

“What are changelings?” Fluttershy had never met one, but they certainly looked strange with their big goofy fangs, they weren’t very scary to her as they looked to be sad and some of them were even whimpering.

“Apparently they are considered parasitical creatures that are a cross between a mammal and an insect; they are all hermaphrodites and can change their appearance to match any species close to them. They only use their teeth in self defense when they are low on energy and are otherwise like a succubus in eating emotions. They tend to always be searching for love more than anything else and are considered dangerous if they are not discovered quickly as they have a tendency to stuff ponies into emotionally draining cocoons. Twilight thought it was kind of sad to see so many of them looking downtrodden like they were. She walked up to the one with its feet trapped to the ground and it flinched at her approach making her stop. “No book has actually heard of a pony actually being killed by them though, they usually set the drained pony free without memory of what happened and are said to be the cause of a lot of false amnesia cases.”

The changeling just started crying, why didn’t anything go right for it over the past few days? All it wanted to do was eat some love and get away with it, but apparently that was too much to ask by this point as the ponies were now aware that they were here. They even knew what they were!

“It’s okay, everything will be alright. Now tell me where it hurts.” Fluttershy coaxed the changeling to look at her and she could even feel it feeding on her sympathy. So she let it do so as she knew her kindness was boundless and her heart could spread love, even to creatures that needed to eat it to live. “Come now; let me help you get out of there.”

The changeling was more confused than anything to find itself quickly free of its predicament and being gently bathed in a wash tub. Not to mention Fluttershy was actively feeding it and making it feel better while taking care of its injuries. Horrible confusion was now going on amongst the gathered changelings as Tress and Twilight helped pulled them out of the snot and started cleaning them off too.

Soon the changelings were standing around with no idea what to do with themselves. They could attack the ponies that were nice enough to be sympathetic towards them, not to mention clean them up and tend to their wounds. They all conferred amongst themselves that it would have been a bad idea and they would have been jerks to pursue this point of action. They were glad they came to that conclusion when the Ursa Major arrived to take its child home, Fluttershy even waved goodbye to the monstrosity thus clinching it for them. They would not attack and suddenly earn the ire of a humongous mother bear that could just roar them to death.

“Remember to make him drink a lot of clean water!” Fluttershy yelled out after the mother bear that turned back and let out a really loud appreciative groan.

“Well now what?” One of the changelings asked.

“I have no idea what to do now, my original plans are all busted.” The changeling didn’t want to feel like a complete jerk by kidnapping one of the ponies now, after they aided them and then fed them. Even if it was pity and sympathy they were eating, it still tasted pretty darn good to not steal for once.

“What were your original plans? You know, aside from getting mauled, beaten to a pulp, smashed by a donkey cart and just in general having a lot of bad stuff happen to you while you were stalking me and Twilight around.” Tress raised a brow in the one particular changeling’s direction.

“Wait… you knew all along!” The changeling was now in the throes of being utterly depressed that it wasn’t being as stealthy as it thought it was.

“Well yeah, you weren’t exactly subtle after my cat mauled you the first time, the second time where you gave out a shriek that sounded nothing like a pony after getting a carrot lodged in your leg and then there was the pie I saw that slammed home into your face because it missed mine.” Tress thought the third one was rather funny and chuckled about it. If she had been hit with the pie, Winona and Pal would have just been friendly in their attempts to lick it off of her. “I swear you guys are almost a conga line of traumatizing moments waiting to happen especially given what happened when you were following Twilight around.”

“Even I’m feeling kind of bad for not helping you after all the trauma you’ve been through. Do you need my help with something now? You’ve probably heard of the Trouble Takers right? Well we’ll do something for you for free as long as it is within reason for us to do so.” Twilight smiled, she didn’t want to think she didn’t apply her help to all sentient races equally. Changelings couldn’t be perfectly evil if they were willing to talk about their problems, those hangdog expressions they currently had were making it really easy to be sympathetic with them.

“Oh can I help you too, if that’s alright with you that I help that is?” Fluttershy asked quietly as she sponged a changeling clean of the gross stuff it was covered in and massaged it’s back earning a cute purring noise from it.

“Well…” The changeling looked away and at the small group of changelings it had gathered for a raid. “You could actually help us with something. Got any better ideas on how to earn love other then temporary kidnapping and replacement schemes? To answer your question I planned to infiltrate the wedding you were going to go to and eat enough of the free floating ambient love that could be found there to share with my friends here.”

Author's Note:

Now I have seven dislikes and as you all know seven means seven hundred people hate me... what do you mean I'm being overly dramatic?

In any case I would like thank you, the commenter’s, for reading this written form of tripe that can't even compete with other stories that immediately get three hundred up votes first chapter. Why do people get that many up votes so fast when they haven't even gotten too far into their story? Even though I may not always give a reply I appreciate the comments.

In any case Equestria Daily has been the same as usual, nothing has changed there. I think Maude Pie is getting a lot of love lately and deserves it.

Speaking of Maude Pie, she pretty much proves Tress's abilities are all physically feasible as occurring in Equestria, also note that Earth Ponies have been getting a lot of love season four of MLP: FIM. So my story is still within the realms of being completely reasonable as to Mane-iac's powers being a highly boosted earth pony. If Maude can burrow through a solid rock in seconds, then Tress can do something similar with a harder substance as if it were butter. Makes you wonder just how much force Tress has to put into a hoof punch to crack Palatable’s tough skin that even Barb couldn't chew through, then again Pal's skin was weaker because it was much larger and less dense composition when Tress attacked it compared to when he was a tiny compact fruitcake bat.

I wonder if physics in a candy coated dangerous magical sugar bowl world are even important enough to even include? Much less Twilight designing a super hero costume and a method to mimic Radiance's power exactly, she'd actually be pretty capable of it in this story. The reason she doesn't want to do it is because being a hero doesn't pay the bills, in the Power Ponies dimension that wasn't a problem. Imagine the reason why Spiderman always comes off as a poor character because he can't hold down a job that doesn't revolve around crime fighting and with a boss that consistently pays him very little to do it.

Heroes are always responsible for anything that goes wrong, even if the trouble wasn't their fault to begin with. Heroes are also known for creating their own super villains at times by accident or completely on purpose by virtue of their actions. I wonder if Mare-Do-Well will make an appearance in this story?