• Published 22nd Jan 2014
  • 6,481 Views, 474 Comments

Twilights Mane Passion - Darkonshadows

Twilight grows up with a strange passion and it changes her life from how it should have been.

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The next morning saw Twilight and her friend sitting at the breakfast table in her parents’ home. Barb and Tress worked on making breakfast to order for everyone this day.

“Despite the odd poltergeist haunting it, I must admit that this is a nice house though it’s a little bit of a tight fit with so many ponies. Also what was it that was causing all those scratching sounds last night?” Octavia calmly ate a grilled cheese sandwich. She was just starting on her first one.

“That was probably just Leggy; I moved her back into the house when Twilight moved out. Twilight was always so terrified of her, can’t understand why as Leggy isn’t venomous. She’s just making herself at home in our basement and she wouldn’t harm any pony.” Now Night wasn’t a bad father, but he should have probably warned Twilight about it as it looked like she was panicking at the news.

“Dad you know I really don’t like Leggy, please tell me she’ll stay in the basement while I’m here.” Twilight looked particularly ready to leave already and she hadn’t even finished her waffles. On top of her horn was a bag of ice, she had become wary of straining herself after yesterday.

“What’s a Leggy, she sounds neat.” Speaking through a mouthful of cereal Vinyl’s interest was perked.

“Please swallow before talking Vinyl, table manners were invented for a reason I’ll have you know.” While taking a dainty bite of her grilled cheese sandwich Octavia glared at Vinyl.

“Oh it’s just a giant spider I’m friends with; she’s not exactly a pet. She used to live in the house and ate the more problematic outbreaks of our food going crazy and made for a nice garbage disposal option. Shining loved her growing up, however Twilight cried whenever she was around and always got so upset. So I peaceably removed her from the domicile without causing a ruckus.” It was so nice for Night to have his old friend around. “I found a nice corner of the crystal mines for her to stay inside Canterlot Mountain.”

“If you call nearly completely totaling three blocks not causing a ruckus, then you were very successful in the endeavor dear.” Velvet didn’t mind the giant spider, it was just sad that their daughter did. The spider might have looked scary, but it was actually very friendly and enjoyed drinking tea which was a little on the odd side even for her.

“Well I know what Vinyl and Octavia are going to be up to, as they need to prepare for the wedding day. Fluttershy is going to be visiting some of her old friends in the park and all the pets she’s taken care of around Canterlot to see how they are doing. So what are you going to be doing with your time Rainbow?” A change of subject was something Twilight thought they needed at the moment; she didn’t want her parents to break out the projector going down memory lane again.

“I was thinking of finding the Wonder Bolts, but I don’t exactly have any idea where’d they be around here.” It wasn’t like Rainbow had a one track mind; she just wanted to meet her idols as much as Twilight wanted to meet one of hers this day. "So does any pony want to show me around?"

“There is only one way to solve this issue quickly like adults, one two three not it!” As soon as Night had called out that he wasn’t it, every pony except Vinyl and Rainbow had said they weren’t it immediately. Even Fluttershy said she wasn’t it in a timely manner before Twilight could.

“Okay, what exactly was that all about?” Rainbow asked wondering what was up with every pony at the table.

“I think they were deciding who would escort you around the city Prism.” After musing on this a bit Vinyl smiled. She was okay with escorting Rainbow around as she knew Canterlot quite well even if she did prefer to live in Ponyville. “I guess I’ll do it, I don’t do much practicing with my stuff until the evening anyway.”

“Why didn’t any of you want to take me?” It actually kind of hurt Rainbow’s feelings that they didn’t want to pal around for a while. Well Twilight and Tress she could understand as she kind of stalked them a bit too much because they ended up doing a ton of awesome things. “I can give a pass to Barb, Tress and Twilight, but what of the rest of you?”

“Oh it is nothing against you, but we all have things to do today. I personally have a few appointments to keep with fabric producers and some other investments of mine. I think all the business talk would be particularly boring to some pony with your energy.” Velvet could see that Rainbow accepted her explanation. Now if only Night, Octavia and Fluttershy had explanations that were just as good.

“I’ve been working too many all nighters and I think most of my blood has turned into coffee at this point. I needed to visit the hospital for a checkup anyway.” Night actually had a plausible excuse and Rainbow disliked hospitals.

“I hope you know and trust that I like you Dashie. That said, you tend to be loud a lot of the time and I’m going to be doing quiet things with squirrels and you really don’t want to frighten them.” Squirming under the rainbow colored pony’s gaze Fluttershy bravely continued. “They may take any of your actions against my shyness as a clear sign of aggression against me and all of the animals in Canterlot will have you blacklisted before the day is out. I would prefer to avoid that if that’s alright with you. It is better that I tell them about you first and then introduce you later if you really want me too.”

Fluttershy had a bizarre explanation, but it actually made a lot of sense to Rainbow. Rainbow took Fluttershy at her word that it was better that she didn’t follow her around, Fluttershy would know animals better than any pony. They all turned to Octavia who was just tuning her cello and giving Rainbow a sly smile.

“My explanation is this.” Octavia played a tune for twenty seconds and Rainbow fell asleep at the table with her face slamming into the strawberry and honey flavored oatmeal.

“Tress, it looks like you finally have some competition for best evil genius pony to ever visit this house.” Night stated in a highly amused lighthearted tone.

They were all laughing at Rainbow who was startled awake by Tress nudging her wing. There were two strawberries in her eyes and two honey clusters in her nostrils.

“Okay, I can clearly see your point Octavia.” Using her tongue to wipe at the oatmeal on her face Rainbow was doing a rather good impression of a certain hyperactive pink pony. “Just so every pony knows I’m not angry with any of you over this. Besides having a really cool friend giving an awesome one a tour sounds great to me!”

Every pony went their separate way after breakfast and Twilight was excited to be meeting and introducing herself Fleur. She couldn’t understand why Barb kept looking at her flatly and Tress was acting a bit jittery.

Twilight followed Tress up to an average looking home; Fleur was definitely a pony she looked forward to meeting and talking about magical theorems and other related subjects with. Maybe she might even get a chance to play with her mane a bit, but first and foremost she was going to be trying to focus on the wedding. Maybe they could even find out who Fleur was marrying.

Tress lifted a curled hoof and knocked on the door twice, she could only hope Fleur would keep her reaction to a minimum instead of going all out. The door opened revealing a white coated unicorn as tall as Tress was. Said mare yawned tiredly and then she saw who was at her front door, her enthusiasm for her friend showed with a spike of activity in the mare who wasn’t good at mornings. Tress was immediately pulled into a hug and was receiving a kiss on the cheek by the suddenly excited mare.

“You actually came, I am so happy to see you! Who’s this now?” Fleur took in with her purple eyes the unicorn staring at her slightly messy two tone pink mane that hung around her shoulders and then she noticed her wandering eyes trail to her cutie mark. Fleur had a cutie mark that was an oddity, three strange symbols that were about nurturing beauty, blooming passion and seeing how things can flower into something wonderful. Fleur only knew that one day her beauty would fail her and on that day it would be nice to have some friends to tell her she was still capable of being appreciated.

“Fleur this is my best friend Twilight Sparkle and her daughter Barb, circumstances have conspired to have me introduce you two to each other.” Tress stood out of Twilight’s way and hoped for the best.

“Pleased to meet you Fleur, you’re thesis about the nature of some forms of magic was incredible.” Twilight was internally squealing as she shook Fleur’s hoof. Her mane and tail were so bedraggled looking at the moment, Twilight decided to offer up some help. “Have you had a chance to freshen up this morning? If you haven’t I would like to help you with your hair if you don’t mind me asking, it looks like it needs a good brushing. Otherwise the magazines you appear in don’t do you enough justice.”

“Your friend seems nice Tress, if a little strange. This is the first time I’ve had a fan that likes both my looks and my brains. Your little girl looks to be such a sweetheart as well.” Fleur was pleasantly delighted to meet Twilight; however a niggling at the back of her mind forced her to ask something after she was done shaking a hoof with Barb. “You wouldn’t happen to be Velvet Quality’s daughter would you?”

“Wait, is your mother’s maiden name Quality?” Tress asked at hearing this and a slow smile starting creeping up onto her face.

“Mom, please don’t tell her.” Barb looked particularly aggravated as she crossed her arms and her wings reared up in an aggressive manner at what was about to come up. She wanted to go with Fluttershy today and mom shot her down after she asked.

“Sorry Barb, but yes that’s my mother’s maiden name. Her full name is Twilight Velvet Quality Sparkle; she prefers Velvet as a first name though and named me Twilight while striking her first name from the record.” Twilight didn’t know why Barb looked so upset at her telling Tress about all this. It wasn’t until Tress burst out with a bark of laughter and pointed out something that the implications of the general pony naming conventions came to light.

“So your daughter’s full name is Barb ‘Air Quality’ Sparkle? Her name is Barb A. Q. Sparkle, really? Barbecue, oh gosh that’s just really, whew.” Tress fell to the ground laughing with tears in her eyes as she pounded away at it with her hooves. Even Fleur was trying not to giggle into her hooves, at an adorable little magic dragon named Barbecue.

“Mom how could you!” Barb shouted indignantly throwing her claws up in the air from her position on Twilight’s back. She had known about it after her grandma pointed it out and said to never to bring it up or she might incur all forms of teasing.

“I’m your mother, parents are supposed to embarrass their children even if it’s by accident. Mine have just started with me and you laughed quite a bit about it missy.” It wasn’t malicious revenge, but it was revenge nonetheless and Twilight would later win her daughter over with ice cream as an apology. She really didn’t want to spoil her daughter too much though. It was just a good thing her daughter didn’t get rapid growth syndrome when she got a little greedy with the ice cream.

“Your right mom, if I can’t take the heat then I probably shouldn’t be thinking of making fried ice cream when we get back to grandpa and grandma’s house.” There was a story there; it wasn’t likely that Barb would elaborate on it. Barb was a magic dragon that liked cooking in general, fried ice cream was an interesting treat she was trying to figure out how to make and she has had some at a restaurant before.

“I like your friends already Tress, come on in and make yourselves at home. I’m going to take a shower and then let your friend work with my mane. I have a feeling she’ll do a really good job, especially if I’m right in the fact that she’s your personal stylist.” Fleur enjoyed the closeness these three had with each other and was happy to let them have full run of her home. “While my mane is being taken care of I would like to discuss a bachelorette party with you and how you can help me as a bride’s mare. I’ll even introduce you to my fiancé monsieur Fancy Pants if we can find the time.”

Twilight pranced into the house squealing happily, at least she didn’t need her magic to brush and comb Fleur’s mane. Her horn was still sore after yesterday and it would actually be pleasant to lay a physical hoof on that mane to make it shine.

Fleur just smiled and shook her head as she followed them inside closing the door with a flick of her horn.

Author's Note:

Things are about to get really complicated and weird... yeah that's nothing new with this story at all.