• Published 22nd Jan 2014
  • 6,481 Views, 474 Comments

Twilights Mane Passion - Darkonshadows

Twilight grows up with a strange passion and it changes her life from how it should have been.

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Celestia, the princess of equestria, the protector of all ponies who frolicked under her sun, flew into the castle. It had taken her a while to notice her sister’s moon was moving on its own and into the correct position no less. She hadn’t sensed the power of the elements or heard from her student Sunset Shimmer, but she was going to find out what was going on here.

Thus far Celestia hadn’t heard much from Luna as she made sure to keep a good eye on her student. Sunset was still a power mad mare, but Celestia forgave her for the lust of power calling to her. If Sunset somehow got the element of magic Celestia was prepared to slap down her own student with a heavy heart. The pony was like a daughter to her in the years they spent together and then Sunset slowly started growing distant and hateful at the success of others.

Celestia didn’t know what she would see when she entered the castle; she simply started raising the sun as she entered. The sight she came upon was horrific in nature of which the likes Celestia had never seen before; even Discord couldn’t create such a hideous monstrosity. With the barest of a glance, she knew it was dead and heard something shifting within its mass.

Out of the mass crawled the oddest cat Celestia had ever seen, it had bright red eyes and looked particularly colorful like a pony. The huge thing in the small cat’s mouth was obviously what passed for the uvula of the monster. The cat set it down on the floor and started ripping it up so it could ingest the smaller bits while purring pleasantly. To say something was a bit off about the cat was a bit of an understatement.

“Sister, it is about time. Thou art late to the party as ever. Neigh, we could have used thine help minutes into the past.” Luna looked like her old self, full height and size to match Celestia in her regal appearance if she weren’t so heavily disheveled looking. Apparently the monster was a pretty big issue. “Thou said it wasn’t real, well we laugh now sister as the truth has come to pass! Behold the now deceased Cthoodle; this vindicates our past assertions of its existence! Thou will now apologize for ignoring the truth, Cthoodle isn’t real my flank!”

Celestia was speechless. This was the Cthoodle that Luna kept going on about, it was actually real? She had no idea how to respond to this situation. She wanted to run up to her sister and hug her, but Luna was shooting her an angry look so she thought better of it. She was well aware that while Luna might not have been doing the Nightmare Moon thing currently, her sister was still angry at her.

“Luna, have you truly returned after so long.” Celestia wanted to cry, her sister was back or at least that’s what her eyes were telling her. Her heart also said the same, but her brain told her no.

“For thee we will have yet to return so called dear sister, we expect an apology forsooth as otherwise our bridge is still burned! We return to sanity for our subjects and the night itself of thy own volition, not for the sister that banished us in our madness.” Turning her back to her sister, Luna walked over to the mare in a maid outfit tending to some highly injured looking ponies one of which was a mummified looking Sunset Shimmer. “Fluttershy is there anything we may aid thee in? We can do many a thing, but solving the mental trauma of this situation is beyond our abilities.”

Fluttershy started directing Luna into what she needed done to heal Applejack; she had internal clotting and bleeding. She personally dealt with the Applejack’s bruises and deep cuts that needed stitching. She would then start into Rainbow’s wings; they needed to be fixed before she woke up or else they would be agonizing at the angles they were currently bent and according to a diagnostics spell from Twilight her front two ankles needed to be braced. Sunset really needed a hospital as she was almost critical condition status, possibly needing some corrective surgery for possible spinal injuries. Pal for all the fighting and painful looking hits he took was perfectly fine, his special traits saw to that. Both Twilight and Tress were still awake and aware of their surroundings; they were sharing their pain after the mentally traumatizing events that took place in the castle. Tress’s regenerative abilities meant she would be the second to fully physically recover, Luna being a princess healed at a much faster rate and would be fine within a few hours. Twilight had a broken leg among other numerous minor injuries and would have to stay off her front left hoof for a while.

After going over all her patients’ current states of health twice, Fluttershy had Luna blast Tress with a lightning spell as powerful as she could make it to help speed up Tress’s recovery. It was nice to know that in a pinch she could grab a bunch of lightning bearing clouds and strike it over Tress to help her heal from deep and possibly fatal wounds.

“Please tell me you can wipe my memories of this Radiance.” As the lightning surged over her Tress moaned pitiably at what had just occurred here and stared up at the sunlight filtering into the castle. “We are taking a few days off, no ifs ands or buts about it. If the world is destroyed in our absence so be it, I’m declaring a holiday for the Trouble Takers.”

“I’m sorry that I can’t. I would find it morally wrong to remove them, even from my own head Tress. I’m really tempted to though; I highly doubt it’s possible even if I did know a spell to do such a thing. That said, I definitely agree that we need the holiday. Also we are really going to need therapy after that. ” Her body being laid up next to her friends, Twilight took full comfort in being able to snuggle against Tress. She truly wished she could remove the memories, she wouldn’t even believe anyone who said they could. She doubted she’d ever truly forget this one and it would haunt her for the rest of her life. “Luna we will never speak of fighting this thing ever again after we leave here.”

“We understand thy sentiments.” Nodding Luna was happy to aid in Tress’s quickened recovery by firing lightning at her. Even if it was odd to her that Tress ate lighting like a sponge, she didn’t think much of it as she had seen plenty of oddities in the world. Turning back to her sister, Luna hated to ask for aid and was only doing so because her new friends were hurting. “Sister, if thou wish to prove useful then bring aid to move our subjects to a place of safety. We owe them much.”

Celestia felt something drop into the pit of her stomach the way Luna said the word ‘our’ and ‘we’. It left no room to the imagination that Luna was actively not including her when talking about the injured ponies. Nodding to Luna she turned and went to summon some aid.

A few hours later, the summer sun celebration was in full swing. Many a pony welcomed Luna and completely overlooked Celestia on purpose. Never had Celestia felt such a liberating feeling as being completely ignored, even as she watched her truly beloved sister frolic amongst the ponies of Ponyville with a hint of sadness in her heart.

Turning away from the celebration Celestia made her way to the hospital to look over her poor wayward student, she would later talk with her sister in the evening in her own domain. Right now, her sister was happy and not destroying everything. That was all that truly mattered to Celestia at the moment.

Back at the Sparkle Ravel residence after being cleared from the hospital within the same time span that the celebration was still going strong.

“How are you feeling now mom? You kind of look like you were hit by a donkey cart; did you get the number of it?” Barb asked as she looked over her mom and Tress, while Smart fluttered around her head aimlessly.

“I want to dig my own grave at this point, I’m so tired.” Twilight said with a straight serious tone and look on her face.

“That bad huh, please tell me I’m not getting the memories of this in my next download.” It was rather apathetic sounding of Smart to whine about getting memories that would cause that kind of reaction. The look Twilight gave Smart wasn’t a very friendly one and the enchanted toy whimpered slightly.

“You can copy your memories onto her, but you can’t erase them?” Flipping her mane Tress sounded rather irate, she just wanted to lie down and relax.

“Well I can erase Smart’s memories; they are just a copy of my own after all. I however will live with what happened at the castle forever and it was far worse than what we went through with Pal here.” The cat just mewled apologetically at Twilight while rolling onto his back trying to be cuddly.

“I’m here to make sure you take it easy. All I need to do is get Angel Bunny and my things; I’m sleeping over here until Twilight’s leg is better.” At her announcement and appearance from the kitchen Fluttershy could tell she made Barb happy that she would be around. “I’ve also already scheduled psychiatry appointments with Dr. Leech.”

“Fluttershy, you're an angel.” The cute pegasus had an adorable blush going throughout her entire face at Tress’s compliment. “You do know you can take off the maid outfit now, right?”

“But... like it… feel pretty.” Fluttershy only became more withdrawn and squeaky at the looks she was receiving.

“Quick question, would getting honeyed cider by anytime tonight be within the cards if you’re putting us under house arrest?” Say whatever about Twilight, she felt like celebrating after a long exceedingly rough night and nothing would be more comforting then that drink. “I mean it wouldn’t be too bad for my health would it?”

“Well it wouldn’t hurt, just don’t over indulge and I’ll see to it you get some.” It was best that Fluttershy compromise now instead of having Twilight galloping about with her injuries, if she was a good pony her leg would be better in no time. Oh great, she just now realized she was starting to treat ponies like they were little animals. She shook her head and went back into the kitchen; they were going to sleep right after a good meal.

Pinkie would laugh at the irony of Fluttershy treating ponies like little animals, then again she wasn’t here at the moment or else the plot would be more skewed than usual.

Overall the whole family was happy that there were no pressing matters at the moment. A knock on the door and Twilight hoofed five bits to Tress; it didn’t take long before they were disturbed after sitting down to rest on the couch and not even a minute had passed.

Getting up from the couch Tress slowly trotted to the door and opened it, to find Zecora and Cheerilee there.

“Sorry for disturbing your rest, but I and Zecora wanted to know if you have any flash bombs left and if they helped you out.” At least Cheerilee seemed chipper in the face of sour moods.

“Oh they helped out immensely, saved a mare’s life and helped blind a monster a few times. Living in a dark castle will do that to you when you’re suddenly introduced to exceedingly bright light. Did you two really need to go overboard on the phosphorus though?” Giving them her lazy gaze Tress was met with sheepish grins.

“Their purpose was to go boom, to create a flash that can light a whole room.” Zecora didn’t like seeing her friends roughed up or tired like they were. Tress looked fine to the zebra, but then again she had higher regenerative abilities. Looking to the couch, Twilight didn’t look like she would move from the couch for any reason. “We were wondering if we can stay for a meal, maybe I can mix a potion to help Twilight heal?”

“Sure, but know that we’re currently on holiday. I hope the mayor makes that announcement quickly, after what we went through we really need a vacation.” Tress thought they could use some good friends right now. Rainbow was never going to stop pestering her about her incredible abilities now that she saw them, Tress would like some good company to brighten her mood to a point where she won’t maul the winged annoyance when the time came to weather that storm.

It was getting late into the evening when Luna was finally starting to become tired of getting so much attention, though she was inexorably happy she knew the fun had to end eventually. Her sister let her have her time in the sun and now it was apparent they had a few things to discuss.

“Luna…” Celestia started off filling the word with warmth. “Are you coming back to Canterlot with me? It has been many years and we have much to catch up on.”

“Neigh, thy current sitting in the gilded city would not be as welcoming as here. Our wish is to stay here and we will do so.” Luna was not going to let Celestia dictate her life for her and she wanted some space. “Thou will receive missives from me, there is much to learn and we will show our knowledge of what we will be learning. The lesson we need most help in is making friends, would thou deny us such a lesson upon our return?”

“Are you… of course you’re sure, I will write back Luna.” Celestia was about to head off for her flying chariot back to what her sister rightfully called a gilded city. She felt her heart breaking until two dark blue hooves wrapped around her neck and pulled her into a fierce hug where two wings that were not her own caressed her.

“We know thou have missed us. Time will heal this rift sister; do not think us forever parted.” Luna let go of Celestia and started her trek to see the mayor of Ponyville leaving her sister behind to the silence of the oncoming night.

Celestia looked at the ground, at least her sister promised to write. Watching her sister disappear down the street, a faint smile tugged at Celestia’s lips. She was proud of her sister, even if they had yet to truly apologize to one another.

Author's Note:

Two chapters that's all that I have left in me for this story. The wind down chapters are not going to be anything special so it's going to be pretty boring.

Heck even this chapter is boring, but that's my personal perspective. You might enjoy them better as you're not the ones who wrote them.