• Published 14th Mar 2013
  • 2,396 Views, 64 Comments

The Fall - motser

This is the story of Spike's fall. When he nearly lost the one he loved the most, and the decisions he made as a result.

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The Fall Part 1 Spike

Spike felt a tingling in the pit of his stomach as he gazed into Rarity's eyes. It felt like his stomach had risen up to his throat and was making him feel a bit ill. It was odd sensations that managed to both excited and terrify him at the same time. He was dripping with sweat, but still felt cold. His heart raced as adrenaline flooded his veins.

Spikes view was filled by the deep blue of Rarity's eyes. Spike often found himself lost in the depths of her gaze. He’d loved her ever since they'd first met. Spike never could explain his infatuation with her. She was beautiful her appearance perfect from mane to tail even without all the makeup and styling. At a glance she seems weak, but anypony who knew her understood just how strong she could be. She was passionate, dramatic, and willing to risk everything for her dreams. Yes Spike liked all of these things about her, but didn't love her for any of them. It was something else, something deeper, that had made the drake fall madly in love with her. Spike never would never really understand what it was, but honestly he never cared. He loved her and that was all that mattered.

Spike felt like crying as he gazed into Rarity's eyes. She was there right in front of him the mare of his dreams. The thing he valued most in the world even more then himself. She was going to get hurt, and it was his entire fault. It was all because of his greed, and he didn't have the strength to protect her. He was too weak to even tell her how he felt.

Spike never could get used to that odd feeling in his stomach. That feeling acted as a reminder of what he'd done. It wouldn't allow him even a moment to pretend this wasn't happening. It was the unmistakable sensation of falling.

"Ra Rarity,” Spike tried to say as tears filled his eyes, but he found his throat closed tight only managing a few stuttered sounds. He started again trying to force the words out fearing he might never get another chance, "Rarity if we don't make it I want you to know I always kinda had a cru..."

Rarity silenced Spike placing a hoof firmly against his mouth with a soft smile. There was something about her tear filled gaze. It was calm, completely free from fear and paired with a confident smile, and for a moment Spike wasn't afraid and he felt as if everything might just be ok.

Spike felt his stomach fall like a stone into his feet in as his heart felt like it would burst. The roar of wind in his ears was replaced with the rustle of fabric. The two were cradled in what had been a one of a kind cape hoof made by Rarity that was being held aloft by Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Spike nearly laughed in relief. They were going to be ok. His gaze was drawn back towards Rarity. She was wearing that same confident smile and a small blush. Spike felt a blush come across his face as he noticed how close he was to her. He could feel himself pressing against Rarity. She was leaning towards him eyes half closed. Spike's body started to reflexively lean in.

Spike's eyes went wide as a soft sound drifted into his ears. It was a muffled almost gentle noise to. The sound was accompanied by a vibration running through the cloth. Spike's heart stopped when he recognized the sound from all the time he'd spent helping Rarity. It was the unmistakable sound of fabric tearing.

Spike was once again filled with the sensation of falling. The cape hadn't been able to support their combined weight and had torn open. He hated it. Rainbow Dash immediately sprang into action catching whoever was the closest to her. Once again Spike felt his stomach fall into his feet.

Fluttershy was in shock. She just hovered there in the air staring at the torn piece of fabric held between her hooves. She couldn't believe what was happening. Her mind refused to accept that this was reality. She couldn't move as terror griped her heart.

Spike felt tears flood down his face as once again he was forced to watch as Rarity fell.

"Rainbow catch Rarity," Spike said begging unable to look away from the white unicorn.

"I can't not without dropping you," her reply sounded like it came from miles away.

"Please," Spike didn't hesitate for a moment as he raised his sharp claws before bringing them down against Rainbow's arm leaving three trails of crimson marking where he made contact.

"Gahh," Rainbow gasped reflexively dropping Spike.

Spike almost welcomed the sensation of falling this time. He wasn't scared anymore. He felt calm. Spike no longer cared what happened to him as long as Rarity was safe nothing else mattered. He felt a gust of wind as Rainbow flew past him, their eyes meeting for just a moment. He recognized the look in those eyes. It was a determined look that no pony but Rainbow Dash could pull off. She understood what needed to be done.

Spikes vision was fixed on Rarity. He couldn't look away as everything else seemed to fade into unimportance. She has to be ok that single thought circled through Spike's mind.


"aaaaaaaaahh," Spike screamed as pain shot through his body. It felt like his right shoulder had exploded. It was the most painfully thing Spike had ever experienced. Spike's eyes struggled to focus as the world spiraled around him. His vision quickly grew dark. He struggled to spot Rarity in the haze; he had to see she was safe. A voice reached Spike's ears. It sounded muffled as if it were coming from a great distance. He thought somepony called his name as his mind faded into darkness.

Spike's mind struggled to identify the scent that was forcing itself into his consciousness. It was a strong almost acidic smell that tickled the back of his throat. It was familiar, something he'd encountered multiple times before. It was a strong almost acidic scent that tickled the back of his throat, wait didn't I already think that? His head felt like it was full of cotton; every thought came slowly and muffled. Spike went to rub his temples hopping it would help clear his head.

"Gaah," Spike gripped at his right shoulder as pain streaked through his body as his mind struggled to reach some sort of alertness. His claw gripped his shoulder and his eyes flew open trying to identify the source of his pain. His vision was filled with lavender.

"Morning Spike," Twilight greeted him with a small smile. Her mane was a mess, and there were dark rings under each of her blood shot eyes. "How are you feeling?"

"What happened?" Spike groaned his mind struggling to free itself from a fog.

"You shattered the bones in your shoulder when you hit a large rock that was sticking out of the cliff." Twilight spoke in a soft voice barely above a whisper. "It took the surgeon nearly five hours to perform the reconstruction. There’s no telling how bad things would have been if Fluttershy hadn't caught you."

Wait what? Falling? Fluttershy? Spike thought trying to make sense of the things Twilight was saying, his mind struggling recover from the effects of the anesthetics. Wait ... that’s right I fell ... but Rainbow caught me didn't she ... no I made her catch Rarity ... RARITY.

"How's Rarity," Spike asked, panic filling his voice.

Twilight didn't answer, she just adverted her eyes looking at the floor. Spike was filled with a sense of dread She has to be ok, Spike thought trying to comfort himself I'm ok so Rarity should be just fine.

"Twilight," Spike tried again in a firm tone, "How's Rarity."

"I'm sorry," Twilight whispered, "Rarity isn't doing well. She hasn't woken up since the accident. She's unresponsive, and the doctor said..."

Spike stopped listening. He couldn't believe what Twilight was saying, he didn't want to accept this reality. His mid struggled trying to refuse the truth placed before him. Maybe I'm dreaming, or Twilight could be wrong, he thought, but knowing deep down neither could be true.

"Take me to her," Spike pleaded, "I ... I have to see her.”

"I'm not sure that's a good idea Spike," Twilight said, her voice full of concern. "You probably shouldn't be walking around in your condition."

"Did the doctor say I shouldn't get up," Spike asked.

"W ... Well ... n ... no but I still don't think..." before Twilight could finish her thought Spike threw off the bedding and lowered himself to the floor. He'd barely taken a step before he stumbled falling against Twilight' side.

“Are you sure you’re alright,” Twilight asked helping Spike regain his balance.

“I think so. I’m just a bit dizzy.” Slowly Spike made his way down the hall, a hand place on Twilight’s side to steady his balance as she led the way. He could hear his heart pounding. It’s going to be ok, He thought to himself, everything always works out in the end. Today isn’t going to be any different.

The two stopped in front of an unassuming door. It was a pale blue, a clipboard hanging on the front. Next to it, on the wall, was a small plaque with the room number on it, and a hoof written tag that said Rarity. Spike took a deep breath trying to steady his nerves. Slowly Spike reached a trembling hand forward grasping the doors handle and pulling it open. Slowly the room came into view from behind the door. Spike’s heart beat faster as the room was revealed to him agonizingly slowly. Time seamed to slow as Rarity was revealed to him. Rarity was in bad shape. Bandages covered most of her upper body as well as her head and front hoof. A mask was placed over her snout, and she was hooked up to several machines. Fluttershy was sitting in the corner, her face hidden behind her mane, and quit sobs escaped her.

Spike leaned against the wall. He couldn’t see Rarity like this. He lacked the courage to even step pass the room’s threshold. He slide down the wall placing his head between his legs. Tears stung his eyes. This is all my fault. I did this. I hurt Rarity. He felt sick. He sobbed quietly. What if she doesn’t wake up. What if things aren’t alright in the end. What if, His thoughts were silenced by a hoof on his Shoulder.

“She’s going to be ok,” Twilight said sounding as if she were trying to convince herself as much as Spike, “Rarity’s going to be just fine.”

“Ugh why do hospitals have to be sooo booooring,” Spike lifted his head slightly, was that Rainbow Dash? “Seriously there is nothing to do,” ok that was defiantly Rainbow Dash’s voice coming from the room across the hall. Spike stood up shakily, finding his feet with Twilights help as he wiped his tears away.

“Maybe we could have a party?” Pinkies voice reached the two as they opened the door to Rainbow’s room, but it didn’t sound right. Pinkie didn’t sound like her usual happy self; her voice was quiet, more reserved.

Everypony in the roomed faced the door as Twilight and Spike entered. Rainbow was in much better shape than Rarity had been with the possible exception of her wings both of which had been heavily bandaged. Applejack was sitting back in a chair at the head of Rainbows bed with her Stetson pulled over her eyes. Pinkie stood near the door with a weak smile on her face; her mane lying almost straight.

Spike’s gaze was drawn to the bandage around Rainbows hoof, and for a moment he wasn’t in the hospital, he was back in the air hanging in Rainbows grasp. Please he heard himself beg as timed seemed to slow. He watched as his claws made contact with Rainbow; her soft flesh giving way to his sharp claws blood welling up in their wake. It had been so easy; Spike’s claws had met no resistance, and required so little force to travel their path.

Spike was brought back to reality as Rainbow moved her hoof under the hospital beds blanket forcing Spike back to reality. “Spike you’re up,” she greeted him with a smile, “how are you feeling?”

“I’m fine,” Spike replied entering fully into the room, and pulling the door closed behind him.