• Published 14th Mar 2013
  • 2,397 Views, 64 Comments

The Fall - motser

This is the story of Spike's fall. When he nearly lost the one he loved the most, and the decisions he made as a result.

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lynch mobs and farewells

"Graaaaaaaaah" The beast's cry echoed across Ponyville, filling the town's residence with terror. Ponies fled in fear as they realized just how woefully unprepared the town was to deal with a rampaging dragon.

The purple dragon watched with a smug satisfaction as the towns citizens fled in panic, their screams filling the air. They looked so much smaller to him than they normally did as he gazed down at them. He found himself bursting with confidence; his shadow loomed over the town. They were powerless against him. He could do whatever he wanted, take anything he fancied, and there was nothing anypony could do to stop him.

The dragon found Ponyville to be a quaint peaceful town just waiting to be pillaged, and pillage he did. He claimed any object that interested him as his own. Books, cakes, a globe, a chicken coup, the town’s water tower and even leaves were all held in his tight grasp; items that had once belonged to various ponies in the town that now belonged to him. Each possession he claimed as his own only increasing the desire to hoard.

The beast paused, a large building catching his eye. It was colored in shades of purple, and perfectly round; at a glance it was easily mistaken for a carousel. The building seemed to resonate with him; he couldn’t help but feel there was something important inside it, something he wanted. He quickly made his way towards it, peeking inside the windows, unsure what he was searching for. He found it on the second floor, a pearly white mare in a velour cape humming softly to herself as she sewed. He wanted her, and like anything else he wanted he took it.

“Aaaaaah,” Rarity screamed as a claw burst through her window, pulling her from her home. “Put me down this instant you ruffian,” she yelled at the beast who had taken her. He ignored her, shifting her from his claw to the grip of his tail before moving on to pillage the rest of the town.

“Hang on Rarity will save you,” Fluttershy gasped as she and Rainbow dash approached the two, flying up to either side of the dragons head.

“Put her down right now,” Rainbow hollered.

“I ... if you wouldn’t mind that is,” Fluttershy pleaded softly.

“I mean it dragon boy.”

“We’d be ever so grateful if you’d be so kind to possibly consider ...”

“Drop her scaly.”

The Dragon growled, the ponies insistent chatter giving him a headache. He’d had enough of this, time to get rid of these pests. He struck out at them with his tail, Rarity screaming as he swung his tail back and forth, her cape fluttering in the wind. Rainbow and Fluttershy, unable to move quick enough, found themselves wrapped up in Rarity’s cape. They cried out as the fabric tore and the two plummeted into the river.

With them taken care of the dragon decided to start looking for a safe place to stay. Not for his own protection, he felt no threat from the ponies, but to keep his hoard safe. He had to protect his treasure from any would be thieves. There, the cave at the top of the mountain outside Ponyville it was perfect.

Spike watched a passenger inside his own body as he scaled the mountain. He couldn't stop himself, and, he hated to admit it, an ever increasing part of him didn't want to. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but he didn't care, it felt too good. He finally felt respected, even if that respect came from fear. For the first time in his life he wasn't being looked down on, viewed merely as a child or a pet. He could take anything he wanted including Rarity; he didn't have to work his claws to the bone, or beg for what he wanted. The rest of him cried out against what was happening, wanting nothing more than for things to go back to normal. He was worried about what the thing that'd possessed him had planned for Rarity. He didn't think he could ever do anything to harm her, but...

A slicing sound filled the air as they reached the top of the mountain. The dragon turned to find the spikes on his back had been sliced off, and three streaks of blue flying off in a formation. He growled at the ponies that had dared lay a hoof on him. He quickly placed his horde within the safety of the cave before turning around and placing his back securely over the opening.

The wonder bolts circled back around diving at the beast again, only to find themselves heading straight for what was left of the towns water tower. The three flew into the back of the tank making a tink sound with their collision. The dragon promptly flipped the tank over and slammed the opening into the mountain, trapping the Wonderbolts within, and letting out a roar of victory.

Spike shouted out in his mind, trying to get himself to stop. He didn't want anypony to get hurt, and there was no telling what would happen if he couldn't stop himself. His voice was softer than before, almost completely drowned out by the beasts roar. Spike could feel himself drifting away as the beast grew stronger. He was losing himself, and soon he could be gone forever.

“Oh be quite,” Rarity cut off the dragon’s roar. “You’ve got nothing to be proud of,” her voice was dripping with anger as she lectured the beast, “steal everypony’s things, terrorize the town, and use me as a weapon against my own friends. Which as horrible as it is I could almost understand because you’re a dragon, but this,” Rarity took off what remained of her cape, lifting it into the air, “this is a crime against fashion.”

A glint drew the beasts gaze to the fire ruby around Rarity’s neck that was revealed when she removed her cape. It looked delicious and he wanted it. Rarity immediately recognized the hungry look in his eyes.

“Oh no you are not getting this gemstone,” her voice echoed through Spike’s mind, “This was given to me by my dear friend Spikey Wickey,” Spike could feel a shift through his mind, Rarity’s words seemed to resonate through the beast, “The kindest, sweetest, most generous dragon ever, and it is too precious for me to give to a greedy old beast like you.” Something snapped within Spike. His mind filled with memories of time spent with Rarity; when they first meet, the incident with the diamond dogs, and finally two days earlier, when Spike gave Rarity his fire ruby. Spike felt himself collapse inwards, both in mind and body; the monster returning to its place deep within him. Spike slowly opened his eyes to find himself back at his original size, and back in control.

“Spike you’re the Rampaging dragon,” Rarity’s voice reached him full of surprise just as his body was filled with the sensation of falling.

"Aaaah," Spike sat up in bed, panting, and covered in sweat. Spike took in his surroundings as his eyes slowly adjusted to the dark. A sliver of light found its way into the room through the crack under the door, illuminating the room with a soft light. He easily recognized the hospital room that he'd been calling home for the past few days.

A soft rustling drew his attention to the arm chair in the corner. A lavender unicorn was curled up in the chair, blankets pulled tightly around her. Twilight gazed at Spike from her position in the chair, the little light in the room reflecting off her eyes making them glow slightly in the half light, giving her an almost ethereal look. On closer inspection Spike could see that her eyes were blood shot, there were dark bags under her eyes, and she looked haggard. It was obvious she hadn't been sleeping.

"Are you ok Spike," Twilight asked her voice barely over a whisper. "Do you want me to call a nurse?"

"No," Spike said, regaining control of his breathing, "I'm fine, go back to sleep, there's nothing to worry about" he said with a small smile.

"Are you sure," Twilight frowned, "something seems to be bothering you."

"It's nothing," Spike said, lying back down and pulling the covers up to his chin. "Just a bad dream," only it wasn't just a dream and that was the problem.

“Fascinating,” the doctor mumbled to himself, leaning in towards Spike, “simply fascinating.” Spike tried to site still as the doctor’s magic aura surrounded his shoulder. "I'd never imagined something like this could be possible."

"Is everything alright Dr. Hippocrates," Twilight asked, concerned by the doctors tone.

"Hm, yes everything’s fine," the doctor released his aura, and straightened up. "Spike is healing at an unbelievably fast rate. Honestly I wouldn't believe it if I weren't seeing it happen myself. Spike has healed more in a week then he should have in two months."

"Really," Twilight exclaimed, suddenly excited, as she leaned in close to Spike, her own lavender aura surrounding his shoulder. "I never knew dragons could recover that quickly."

"Yes, it really is astonishing," the doctor's horn started to glow, his magic mixing with Twilight's, "see right here the bones are almost completely mended, and the muscle has already begun to reattach itself."

"I wonder if it has something to do with his metabolism," Twilight mused, "or maybe it's related to the gemstones in his diet or maybe it's ..."

"Um guys," Spike interrupted, "do you mind?" In their excitement the two had leaned in, and were millimeters from touching Spike.

"Sorry," Twilight said pulling away with a blush, “I guess I got a little excited."

The doctor cleared his throat as he spoke up, "As I was saying, the good news is that, as much as I'd like to keep Spike here for observation, in his current condition there is no need to keep Spike here. You can go home if you'd like."

"That's great news," Twilight sighed, "we can finally go home."

"Y ... yea," Spike didn't sound very excited.

"Is something wrong Spike," Twilight asked concerned by his lack of enthusiasm.

"It's just I like being near her ... In case anything happens."

"Oh Spike," Twilight said as she pulled him into an embrace. "You don't have to worry about that, the hospital will notify us if there’s any change in Rarity's condition."

"I know," Spike whispered, returning the embrace.

Two hours and a mountain of paper work later Spike and Twilight were on their way back to the library. Spike hadn't left the hospital since the fall, and this was his first chance to really see the extent of the damage done to Ponyville. Large portions of the city were in ruin, ruble littered the street. Reconstruction was already in full swing, and its effects were apparent; there were supports built around several buildings that were in danger of falling over, and ponies could be seen in the streets repairing homes and businesses. Spike paused for a moment, spying a large indentation in the ground. The mark had been worn some by the last week’s weather, but in was unmistakable, claws print made by some great beast. Spike raised his claw in front of his face, comparing the shape. It was at this time that he noticed all the ponies in the area had stopped what they were doing to watch him, and they didn’t look happy. He turned, jogging to quickly catch up with Twilight, and placing a claw on her side.

“Twilight,” he said motioning to the ponies that were now following them as they glared back.

“Ignore them,” Twilight said, not even bothering to look back, “we’ll be home soon.”

Spike became increasingly nervous as the two traveled through the town. Everywhere they went the ponies would stop what they were doing and stare as they went by; some would even begin to follow them, adding their numbers to the crowd of upset ponies that were following them. Spike could feel there stairs on the back of his neck; Some were calm, sad, but calm, others were filled with a cold loathing, but most burned with anger and hatred, and it was all directed at him.

Spike breathed a sigh of relief as the library came into view, his heart pounding in his ears. Soon they'd be home were nopony could get them. Within a moment a group of ponies stepped out in front of them from an alley blocking their path; the group behind them spread out, completely surrounding the two.

"What do you think you’re doing here," a stallion in the front spoke.

"Walking home," Twilight addressed him in a board tone, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to that thing next to you," Spike flinched as the stallion motioned towards him, as if his words had been a physical strike.

"Um ... The same I guess," Spike stuttered nervously under his glare.

"I don't think so," the stallion spat, "this is PONYville, as in a village for ponies. There's no room here for a freak like you." A murmur of agreement came from the gathered crowd.

"Spike is not a freak," Twilight stepped between Spike and the stallion.

"If he isn't a freak he's a monster," the stallion was shouting now. "Just look at what he did to our town."

“Yea,” the other ponies in the crowd joined in.

“He destroyed our home we lost everything.”

“He destroyed my store, and stole my entire inventory. That’s my livelihood, how am I supposed to feed my family now?”

“What about the foals? Won’t somepony think about the foals?”

“He crippled our weather mare.”

“And what about the dressmaker he killed?”

“Rarity’s not dead,” Spike shouted, silencing the crowd. “She’s not dead. She’s not dead,” Spike repeated over and over again, whispering to himself.

“She might as well be,” the Stallion in front asked again.


Spike found himself looking up at the sky, a dull ache at the back of his skull. He reached a claw up brushing it against his forehead. He pulled his claw away, lifting it in front of his face, and saw a small drop of blood. Carefully Spike rolled himself over and pushed himself off the ground, and surveying the situation.

The crowd had fallen silent. Everypony was looking at the stallion who had thrown the rock at Spike. He was panting, sweet dripping down his brow and a wild look in his eyes. Franticly he began searching the ground looking for another rock, and he wasn’t the only one. Most of the gathered ponies began picking up rocks, preparing to throw them. Spike ducked, curling into a ball and covering his head with his arm, as he saw the first stones travel through the air. He held his breath waiting for the inevitable impact. Only, it never came. Cautiously Spike lifted head. Twilight stood over him, her horn glowing with a lavender aura. In the air, glowing with Twilight’s aura, the stones hovered.
“I’ve had a very long and stressful week, and I’m very tired. So, I’m only going to say this once,” Twilight whispered, her voice dripping in anger, “leave.”

“But …” somepony began.

“NOW,” Twilight’s eyes glowed as she shouted her voice full of force causing the mob to flee in fear, followed by the stones with a simple return to sender enchantment on them.

Spike glowed with Twilight’s aura as she lifted him onto her back, and carrying towards the library.

“Let’s get that bandaged,” she muttered, closing the door, and generating a shield around their home.

Spike stared up at the library's wooden ceiling from his basket as moonlight drifted into the room. The room was almost eerily quiet, Twilight's snores and the occasional rustling of leaves the only sounds to be heard. The two had decided to turn in early, and Twilight had fallen asleep the moment her head hit the pillow. Spike, on the other hand, found he had too much to think about to be able to sleep.

He kept replay the event with the mob over and over in his mind, always returning.to the same question. Am I a Monster? the question plagued his thoughts. I never wanted any of this, I didn't want to destroy Ponyville or hurt anypony. Spike felt comforted by his thoughts. Spike the dragon is not a monster.

... but Povyville was still destroyed, Spike's heart sank at the realization that, as much as he hated to admit it, the mob was at least partially correct; a monster did destroy Ponyville. I'm not a monster, but within me there is one who is fueled entirely by greed, Spike could still feel him, in the back of his mind, just waiting to get free. In the end it's still my fault. I'm the one who let the monster out; in the end I couldn't even stop myself.

Spike raised his good claw into the air over him. I injured Rainbow Dash, not the monster, me. I knew what would happen if I scratched her, and I did it anyway. I made the decision to hurt Rainbow. Yea, I did it to save Rarity, but still. Spike flexed his claw, watching as its shadow danced in the moonlight. It was one of the easiest things I’ve ever done. My claws sliced her flesh like a hot knife through butter. Really it’s a wonder that I’ve never done it before. All it would take is a single moment where I’m not in perfect control of myself and somepony could get hurt or worse. It’s not just my claws either. I have fangs capable of cutting through diamond, and dragon fire can be hot enough to melt stone. He sat up, his introspective leading him to a conclusion, I’m dangerous. Even without the monster within me. It’s only a matter of time before I hurt somepony again. I can’t stay here, the realization left him feeling empty, but he knew it was true. The only way he could prevent himself from hurting anypony was to leave and the sooner the better.

Spike stood up slowly, trying not to make a sound, and mad his way to the bedroom door. He paused for a moment, standing in the open doorway, to look back at Twilight's sleeping form before turning and closing the door. Spike carefully made his way through the library, easily avoiding the squeaky floor boards. It felt strange to him, sneaking around his own house like a common criminal. He swiftly made it to his destination, a writing desk tucked away in a small corner of the library. He sat down breathing out a small puff of emerald flame, and lighting the candle that sat on the desk, bathing the area in a flickering light. Taking a deep breath, to calm his nerves, he took out a piece of parchment and a quill, and began writing.

Spike wrote slowly, taking the time to make sure each word was perfect. His quill making a soft scritch sound as he wrote. There was so much to say, and so much more he couldn’t. It was difficult figuring out which was which, but he managed it and signed his name at the bottom. He paused; taking the time reread his letter, and allowing the ink to dry. Satisfied with the letters content he carefully folded the parchment, and placed it within an envelope. He lifted the candle from its holder and held it, allowing a few drops of wax to fall on the envelope.

His vision seemed to blur as her waited for the wax to dry. He raised a claw trying to wipe away the tears. It all seemed to hit him at once, the letter representing a farewell to everything he ever loved,I don’t want to leave, he thought, tears streaming down his face, this is my home. Ponyville is where all my friends and family live. He picked up the letter, no longer trying to stop the tears, and flipped it over. I have to do this, to keep them safe, to protect Rarity. With a shaky claw he scrawled a name across the front, several tears falling on to the envelope, staining the paper, and smearing the ink; leaving behind a sloppy looking writing that was just clear enough to make out who the message was intended for, Rarity

Spike slapped himself, taking several large breaths, and managed to stop the tears. Get it together, he told himself, there’s a lot to be done and not much time. He jumped up from the bed, taking the letter with him.

A purple dragon stood outside the door to a hospital room, a bag slung over one shoulder, the other shoulder in a caste. Spike had found it surprisingly easy to sneak into the hospital unseen; their security really wasn’t designed to prevent someone from sneaking into a room, more to stop drug thefts. He took a deep breath trying to calm his nerves before pushing the door open and walking into the room. There was Rarity, just lying there. It looked like she was just sleeping, but Spike knew it would take more than a loud noise to wake her. He placed his bag by the door as he walked over to her, placing a claw on her hoof, careful not to touch anywhere she was injured.

“Rarity,” he said, “I don’t know if you can hear me, but there’s something I need to say.” He paused trying to find the words. “I’m sorry. You got hurt because of me. I know you’d forgive me. You’d say it wasn’t my fault that it was an accident, but it doesn’t change anything.” It was strange, Spike had figured he be crying by now, but they just didn’t come. Why? Was it because he wasn’t sad to say this goodbye? No, he was way beyond being merely sad, beyond tears. It left him feeling empty, hollow. “You wouldn’t have gotten hurt if it weren’t for me. I’m dangerous. Everyone will be safer if I leave, but before I go there was something I wanted to tell you. Rarity I …” His throat closed around the words, he just couldn’t find the strength to say those three simple words, I love you. He sighed, and leaned in planting a kiss on her forehead, just below her horn, and whispered into her ear, “goodbye.”

Spike carefully placed the letter underneath her pillow. He turned to leave, picking up his bag by the door, and missing the single tear that fell down Rarity’s cheek.