• Published 14th Mar 2013
  • 2,397 Views, 64 Comments

The Fall - motser

This is the story of Spike's fall. When he nearly lost the one he loved the most, and the decisions he made as a result.

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Darkness and Survival

Darkness. The mare found herself in an absolute darkness. She searched her memories trying to remember how she got there. Her memories came up blank, for all she knew she'd been here forever.

She looked down at herself trying to make out her form in the darkness. She could see herself perfectly; her white fur almost seemed to be shinning out in contrast to the darkness. The darkness clung to her form, blurring the line between where she and the darkness met. The movement of the darkness against her conjured up the image of a tide ebbing against a beach. She watched it flow against her for a moment wondering where that image could have come from.

She raised a hoof in front of her face, waving it back and forth, watching the darkness flow around it. Her hoof left what appeared to be a void in its wake, the darkness quickly moving in to fill it. With a gasp she realized that this darkness wasn't just an absence of light, but a physical thing. Panic filled her; she'd been breathing it in. She started holding her breath, but it was already too late, she had already breathed it in. She could almost feel it spreading through her body, traveling from her lungs to the rest of her body. Panic filled her. The surrounding darkness took on an oppressive atmosphere, wrapping her tightly in its embrace.

What is this stuff? What’s it going to do to me She clamped her hooves over her mouth, trying to hold in her breath, her lungs crying out for breath. She couldn’t hold on for much longer. Maybe it’s not a big deal. I was breathing this stuff just fine until now right? cautiously she took a breath. The darkness filled her, bringing relief to her burning lungs, and a sense of calm that slowly traveled through her body, causing the fear and panic to melt away. With every breath she took she felt more of her fears flow away only to be replaced by a calm sense of satisfaction. She became distinctly aware of the darkness that surrounded her, embracing her in gentle warmth. It wasn’t long before she was breathing normally without a care in the world.

She stood up slowly, her curiosity getting the better of her, and set off to see if there was anything else in the darkness. She walked on and on tirelessly into darkness. Darkness hear darkness there, everywhere she looked there was nothing but darkness. She walked on for hours, days, weeks, and still nothing but darkness in every direction. Time lost all, but finally, after what had felt like years she spotted something in the distance, a single pinprick of light floating in an ocean of black. She headed towards it, curious of what else could survive in this vast ocean of nothing.

Slowly but surely she made her way towards the light. It grew larger as she approached it, looking something like a small sun. There was something enchanting about the light; it captivated her, drawing her into it. She couldn’t look away, couldn’t stop herself from walking towards it. Step Step Step. She moved towards it, almost in a trance. Step Step Step. She could feel a force pushing her away, trying to keep her from reaching the light, yet still she moved on. Step Step Step With every step she took the force increased, pushing against her relentlessly. Step … Step … Step … She pushed onwards, each step becoming a battle, a fight of acquisition between her and this force. Step … Step … Step. Pain lanced through her body as she stepped forwards. She cried out as fire traveled up her hooves, and through her entire being. The sensation drowned out everything else, all thought replaced by nothing but pain. She was vaguely aware of being pushed back, the force moving her away from the light.

She lied on whatever it was that constituted a floor in this darkness panting. The darkness flowed into her with each shallow breath, bringing relief with it. She could feel the darkness, within and surrounding her, pulling the pain away from her, wrapping her in its comforting embrace. She slowly regained her senses having learned an important lesson; the darkness was safe and peaceful, but the light … the light only leads to pain. She closed her eyes, resting her head on her forelegs, finding herself exhausted by her ordeal, and tried to fall into a peaceful sleep.

The moment her eyes closed a sound started drifting through the darkness from the light, as it changed colors, turning a soft yellow. It was a quite noise, barely above a whisper, it would have been impossible to hear normally, but it was unmistakable in the surrounding darkness. Soon the entire void was filled with the sound of soft sobbing.

The mare clenched her eyes trying to ignore the sound. She didn't know why but it made her uncomfortable. She just wanted it to go away so she could sleep.

“Rarity,” the sound spoke, its voice was soft, feminine, almost like a summer breeze. “I’m so sorry,” she sobbed, “if I was a stronger or braver pony you wouldn’t have been hurt. You were in danger, and I didn’t do anything, I just watched, too scared to act. I … I … I’m sorry,” she whispered, before resuming her sobbing. The sobbing slowly fading until it was gone.

The light changed colors, turning orange, as another voice spoke, “Howdy Rarity,” the voice was rough, it was hard, yet still feminine. It was the voice of a mare that was familiar with a hard day’s work in hot sun. “How ya feeling sugarcube? I imagine ya’ll feel worse than a three legged jackrabbit after runnin a marathon. I, uh, brought a brush with me. I know how much you fuss over your looks, and ah figured I’d do your mane for you,” the almost imperceptible sound of a brush moving through hair echoed through the darkness. “I’m sorry ah can’t do your makeup to; you know how I am with all that frou-frou girly stuff I’d never be able to do it right, and, truth be told, I’m not sure I can do yur mane right.” It was quite for a time, the voice focusing on her task, the sound of her brush the only noise in the darkness. They voice sighed in frustration, “darn it, how do ya’ll manage to get that curl in your mane. This is impossible, I’m sorry, but I’m never going to be able to get your mane right. I’ll just come it straight and let you fix it when ya wake up. That alright with you? I got to get back to the farm, but I promise to come back tomorrow to fix your mane again,” the voice faded, as if it was getting farther away, until it disappeared altogether.

The light changed once again, this time turning pink as a high pitched voice not unlike nails running down a chalk board screeched across the darkness,”HeyRarityHopeYourFeelingWellGetBetterSoonSoWeCanHaveASuperTerificFantabulisticAmazarificSuperEveryPony’sOkPartyTheresGoingToBeCakeAndSreamersAndIGottaGoStartGettingReadySeeYouWhenYourBetterBye.” The mare found herself quite confused by the recent assault on her senses. What was that, she asked herself, as the light shifted from a bright pink to a soothing purple.

“Hey Rarity,” the new voice seemed calm and collected. “The doctors said that while your injuries look bad, you should make a full recovery, and their won’t be any permanent damage,” she sighed, “They also said that you’ve been unresponsive to external stimuli, meaning that you can’t hear a word I’m saying right now.” The voice paused for a moment taking in a deep breath, before slowly letting it out. “Spike’s been doing O.K.,” an ear twitched in the darkness; there was something about that name, “well physically anyway. His shoulder’s been healing just fine, better than that, in fact. He’s been taking what happened really hard. I think he blames himself for what happened; he hasn’t said anything, but I can see it in his eyes. I feel so useless,” the voice seemed to catch, “all of my magic, and I couldn’t stop my brother from turning into that thing. I couldn’t protect anyone, and I still can’t. There is nothing I can say to Spike that will keep him from blaming himself. There’s only one pony who can do that. He needs you Rarity. He needs you to come back, and make everything o.k. We all do.” The voice faded away, the light changing colors yet again, turning a sky blue.

“Hey Rarity,” this voice was deeper than the others, rougher, almost masculine, but still feminine in nature, “I was wondering if we could talk for a bit.” The sound of hooves walking across a hard surface echoed through the darkness; followed by a soft whump that could only have been a pony falling into a plush surface. “So how you felling,” the voice paused, “yea I thought you’d say something like that.” The voice let out a deep sight, “The doctor said that I have permanent nerve damage in my wings, whatever that means, and that I’ll never fly again. I’m having a hard time coming to terms with this. It’s like theirs this hole in my life, and I have to find a way to fill it. The others have tried to be supportive, but they just don’t understand. Flying was more than just a hobby, or a job, it was my life. I’ve known I wanted to be a Wonderbolt almost my whole life. It was more than just a dream. It was my life, the reason I woke up every morning. The others can’t understand what it’s like to lose that, they’re all happy right where they are. Applejack’s never wanted anything but the farm, Fluttershy’s happy as long as she has her animals, Twilight can forget the world as long as she has a book, and Pinkie’s happy as long as she has a friend. You get it. Sure your dream of being a fashionista isn’t anywhere near as cool as my dream of being a Wonderbolt, but we still had that drive; the drive to spend every day working to make you dream a reality. Now that my dreams become impossible I find myself wondering what to do with my life. I was Rainbow dash, future Wonderbolt, fastest flyer in all of Equestria, but what am I supposed to be now? What am I supposed to work towards?” The voice fell silent for a while. “No,” the voice took on a determined tone, “I am Rainbow Dash, and I’m not about to let something like nerve damage stop me. I don’t even know what nerve damage is.” A chair creaked, followed by the sound of hooves walking away. “I’m not giving up, and you better not either. I know your stronger than this, so you’d better hurry up and get better,” the voice faded into nothingness, and the light shifted back to white, silence filling the darkness.

The mare found herself getting frustrated. She was just trying to get some sleep, and all these voices insisted on keeping her awake. She had no idea who this Rarity was, or why all these voices were so interested in her. She found herself wishing that this Rarity would just go back to them, or wake up, or whatever it was that they wanted so she could get some sleep. The mare waited expected another voice to start speaking, but none came. All she heard was silence. Finally she thought some peace and quiet. It seemed like the voices had finished, and the mare was just about to fall asleep when the light turned green.

“Rarity,” The mares eyes flew open as the new voice spoke. Spike, the name came to her, unbidden, but it seemed to fit. She didn’t know how but she knew his name was Spike, and she knew Spike was important. “I don’t know if you can hear me, but there’s something I need to say.” The mare stood up, turning towards the sound, and facing the light.

Is he Speaking to me, she asked herself, am I Rarity?

“I’m sorry. You got hurt because of me. I know you’d forgive me. You’d say it wasn’t my fault that it was an accident, but it doesn’t change anything,” there was something about the way he talked that the mare found odd, it was different from the others.

“No,” the mare whispered, realizing what was different about his voice. He wasn’t urging her to come back, or get better; this was a goodbye and it was wrong.

“You wouldn’t have gotten hurt if it weren’t for me. I’m dangerous. Everyone will be safer if I leave …”

“NO,” the mares scream echoed through the darkness. “NO NO NO NO,” she screamed, sprinting head on towards the light. She hit resistance, the darkness trying to hold her back, refusing to let her go; she pushed harder, running even faster.

“But before I go there was something I wanted to tell you. Rarity I …” the voice paused.

The mare was in agony, every step she took caused pain to fill her body. Still she pressed on focusing on the voice in front of her, tears streaming down her face. “Don’t you dare,” she muttered between clenched teeth, “don’t you dare Spike.”

“Goodbye,” that single word echoed through the mares mind, spurring her on to clear the short distance between her and the light. She called out his name as she jumped into the light, saying goodbye to the darkness for good, “Spiiiiiiiiiiiike!”


Beep Beep Beep

Darkness, Rarity found herself in darkness. The first thing she noticed as she regained her senses was a dull pain that filled her body. She was lying in a bed that was covered in what had to be the itchiest sheets in Equestria. She could feel something on her face, covering her snout. She could hear a constant beeping sound and the muffled sound of ponies.

Where am I? Rarity asked herself, What happened?

She slowly opened her eyes, taking in her surroundings. She was lying in a room that could be described as clinical; all there was in the room was the bed, a few chairs, and some medical equipment. Rarity examined herself next; she was covered in bandages, an IV tube was connected to her left hoof, and she was attached to a beeping heart monitor. Rarity watched as the air mask over her snout fogged up with each breath she took, as she struggled in vain to figure out why she was in a hospital. She struggled trying to push herself up into a sitting position. Rarity was considering trying to find somepony who might know what was going when she heard a soft eep coming from the door. She looked over and saw Fluttershy, with tears in her eyes, and Applejack, with a huge grin on her face, standing in the door way.

“Rarity,” Fluttershy cried in an uncharacteristically loud voice, as she ran over to the bed side, pulling Rarity into a soft embrace. “We were so worried about you,” she sobbed into Rarity’s shoulder, as Applejack stepped out of the room, and started yelling at somepony outside. “I was so scared Rarity. There was a giant dragon, and you fell, and I just froze up, and and …” Rarity stopped listening, as Fluttershy continued her ramblings, there was something about what’d she’d said.

That’s right there was a dragon, she thought, as her memories started to come back to her. Images flashed through her mind; a rampaging dragon stealing her from her home, the dragon turning into Spike, Spike trying to confess, and finally Spike crying out in pain as he fell.

“Spike,” Rarity whispered, “is Spike ok?” Fluttershy continued her rambling, not hearing Rarity speak. “Is Spike ok,” she asked, more forcefully, as a doctor and several nurses walked into the room.

“Excuse us miss,” a nurse said, forcing Fluttershy back, “there are a few tests we need to run now that miss. Rarity is awake.”

“Is SPIKE OK,” Rarity was yelling now, much to the surprise of Fluttershy and the medical staff.

“He’s just fine sugar,” Applejack said, walking into the room with Rainbow Dash, “they sent him home yesterday. I just had the hospital send them a message; I reckon they’ll be in to check on you in a bit.” Rarity lay back down with a sigh.

“GOOD MORNING RARITY HOW ARE YOU FEELING,” Pinkie screamed, popping out from behind Rarity’s bed and grapping her cheeks, just as her head touched the pillow.

“Wha…bu…HOW,” the doctor stuttered, the nurses standing in shock.

“Well, my front hoof started itching, which only happens when I’m about to use my party cannon, and I thought ‘hey what could be happening that would need a party,’ and then I came to me. Rarity must be waking up,” Pinkie spoke as if her explanation was the most obvious thing in the world.

“What,” the doctor asked, more confused than he was before.

“You should just let it go doc,” Rainbow chuckled, punching him lightly on the shoulder, “you’re only going to raise more questions than you’ll ever get answered.”

“Yes well,” the doctor cleared his throat, trying to regain some composure, “As I was saying I need to perform a checkup on Miss. Rarity. I’m going to have to ask you all to leave.”

“Okay Dokie Loki,” Pinkie said, hopping out the door, followed shortly by the others.


The four mares waited anxiously outside Rarity’s room, waiting for the doctor to finish his tests. They didn’t have to wait long before the door swung open, the doctor stepping out with the nurses right behind him.

“How is she,” Applejack asked, hoping for good news.

“Better than we could have hoped for,” the doctors replied cause the gathered mares to sigh in relief, “our tests showed no signs of brain damaged, and her wounds are mending quite nicely.”

“You have no idea how good that is to hear,” Rainbow sighed, “is it alright if we go back in now?”

“That shouldn’t be a prob...” a pink blur flew pass the doctor before he could finish his sentence, “…lem.” The doctor stood silent for a moment, in shock, before speaking, “that has got to be the most energetic mare I have ever met.”

The remaining mares laughed at the doctor’s reaction as the stepped past him into Rarity’s room.

“Does anypony have any makeup, or a brush I can use,” Rarity said while lying on her back, “I must be quite the sight, no makeup, and I don’t even want to think about how my mane looks.”

“I don’t think your appearance should be your biggest concern right now all things considered,” Rainbow said trying to hold back a laugh.

Rarity let out a dignified HUMPH; sticking her snout into the air, “a proper lady must always look her best Rainbow, which isn’t something I’d expect somepony like you to understand.” This time Rainbow lost it, falling to the floor laughing.

“You have no idea how good it is to hear you call me unsophisticated,” she said between giggles.

“Actually ‘ah just happen to have a brush with me,” Applejack said, pulling a hair brush from under her Stetson, “I believe there’s a small mirror in the nightstand.”

“Applejack I surprised,” Rarity said grasping the brush in her magic, “I didn’t take you for the type to care enough about your mane to carry a brush with you.”

“I’m not,” Applejack said, as she pulled a small mirror out of the nightstand and handed it to Rarity, “I know how important your looks are to ya, and I figured the least I could do was keep your mane from getting tangled.”

“I’m touched,” Rarity said, as she carefully started pulling herself into a sitting position. She reached behind her to adjust the pillows to support her back, but when she reached under her pillow she felt the crumple of paper. Curious she pulled it out, to find an envelope with her name scrawled across the front in what was unmistakably Spike’s writing.

Just as Rarity was discovering the letter under her pillow the door to her room was thrown open. Twilight stood in the doorway panting slightly, her mane in a mess, and a twitch in one eye. Everypony in the room turned to face her, except for Rarity who was opening a letter.

“Where’s Spike,” Twilight demanded, surveying the room.

“Deep breaths Twilight,” Applejack said to the frantic mare, “jus’ calm down and tell us what’s wrong.”

“I don’t know where Spike is,” Twilight said with panic in her voice. “He wasn’t in the library when I woke up this morning, and I’ve looked everywhere for him. When I heard that Rarity had woken up I thought he’d be here. Some of the ponied in town were giving him a hard time yesterday. I’m worried that something might have happened to him.” Twilight was almost in tears as she finish, looking desperately for reassurance.

“It’ll be alright,” Applejack said pulling Twilight into a hug, “I’m sure Spike’s jus’ fi…”

Applejack was interrupted as Rarity cried out, “How dare he.” Everypony looked at her in shock as she threw off the beds blanket and started getting up. “Just who does he think he is.”

“Rarity stop, you’re going to hurt yourself,” Fluttershy pleaded. Rarity ignored, pulling out her IV, and tearing off the heart monitor. Within seconds doctors and nurse rushed into the room.

“Miss. Please calm down,” a member of the hospital staff pleaded with Rarity as she struggled against them, yelling about how she was going to buck some pony into the moon when she found him, “if you don’t settle down we’ll be forced to sedate you.”

Amidst the chaos a sheet of parchment fell from the bed, and slowly drifted to the floor at Twilights feet. Hoping it would explain what was wrong with Rarity she picked it up with her magic and began to read.

Dear Rarity,

I pray to Celestia that you’re able to read this, and that you make a full recovery. This incident has shown me just what it means to be a dragon, and it’s made me come to a realization about myself. Dragons are dangerous. We’re creatures of greed willing to do anything to get what we want, and are capable of leveling cities in a single afternoon. There’s a reason ponies don’t know that much about dragons, and so many myth portray us as monsters. It’s because deep down we are. The idea of a dragon living alongside ponies was always going to be impossible, we’re just too unstable. So, I’ve decided to leave Ponyville, and live in the Everfree Forest with the rest of the monsters. Please don’t come looking for me. By the time you read this I’ll already be long gone, and the last thing I want is you or anypony else getting hurt again because of me.

There’s one more thing; something that I need to say before leaving. Something that I’ve known ever since me first met you. Rarity I’m in love with you. I have been ever since I first laid eyes on you. You mean more to me than any gem ever could. I know it doesn’t mean much now, but I just couldn’t leave without letting you know. Goodbye Rarity.


A doctor stepped away from Rarity’s bed, as she fell into a drugged slumber, the nurses hooking her back up to the machinery. “Do any of you know what could have set her off like this,” he asked five mares that were huddled in the corner trying to stay out of the way.

“Yes,” they all turned to look at a pale faced Twilight as she looked over a parchment, “it’s the worst possible thing.”


Spike took deep breaths as he sprinted through the forest, the sound of his feet pounding against the ground echoed through his ears with each step. Surviving in the Everfree had proven more difficult that he had first imagined; the meager supplies he’d brought with him had only lasted him a few days, and now he was tasked with finding food and water in the Everfree. A task which was proving to be almost impossible; he’d run into more than one carnivores plant, or dangerous wildlife. Just about the only thing that had gone right for him was that the doctor had been wrong in his estimation on how long his shoulder would take to heal. Spike had only been in the forest for three days, and his shoulder was completely healed.

Spike heard a twig snap behind him. He panicked, turning his head trying to catch a glimpse of his pursuer. In his haste he missed a root that was sticking out from the ground. He tipped falling to the ground. As Spike fell he felt a gentle breeze on his face, as something flew through the air where he’d been moments before, and imbedded itself in a tree behind him. Spike looked in panic at the manticore only feet behind him, its scorpion tail stretched above him and imbedded in a tree.

Spike tried getting to his feet as the manticore pulled its tail from the tree. He was exhausted, barely managing to stand. The manticore swung its tail through the air striking Spikes small frame sending him flying through the air and into a tree. Pain shot through the dragon’s body as he impacted the hard wood. He carefully fought to get back on his feet, using the tree for support. He grit his teeth as he looked up, trying to get his bearings, only to find the manticore’s face inches away from his own. Its gapping maw dripping with anticipation of the meal it was about to receive. Spike took a deep breath before blowing a plum of emerald flames right in the beasts face.

The manticore roared out in pain and anger, as it frantically pawed at the flames on his face. The fire was quickly put out leaving behind a very angry manticore. Never before had his prey been such a nuisance. He was going to enjoy eating him. He turned to face his prey only to find the purple lizard was gone. He growled to himself. It must have run off while he was blinded, but it couldn’t have gotten fare. He took a moment to sniff the ground, trying to find the scent, before taking off after its prey.

Spike breathed a sigh of relief from his perch in a tree as the manticore ran off into the woods. “It’s amazing how rarely they think to look up,” he whispered to himself. He sat up in the trees branches for a while, trying to catch his breath. Every gasp of air he took in found its path down his dry throat reminding him just how thirsty he was. It’s been almost a day and a half since he’d had anything to eat or drink, and it was starting to take its toll on him. His body was fatigued, even the smallest movements took a lot out of him. If he didn’t find food or water soon he might not make it.

Spike carefully stood up, balancing on the branch, and surveyed the area. All he could see in any direction was trees, and a few mountain ranges in the distance. He was deep in the Everfree, deeper than anypony had ever dared to tread, and he was lost. Spike didn’t think he could find his way back to his home in Ponyville even if he wanted to. No, he thought to himself, I have to stop thinking like that. Ponyville isn’t my home anymore. With a sigh he lowered himself to the forest floor and set off, journeying deeper into the woods.


Spike trudged on through the woods. His feet made a soft crunch in the fallen leaves with every steep he took. He was exhausted; it took all of his will to continue moving forward, driven by a single thought. Water, the single word echoed through his mind over and over. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had something to eat or drink. He was weaker than he could ever remember being. He’d been lucky, the past couple days nothing had tried to kill him. The few animal he’d run into had kept their distance.

A soft trickling sound reached Spike’s ear fins. It was quite, almost lost in the swishing of leaves, but it was unmistakably the sound of running water. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever herd. It would have reduced him to tears if he hadn’t been dehydrated. The prospect of water invigorated him. Spike sprinted towards the wondrous sound using a strength he didn’t realize he still had. The sound quickly grew louder, and the scent of moisture filled the air. Soon a shallow river came into view, he was so close.

Spike’s foot caught on something, causing him to stumble and fall. His head hit a rock with a loud crack. Dizziness swept through him. He managed to stand back up and take a few shaky steps before falling back to the ground. All his strength left him as the world began to dim. He had been so close. He reached a claw towards the river, trying to drag himself to the life sustaining water as he fell into darkness.



Spike regained consciousness when a large drop of something fell against his cheek. It ran down his face where it dripped into his open mouth. It was the wettest most wateriest water he has ever had. The single drop flowed through his mouth bringing relief to his parched throat. Spike slowly opened his eyes only to find another pair gazing back.

A young bird stood in front of Spike, barely more than a hatchling. It had a bright plumage of red, yellow and orange feathers. On the back of its head there were two feathers that curled up at the end. It stared at Spike curiously, its head tilted slightly to the side. It hopped every once and a while giving out a soft peep, and fluttering its wings. It considered Spike for a moment before turning and hopping away.

Spike watched as the bird hopped over to the river, and stuck its beak in. It took in a mouthful of water, turned around, and hopped back towards Spike. When the bird reached Spike it opened its beak allowing water to drip into Spike’s mouth. Spike greedily lapped up the water trying to get every last drop.

The bird chirped happily at Spike’s reaction. He moved closer to the young dragon and started pushing against him with his head. He nudged Spike towards the water, giving out an encouraging squeak. Spike ushered his willpower, carefully pushing himself to his feet. Spike slowly started moving forward, each step taking himself closer to the water before him. The bird let out a cry of victory before hopping past Spike. He went several feet past the dragon before turning around and offering an encouraging peep. Spike followed slowly making his way towards the bird. Every time he got close the bird would jump farther ahead and wait again, as Spike slowly made his way to the river.

Spike plunged his whole head into the water, and gulped greedily. After almost a minute he pulled his head up with a gasp, water dripping from his scales. He panted, as he gazed into the river. It was one of the most beautiful sights he had ever seen. The sun reflected off its surface making it sparkle a whole rainbow of colors. It was almost as if the river was a fine silk studded with gemstones. Wait a second, he thought as he reached into the river, grabbing one of the sparkles and pulling it up. In his claw he held a small diamond. With a shock Spike realized that the entire river was filled with gemstones. Spike grinned, shoving the diamond into his mouth and reaching back into the river for another.


Spike lied on the rivers shore with his stomach extended. He was felt refreshed after gorging himself on water and gemstones. As he gazed upwards at the patch of sky visible through the leaves he contemplated the river that had saved his life. How did the Gemstones get into the river, he asked himself. Gems don’t just appear out of nowhere. Meaning they had to have washed into the river and be pushed down stream by the current. He stood up, and turned parallel to the river. Meaning that if I follow the river upstream I find where all these gems came from. Confidant in his reasoning the young dragon set off, trying to find the source of the river.

Spike had just set off when a sudden weight on his tail and a small chirp caused him to stop. He looked behind him to see the bird that had saved him nestling into the base of his tail, making itself comfortable. It let out a satisfied cheep as it noticed Spike looking down on it.

Spike let out a sigh. “Look I know you helped me before, and I’m grateful for that,” he said, “but you really shouldn’t be around me. I’m dangerous.”

The bird just looked up at him with a wide grin on its face. Spike carefully lifted the bird from his tail and placed it on ground. Spike turned away, and once again set off. A chirp at his side caused him to look over. On ground next to Spike was the bird, contentedly hopping along next to him.

“If I wasn’t clear before I want you to leave,” Spike said in frustration. The bird just looked up at him. “Go back to your family I’m sure their worried about you.”

The bird shuffled its feet, looking to the ground. It was then Spike became aware of how unusual the situation was. This was a young bird, barely more than a hatchling, and Spike hadn’t seen any sigh of its parents. No mother bird would ever allow one of her children out of her sight for this long. There was only one possible explanation, “you’re all alone aren’t you?” Spike sighed. “Fine you can come along if you want, but it’s probably in your best interests if you don’t.

The bird peeped happily, jumping up on Spike’s tail and climbing up his spines to perch on his shoulder. He nestled into Spikes neck with a soft sigh. When Spike was sure the bird would fall he started walking again.

“You know,” Spike said, “If you’re going to be around I might as well give you a name. How does Peewee sound to you?” The young bird let out a happy cry in response.


The two traveled for most of the day, following the river. Just as the sun was about to set they found it. The opening of a cave set into a small hill, the river flowing out from its entrance. Spike approached carefully, stopping at the mouth of the cave, Peewee still perched on his shoulder. A little ways in the cave widened into a large open room. Several tunnels connected to it, through one of which the river flowed. As the sun set its last rays of light filtered into the cave causing the walls to sparkle. Imbedded in the caves walls were some of the largest gems Spike had ever seen. The entire cave was full of them.

Spike was Speechless as he entered the cave. He stood in the center of the open area Surrounded by gems, and just took in the magnificent sight. “Well Peewee,” he said in a voice barely above a whisper, “it looks like we found our new home.

Comments ( 21 )

Hurrah, an update! I hope the M6 don't immediately set out to find Spike, let's draw out the angst! And please don't use the tired routine where Rarity sees the note Spike wrote about loving her and then suddenly realizes all her hidden feelings for the dragon and then passionately declares she's going to find him no matter what.

Very sad ending to this chapter.

Good to see you are back on this story. Please keep working on it.

3067704 I want both things to happen. I also want Rarity to beat the living crap every member of that mob that picked on Spike. Also have Luna talk to Spike and convince him to come back.

This is a fantastic story

Ooooh. Peewee. Nicely done.

heh, out of curiousity i gav this a try n' so far :rainbowhuh:? i'm luvin it n' can't wait to see what u hav in store next :pinkiehappy:


She's going Dragon hunting decked out in her finest Elmer Fudd outfit;

Ha Ha Ha It's Dwagon Season !:raritywink:

Why is this wonderfully amazing thing that is your story not continued?

Oh and I would like to ask for permission to try and make a comic based on this story so far.

6035914 Unfortunately I've been really busy with school and work, and haven't had the time to work on this. I still plan of finishing it, but I don't know when I'll be able to get to it.

Feel free to do anything you want based off of this.

6036245 Well at least summer is in a week or so.

Thank you I I'll tell you if and when I make something.

4839596 What are you and why are you everywhere?

6036307 CLUE


I have a lot of time on my hands, Make the best of time it's all you got some times----> lower right kneeling.

6036759 ...so is that you or.....?

6036900 yep. me. Price Costco dead engine while putting A/C units on roof. Years ago.

6037374 hmmm. I never would have guessed. You're energetic attitude and way of writing made me think you were a teen around my age. :pinkiehappy:

6037470 Lets hope we all can stay young at heart..

This is such a great story. I hope you still plan on continuing it...someday.

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