• Published 19th Mar 2013
  • 1,208 Views, 57 Comments

I'm sorry, what? - Bazing

I land in a stange knew world, fillied with colourfull talking ponies, great

  • ...

What happened?

I woke up very slowly, and felt nothing but pain, an incredible amount of pain, all over my body, I opened both of my eyes, and was greeted by a light right above my head, it was blinding to say the least and I instantly closed them again, after a couple of seconds, I opened them again, I look around the room, to notice I was in the hospital, I could hear a faint Beep Beep Beep as to what I though was the heart monitor, I groaned through the incredible amount of pain and slowly looked down at the rest of my body, I was covered in a giant cast, one which you see people covered in when they have all their bones broken.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I couldn't hold it back, the pain was unbearable, I shouted as loud as I could and for at least 10 seconds before the screaming was causing the pain to increase in my lungs, I fell limp on the bed and groaned once more, a few seconds later my family was in the room with the doctor staring at me, all on the verge of tears, including me, there were both my brothers, older and younger, Tom and William, Step-Dad and Mum, Ben and Amanda, and finally my Dad, whom which I haven't seen for years, he was just standing there, crying silently.

"Dad..." was all I could manage to say, before my lungs sent a jolt of pain throughout my body and I leaned back and squeezed my eyes shut, I groaned once more.

"Shh...it's okay Julian, every thing's going to be fine" I could feel myself starting to cry, I knew I was dying, the pain was incredible, I slowly opened my eyes again to be greeted with the rest of my family crying.

"What happened?" I can't remember anything about what happened before.

"'You were hit by a car, the person responsible has been charged with Hit and Run, Speeding and Manslaughter" I stared shocked at my mom.

"Manslaughter? but I'm not dead...well at least not yet" I said under my breath.

"You were in a coma for months, the Doctors were surprised you even woke up" Ben explained, I could feel myself going cold, I knew what was happening.

"I'm so cold...I don't want to go...not now" I was now full-out crying, so was my family, to my surprise, Tom, walked up to me and hugged me tightly, I could feel the pain increase, but I didn't care, I was dying, I was to sad to even scream in pain, he slowly pulled away and said to me in a comforting voice.

"Love you bro, always will and always have" I cried even more, I have never heard Tom say that to me before, sure he said he loved me, but not like that, never like that, I could feel myself slowly slipping away, I looked back at the rest of my family, then feel back on the bed, with my last few breaths I said

"Goodbye....everyone....don't....forget....I love...you all" and with that, I fell back on the bed, now dead, my family staring at my lifeless body, now crying so hard, that all the other rooms could hear, not even the long Beeeeeep of the heart monitor was heard, the Doctor slowly pulled the sheets over my body, I was now....falling?