• Published 19th Mar 2013
  • 1,209 Views, 57 Comments

I'm sorry, what? - Bazing

I land in a stange knew world, fillied with colourfull talking ponies, great

  • ...


To say the last couple of days were boring is the understatement of the century. Yeah it’s hell cliché but deal with it. After what I did to Rainbow Dash, no pony visited me, thankfully. The only person, err, Pony, to visit me was the Nurse, and only then to give me food and drink.

Today was different however, Twilight was coming to ask some questions about me and where I’m from, I lay there waiting patiently for her arrival, I hope there’s no questions about me personally, I’m not going to answer any personal questions.

“Hello there mister, here’s your breakfast for today” Nurse Red Heart put down the tray on the bed-side table next to my hospital bed, I was to be able to leave in a few days.

“Thank you Nurse” she nodded and left me to my peace, one again I was given water and Hay...I should probably tell them I can’t eat hay, I just drink the water and leave the Hay.

“Nurse!” I shout out for her, she comes in looking at me, I point towards the food and say, “I probably should’ve told you sooner, but I can’t eat hay, do you have any Steak? Oh wait, Equines are herbivores, never mind that.”

“Are you telling me that you eat meat?!”

Here it comes...

“Yes, it tastes amazing, my favourite food” the Nurse looks at me with disgust, I could care less, Meat is the best food out there. “Not all Humans eat meat tho, most of us do, there are some vegetarians, as we call them, who don’t eat any meat, and there are some people called Vegans, who don’t eat anything that is related to animals.”

"You don't eat ponies?....Do you?"

"*Sigh* No, no human eats ponies"

My explanation seemed to calm her a bit, she still looked at me a while longer before leaving. I leaned back in my bed and closed my eyes; I thought of something, something to cheer me up a bit, I started singing.

Little did I know that Twilight was standing out the door listening in closely, before she could enter I started a new song.

“Those songs were sad, but beautiful, you have a great voice.” I was startled, I looked at the direction of the voice and saw Twilight, and she had a sad expression on her face, but didn’t say anything more.

"How were they beautiful?"

"Just take the compliment"

“Are you here to ask me some questions?” she nodded, “Okay, but we are going to do it on my conditions, One: I will answer your questions, but certain ones I will not, depending on what they are, and Two: after you ask me a questions, I will ask you one, and you will answer, don’t worry I won’t ask anything inappropriate. Deal?”


“Okay, let’s get started, first question?” She levitated a notebook in-front of her, with a quill.

“Question one; Where did you come from?”
Coss I didn’t see this one coming...

“I come from a planet called Earth, as I found out earlier, Earth is on another Dimension, don’t ask me how I know, I just do”
“My question, Could I possibly get some clothes? My species is a bit insecure and don’t like being naked, unlike you Ponies, our...genitals...are always exposed”

“I noticed, and I’ll ask Rarity about it, but she will need to get some measurements”


“Question two; can you tell me about the planet you’re from?”

“*Sigh* fine, I’m from a continent on Earth, called Australia, there are many countries on Earth, the main countries are U.S.A., also known as America, China, Russia, and Great Brittan, also known as England, most countries speak the language I am speaking now, known as English, but most countries also have a native language, my Country, Australia, was first inhabited by the Aboriginals, a race of dark brown people, I don’t know the name of their language but it’s not English, while after the British settlement in Australia, most of the Aboriginals were exterminated, the others were domesticated and taught how to speak English”

“Why were they killed? And what do you mean by “Domesticated”?”

“That’s two more questions for me, they were killed so the British people could settle in the land, while many people did not agree with what they were doing, they had to, and when I say “Domesticated” I mean that the Aboriginals were not as...civilized...as the British were, so they taught them to be more civilized .”

“That’s terrible, your race is very violent isn’t it?”

“Indeed, okay three questions...let me think” I sat there a moment thinking of some questions. "What are those symbols on your...erm...arse?"

Twilight looked down towards her cutie mark, "What this? This is known as a "Cutie Mark", a pony gets one when they discover their special talent, for example, mine is magic, I specialize in every field of magic there is"

"I would also like to know more about this country, it’s inhabitants, culture, and, Princess Celestia”

“Why do you want to know about Celestia? And that’s an extra question for me”

“Whatever, and because I want to know if I can trust her, don’t say anything, just answer my questions”
Twilight told me about all the things I had asked (I couldn’t think of anything to write so I just wrote this), she told me about how Celestia is over 1,000 years old, and how her sister, Princess Luna was transformed into Nightmare Moon, and how Celestia used the Elements of Harmony, Whatever they were, to defeat her and banish her to the moon.

“Well I better not get on her bad side.” Twilight chuckled

“I control the Elements with my five friends, so don’t worry about her”

“And what are the Elements?”

“The Elements of Harmony are 6 artifacts, that represent what is needed for the perfect friendship, Honesty, Loyalty, Laughter, Generosity, Kindness and Magic. My friends and I represent each Element, I represent Magic.”


“My turn, two questions, What race are you? And how old are you?”

“My race is Caucasian, White with round eyes, and I am 15 years old”

“15?!? I thought you were older! You’re so tall!”

“Tallest in my class! That reminds me, will I need to go to school here?”

“I’ll have to ask Princess Celestia, what do you study?”

“Chemistry, I love Chemistry” Twilight’s face lit up.

“I love chemistry too!” I wasn’t that surprised to be honest, she reminds me of someone who over-studies for everything.

“I’m not that good at it, after all I’m 15, and still in school” she didn’t change her expression.

“I could teach you, and is 15 too old for school where you’re from?” More questions? Jesus how many does she have?!

“No, most people stay in school till they are 18, then they can chose to continue a different type of school called University, it’s concentrated on one specific course that you can chose, and it considerably harder, or they can do another schooling called TAFE, my mum did TAFE and she is now an Orthodontist, someone who works with teeth.”

“And I don’t want to go back to learning...so no thanks”

“My question is, are the other Elements of Harmony or whatever, those ponies that were here with you and the Princess?”

“Yes, those are my friends, Applejack is the Element of Honesty, Pinkie Pie is the Element of Laughter, Fluttershy is the Element of Kindness, Rarity is the Element of Generosity-“

“Hopefully she is generous enough to give me some clothes...” I am NOT! Walking around naked!

“She will, and lastly, Rainbow Dash is the Element of Loyalty.”

“Rainbow is the one I punched in the face right?” Twilight wasn’t amused by my question, in-fact I think it angered her.

“Yes, and just for that I get to ask you more questions”

Fuck sake

“Fine, hurry it up” I lay back down in my bed and stared at the roof, waiting for her last question.

“I’d like to know more about you and you’re family.” Shocked, I looked her in the eyes.

“No” I said it plainly, and made sure she wouldn’t argue.


“But nothing, I said no, no arguing about it.” I said quickly before she could say anything more. I turn my head back to the roof. She stood there for a few minutes in silence.

“Princess Celestia will be here tomorrow, she wants to talk with you alone, and after that I will ask you some more questions”

Yippee, no doubt she’s gonna get angry at me for punching the Element of Loyalty or whoever she was.

“I’m gonna get it, aint I?” Twilight looked shocked; I think she was surprised that I would suggest her Princess hurting me in any way.

“No! Of course not! Why would you?” I sighed in annoyance and faced her.

“Maybe because I punched your friend in the face, just because of some petty insult, but you must understand, the past few days have been emotional, and very difficult.”

“I know” I gazed at her, incredibly angry.

I call bullshit on that! “How could you know? How could you know what’s going through my head? How could you know WHAT THE FUCK I’M FEELING!? HOW COULD YOU KNOW WHAT THE FUCK I’M GOING THROUGH?!” I shouted at her, furious, from her remark, She knows nothing

Twilight looked at the floor, nearly crying, I think I went too far with that one... but still, I had a point with what I was saying. I should still apologize to her tho.

“*Sigh* I’m sorry” Twilight looked up at me.

“It’s okay, you’re right; I don’t know what you’re going through.”

“That’s true, but I didn’t need to shout”

“See you tomorrow” I nodded and replied.

“Bye.” Twilight walked out the room; I sighed and looked back at the ceiling, Nothing to do for the next day, again.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the over use of Dialogue, but it was necessary