• Published 19th Mar 2013
  • 1,208 Views, 57 Comments

I'm sorry, what? - Bazing

I land in a stange knew world, fillied with colourfull talking ponies, great

  • ...

Unpleasant Memories

Twilight's Library (1 day before Q&A)

Twilight, Princess Celestia, Spike Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, were all in the Library discussing what should be done with the Human called "Julian"

"Are you sure about this Princess?" Twilight was curious about the Human, but also cautious, He did after all assault Rainbow because of a stupid little insult, but then again, we know nothing of this creature.

"Of course Twilight" Celestia looked at her seriously, "I would not ask you otherwise if I was not confident you could accomplish it."

"You can count on me Princess!" Twilight looked at the Princess with determination, she levitated her noted in front of her, with a Quill, and a piece of parchment, the Princess glanced at the clock on the wall.

Princess Celestia looked back to Twilight and said, “perhaps tomorrow my faithful student, but for now, get some rest, it is nearly midnight, and I have one final duty to perform before Luna takes over.”

Twilight bowed to the Princess, “of course Princess, I shall try to get as much information from him as possible”

Princess Celestia nodded to Twilight, and turned to her friends and did the same, after Princess Celestia left, Twilight’s friends followed her out the door to their owns homes to get some well needed rest, Twilight however was too excited and nervous to sleep, but not long after she grew drowsy and fell asleep.

Ponyville Hospital (10 minutes before Princess Celestias’ arrival)

I woke up the next morning so incredibly hungry, the Nurse had brought me some food, a Daisy sandwich, do they have anything here I can eat?, I only drank the water and put the tray of food aside and waited for her to enter to collect the tray.
The nurse entered 5 minutes later, she noticed the sandwich on the tray, “Can you not eat this either? I’m sorry but I do not know what foods your race eats, you must be incredibly hungry to not eat for 5 days.”

I nodded, “Yes I am, I might have to ask the Princess for a special order or something”

“Ask me for what?” A strange voice came from the doorway, I knew who it was from her voice as well as what she said.

“I would like to make a request for some food, I’m afraid that the food here I cannot digest, I can eat Fruit, Vegetables and Meat” Oh shit.

The Princess stared at me with wide eyes, “I’ll see what I can do, but I’ll have to ask the Griffins for some, any preferences?”

“Yes I would like...wait...Griffins? What other creatures live on this world? and you also don't seem to mind that I eat meat..."

Princess Celestia stared at me with confusion, “I am the ruler of this land, I must meet with other species that also eat meat, and Twilight didn’t tell you? Well we have Ponies, Griffins, Dragons, Zebras, Changelings, Manticores, Basilisks-“

“Are all these sentient?”

“No, just us Ponies, Dragons, Zebras, Griffins and Changelings, there are also Crystal Ponies.”

“Are you fucking serious? Crystal Ponies?” I said with a incredibly surprised tone

“Yes there are, and watch your language young colt, according to Twilight you are only 15 and not a stallion yet”

I stared at Celestia, annoyed, so very annoyed, “First off, it’s Boy not Colt, and it’s Man not Stallion, secondly you’re not my mum...”

Celestia was quite annoyed with my statement, but the only person to tell me to stop swearing was my mum, “anyway, you were saying what you would like?”

I grew in excitement, Finally some fucking meat!, “Yes I would like some Chicken, Steak, Beef, Bacon, Turkey, Duck, Quail...I won’t be able to eat all that...Okay all of that, but not in one night, tonight I want some Steak, it’s been too long since I last ate some good Steak.” Fucking love Steak, Steak is my absolute favourite food.

“I shall consult with the Griffins about the meat that you require, unfortunately we do not posses this animal you call Quail”

I chucked at the princess, “Don’t worry, I was only naming as many meats that came to my head, I only require Chicken, Turkey, Bacon and steak, and if you have any, some salt would go well with it, tonight I would like specifically some Bacon and Steak, with salt and pepper, and a good old Salad with Lettuce, Cucumbers, Cheese, Tomato and...That’s it actually, if that isn’t too much, thank you very much.”

The Princess stared at me, dumb folded, I did not know that this Human was capable of eating such a large amount of food.

“Oh, and can you make it a big piece of Steak? Like, half a plate big? Thanks! I would also like it medium rare, 10 pieces of crispy Bacon, Tomatoes and Cucumbers sliced, not diced, Chicken and Turkey roasted, and make that a whole Chicken and Turkey. I am so incredibly hungry; I haven’t eaten in 5 days...”

“As you wish, are you sure that this isn’t too much food?” Celestia asked with concern and slight surprise, she was studying me closely while writing down what food I had ordered, “Haha, I feel like a waitress.”

I chuckled at her statement, “It certainly feels like I’m at a restaurant, besides the fact that I’m in a
hospital bed, and naked...Do you know if...Rarity? Is that it?” She nodded, “Right, do you know if she accepted to make me some clothes?”

She nodded again, “yes she has, but first she needs some measurements, so you will need to go to her boutique, and she will get her measurements.”

Guess I’ll need to wear a towel or something, I laughed a bit at my thoughts, Celestia looked at me in confusion.

“Is something funny?”

I waved it off, “Nah, was just laughing at my thoughts is all”

She persisted, “What were they?”

I shrugged, “I was thinking that I’ll need to wear a towel or something while she is getting her measurements”

She didn't find it as funny as I did, no sense of humour in this one, sad, Celestia stood for a moment, trying to find the right words of what she was about to say next.

“If you would please, I would like to know more about you”

I lay there silent for a few moments, I’m not going to tell her, my past isn’t dark, nor pretty, I have some bad experiences, as-well as anger problems, emotional problems, physical abuse by others, emotional and psychological.

“I’m sorry Princess, but I cannot tell you anything”

The Princess looked disappointed as-well as sad, “So be it” she leaned down a little bit, “I did not want to do this, but you leave me no choice”

As she said her last words, her horn started to glow, she leaned her horn to my head, and they touched.

My life, she could see all of it, from birth to death, 15 years past by in mere minutes, two specific experiences caught her attention.

(Memory 1) My School, Year 7, Late 2010, fourth Term of school

I was 12 years old, last week of school, I was walking from my schools oval to the middle area, on the way I ran into one specific person, who I wish I had never met.

My bully

“Hello there Julian, how are you today?” My bully was the same age as me, his name was Amir, he was a fat Lebanese fuck head, fuck off you Lebanese dick weed, I don’t want any shit from you.

“I’m fine, now if you’ll excuse me-“I was cut off as I tried to walk past him, but his fat body was in my way.

“Where do you think you’re going huh? I want to have some fun with you today” he brought up his fists.

“Fine, you know what? I’m sick of your shit you fucking Lebanese fuck-tard, I want you, and your fucking friends to go fuck off, or I will beat you, I will let out my anger that I have been storing for this one moment, I will go off at you and no teacher will stop me from doing what I am about to do...so you have one warning, fuck off, or I will beat you so hard, your fucking parents won’t recognize you.”

Amir turned to his two companions beside him, “Haha, you think you can beat me? If you can’t even beat my friends here, get him boys!”

As he said this his friends lunged at me with right and left hooks, both at the same time, I stepped back a bit, and they punched each other in the hand, “Bring it on you fuck-nuts, and after I’m done with you two,” I pointed to Amir “You are next”
We resumed our fighting, the one on the right was an Italian boy, named Michele (Mich-el-e), we called him Macca, the other was a Irish kid named Patrick, we called him Pat.

Macca went for the hook again, I was fast enough to counter it, I grabbed his hand and pulled him closer, I punched him in the face with a quick jab and managed to dodge Patrick as he tried to help his friend, he came from behind and punched me in the side of the head, I let go of Michele and swung a right hook at Patrick, he tried to dodge by jumping back, but I managed to get him in the sides.

As Patrick fell on the ground, I turned to see Michele running at me with his fist drawn back, I was ready as he made for his jab, I ducked under him and jabbed him in the gut, be stopped and leaned forward and wrapped his arms around his stomach, because he was stupid enough to lean forward, I brought my right knee into his face, breaking his already damaged nose, he fell on the ground, broken nose, black eye, face bleeding like crazy.

Patrick was struggling to stand, I slowly walked up to him and he noticed me, he threw his arms in front of him in defense, “I give up! Please!” he looked up at me with pleading eyes.

“Fine, just get the fuck out of here; I don't want to see you ever again.” Patrick managed to get to his feet as he limped off, he went to walk past his 'friend' Amir, but as he was, he brought his fist into his stomach, causing Patrick to fall to the ground groaning.

“Dude! What the fuck?!” I yelled at him, he has no remorse for the weak, “He gave up, he can't fight, why would you do that?”

He stepped forward and cracked his knuckles, “Because I don't want any interference, now that you have been weakened by my buddies here, it will be easier to beat you up!”

I scowled at him, “Keep fucking dreaming asshole, before this is over, you will wish you never met me.” (AN: Cliché I know, but that's actually what I said), I decided to play on the defensive, wait for him to attack, as I sit back and counter.

He did, first move was Amir, he jumped forward for the left hook, I ducked under it and punched him in his fat stomach, I didn't look hurt, but because of my position he tried to knee me in the face, I quickly grabbed his knee and threw his leg in the air, causing him to lose balance and fall on his back, I jumped over him and started to repeatedly punch him in the face.

“You stupid fat fuck! You deserve every beating I'm giving you!” he manage to punch me in the face to get me off him, this time he was on top of me, his massive weight was enough to suffocate me if he sat on my chest, but before he could do anything, I punched him in the nose, breaking it.

“Fuck you! I fucking hate you!” I kneed him in spine, causing him to fall over groaning in pain, I got up and decided to go for the cheap shot, just to get the satisfaction of seeing him cry, I raised my foot getting ready to kick him as hard as I could, because he was on his back, and his eyes closed, he could not see it coming, my kick heading straight for his balls.

“AHHHHHHH!!” he screamed so loud that half the school could hear, some teachers turned from their classes to see what was happening, they saw two unconscious bodies on the ground, one standing, one of the floor rolling and groaning in pain.

I smiled smugly and evilly at him, “I told you no teacher was going to stop me, even though we all hate you, it's part of their job, they will come in when they believe you have had enough.” After I said this I brought up my foot to his face, it was covered in blood, his nose was broken off to the right side of his face, and both of his eyes were swollen.

I was about to stomp that mother-fucker in the face, before the principle came over, “WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!” his voice caused me to stop in my tracks, I smiled at him.

“These three assholes tried to beat me up, self defense isn't as bad as starting the fight.”

He nodded, “You're right, but you cannot walk away from this UN-punished, meet me in my office tomorrow morning, we will discuss your punishment with the others.”

I sighed and walked away.

(Memory 2) My School, Year 7, Late 2010, fourth Term of school (2 days after the fight, and 2 days before school finished)

I was walking through the school grounds, my punishment was a 1 day suspension, (AN: My school was a private school so the punishments weren't that bad, and it's the last few days so it's pointless) I was about to meet my Girlfriend for lunch, every day we'd hang out during lunch and talk, but today was different, today I was going to make my move.

I noticed her sitting down on a bench, eating her lunch, I approached her and gave her a quick hug, “Hey there, how's it going?”

She shrugged, “Not bad, yourself?’

I shrugged as-well, “Besides getting the satisfaction of beating up that fucking cunt, pretty shit, my parents grounded me for fighting, half of the school is either scared of me or they just thank me for beating him up, oh, and also receiving some hate messages from his family on Facebook, so yeah, pretty shit”

She looked pretty sad by my explanation, “I'm sorry about that” she got up and gave me a big hug, I returned the hug as I sighed.

“I'm just sick of this shit, I have hardly any friends, your my only friend,” I never cared for calling her names like babe it's to cheesy in my opinion.

She looked at me with seriousness, “You know that's not true, you have plenty of friends”

I raised an eyebrow, “care to tell me some?”

She stuttered, thinking of some names, “umm....”

I laughed, “See? You're the only one who likes me more than a friend, and for that, I thank you”

I leaned forward to kiss her on the lips, My first kiss, this was the best moment in my life, she pulled back after a few seconds and looked at me shocked.

“I'm sorry, I don't like you like that anymore”, now it was my turn to look shocked

“But...we've been going out for years!” I yelled at her, I was not only angry, but sad, I fucking knew this would happen!

“I know...but...I...I like someone else” I got up, and began to walk away, “Where are you going? Did I mean that little to you?”

I stopped walking, I turned around and looked back to her, so much hate and anger, “You meant everything to me, you know I have no friends, without you, I'm alone, and might I ask who it is?”

She stopped for a moment, “P-Patrick”

I flared with anger, “PATRICK!? WHY?!”

She looked back at me, sadness in her eyes, “because, I don't know why, but I just know”

I stopped myself from screaming, the anger that I have built up in myself over the years has just increased drastically, I walked off without another word, I could hear her calling for me, I turned around and shouted, “FUCK OFF! I DON'T WANT TO HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU ANYMORE!” after that she stopped calling for me.

After that day, I've been so depressed, I loved her, but she didn't me, but I don't care anymore, because of that day, I've been unsuccessful with the other relationships I've tried, so I eventually gave up trying.

Oh, did I forget to mention that I once got so emotional that I punched a wall because of nothing? Yeah, all because of that...

Ponyville Hospital (after witnessing my memories)

I looked at Celestia, who had a mixture of shock, sadness and remorse, I was fuming with anger, I was forced to witness past memories that I had wished I could just forget about.

“Get out” I looked at her, she looked at me, not moving or changing

“Get the fuck out, NOW!” she still didn't move

“FUCKING GET OUT! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN! YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO DO WHAT YOU DID! LEAVE RIGHT NOW!” she stopped from her trance and looked at me, she only nodded and walked out

Before leaving she turned and said, “I'm sorry”

I turned to face her, “Leave”, I was still pissed at her, and she had no right to do that. Oh god how I was pissed, so fucking pissed I wanted to smash my head into the wall repeatedly

Tomorrow is the last day in this hell hole.

Author's Note:

These events did happen, but they might have been exaggerated slightly.... only slightly
never actually kissed her, still to this day, have not kissed a girl on the lips (sad world)