• Published 20th Mar 2013
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Star Trek: Equestrian Assimilation - firelordzx5

The Borg, a menace that move in a unusual way lately has forced the starfleet, the KDF and the New Romulan Empire to sent a fleet in a untouched world threated by the Borg!

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Chapter 1: New Tactics and The Prophecy (Edited)

Chapter 1: New Tactics

"This is ABSURD!" General Va'lek yelled, with indignation in his voice. One of the most of temperamental Klingons, He would fight for the Empire, even if he was FORCED to work alongside the federation. He would live for honor, fight for honor, and die for honor.

"Calm down, Va'lek! I know that this is very strange. All they do now is send scout parties, and why?" Fleet Admiral Richard of Starfleet, in charge of the 24th fleet "Liberation Front" in the Borg frontlines pipes up. He would prefer to die than see the federation in ruins. All the attention turns to the female Romulan, Admiral Vedan.

"The boarding team in the sphere discovered this." a hologram of a M-class planet appeared embedding confusion in the faces of the admirals. Why would the borg be focused on that world? It’s... Illogical. Or, at least that’s what Richard thought.

"There’s more." Vedan simply stated, coupled with the pressing of a few buttons on the computer. The hologram enlarged slightly, along with a series of algorithms and diagrams of radiation pools, all throughout the planet’s surface. Along with those, an immeasurable amount of life signs popped up, looking like... Quadrupeds? They all vaguely resembled the ponies of Earth, but with varying color schemes and noticeable features protruding from their backs and foreheads. The multicolored equines came in four varieties, one with nothing, one with a horn, one with wings, and the final one with both. Each species had a series of equations protruding from their diagram, outlining the various similarities between the planetary radiation and the radiation emanating from these “pony's” bodies. It would appear that the natives of this landscape could manipulate the radiation, and use it for a myriad of purposes. Va’Lek, the un-amused Klingon asked, “So...The Borg discovered a new world with a ‘special’ kind of radiation, but that can’t be the whole reason. Right?” He was kind of interested, but still appeared un-amused. Borg? Interested in new life? Since when did they become a Federation? He didn’t have long to finish this thought, because the thought he had other than that erupted suddenly to the surface.

“It’s still absurd! The Borg only care about assimilation, why would they want to ‘study’ some pastel colored ponies? He spat out that last bit, as the horrible dishonor of the English language graced his sensitive Klingon vocal cords. They were used to gruff, proper shouts. Not quiet, ponies and friendship and magic.
Ugh, this language disgusted him.

“You’re angry because the Borg are focused on that planet instead of us? Well, that gives us more time to regroup and organi--” Admiral Richard was cut off by the incessant beeping of the holographic projector as Vedan adjusted it, until only the radiation graphics and the algorithms were visible.

“Your foresight is short-sighted, Admiral. These transmissions that we intercepted are not theories for new forms of assimilation, but theories of how to emulate the abilities of the natives.” Both of the other Admirals traded looks, then returned their sight to Vedan.

“You said abilities of the natives, like they emanate this...radiation themselves, like living plasma torpedoes.” Richard looked slightly amused by the statement, but Vedan stayed as stoic as she was before. Va’Lek, on the other hand, studied the diagrams closer. Each encounter, each battle gave him more and more insight into the workings of the the Borg. These symbols represented much, much more than just constants and variables.
They represented something big.

“You’re wrong.” Va’Lek said plainly, “You said they are looking to emulate the native’s abilities, but you’re wrong. These ponies are sentient, and the Borg are looking for a method for both assimilation and control of the radiation, using them as drones.”

“What?” Richard was confused.

“He’s trying to say that the creatures can control the radiation, and may have even learnt how to generate it. Assimilating them into drones is one step, controlling the radiation is one more, and that leads to something new in the collective’s mind, something to study, control, and use to fight. I was thinking the same thing.”

“So? We can fight back any kind of radiation.” Richard still didn’t quite see their point.

“You’re still a little blind, aren’t you?” Va’Lek added, liking the inflections he could impose on the various words in that sentence. For a weak language, it could convey a surprising amount of anger. Maybe it was okay after all. “The Borg are studying them for possible assimilation later on.” Richard sat in silence for a few seconds, until,

“They’re trying to weaponize it! It’s not dangerous to the natives, but is it dangerous to us?”

“It doesn’t appear so,” Vedan replied, “But in theory it can cause damage if the individual wishes it to.” The Human and the Klingon exchanged glances before looking back to the hologram.


“...Magic?” Asked Luna, with just a hint of fear in her eyes.

“Not like I’ve ever seen. I’ve never heard of visions this powerful or specific. I’m getting them too, but I don’t understand them.” Bipeds fighting on Equestrian soil, against black and green machinery fused with flesh, chanting the same phrase over and over, while ponies ran and hid in their houses. She didn’t know what that meant!

Resistance is futile, she thought. Her vision was much less pleasant. Ponies covered in the same black and green machinery abducting and ‘converting’ anypony they came across, complete with their tortured screams of agony. One of them was... was...

“Tia, are you alright?” Her sister’s voice snapped Celestia out of her trance. “I’m scared. These... things were...were...attacking ponies! And hurting them! I’m...I’m scared, Tia!” She began to tear up on those last few words, hugging her sister tightly. Her sister returned the hug just as tightly, refusing to allow both of the regal rulers of Equestria to cower in fear of a dream.

“I remember something similar to this, but I can’t be sure. We need to go to the Ancient Archive. I remember something about these kinds of visions.” With that, the two princesses trotted out of Celestia’s chambers towards the archives. On the way, they passed a group of nobles and guards. One of the nobles, a red unicorn stallion with a yellow mane, stepped forward and bowed, nervously.

“What’s wrong, Fineblood?” Celestia had a look of genuine concern on her face, and so did he.

“Oh, Princess! It’s terrible! Ponies have disappeared in the night!” With his magic, he lifted a newspaper, it’s whole front page covered in the names of missing ponies. “Do you think that this is Chrysalis again?” After quickly trading looks with Luna, Celestia quickly responded.

“I don’t think it’s Chrysalis, Fineblood. The Changelings abduct and replace their victims, not leaving ‘holes’ in their place.” Celestia smirked inwardly at her very inappropriately timed pun. “I highly doubt she’s planning another invasion, especially after what happened last time.” He seemed as agitated as normal. Strange, normally they calm down by now.

“Witnesses said that they saw green flashes at the time of the disappearances. I think that it almost certainly is a Changeling threat of some kind. Oh, Luna, princess of the night, you watch over the land! Do you think that there are Changelings afoot?”

“I would have detected her magic, but I have felt nothing. Again, it’s not her strategy, to leave gaps in her victim’s populace.” This seemed to calm him, but not in the way expected. He turned to face Celestia, with deep sorrow filling his eyes.

“My daughter is one of the disappeared, your highness. Sorry to bother you.” With that, he turned around and returned to the nobles being held back by the royal guard. As Fineblood began to silently weep, Celestia trotted right up to the group. Some bowed out of respect, others just didn’t care.


“I know that all of you are upset. I know about the disappearance of your loved ones. But blaming the Changelings is not the solution. Many ponies have green colored magic, and the Changelings have no need to let ponies know that their loved ones have been captured.” The nobles glanced at each other, until one finally piped up,

“If it’s not Chrysalis, then who?”

“That’s the question Luna and I are on our way to answer now. I recommend that you all return to your homes and wait for us to find the answer.” Vaguely satisfied, the nobles left through the main entrance, returning to their normal lives, waiting for the return of their loved ones.

When they reached the castle’s left wing, they turned to face a giant, adorned gate. Placing both of their horns into the double lock, the gates opened with a soft click. The inside of the room was dark, the sporadically place candles not helping much with the lighting. The ancient archives were like a big library of forbidden or forgotten books. Luna looked at her surroundings. How many years had passed since her last visit down here? That’s the one question she didn’t want answered.

“Ah ha! Luna, come here! I found it!” Luna, following the sound of her sister’s voice, eventually found herself in the “P” Section of the archives. Standing in a heap of old books and scrolls, Celestia was magically leaving through a particularly old book, page by page.

“So, what book is it?” Celestia looked up with a smile plastered on her face.

“The answer to all our problems, Luna.”

About twenty minutes later, Celestia and Luna arrived in Celestia’s room with a heap of books and scrolls, “Just for reference”. After almost an hour of searching through prophecy after prophecy (many of which were already fulfilled) they reached one that caught their attention.

“Star Heroes....” Celestia muttered softly.

“Really, ‘Star Heroes’? Our father, the ‘All Seeing Eye’ said that one was almost a joke to him!”

“I know, but he also said we should be careful about things like visions and...disappearances?” Both sisters looked at each other before looking down at the prophecy Celestia held in her hoof.

Heroes beyond the skies rise against the hive.... Luna read the first sentence before Celestia took over.

Blue explorers of the star’s seas bring logic against the ignorant

Red warriors of great honor bring valor against the horror

Green soldiers of a once mighty empire bring salvation against damnation

“While this is certainly intriguing, do you really think that these verses have something to do with all of this?” Luna motioned around her with her hoof.

“Let’s find out.” Celestia continued reading.

Visions of fear, malice and war torment the immortal siblings “Tia, I think that’s us!”

Families broken of these that leave behind “The ‘disappeared’” Celestia added.

Geometrics fall from the skies, to convert all to their collective ranks

To steal our magic, and convert a royal blood

Elements are powerless against numbers

At this, the sisters began to fear. The Elements of Harmony, the most powerful of artifacts in all of Equestria powerless?

They are here to absorb us

Add our flesh, to their steel

Add our minds, to their hive

Demands us to surrender and yet we meet our demise

For some reason, the last verse packed a harder punch than the rest.

They are the Borg.

Resistance Is Futile.

Author's Note:

Edited by kofiddleboy, Thanks buddy ;)