• Published 20th Mar 2013
  • 2,766 Views, 110 Comments

Star Trek: Equestrian Assimilation - firelordzx5

The Borg, a menace that move in a unusual way lately has forced the starfleet, the KDF and the New Romulan Empire to sent a fleet in a untouched world threated by the Borg!

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Chapter 3: The Assignament and the Loss.

Chapter 3: The Assignment and The Loss

"Captain Svensei, I'm glad to have you in our fleet, your experience in the Collective is valuable assert in this dangerous mission" Vice Admiral Vaner along with the Captain Svensei, a Krytanian, a race believed to be extinct by the Borg. He was rescued by a Special Ops, and brought to Earth in order to learn more about him, Scientist found him fascinating others feel sorry for him, he is the last member of the Kryptanian race, he joined Starfleet to stop the Borg before any more planets fall to the same fate like his people.

"I know, Ma'am. The Borg need to be stopped on all cost. I predict that the queen herself may review the planet in any time." The Captain, even though that his past is a tragic one, he is very patient and collected. He commands the U.S.S. Infinity; a Chimera Class Destroyer, one of the most military advanced ship in Starfleet, he along with the Vice Admiral, were on the same assignment before this new one, they are very precious in the war against the Borg... along with Captain Anther. In the same instance, the Vaner's combadge activates.

"Vice Admiral, Here First Officer in the Inquisitor-E, the fleet is now in orbit and ready to leave the system as you command" Said a Female voice in the tiny communicator, Vaner pressed it to respond.

"Roger, First Officer, Beam up in my mark” with that she deactivated the combadge's communicator and turn back to face the captain of the Infinity.

"It’s time to go, Captain..." before she can reactivate the communicator the captain answers her.

"My crew will follow you to the fluidic space if you command ma'am, we are ready for to go."

"Very well." she active the combadge and... "Beam me up, Jenny!" she reply, in the same instance she became engulfed by blue light while she is began dematerialize in front of the captain.


Onboard in the U.S.S. Inquisitor-E, Transporter Room.

"Welcome Onboard, Vice Admiral... How many times I need to remind you that stop calling me "Jenny"?" said the human Commander Tactical Bridge Officer, Janet 'Shyclaw' often called Jan or Claw for her hash personality in battlefield, but she is pretty shy around the ship, she is a weapon expect and love being in the armory, however she is very loving around animals in the Arboretum onboard Vesta station.

"I know that's why I kept calling you Jenny" Vaner teased and chuckled a little then her face turn to serious like a Vulcan. "The fleet is ready to depart, I am correct?"

"Yes ma'am, 5 ships in orbit, waiting orders, only the Inquisitor and the Infinity are docked here, captain." Janet and Vaner walks out the transporter room towards to the turbolift, while in that, the tactical officer keep her informed about the status of the weapons and the updates of it, the admiral asked her about the animals, she was happy with that question, she didn't expect that question in all!

"They are fine, Nasha give birth to 4 healthy cubs, the Eppohs are very energetic today, probably is mating season, the Saurs and Targs are very passive today, everything is, as the Deferi say 'in balance'" she say in relieved tone, both human and trill enter to the turbolift and headed to the bridge.



U.S.S. Salvation, Bridge

"Sir, the U.S.S. Inquisitor-E and U.S.S. Infinity are exiting the station" Geloon, the Andorian engineering officer of the bridge affirmed.

"Affirmative and Geloon?" Anther asked. Captain Anther was raised on Risa during the final years the dominion war. During his years in the academy, his versatility and leadership were praised among his fellow members; Geloon was his first friend during those hard but adored years.

"Yes, Anther?" since they were very close, it was not really necessary to address each other to their career or being formality.

"Wanna go to the holodeck during warp and transwarp travels? I brought "Playjoran: the Occupation: part II" both perverted Tactical and Engineering Officers chuckled while the females officers in the bridge were not amused or just plain serious, Rhasee the Lieutenant tactical officer Betazoid break the ice with her unique and special trait: her complaining speech.

"Ugh! I cannot believe that you both are our Captain and Chief Engineer! This is serious! The Borg are threatening to assimilate us and you BOTH are thinking with you damn crotch! We should be using the holodeck for tactics and strategies against the Borg! Not some perverted holonovels!

"Hey! If you were captain instead of me, you’d be out, buying the next holonovel of PlayRomulus! We all know that you have a kinky spot for Romulans, Rhasee." Teased Anther with an amused hint in his voice

"Also, We have evidence of you 'interrogation' with that Tal'shiar Agent, back in New Romulus, she was overjoyed aftermath..." the Andorian teased in the same tone.

"...I hate you, both of you..." said the Betazoid with venom in her voice.

"We love you too, Rhasee." both high ranked officers said in the horizon. The Vulcan science officer, L'der, overheard the conversation, he didn't mind after all, he had known the captain since the academy; his behavior was mostly... fascinating. From a court clown to a very disciplined and calculating captain, Logic dictated that he cool down the situation, creating another without sense.

"Captain, the U.S.S. Inquisitor-E is hailing us, it’s a fleet-wide hail!" said the helmsman



U.S.S. Inquisitor-E, Bridge

"This is Vice Admiral Vaner to the 24th Fleet 'Equinux Defenders' as we know from yesterday's revelation, the Borg’s new target is a planet with pre-warp natives, whose bodies can generate this radiation of which we spoke of, in the conference hall."

"Our job is simple, defend the planet at all cost ,but we will do it in secret, making contact is still an option but not recommended, however, if the Borg are already there, we will use guerrilla and black ops tactics, nothing about direct assault or similar!

"We will join a fleet of New Romulans and Klingons in Borg space, which will assist us in this mission, while this rule isn’t followed by either of them, they job is to clean the Equinux's space, if they do First Contact... we will assist." she already had some scenarios in her head, such Klingons messing up with the natives or deceptive Romulans or nocturnal Remans spooking the children, she chuckled in the last thought.

"Alright, you have your orders and coordinates, Engage warp to the transwarp conduit near Risa, Good luck captains!"


Equis, Equestria, Ponyville's Library

"I cannot BELIEVE this!" Twilight said, Frustrated, hysterical and tired; she had been reading and analyzing the book for almost TWO days! Spike was concerned, Twilight was not like this! Of course, she maybe obsessive with reading but this is ridiculous!

"Twilight, I think that you should take a nap, you have been reading that book from Celestia for almost two days!" Spike was worried, she haven't eaten neither, only reading that "Prophecy Book" from Celestia. Maybe Celestia saying in that letter, "the destiny of Equestria lies in your hooves" was a little too much.

"Spike, this is important! The Princess entrusted me with this task, she had visions of something terrible and it is my duty as her student in deciphering, this!" she levitate the book with her magic. Twilight was a mess, her mane was ruined, eyecups and bad smell from lack of bath. Twilight needed help very bad.

"TWILIGHT!" Spike yelled "You should rest! You have been reading too much!" this snapped Twilight back to reality, she looked around her, the library was a mess too! She smelled herself "Ugh!" and looked in a mirror, she almost yelped seeing her own reflection and her head hurt.

"Maybe... you're right, Spike, Thank you... I might have overreacted seeing that letter" commented twilight with an apologetic look on spike who sighed in relief, he even considered Pinkie Pie as option! is a relief that she finally entered in her sense.

"I'll take a bath, can you make…" she look on the clock and gasped in surprise, it was already night! She had stayed awaked that long!? "… dinner?" She looked at Spike again with nervous laugh, while he smiled in victory.

"Don't worry, you take the bath, I prepare dinner, salad or sandwich?"

"Salad" she said as she heard her stomach growl, it sounded like a monster lived inside of her and threated to ate her from the inside out "and the sandwich please." again a nervous laugh escaped from her mouth. She trotted toward the bathroom while Spike goes to the kitchen.

With the bathtub, Twilight sank in to the warm water, reclining herself while wandering in her thoughts; she wondered why Celestia wanted so bad to her decipher something on that while she can do it in mere minutes? Maybe it is too much, even for her? she thought.

From the celestial realm come the condemned and the saviors

The killers of the gods and the redeemed Empire come to our aid

From the darkness that come to our Land the explorers know the...

"What does that mean? Borg, what silly name... Metal Monsters fused with the victim's flesh seeking our magic is even more silly, why the Princesses so concerned about? it could be dreams and the missing ponies can be a bold tactic from Chrysalis to create confusion among-" Suddenly terror inducing screams followed by strange noises of a robot moving and rays can be heard from the outside then a green flash illuminated the bathroom entering through the window... then a deadly silence, she didn't want to move, even her curiosity was stolen away thanks the scream, the doors opens and Twilight screamed

"Twilight! It’s me, Spike!" she stopped screaming "Come on! There is something outside!" spike grabbed twilight's hooves and drag her towards the cold outside, she protested about her condition, spike noted that and brought her a towel, with her magic she covers her whole body with it.

Part of the town folks wher outside surrounding a mare... with burns and bruisers in part of her body.

"What's going on? Twilight asked, she placed herself next to the injured mare, examining her, she noticed the burns and small scars on her. "Somepony call for help! She is badly burned in her left foreleg and wounds on her abdomen! now!" A few pegasi flew towards the hospital calling for help while the others remained with her.

The mare was sobbing "Easy, everything is now fine-" Twilight tried to comfort her.

"NO! It’s not fine! A monster come from behind and attacked us! Oh my... WHERE IS SALLY? Where she is..," from the sudden outburst to a melancholic depressed tone, she continue crying.

"A monster, you mean a changeling?" someone in the asked.

"No, it was too big to be a changeling. Maybe even bigger than Celestia herself!" the small crowd that surrounded Twilight and the injure mare, gasped, whispers of ‘bigger than Celestia?' and 'Impossible!' could be heard

"Calm down everypony!" she turned to the mare on the ground "can you tell me how it looked?"

"Y-Yes, I remember. It was tall, it looked like a teen dragon but its body or armour was completely black! It had one claw and another... It don't look like a claw or anything! A small, but shining piece of metal on its left eye, glowing in red and from it back... an artificial tail like a scorpion's with strange light coming from the tip. It foalnapped Sally!

"You.... remember something more" the mare nodded

"Yes, It talked, it said that my ‘resistance is’… ‘futile’..." the mare closed her eyes and faints, Twilight know what happen... the prophecy of the star heroes is in motion! She needed to talk with princess about this...

Author's Note:

sorry for the wait people RL was Bucking me in the head the last few days. Hopefully the
fates are kind and this don’t happen again.