• Published 20th Mar 2013
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Star Trek: Equestrian Assimilation - firelordzx5

The Borg, a menace that move in a unusual way lately has forced the starfleet, the KDF and the New Romulan Empire to sent a fleet in a untouched world threated by the Borg!

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Chapter 9: The Star Heroes and Persecutions

Chapter 9: The Star Heroes and Persecutions

Chapter 9: The Star Heroes

Yesterday, after the battle in Equis' orbit.

The last cube explode violently, the auto cannons of the Malditus being too much for the Borg vessel. The battle ended with no casualties of the Federation side, much to Vaner's relief. While none of her fleet had been destroyed, Ge'dan's and Blackheart's fleets had suffered. For the klingons this was inspirational, each dead warrior ascend to Sto'Vo'Kor for eternal glory. For the Romulans, this was a huge lost. Luckily the Romulan Republicans managed to rescue the crews of each destroyed vessel, these crewmembers returning to the transwarp gate and back to New Romulus in shuttlecrafts.

"On screen," said Vaner. She along with the romulan admiral and klingon general was receiving a hail from the Jolan Tru, a prototype Ha'feh Advanced Warbird that had been on duty in Borg space. Ge'dan was not surprised at this - Obisek must have sent him to this world. After all, multiple vessels had been lost in this system. The other two high ranking captains had not expected this. They had heard rumors about the 'Ha' series vessels of the Republic. They thought that the Ha'apax was the only ship created. They were wrong.

"This is Shenek. I have news for you," said the reman commander, hailing the three heads of the fleet.

"Make it quick reman," said Blackheart. He has little love for telepaths, remans in particular. He had been betrayed by one, a pet of the Tal Shiar while in a coliseum. While one individual didn't represent an entire species, he still disliked telepaths even members of the Empire such the Letheans.

"My crew were able to defend the equines or ponies as they call to themselves. Their leader was wounded so I brought her to the ship and healed her-"

"Wait! You said their leader? You made first contact?" said Vaner in disbelief, She hadn't predicted this however if what he said was true then the outcome of the Jolan Tru could be a good thing or bad thing for the fleet. He had said that they had healed the leader so that meant that the leader was injured by the Borg.

"Yes, our crew managed to heal her and she is right now with her sister and student waiting for me. However, I must ask you something."

"What is it, Shenek?" said Ge'dan. She was glad to see and hear a long time good friend.

"The most likely action is that they will ask for some diplomatic talks. It would be wise to attend them in order to give a good impression."

Shenek was right and Vaner give him credit for that. It meant that everything went better than expected. However she couldn't afford diplomatic talks now. Her ship and her crew needed her now plus her transporters were down for repairs. Blackheart hated transporters. Ge'dan's ship was no better. The Ha'apax was heavily damaged and it was a miracle that the ship didn't explode. Ge'dan's crew were the best of the best, the elite, they could repair it faster than the standard crew of a vessel. A week max, plus with the carrier's work bees and repair drones they could get it done in five days.

"I wish I could do it today but I cannot. Engineering informs me that the transporters are offline until repaired and the shuttles are no better," said Vaner, her voice sounding a little disappointed.

"I could go but I need to attend the ship's repairs plus the fleet might need a helping hand," replied Blackheart.

"You said it yourself klingon, I need to make a list of the available ships I have at my disposal and send it to New Romulus Command along with surviving cre w and captains of the ships destroyed during the attack." affirmed Ge'dan, her voice sounded emotionless.

"What about tomorrow morning?" suggested Shenek. Being a reman meant that he couldn't be in the meeting. Remans were a nocturnal race, working during the night and sleeping in the day. However, being a ex-slave of the Romulan Empire, he had the endurance to remain awaken in the day without feeling tired or weak at all.

"Tomorrow I might have a Danube ready, so that is a yes," answered Vaner.

"Agreed. I will have a Toron ready for tomorrow," Blackheart affirmed.

"My Kestrel will be ready for tomorrow too." Ge'dan was not really thrilled with the idea but she didn't complain. She had to agree with it.

"Good, I will talk with them now. It is good to know that you all are considering shuttlecrafts instead of transporters. It will give a good impression and be less frightening than app earing in an unexpected place behind or in front of them. I will go now. I leave this topic for you two." Shenek's channel close as the Jolan Tru cloaked and returned back to the surface, leaving the admiral and general to their discussion.

"This is it, no frightening presence... Blackheart-" Vaner was interrupted by the klingon general.

"No. I will not go without my armor, I might go without escorts, I don't need protection from anyone."

"Still, that armor might cause the populace fear if you-"

"That's enough!" declare Blackheart. "You can't order a general, Vaner, and you know that! I will go without escorts, and that's enough!" He close his channel, leaving the two admirals talking.

"I see... I too will go without any frightening asserts, that's including my weapons. However, I might go with a hidden plasma pistol just in case. I might recommend you doing the same, Vaner. Maybe they're friendlies but I don't wanna test my luck. " Vaner nodded. Ge'dan closed the channel, leaving Vaner talking with her bridge officers. She came to the conclusion that going with an escort was a good idea, especially someone that had combat training. Janet Shyclaw, being the most capable, decided to assist her.


Equis, Equestria, Canterlot's Palace, Previous Night.

"Tomorrow will be a grand day, sister! Not only we were saved today but tomorrow we will be securing relations with aliens!" Luna was excited! For the first time in Equestria, species from beyond would be walking on equestrian soil in good faith. Aside of being saved by them recently, their leaders agreed to talk with the princesses and discuss the borg, their species and culture, and their technology.

"Indeed it is Lulu, but we must be careful. Some topics may be sensitive." Celestia was not a fool. She remember too well what had happened back in Ponyville. The very thought of how a patient captain of a space ship could become a beast at the slight insult of honor of his people and his crew could be... troublesome. Luna also remember this. Now they were going to face the very leader of the "klingons" and his people. She shook her head trying to avoid a very disgusting thought. It was a good thing that they were going to attend this meeting. A noble or other ambassador could cause the destruction of Equestria in a few minutes.

"Tia... I am still thinking on what Shenek told us," Luna said softly. She still could not believe that Shenek had send those horrid visions, all for the sake of prevention of possible disasters. They were grateful for that but was still unbelievable.

"Me too, Lulu. At least this is over." Celestia sighed, remembering how she had lost her wing. She look at her back, seeing the now healed scar. Unable to fly ever again. She knew a couple of spells that could heal a limb but regaining one was impossible.

Meanwhile, in the palace's embassy, the ambassadors were leaving the conference room. While discussing the aliens threat and their allies the mares chuckled at how the gryphon, General Razorclaw, could act so... childish. He was ashamed, embarrassed and a little annoyed by the dragon, Darkwing, who told the girls about his freak out.

Relikia was still thoughtful. There were race out there that could read minds, one of them already having scanned her thoughts. It was a good thing that she had decided not to tell a soul about it, although that information was pretty useless.

"Hey, Priestess, do you think that they will talk to us? I mean our species are also inhabitants of Equis just like the ponies."

"Equis? The planet's name is Drakonus!" objected the dragon, only to be interrupted by the gryphon.

"Drakonus? It is Gryplioum!"

Gryplioum? Really? thought both Relikia and Zalune. With both the ambassador of the gryphons and of the dragons started an argument again, the mares decided to go ahead to their rooms and start their own topic about the aliens - what they looked like, how the entire populace will react to them and the most important question, would they be friendlies or invaders?

"Do you think that aliens are interested in zebras? asked Zalune, again without rhymes.

Relikia raise an imaginary eyebrow. She thought that zebras in general rhymed in every speech. This could be wrong.

"I think they will be more interested in changelings more, unfortunately."

"Why is that?" asked the zebra priestess.

"We changelings can use magic like the unicorns or alicorns to a certain degree. I fear that the borg have their eyes on us too." They kept talking about it, reaching the quarters hallway more quickly than the rest of the ambassadors.

"Yes, it is true but you might go without thinking on that. You changelings are good at hiding your presence like any other." stated the zebra. While she got immortality like the princesses, she was not really magical at all. She was a chosen, a messenger. The priests are a treasure among her kind in Zebrica. They were gifted with immortality and if one died by external means, another was born.

"Probably but we are talking about technological aliens that are capable of find us with their tools and such. Remember back in the town, they knew about the condition of the princess by only pointing that little box!"

"Perhaps you're imagining thinks, Relikia. This day has been long but also a little... interesting..."

"More than simply 'interesting', it is just... fascinating!"

They reached their respective rooms. However, in front of the doors were a disgusted unicorn captain and an arrogant unicorn prince blocking their path.

"Changeling... why you're still in this castle!?" said Shining Armor, Relikia noticed something off about him. He looked intact, like nothing has touched him or anything! Something is not right...

"Hm! I don't understand why aunty allows such uncivilized, barbaric and unrefined creatures near her. It is so disgusting!"

Zalune narrow her eyes, looking fierce at Blueblood who yelped. If Relikia and Shining Armor were natural enemies, Zalune and Blueblood had an intriguing history of disgust, racism and high quality of insults.

"Captain Armor, I have told you and I tell you again I am here in good faith to maintain good relation between you Equestrians and the Changelings of Honeyrock. I couldn't leave if I wanted," stated Relikia.

"LIES! That's what the changelings are; Lies , Deception, Vile Creatures. If not for Celestia's blind mind, you all should be burned in the hooves of justice!" Shining was on the verge of yelling.

Relikia's almost snapped but she hold her rage. Her expression remained emotionless and unmoving.

"There is a problem with you statement Captain," she said with a hint of venom and hate. "Princess Celestia, Alicorn of the Sun, and co-ruler of Equestria is not a fool or blind minded like you. She has lived for millennia. She has known of us changelings for far longer than a simple traumatized stallion such as yourself..."

"That's a lie coming from Chrysalis' spawn! You changelings showed yourselves thanks of your failed invasion, I don't understand why the princess doesn't see this!"

"Because aunty is so too nice for her own good of course," he hummed and walk away.

Shining Armor still staring hatefully at Relikia. "I'm watching you, monster!" he said then walked away.

A few minutes passed. Relikia closed her eyes and sighed, suppressing all her anger and rage. Zalune looked at her in worry.

"Something is not right..." said Relikia.

"What is that?"

"Shining is ... fine."

"What?! He insulted you! He had no right to do that, he just wants a war!"

"I KNOW!" shouted the changeling ambassador in an almost Royal Canterlot Voice, releasing part of her anger and startling the Zebra priestess. The changeling sighed again and inhaled, calming herself.

"But... he is not wounded, not even small bruises. Also, did you see his horn? It looked fine. Ta'lash, the reptilian alien, had beaten him up almost to the point of permanent damage! His horn was cracked and an unicorn's horn does not heal in a few hours!"

"Do you think that he is an imposter?"

"I think so. We changelings are capable of reading mind even without using full magic. I can't read his."

Zalune knew the changelings well. Their mind magic was always powerful. There was almost no mind they could not enter and even manipulate. She looked thoughtful at Relikia's speech before the changeling called somepony else.

"You can come out, Princess Cadenza."

Zalune looked confused until she saw the princess of love appearing slowly from her invisibility in front of the ambassadors. She was spying? thought the priestess.

"How did you know? I thought alicorns were invulnerable to changeling mind magic," said Cadence, confused. Her spell was perfect, powerful enough that only alicorns and skilled unicorns could use it. While in it she couldn't make any sound. Somepony discovering it seemed impossible.

"While I can't read alicorn minds, I can feel them. I can feel the presence of anypony's magic powerful enou gh around me in a radius of five kilometers." she stated proudly.

"Well, I am worried about Shining. He is not himself anymore!"

"What do you mean, Princess?" asked Zalune.

"He's been on duty later than he usually does and becoming more harsh to his own guards."

If changeling has eyebrows, Relikia would have raised both at the same time. "You did know that being a captain means that he needs to do that to discipline their soldiers, right?" she asked.

Cadence shook her head. "Yes I know but he doing so while off-duty! Not only to his unit but to his very own friends! They told me that Shiny was acting off, like another pony!"

"Are you sure that it is an imposter? Like one of Chrysalis' changelings?" asked the priestess.

"No, it can't be changeling. I have used a spell on him in secret in case of a changeling infiltration, He is a pony but also something else!" She was on verge of panic and tears.

The changeling ambassador's horn glowed. The spell that Relikia used was a soothing spell, created for anxiety attacks. It worked well on Cadence.

"T-Thanks..." she said with a calmed but still worried expression.

"I think you need to calm down, Princess. If you're sure that he is a imposter why don't you tell the princesses?" the zebra asked with curiosity.

"And alarm them of another possible infiltrator in front of our noses? Many ponies will think that it is the changelings again even if he is not one. The nobles, no, Canterlot's population will demand actions. They will think that you have something behind this. You're not a bad changeling Relikia I know that," she smiled at the changeling.

"I also think that he is not a changeling. He is something else...something more disturbing," Zalune said with a grim expression in her eyes.

Relikia's sighed. "If you want, Princess Cadenza, you can come to my room or Zalune's if you want to discuss this matter." Cadence nodded and went back to her room on the other side of the castle, leaving the unlikely duo pondering. Not only would the aliens will come tomorrow but they also need to check on the Guard's Captain.

"First aliens, now possible infiltration? Is that not... coincidence?" said Zalune.

"Yes, but I wouldn't call that "coincidence". I prefer to see before acting, Priestess."


Present day, Equis' Orbit, Day of First Contact

Today was the day of first contact with the natives, the “Equestrians” as they called themselves. Vaner was content. This was a special day to investigate and study the radiation of the equines or "ponies". She was well-rested and r eady with her tactical officer, Janet. She seemed to be content as well however the admiral was aware that she was about to meet with an primitive civilization. She need not show much technology and use it less frequently. Their "allies" in other hand did not have the same rules or directives as Starfleet and the Federation as a whole.

While she knew that some Romulan Republic captains were allied with Starfleet they did not follow Federation rules. They did behave around pre-warp civilizations but they weren't required to. The Klingons were another case. They only cared about conquest and expanding their empire by force. There were cases that some klingons conquered worlds with pre-warp civilization on them. Some klingons call it necessary and honorable while others found it questionable. Klingons fought with those that were their equal or superior. They found the conquering of "lesser" or weaker species highly questionable.

"Admiral? We've arrived at the shuttlebay." said Janet

"I'm aware of that, Jen."

"'Jen'? Really admiral?"

"Of course, isn't that your name?" she added with a chuckle.

"No. Admiral, please, next time say my name correctly." They walked toward the runabout ready to depart for the planet surface.

Ge'dan was already in her personal shuttle, waiting in space for the two high ranking officers in their respective smaller vessels. She was alone, piloting her spacecraft with no other crewmember. Her first officer was in command of the Peacekeeper while she was gone.

"Blackheart here. Where is the Federation's admiral?"

The image of the armored general of the klingon fleet appeared on the console's screen. His shuttle flew near to hers and by the tone of his voice it appeared that he was not up to talk much, However his question were an swered when a Federation runabout appeared next to them. The screen split revealing the face of Vaner and her tactical officer, Janet.

"Good morning Admiral, General."

"I though that we agreed on no body guards," said the armored general, clearly not impressed and quite disappointed.

"Janet is not my body guard, she is just my companion for today."

"That's no matter to me klingon, you could have brought a cloaked officer. Anyway, can we descend now?" asked the romulan woman.

"Very well. Janet, lead us to the surface coordinates."

The Starfleet runabout began to descend toward the planet followed by the other two smaller craft toward to Equestria, Ponyville...


Outskirt of Ponyville

A large crowd of ponies had formed for the first contact with aliens. The princesses of Equestria ar rived in chariots. Many other ponies from different cities of Equestria, as well reporters and journalists, arrived by train. The element bearers stood next to their rulers as well various nobles from Canterlot.

"Today is a grand day sister," said Luna. Cadence nodded but Celestia was a little uneasy. While she agreed with her sister, she still feel weak from yesterday. She was thankful to the remans and romulans but she couldn't help but feeling a little... odd.

As for the Mane Six, Twilight was excited, looking to learn about the aliens' society, customs and technology. Rarity was curious about their clothes and fashion designs, Fluttershy as always was fearful and worried but also was curious about animals of other planets, Applejack about their food and Rainbow about their sports.

"Where is Pinkie?" asked Rainbow Dash.

Twilight also noticed that Pinkie was missing. She though that she was planning a party for the aliens.

"Darling, remember that Luna convinced Pinkie to do no parties while the aliens are with them."

"Eeyup, but she said she could throw one after the meeting with'em."

"It's not like she's-"


Confetti and streamers were everywhere thanks to Pinkie Pie's party cannon. She appeared next to them... just before the author of the story thought of that... damn she is fast!

"Pinkie! Where you were?" asked Twilight. While she didn't care, she asked anyway.

"I was getting some supplies for the party!" she said with a cheerful smile. Twilight groaned while she giggled.

"Perhaps, darling, you would let us know the next time. Also, you Pinkie Promised that you wouldn't do a party until they are gone, you-"

"Here they come!"

Rarity was interrupted by one of the ponies looking at the sky. It was true. Three dots were approaching as the shut tles were descending at high speed.

"Wow, are these their space ships?"

"They looks so different to the others of yesterday."

"They seem to go pretty fast!"

"Pfff, no one can be faster than me!" said Rainbow Dash with a scoff.

The shuttles started to go more slowly as they got more lower for landing. There were three of them; one silver with two blue glowing pylons, another was brown with black stripes that was slightly small than the silver one and the last one was huge compared to the other two, green in color with dark marks and green pylons.

There were "Ooh"s from the crowd as the ships landed gently, each ship's doors opening while the photographers start taking photos for the great moment.

The first alien to step outside was from the silver ship. Like the rest of the aliens from yesterday, it was biped and slender in figure. A female thought the princesses. She lacked fur and had a black mane with a pony tail. The face looked similar to an pony except for the small eyes, nose and mouth. She wore a black and blue uniform and a skirt.

Vice Admiral Vaner has landed.

The second was more intimidating than the other. From the brown ship, a rough figure came out, looking taller than the other alien. It wore significantly heavy armor with a helmet covering the face and a large cape behind it. It looked exactly like a warlord, getting some worried looks from the ponies. The Royal Guard were on alert, however they couldn't help but feel fear of the armored alien.

Lt. General Blackheart was already inspiring terror.

The third and final alien was quite similar to the first one, except for the long and wavy mane and a black tattoo covering most of the left side of the face. Like the Romulus from yesterday, she wore a black and blue uniform/jacket with golden but smaller shoulder pads with tight black pants. Rarity murmured something about rebellious yet gracious fashion.

Vice Admiral Ge'dan as arrived.

Celestia and Luna were observing their outfits in detail. They were a little stunned observing what looks like their nations symbols. Symbols that only appeared in their Prophecy Book.

"They... they are here!" whispered Luna.

"Yes... this could be a very promising day," she whispered back.

"Pfft, these are the leaders? I thought they were, you know, awesome." whispered Rainbow Dash who gained a look of disapproval from Twilight. "Alright, maybe just the big guy with armor, he look pretty awesome." quickly said the rainbow pegasus. Still her friends glare at her with disapproval. "Oh come on guys!"

"Rainbow, they are military leaders. This is first contact, everypony needs to be presentable plus one of them" Twilight indicated the armored one "is the leader of these 'Klingons', the same nation as Ta'lash! " She whispered a little loudly, making Celestia cough to straighten them up. The aliens approached and stood in front of the princesses.

"Greetings, Equines, I'm Vice Admiral Vaner of the United Federation of Planets. It is a pleasure to meet you."

"Jolan Tru Ponies," Ge'dan bows. "I'm Vice Admiral Ge'dan Allaneem of the Romulan Republic."

"Qapla'! Ponies, I'm Lieutenant General "Blackheart" of the Klingon Empire. It is an honor." The sound of his voice was deep and metallic but with hints of disappointment and bored but also with respect.

"The honor is all mine, General. I am pleased to meet the leaders of such a valorous army from the infinite and beyond. I am Celestia, Princess of the Day and co-ruler of Equestria, the land in which you have all landed." Luna steps in, cleaning her throat.

"I am Luna, Princess of the Night and co-ruler of Equestria. We are most grateful of your intervention against these abominations."

Both princesses extended their hooves while both women extended their hands, making the first ever hand/hoof shake in Equestria's history. The crowd cheered, glad that the first contact was going well... only to go downhill when one of the alien ships exploded violently.

"My shuttle!" yelled Ge'dan as her shuttle was nothing but junk in flames. The ponies began to panic and started muttering and whispering among themselves.

"One of their ship exploded! Will they get angry?"

"This is going bad! An invasion I tell you! They're gonna think that we did it!"

"Oh no, these Klop Kluz Klan are on the loose again? They will get us killed!"

Blackheart chuckled. With his helmet he was capable of hearing them all. The humanoids returned to the landing zone viewing the once romulan shuttle. Vaner use her tricoder to scan the debris while Blackheart just stood there, his helmet's visor was scanning too. Pegasus firefighters brought clouds filled with water and started to empty it on the fire much to the humanoids' surprise.

"I got something!" exclaimed Vaner, just as the fire was extinguished. Ge'dan and Blackheart start to excavate the wreckage only to find a piece of metal with an engraved symbol.

The symbol confused the ponies and surprised the humanoids, especially the romulan admiral. Her expression of surprise turned into anger and hatred, knowing all too well who did this, as did Vaner and Blackheart.

"Tal Shiar..." said Ge'dan in a low voice.

"But how? Tal Shiar aren't organized to make this kind of assassination attempt," Vaner said.

"No, unless... this was a warning." stated Ge'dan.

"A warning? What kind of warning? This is the most failed assassination attempt I've ever seen, " reacted Blackheart.

This caught the attention of many ponies and they look at each other in fear. The green alien seems to be the target of this attempt. Celestia was staring at the aliens, worried. She was glad that the admiral had exited the shuttle before the explosion. Luna's expression was blank. The Mane Six has a mixture of expressions; Rarity was surprised, Pinkie's was shocked, Rainbow Dash was on alert, Applejack was looking for something suspicious, Twilight's was fearful and surprised and Fluttershy was mostly in shock.

"That alien said an that it was an...?"

"Assassination attempt?" completed Twilight.

"Why would somepony want to" Pinkie gulped loudly "kill a hero?" she finished.

"Girls, look!" Applejack shouted pointing her hoof at a stallion with an alabaster coat with a dark green hood and mantle covering his entire body and head, leaving only his muzzle and legs visible; He was grinning

"Get him!" yelled Rainbow Dash, flying at high speed toward the hooded figure. The stallion noticed and galloped away, fleeing from the rainbow maned pegasus. The humanoids noticed the figure going inside the forest and chased him. Shining Armor organized the Royal Guard, noticing that the Mane Six were not with either of the princesses.

"I don't like this," thought the Princess of the Sun. getting a final view of the last alien entering the forest. She decided to see this for herself, teleporting into the Everfree Forest.

Author's Note:

Thanks again Admkliner for the editing.