• Published 22nd Mar 2013
  • 4,144 Views, 451 Comments

Awkward, But Worth It - bahatumay

Snippets of the lives of Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Time and again, they discover that this phrase accurately describes falling in love, being in love, and life in general.

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That Snowy Hearth's Warming Day

Hearth's Warming Eve is always a magical time. Not including the namesake play, many wondrous things happen on this day every year; and this year was no exception. Pinkie Pie managed to break her record for 'most ponies at any given party', and celebrated by eating her body weight in frosting (to much applause). Rarity managed to finish her orders in record time and went out to go sing with Sweetie Belle, though this plan disintegrated when Scootaloo and Apple Bloom started an impromptu snowball fight. Incidentally, Rarity also learned that she is actually very good at throwing snowballs. Rainbow Dash kept her word and broke Fleetfoot’s speed record. Twilight learned that placing a lampshade on her head before dancing somehow rendered her dance moves socially acceptable.

In contrast, Hearth's Warming Day is often swept under the rug, so to speak, because of the celebrations (and the aftereffects thereof) from the day before. Pinkie was quite physically sick (though she staunchly maintained that it had been well worth it). Sweetie Belle caught a cold. Fleetfoot wound up spending the day in jail (apparently, the guard on duty outside their green room was not attracted to mares; and besides, forceful kissing of an officer on duty is considered sexual harassment regardless of orientation). Twilight learned the conditions under which wearing a lampshade was acceptable, and swore never to wear one again.

Thankfully, Hearth's Warming Day on Sweet Apple Acres was a bit happier. The living room was a picturesque scene. On the floor in front of the fireplace lay two ponies, Pipsqueak on his side, and Apple Bloom on his chest. Every once in a while, he would run a hoof through her mane, to which she would usually respond with a contented nicker. On the couch behind them, two other ponies lay curled. The larger red stallion held his mare close, every once in a while giving her a quick squeeze. Cheerilee shifted slightly, and Mac’s hoof drifted off her flank. Though he seemed hesitant to put it back on her, perhaps out of respect for her, she had no such qualms, and reached down and picked it up again, resting it on top of her stomach, which had begun to expand slightly from the foal growing inside her. Mac couldn’t help but smile. It truly was a picture-print moment.

At least, it was; until Applejack burst into the room laden with a large tray with something precariously balanced on top.

“Hey, everypony!” she said. “Ah've cooked up a real treat this time! Check this out!”

Mac smiled goodnaturedly. Cheerilee rolled her eyes but shifted her weight in preparation to raise herself.

Apple Bloom and Pipsqueak, on the other hoof, had a slightly difference response. Pipsqueak chuckled wearily, but Apple Bloom groaned pointedly and covered her face with a foreleg. Pipsqueak leaned down to Apple Bloom's ear and whispered, “You'll 'xcuse me for sayin', but isn't it usually the gran what feeds you til you can't move?”

“Oh, she’ll be waking up to take her turn soon,” Apple Bloom grumbled, moving a second foreleg up to hide her face. “But Granny Smith goes with the classics. Applejack’s lonely so she experiments.” She shuddered, remembering one of the previous experiments that had ended up being so bad not even Hogsworth the Third would eat it.

Pipsqueak gave her a comforting squeeze. “I’m sure it won’t be that bad…”

“Apple crisp pizza!” Applejack exclaimed, demonstrating her tray exuberantly.

Pipsqueak paused, then pointedly and deliberately raised a hoof and covered his own eyes.

“Oh come on, y’all!” Applejack protested. “It ain’t the worst thing to come out of that kitchen.”

“Yet,” Apple Bloom muttered under her breath.

Cheerilee sat up enough to give her a look. Even though Apple Bloom had been out of her class for a couple years now, the look still made her flinch.

“Fine,” she muttered, reaching out for a slice. She glanced at it and then hesitantly took a bite.

“Ah forgot to get the drinks!” Applejack slapped her forehead. “Be right back.”

Apple Bloom took this opportunity to spit out the bite she had taken into the fire and wipe her mouth desperately. She turned back to Pipsqueak, and to her surprise, he was eating his slice quite well, and in fact seemed to be enjoying it.

“You can’t tell me you’re actually enjoying that?” Apple Bloom asked.

“If y’ close your eyes and don’t think about it too much, ’s not that bad,” Pipsqueak said with his mouth full.

“You’re insane,” Apple Bloom hissed.

Pipsqueak pondered this for a moment. “Mm-hmm,” he agreed, taking another bite.

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. What had she done to deserve such a crazy colt?

Applejack quickly returned with nearly overflowing mugs of cider. She passed one out to everypony, making sure to wait until Cheerilee had sat up completely before giving her hers. When everypony was drinking their cider (and using it as a silent excuse to not eat Applejack’s apple crisp pizza), Applejack put the remaining mug on the fireplace.

Cheerilee winced as she saw it. Applejack had done this every time they’d broken out the cider. She claimed it was a joke, a holdover habit from when Rainbow would mysteriously show up every time there was cider; but everypony knew that it was really because she missed Rainbow, and hoped to actually share it with her someday. Of course, with Rainbow’s tour not being over until three months into the new year, it wasn't going to happen anytime soon. Subconsciously, Mac tightened his grip ever so slightly on Cheerilee, immensely grateful that his special somepony was there.

They were interrupted by a knock on the door.

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Who's dumb enough to come all the way out here on a night like this?” she asked rhetorically.

“Ah got it!” Apple Bloom shouted, sprinting to the door (and bringing her slice with her, for the express purpose of throwing it outside). She opened the door, and the slice instead ended up on the ground as her jaw dropped in shock. Her ears soon pricked up, though, and she couldn’t keep a smile off her face as she turned back towards the kitchen.

“Hey Applejack, it’s for you!” she called.

Applejack frowned, and then headed towards the door. She poked her head into the front room, and her jaw dropped as well.

“Special delivery!” Rainbow Dash said, chest puffed up proudly even as her cheeks were flushed red from the cold weather outside. “One order of Awesomeness Incarnate, deliverable to A. Jaqueline?”

Applejack ran forward and pulled Rainbow into a tight hug, before leaning back and giving her a strange look. “Why are you wearing holly around your neck?”

“It’s mistletoe,” Rainbow corrected, raising the necklace she wore above her head and puckering her lips.

Applejack was not impressed. “Rainbow, Ah know my plants, and that’s holly. Red berries, pointy leaves, it’s holly.”

“It looks like mistletoe,” Rainbow defended herself.

“Holly looks nothing like mistletoe! Mistletoe has white berries and tiny leaves; holly has…”

Rainbow dropped the plant necklace. “I don’t care. A plant’s a plant. Now come kiss me.”

Applejack happily obliged.

Within minutes, they had the living room and fireplace to themselves. Perhaps it was because the other two couples wanted to give them some respectful privacy as the two lovers reunited for the first time in months. Then again, it could also have been because Applejack had decided to lay Rainbow down on her back and then climb on top of her, clinging to her tightly as she explored Rainbow’s mouth with her tongue, with absolutely no regard for her surroundings, and they had merely left to avoid the awkwardness.

Eventually, though, Applejack had to breathe, and she regretfully pulled back and rested her head on Rainbow’s chest. “You came back,” she breathed.

“Of course I did,” Rainbow said, running a hoof through Applejack’s mane. “Couldn’t stay away.” She chuckled. “Plus, Fleetfoot ended up in jail-”


“Long story… But my room was feeling too empty, and I just had to come back. We ponies are herd animals, after all.”

Applejack nuzzled her head deeper into Rainbow’s chest. “That’s great, sugarcube,” she whispered. “So how long do Ah get to keep you? Did you get your time off early or something?”

“Well, not quite… I kindof have to be back tomorrow evening.”

Applejack sat up with a start. “You didn’t get permission to come back?” she demanded.

“Technically, I did!” Rainbow protested. “Spitfire said we could do what we wanted over the break as long as we were back, rested and sober in time for the next show.”

“Which is?”

“The… uh… the day after tomorrow,” Rainbow said quietly.

Applejack quickly did some mental calculations. “You flew all the way back here to spend three hours with me?”

“Well, yeah!” Rainbow said, a note of hesitation finally entering her voice. “Was that wrong?”

“No, no,” Applejack said, running her tongue across her teeth. “Ah’m really glad you did.” She sat up and reached for the mug on the fireplace. “And look at this; Ah saved you some cider.”

Rainbow sat up quickly. “Ooh! Gimme! Gimme!”

Applejack held it out… and then her hoof slipped, dripping cider on Rainbow’s stomach.

“Oh, no, my bad,” Applejack said. “Let me just…” And she set the cider mug back down on the fireplace. Rainbow was at first disappointed, but that soon disappeared as she felt Applejack’s tongue brush up against where the the cider had fallen.

“A- A- Applejack,” Rainbow whimpered as Applejack’s tongue drifted a bit lower than it strictly needed to. “You know you don’t have to…”

“Ah know,” Applejack said, “but you didn’t have to fly all the way back here, either.”

“Yes I diiihh…” Rainbow’s protest was cut off as Applejack licked a trail up her stomach to her barrel, leaving a long swath of moist fur.

And around there is when all of Rainbow’s defenses came crashing down. “Ah, what the hay,” she said. And with that, Rainbow picked up the cider mug, downed the contents like a shot, tossed the mug aside, and tackled Applejack to the ground.

A few minutes later, two smaller ponies quietly crept downstairs, intrigued by the noises they heard. Eyes widened and jaws dropped at the sight of the earth pony and pegasus, especially since the pegasus was the one wearing the hat this time.

“Gates of Tartarus, your sister is flexible!” Pipsqueak whispered.

Apple Bloom gave him a none-too-gentle slap on the back of his head. “Stop watching, you perv!”

“You’re watching too, you… uh… you pervier perv!”

“Ugh! You’re disgusting!”

“So’re you!”

“Fine,” Apple Bloom spat. “Let’s go see what Mac and Chi are up to.”

Silently, they retreated, taking care not to step on the fourth squeaky step from the top. As they approached Mac’s room, though, they found the door shut, and whispered murmurs coming from the other side. Little siblings think alike; they looked at each other briefly, and then as one pressed their ears against the door to hear the conversation.

Pipsqueak scrunched up his face. “What’s a lava miner?”

“Labia,” Apple Bloom corrected disgustedly, pulling back from the door. “She’s givin’ him an anatomy lesson.”

Pipsqueak paused. “He got her pregnant," he pointed out. "I think he knows plenty of anatomy.”

“Yeah, but givin’ anatomy lessons with demonstrations is one’a Cheerilee’s favorite fantasies and why the hay am Ah tellin’ you this?”

“Maybe it’s a sign,” Pipsqueak said, flicking at Apple Bloom’s flank with his tail. “You know’ we’re the only two not doin’ some sort of nasty here; do you have any fantasies you’d wanna try out? You know, if you want to?”

Apple Bloom smirked and walked forward, flicking her own tail in his face. “Actually, Ah think Ah do.”

* * *

Pipsqueak nodded as he lifted himself up and shook off the snow. “Defenestration,” he said. “Lovely word, really…” He looked up at the window. “But you’re going to let me back in now, right?”

Apple Bloom’s response was to shut the window.

“Can I at least have my scarf?” he pleaded.

Author's Note:

"Everypony in this house is crazy!"

Ha ha... Way back in September when I sketched this chapter out I thought, 'there's no way it'll take me til December to finish it.' Sometimes I impress myself with my laziness.

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